Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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All this Star Trek talk...

...So, what are some good Star Trek video games, in PC gaming history?
Elite Force is a good FPS. I never tried the second.

Judgment Rites and A Final Unity are good P&C Adventure games.

I used to love Birth of the Federation.

Wait, didn’t Platinum just sell their soul to Tencent, why do they need our money? Just ask their Chinese masters to print them some yuan.
Most likely to garner interest on whether or not it would be worthwhile to port the game to those platforms. No point in doing so if they can’t turn a profit.
I really don’t think the setting had anything to do with the more involved overarching stories, the writers had clearly been trying to go that direction since the second or third season of TNG and the new series just allowed them to take that a step further.

Good luck. I’m not a big Star Trek fan, but I’ve watched all the pre-Discovery stuff and Voyager is a big step down from TNG and DS9. And let me give you some friendly advice: skip Enterprise. It’s barely acknowledged in any later material, adds nothing interesting to the lore, and is easily one of the worst TV shows I’ve forced myself to sit through. And I watch a LOT of really shitty TV.

Nah, I’m just waiting until I’m in SE Asia later this year. When I was there back in 2018, Discovery was on Netflix, and I imagine CBS will keep that relationship going in the region rather than trying to go international.

Probably not much help to anyone else, though.
From what I saw on the "What We Left Behind" documentary, Paramount hated the idea of story arcs, and it wasn't as ubiquitous a phenomenon then as it is now. They were more interested in the show being like the other Star Trek shows, where you could miss an episode or two and jump back in without having "caught up." Part of the reason that's less of a big deal now is that people can stream entire series of shows in the 2020s, but at the time it was a radical move. You can't really drop in and out of the last two seasons of DS9.

Also, all of you are crazy. "Far Beyond the Stars" is the best DS9 episode.

All of the shows had to grow into themselves, TOS being the possible exception because the characters and the chemistry among the actors seemed baked-in on that show. TNG had a terrible first couple of seasons, with far too many terrible effects, too much hammy overacting, and way too many plots recycled from the original series. DS9 started off okay, but it got a lot better (and they definitely should have let Avery Brooks shave his head from the word "go"). Voyager had its moments, but it was always the worst of the series (except for the animated series, which no one remembers). Enterprise is weirdly underrated. Bakula made a pretty decent captain and the supporting cast were quite good too. Also, the new Andorians were great. There were definite moments where it seemed the pre-TOS timeline meant that the technology didn't quite make sense. Discovery suffers from similar issues--it looks like (I'm about halfway through the second series) we're going to get an explanation for why future generations didn't make use of the miraculous, galaxy-spanning "spore drive" before the series ends, but it feels weird that the showrunners can't just work within the confines of how we understand technology to work in whatever century they're choosing to set the fiction within.

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Final Fantasy XV, Wolfenstein: Youngblood and Death's Gambit coming to Xbox Game Pass on PC:

Game Pass continuing to pay dividends.  I sorta want to play Wolfie Junior but not enough to actually give someone money for the experience.

Speaking of, I've been playing Bad Rats Plague Tale and it's... okay?  The first hour or so almost put me off the game, then it picked up a bit and now I'm on Chapter 8 but also haven't played it in a few days and haven't felt any rush to finish it up.  The story is interesting enough but the game play is pretty monotonous.  Creep over here, throw a pot, creep over there, throw a rock, creep over to the other place and break a chain with a sling-launched rock.  I guess I expected something more from the rats given how much the previews and reviews gushed over them and how amazing they were and how each rat was individually rendered and fully realized with its own hopes, fears and dreams.  In reality, it's a noisy blanket that you die when you touch and you can push around with the light.  And, if you push them into a corner, they explode in a shower of sparks as rats are wont to do.  Good characters, good world building, good graphics, boring to play -- someone should have taken this idea to Netflix instead of Focus Games.

All of this is a long way of saying that I was looking forward to this game but delayed on buying it and now Game Pass let me play it for "free" and I'm grateful that I got to play it without dropping twenty or thirty bucks because I'd be pretty bitter about it.

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Oh this is the Star Trek thread? Cool.

