Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Nothing is a generational leap forward if you want to come at it from a PC perspective. There are new major PC components every year. You could keep shopping things that are 1-2 years old or 3-5 years old, forever.

1440p G-sync displays are from 2015. Do you have one of those yet?
There are new components, but I'm not really drilling down to a level of detail that granular--I don't believe. Aren't we basically talking about the following three items? Faster processor, SSD, and 2xxx cards? That's not tech that is as new as 1 or 2 years old, is it?

Nope. I'm rockin' a GTX1060 at 1080p. Refresh rate? I have absolutely no idea.

I don't own RTX either (not yet), but 10xx cards can at least enable RTX now. Yeah, it runs terrible - but videos really won't do it justice entirely until you see it running. It needs to be seen, in person, running in a game to be believed; it looks amazing.
Fair enough. I didn't even know that was an option with my hardware.

There are two pretty good reasons to buy a PS5 and one really good one.

The first reason is if you just really want to play the exclusives. For some people, Demon's Souls alone is worth buying a PS5. Exclusives are why I have a Switch and a PS4 but no XBOX. I had mild interest in the XBOX early on before stuff like Forza started coming to PC, then I had zero reason to want one. And then it comes down to whether whatever exclusives you want are worth the cost of the new system.

I wouldn't have bought a PS5 at launch (or wouldn't have kept it at least, considering what they are selling for) if I had a Pro to use with my new TV but I didn't so it meant a couple of neat exclusives to play at launch plus a backlog of PS4 games that will look way better. I basically upgraded my PS4. And that is the second good reason to get one - you have a 4K tv but do not have a PS4 Pro.

The best reason is that it is new and shiny. When Smeagol sees the beautiful gold ring and craves it and he strangles Deagol for it, that is how you should feel buying new tech. Just instead of Smeagol and Deagol it is Warren and a stranger from Craigslist and presumably the police after they find a man strangled in front of a Denny's at one in the morning.

Having a new tv has even made me start using it for its original intended purpose again. I am currently watching The Grand Tour and then going to watch The Expanse, I have watched a very small amount of tv for years though so I am open to other suggestions of things I can find on Prime, Netflix or Hulu that are from the last decade or so. I think Person of Interest is the only series I have watched from beginning to end that is even remotely recent.
Well, I do have a PS4 Pro, so if I follow your logic, I wouldn't have much of a need to get a PS5 at the moment.

I do agree with folks who are saying MS has few to no exclusives of any value, but I think there's a reason for that beyond that they . . . just don't have any. Sure, Microsoft has been buying and bringing in-house a number of development studios in the last few years, but none of them have cranked out much in the way of amazing new titles yet. But I think that Microsoft's strategy revolves around the idea of getting people to buy Game Pass subs at this point more than trying to out-software Sony. And it could work.

I defy you to produce any evidence that I've ever left any corpses in front of a Denny's.

If you're watching The Grand Tour, I'm assuming you've seen all of old-school Top Gear. If not, you should go check that out.

Well, I do have a PS4 Pro, so if I follow your logic, I wouldn't have much of a need to get a PS5 at the moment.

If you're watching The Grand Tour, I'm assuming you've seen all of old-school Top Gear. If not, you should go check that out.
Honestly, yeah. Unless you really want to play Demon's Souls there isn't a lot of reason to get one. Wait until they make one with more storage and hopefully that isn't so ridiculously huge and nearly impossible to use horizontally. (slight edit: You do get some improvements even over a Pro but judging from your other posts I don't think they would be worth it to you personally)

I haven't watched much since they changed hosts, but yeah old school Top Gear and Doctor Who were shows I actually kept up with. I just couldn't be bothered to watch Prime Video on my computer which was the only option I really had until I bought the OLED or I would have watched The Grand Tour a long time ago.

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There are new components, but I'm not really drilling down to a level of detail that granular--I don't believe. Aren't we basically talking about the following three items? Faster processor, SSD, and 2xxx cards? That's not tech that is as new as 1 or 2 years old, is it?

Nope. I'm rockin' a GTX1060 at 1080p. Refresh rate? I have absolutely no idea.
New consoles are sporting NVME 4.0+ speeds, RTX 2080 performance, and a downclocked Ryzen 3600/3700 equivalent yes. They skimped on storage space.

(Those three PC components alone would have cost ~$1200ish just one year ago. Of course they are cutdown/integrated but that's the level of performance that they are offering in games).

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I stand by my assertion that all this RT stuff is useless hype for people to justify their 3080 purchase and most gamers don't care nor will they use or see useful RT in action for a good 5-10 years.
Driven by hunger, a Fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine. Although he leaped with all his strength, he couldn't manage to reach the grapes. As he went away, the Fox remarked, 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.'

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Honestly, yeah. Unless you really want to play Demon's Souls there isn't a lot of reason to get one. Wait until they make one with more storage and hopefully that isn't so ridiculously huge and nearly impossible to use horizontally. (slight edit: You do get some improvements even over a Pro but judging from your other posts I don't think they would be worth it to you personally)

I haven't watched much since they changed hosts, but yeah old school Top Gear and Doctor Who were shows I actually kept up with. I just couldn't be bothered to watch Prime Video on my computer which was the only option I really had until I bought the OLED or I would have watched The Grand Tour a long time ago.
Yes, for me personally, I'm not sure whether it will pay to move to a 5 until they're almost getting ready to put out a 6. And by then, Sony might have decided to start putting out all of its first-party stuff on PCs sooner than later, which would pretty much make getting a 5 utterly pointless to me.