Star Trek TOS - Great show. Watch Shatner chew up the scenery with over-acting set to 11. Many problems could be solved by Kirk-chop to the neck or a punch to the face, just like real life. Great chemistry between the 3 main leads.  A bit dated now but definitely ahead of it's time.

     Best Episode - City on the Edge of Forever

Star Trek TOS Movies - Skip 1, The Motion(less) Picture, watch the trilogy (II-IV), skip V and watch VI.

     Best TOS Movie - Accept no substitutes - Wrath of Kahn 4 eva

Star Trek TNG - Great show that got off to a rocky start  was great 'in the middle' and encountered some turbulence during landing approach, but sticks the landing.  Took a good 1.5 -2 seasons to find it's feet, but it had some great shows in that period - "Darmok", "The Measure of a Man", "Q Who", "Best of Both Worlds", "Chain of Command"

     Best TNG Episode - The Inner Light

     Best Star Trek TV series finale - All Good Things

Star Trek TNG Movies  - Generations was a missed opportunity to have more screen time with the Two Captains and Kirk was 'done dirty'.  Fortunately they had the good sense to stop after the great "First Contact'.  If you believe there are other TNG movies, you are part of the worst timeline and from Hell's heart I stab at thee!!!!

     Best TNG Movie - First Contact

Star Trek  DS9 - Accused of copying Babylon 5 with it's story arc(s) (less episodic as traditional Star Trek), I have tried to go back and watch B5 (it's kinda hard to now), I think DS9 has more staying power than B5.  Took a while to congeal into a good if not great show.  Definitely darker than other ST's, but somehow seemed more 'real' or 'relateable'.  

     Best DS9 Episode - The Visitor

Star Trek Voyager - May God have mercy on my soul.  Why did I sit through this crap?  Oh that's right, Jeri Ryan in a shimmering catsuit.  Also: Sunk Cost Fallacy.  I mean, damn....I watched 89 eps so far...I have to keep going, right?  They're gonna have a good one soon, AMIRITE????, I counted the episodes (out of their 172 total) that I thought were great on 1 hand and I had fingers left over.   

     Best Voyager Episode - Living Witness/Message in a Bottle (Can't go wrong with HoloDoc)

Star Trek Enterprise -  WTF is this Theme Song?!?!?!?  Is This Dawson's Creek????? HARD PASS!!!

Star Trek TNOS (The New Old Series) Movies - These are tough, loved the 1st movie, 2nd was a somewhat copy of Wrath of Khan that I still kinda enjoyed, there were some others...whatever.  The thing with JJ Abrams I've come to believe, is that he has an ability to capture what things look and sound like (casting is great, right visuals and inflections/audio, but he lacks the understanding that it's the relationships between then big 3 (and other crewmembers) that anchor the best of the shows/movies.  It's basically all sound and fury (which are great), signifying nothing (like eating popcorn...enjoyable at the moment, but it doesn't last)....see: Star Wars VII-IX

Star Trek Discovery - Dunno....Voyager kicked me in the nuts and while I was down Enterprise Curb-stomped me.   Ain't no way I'm falling for that again!!!

Star Trek Picard - Well, I'll be watching this...the trailers sucked me in....While I would probably give Captain Kirk the 'Best Captain' by a hair, it's close between Picard and Kirk.  Kirk is more 'mythical'.  Picard is more 'real'.   Depends what flavor I'm looking for.....

Best Overall Star Trek Episode - The Visitor

Best Overall Star Trek Movie - The Wrath of Khan

Best Star Trek Video Game - Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (see, I can like Voyager!)

Scotty, one to beam up.....

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I saw some deals for DOOM Eternal going around a couple weeks ago, but does anyone know of any currently? I've been watching some "first x minutes" videos, and I think I need it day one.
Cartoon was best Star Trek.

Let me bring this back to gaming:

Just 'finished' (finished to me is actually completing the story line, not going all Monk on getting every last goo-gaw or completing every side fetch quest there is available) Shadow of the Former Tomb Raider Game(s) on Xboner Game Ass. More of the same, which isn't necessarily a bad things. Unfortunately in this case, it's less ice pick murdering and more "Basil (Lara) Exposition". Man, I don't care what Jonah had for breakfast this morning, let me stab more people. Is that so wrong???

6/10 - Too much talky, not enough murder-y...

Tried to start 'Rage', XB360 game uplifted to XBONE.....meh so far...hard to go from a FPS like Tomb Raider back to this (Rage) from a controls/fluidity standpoint....don't think I'm going to make it.

Also in play, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. For the uninitiated, JEDI in the title means, you will never touch a gun/rocket launcher, all you need are your force powers (lackluster) and your lightsaber (really? I have to stand here and continually reflect blaster bolts and close on these clowns instead of just picking up the blaster at my feet and shooting that mook?). Plot is better than Star Wars IX, so it has that going for it.....I'll probably finish it out....

Want another FPS but Far Cry and Ass Creed aren't on XBone Game

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Best Star Trek Stuff

TOS: Balance of Terror; Undiscovered Country

TNG: Relics (but I love 9 fingered engineers), and Q. Some of the early ones are weak but John de Lancie steals every scene that he's in. Tapestry and All Good Things... are the standouts.

DS9: The Siege of AR-558; Humorous: House of Quark.

Far Beyond The Stars was great but people make too big of a deal about a word being used... It's also a standalone episode.

The Thing You Leave Behind could be up there but the waste Dukut.

Oh, Treachery, Faith, and the Great River was really solid too... It was both humorous and had a great look at faith and devotion.
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Ahem...Voyager was probably right up there with TNG for me. I would say there are more episodes of Voyager that I like than TNG, but TNG did have better story arcs. Voyager was like Gilligan's Island (which I enjoyed) space. And yes, I like TOS as well.

As for Enterprise, it had some decent stories, but I thought the casting was flawed which made the characters seem more like caricatures.
I liked Voyager, but it also had the worst Star Trek episode to ever be made. Time Lord lizards, anyone?

The most annoying things to me is how widespread that first enemy race was. They traveled for 2 years with superior technology and got magically propelled or whatever and those guys are still around.

Voyager had its moments, but it was always the worst of the series (except for the animated series, which no one remembers).
I’d definitely disagree. I’d say that Voyager is not only much better than Enterprise, which I still say is hot garbage, but (and I know I’m gonna get blasted for this) better than TOS, as well, which may have been decent and thought-provoking by the standards of 1960s television, but which is irredeemably hokey, poorly acted, and terribly written by any modern standard. I also felt like TAS honestly wasn’t significantly worse than TOS, though obviously its ambitions were much lower.

Don’t get me wrong, I like these shows (other than Enterprise) well enough. Voyager, TOS, and even TAS are generally fun, and with TOS in particular, I fully realize it’s a product of its times and, for the field of television, was trying a lot of brand new things that only later became cliche. That said, it also leaned heavily on existent sci-fi tropes from other forms of media, and while I can appreciate that it had things to say, it was still extremely clumsy in saying them, and bad dialogue is bad dialogue no matter the age, so it’s difficult to excuse the show based entirely on its era.

And I love Shatner’s ham, but god he was such a terrible actor back then.
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I liked Voyager, but it also had the worst Star Trek episode to ever be made. Time Lord lizards, anyone?
I don't think Threshold is any worse than TNG: Genesis.

EDIT: Apparently Genesis is a popular episode... I always hated it.

To reword... Threshold just seemed like Voyager's Genesis episode. Like Voyager's Ex Post Facto and TNG's A Matter of Perspective. The episodes where Paris is framed for murder and Riker is framed for murder.

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Picard is great so far, really great.  Enterprise was unwatchable for me, Voyager had its ups and downs but was a pretty good series for the most part.  Hated DS9 at first, it grew it on me and I loved it by the time it ended.  Loved TNG of course.  Saw one episode of Discovery and decided I didn't want to see more.  The new(ish) Star Trek movies work okay as action movies, especially the second one, but are awful as Star Trek movies.  IMHO.

On another TV note, as someone who doesn't really give a shit about established Doctor Who lore since it is goofy as hell anyway, I am greatly enjoying the drama over leaked rumors concerning a character that showed up a couple of episodes ago.  I think only Star Wars fans can rage harder and more pathetically than Doctor Who fans.   The uproar is making me enjoy the show more than I would otherwise considering how bad the writing has been for a lot of thirteen's run.  

Took Dying Light out of the backlog, was enjoying it until I had to climb some towers.  The camera swaying back and forth made that stuff torture for me.  It was every bit as bad as a few VR games I have tried that I had to stop trying to play.  After learning there is no way to turn that off, I quit playing.   Now I found a cheat engine script that sounds like it will let me port directly to objectives so I might go back to Dying Light knowing that if it tells me to climb more towers I can tell it to fuck off.  

I somehow didn't even notice the Steam Lunar Sale had occurred, that is how good it was.  

Took Dying Light out of the backlog, was enjoying it until I had to climb some towers. The camera swaying back and forth made that stuff torture for me. It was every bit as bad as a few VR games I have tried that I had to stop trying to play. After learning there is no way to turn that off, I quit playing. Now I found a cheat engine script that sounds like it will let me port directly to objectives so I might go back to Dying Light knowing that if it tells me to climb more towers I can tell it to fuck off.
I took Dying Light out of backlog recently too.

I don't think I'm super far from the ending and I only had to climb the radio towers once.

I mean, Dying Light is Dead Island with parkour so climbing is sort of part of the joy.
Yes, but, for me, climbing the radio towers were a bit of an annoyance. I didn't have an issue with camera swaying, I died/almost died a couple times because of thinking I can grab onto something when I couldn't or accidentally jumping too far.

The parkour/climbing itself is fine, the swaying of the camera side to side when you are high up messes with my head and makes me feel sick.  I've been high up peering straight down IRL and it doesn't do that to me but somehow this game does and it is supposed to be "realistic" the way it does it.  Anywho..

The parkour/climbing itself is fine, the swaying of the camera side to side when you are high up messes with my head and makes me feel sick. I've been high up peering straight down IRL and it doesn't do that to me but somehow this game does and it is supposed to be "realistic" the way it does it. Anywho..
The only other mission I can think of where you're really high up is one where you have to climb a bridge. I might be wrong tho.

I'm just happy to hear it doesn't start making you do that constantly like I was afraid it would.  Obviously not terribly far in and there are a lot of damaged high-rises and the like so... lol

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I've watched, TOS, TAS, and DS9 this year... I give TOS, and TAS a pass on a lot of missteps... To me the worst episode was DS9: Valiant (S6 E22) Just such a stupid concept.
There are many, many examples of worse episodes than "Valiant" in TNG and VOY. Heck, there are worse episodes of DS9 than that one, IMO.

I don't think Threshold is any worse than TNG: Genesis.

EDIT: Apparently Genesis is a popular episode... I always hated it.

To reword... Threshold just seemed like Voyager's Genesis episode. Like Voyager's Ex Post Facto and TNG's A Matter of Perspective. The episodes where Paris is framed for murder and Riker is framed for murder.
Yes, "Genesis" was horrendous. Like many popular science fiction shows, TNG displayed an appalling lack of understanding of the nature of biological evolution (in much the same way that the Doctor was speaking gobbledygook from a biological standpoint when discussing developing a cure for the alien bacteria in "Praxeus" last week).

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Trying to compare TOS to any of the newer shows is pointless to me. That was lightning in a bottle with that casting.  TOS is like taking the cast of Seinfeld or Friends and plopping them on the Enterprise instead of a diner or cafe.
My wife a has certain dislike for Shatner's 'acting'.  I always like to remind her of this [customspoiler=gem]
Speaking of, I've been playing Bad Rats Plague Tale and it's... okay? The first hour or so almost put me off the game, then it picked up a bit and now I'm on Chapter 8 but also haven't played it in a few days and haven't felt any rush to finish it up. The story is interesting enough but the game play is pretty monotonous. Creep over here, throw a pot, creep over there, throw a rock, creep over to the other place and break a chain with a sling-launched rock. I guess I expected something more from the rats given how much the previews and reviews gushed over them and how amazing they were and how each rat was individually rendered and fully realized with its own hopes, fears and dreams. In reality, it's a noisy blanket that you die when you touch and you can push around with the light. And, if you push them into a corner, they explode in a shower of sparks as rats are wont to do. Good characters, good world building, good graphics, boring to play -- someone should have taken this idea to Netflix instead of Focus Games.

All of this is a long way of saying that I was looking forward to this game but delayed on buying it and now Game Pass let me play it for "free" and I'm grateful that I got to play it without dropping twenty or thirty bucks because I'd be pretty bitter about it.
To me, A Plague's Tale often feels more like an adventure game (with puzzles) & stealth game. You have to have timing, figure out the puzzles, know when to tell the characters to move (and where), and things of that sort. Tons of set pieces here throughout.

The story, characters, world-building, the graphics - all of that stuff's great.

I need to finish this as, I'm some 10 hours into this...

Reply - Dying Light and motion sickness issues:

The parkour/climbing itself is fine, the swaying of the camera side to side when you are high up messes with my head and makes me feel sick. I've been high up peering straight down IRL and it doesn't do that to me but somehow this game does and it is supposed to be "realistic" the way it does it. Anywho..
Not sure if this'll help enough,'s a start.

Check here on how to disable head-bob on Dying Light, via the XML files:

How to turn up the FOV:

Turn off chromatic aberration and turn off motion blur:

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I'd bet the Chromatic Aberration and motion blur are the culprits.  I always turn shit like that off immediately.  "Hey, let's put in graphical options that makes the game look worse!"

Star Trek wise.... for me, personally, DS9>Voyager>TNG>Enterprise.  I can't really put TOS into the mix because it was produced for an audience in a vastly different time and with much lower production values.  TNG sort of suffers from not finding its footing early because it was essentially a relaunch of TOS and, as such, couldn't take too many risks.  Also Rodenberry was still alive and he generally loathed any dark/depressing themes.

The new Star Trek movies are just awful and focus way too much on action versus character development and story.  DS9 had some of the best of this, mostly due in part to Ron Moore who would later go on to do the new Battlestar Galactica.

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Get off work and see a bunch of new posts and figure I must have missed a glitch of some sort, but its just star trek. Not sure which would be more disappointing.
Just a heads up in case anyone was interested.  The kickstarter campaign for the new Pathfinder game, Pathfinder : Wrath of the Righteous has started.  Probably one of the best CRPGs to come out this last decade in my opinion (not that it matters much).

Looks like Epic is going back to doing multiple free games each week.

This week is Carcassonne and Ticket to Ride. Both without any of the DLC, of course.

Next week will be Aztez and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Kind of surprised at the two-fer next week. It makes sense to package multiple of these table-top ports, but I would think that Kingdom Come: Deliverance would have been enough on its own. Glad I never paid for the latter, although I played a bit of it during a free weekend on Steam.

Help me decide what to play next(this is the best of the backlog, stuff I either started and only played partway or havent started yet)

gta v (about 20 hours in, where all 3 main characters meet up)

Kingdom Come, about 25 hours in but I probably forgot the controls

black flag, just played a little, I have the freedom dlc and haven't started it.  

Kingdoms of amalur reckoning (have the dlc, have not even started any of the game)

fable the lost chapters (havent started it at all)

Ys the oath, haven't started

arkham city, havent started, but finished arkham assylum some years ago and it was very good.

castlevania bloodlines on steam(only played it a little, its not bad, probably the only castlevania that i haven't played through?)

I have a few ps4 games like god of war(about 5 hours in) and spiderman(haven't started) as well, also have a switch with mario oddessy, mario and rabbids, and rayman, and have only played them a little bit.

I'm open to suggestions.  I have a little time in February, but I work like crazy most months, and don't have time for games as much.  I really liked kingdom come and gta v but not sure if I could jump back in as easy.

The last long games I played and finished were witcher 3 (finished it, loved it) and red dead 2(finished it, loved it).  

I'm open to suggestions, which of these should I play next?

Thanks for your collective wisdom

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Tremendous new Staff Picks Bundle from Fanatical released to celebrate my acquittal! The bullshit witch hunt is over and the Democats can all kiss my ass! Suck it BidenCat!

Picked up ...

Hero of the Kingdom III
Guns, Gore & Cannoli
Siralim 3
Smoke and Sacrifice
Bomber Crew - Deluxe Edition
for $3.99
#totallyinnocent  #purrfectcall #dontforgetourdealmewkraine
Help me decide what to play next(this is the best of the backlog, stuff I either started and only played partway or havent started yet)

gta v (about 20 hours in, where all 3 main characters meet up)

Kingdom Come, about 25 hours in but I probably forgot the controls

black flag, just played a little, I have the freedom dlc and haven't started it.

Kingdoms of amalur reckoning (have the dlc, have not even started any of the game)

fable the lost chapters (havent started it at all)

Ys the oath, haven't started

castlevania bloodlines on steam(only played it a little, its not bad, probably the only castlevania that i haven't played through?)

I have a few ps4 games like god of war(about 5 hours in) and spiderman(haven't started) as well, also have a switch with mario oddessy, mario and rabbids, and rayman, and have only played them a little bit.

I'm open to suggestions. I have a little time in February, but I work like crazy most months, and don't have time for games as much. I really liked kingdom come and gta v but not sure if I could jump back in as easy.

The last long games I played and finished were witcher 3 (finished it, loved it) and red dead 2(finished it, loved it).

I'm open to suggestions, which of these should I play next?

Thanks for your collective wisdom
Ys Oath, it's good and you'll still have time for another game

I'm open to suggestions, which of these should I play next?
None of them. You should play Ane-san for the PC Engine Super CD (aka the TurboGrafx-CD). It only got a Japanese release, but it’s a beat ’em up so there’s not much text to get confused over.

You play as schoolgirl delinquents beating up other schoolgirl delinquents. And also doing... whatever the fuck [customspoiler=this]

[/customspoiler] is.

I’m not really sure what’s going on, but clearly this is the best game ever.
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2600x for $80 instore this weekend at microcenter.  Also comes with the 3mo game pass promo.  Way better than that 12nm 1600 at $85.

Saw this when I was in there today buying my 9900k ($365).

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Oh, that's insane!

Any cheap-but-good mobo's go w/ the 2600x?
Depends on A) your idea of "cheap", B) Do you have any intention of overclocking, C) Do you think you'd upgrade to a Ryzen 7/9 or 4000 series in the future.

If A=as cheap as possible, well, that would be an A320 chipset that I'd avoid unless given it for free.

Thus I'd move to a B450 chipset and at that point, you might as well get something that has VRM heatsinks for at least some Ryzen 5 overclocking potential and that will definitely not throttle a stock Ryzen 7/9. That will run you like ~$70 to $85 before bundle discounts.

Or you could go "cheap" for the most current features and capable of getting the most out of all 3000-series CPUs. That will run you ~$170, but that's pretty much fully featured and gives you PCIe gen 4 for future stuff (if that'ts important to you).

Two new Chrono games, Knightin+ and Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure.  Had neither, grabbed both because I have so many coins at this point and never get anything.  Guess I need to go check out the Humble now I forgot all about it.

Oh, that's insane!

Any cheap-but-good mobo's go w/ the 2600x?
At MC they tend to keep board prices on the high side / close to msrp. This helps their margins while drawing people with low cpu prices.

I wouldn't even consider an A-series board. Some b450's are okay if you can get them 50-60 or if you're wanting to go matx / itx. Since x570's are straight up overpriced right now, I tend to look for mid-high end x470's in the 70-100 range. Personally for AMD builds I bought a couple Asus Prime x470's around $72 at the end of the year during the AWD 20% promo. The ryzen board i personally use is a x370 taichi, which I bought used at $60.

My local MC recently had a clearanced Asrock x470 k4 at $80 ($60 combo'd with cpu). Something like that would be great to pair with the 2600x deal.

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bread's done