No, my wife boycotted the show and virtually pretended it never existed after Clarkson was fired--but she loved The Grand Tour. You might want to check out some of the other Hammond and May shows that are on Prime too. There's some old stuff and James May has a show about wandering around and generally faffing about in Japan and a new one that's a cooking show, of all things.

I imported DS from PlayAsia and took a week off work to play it. I still, mostly, suck at Souls games, though.
I remember seeing the gameplay on like IGN or some site and showing it to a bunch of friends. I think I sold three of four PS3s that day. I didn't import a copy, but I have a Japanese copy now just for the sake of it.

New consoles are shiny and nice, but honestly I have way too many games to play across so many platforms that I'm not exactly thrilled at the idea of throwing down several hundred dollars to play maybe one or two games I couldn't play elsewhere along with minor improvements on games I haven't even got around to playing yet. 

Between bundles, services that are giving away games (Prime, Epic, etc) or services (Gamepass, Stadia, etc) that have libraries of games, and various holiday sales on last years "big" console games, the new games for PS5 and Series X have almost no allure for me.  
I don't have time to get through the stuff I own or have access to already.  

Maybe in 4-5 years, when there's something that's exclusive to them and I care enough to have to play "right now". 
But it's been a long while since any game reached that threshold. 

Last week one of my best friends declared to me with a straight face "Anything above 60 frames per second is imperceptible to the human eye". I laughed. He became irritated and demanded an explanation. But in actuality he just wanted to tell his side. It was then apparently my job to explain to him how people doing competitive PC gaming have been buying 240hz 1080p freesync displays and there was actually a new 360hz model this year. All while he didn't care and refused to listen.
Sounds like you and your friends get along great!


(And just to trigger you I was using an iPhone 5 up until about a month ago.)

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Late to the party, but I don't think the new consoles are worth it either. Most of the games you can play on these consoles are the same ones you backlogged on the last iteration of the console that came out 3-4 years ago, only with super kewl graphics.

You've got Demon's Souls Remastered, but it's not a NEW Souls game. Then there's Spider-Man Miles Morales, which admittedly looks pretty good, but we've all probably already seen Into The Spider-Verse, which is essentially the Telltales version of that game. And lastly on the PS5 side, there's Godfall, the God of War clone. If I wanted God of War, I'd wait for the 3 separate releases of GoW remasters for $60 each with their 1337 ray tracing because my eyes really need to see Kratos' HD johnson whenever he performs an air combo.

The Xbox is just a modded Dell Workstation at this point. Get Ultimate, play on PC.

The crux is that the hype is real and people are scalping them just like they did with graphics cards, thus evoking that impulse buy mentality we all have in this laissez-faire economy. And I honestly believe the purported shortage for these consoles is artificial, just like most of the hype surrounding how technologically advanced they are. See how many of us were able to get the new GPU's without breaking the bank by simply waiting? If you truly need to play such a small library of new games, then just wait a few months for them to be in stock at MSRP.

If Bill Gates boxed one series of boxed Xbox Series X boxes, where's the box of one series of Xbox Series X boxes Bill Gates boxed? I don't know, but I'd box my exes in series for a box of boxed series Xbox Series X boxes boxed by Bill. And then I'd sell them at cost. I can personally wait until the next revision of the consoles is released in another few years.

Still using an iPhone SE. Not the new one, the old one. I think it was originally released between i6 and i7? Still takes the updates, though. Got it free about three years ago for signing up to MetroPCS. I was required to stay with the service for three months, then switched to TracFone. I'm a CAP (CheapAssPhony) as well as a CAG. But that screen seems to get smaller every year...  :oldman:

re: Microsoft naming its consoles, they clearly were/are insecure about using a standard numbering sequence because that puts them one behind Sony's consoles. They didn't like the idea of 'Xbox 2' competing with 'PlayStation 3' so they went the geometry route with '360'. And while one popular guess for the next iteration was '720' (did some suggest '1080'?), they went the other direction and returned to 'One' (with they might have justified because the original Xbox didn't have a number). And now? I think they just like to fuck with the naming sequence. Personally, I think they missed an opportunity to call the new generation 'Xbox 4K' to return it to some logical sequence, even indirectly.

Speaking of console variations, did any of y'all fellow ol' curs manage to try out one of the iterations of the PiPP!N?  :joystick:

Still using an iPhone SE. Not the new one, the old one. I think it was originally released between i6 and i7? Still takes the updates, though. Got it free about three years ago for signing up to MetroPCS. I was required to stay with the service for three months, then switched to TracFone. I'm a CAP (CheapAssPhony) as well as a CAG. But that screen seems to get smaller every year... :oldman:

re: Microsoft naming its consoles, they clearly were/are insecure about using a standard numbering sequence because that puts them one behind Sony's consoles. They didn't like the idea of 'Xbox 2' competing with 'PlayStation 3' so they went the geometry route with '360'. And while one popular guess for the next iteration was '720' (did some suggest '1080'?), they went the other direction and returned to 'One' (with they might have justified because the original Xbox didn't have a number). And now? I think they just like to fuck with the naming sequence. Personally, I think they missed an opportunity to call the new generation 'Xbox 4K' to return it to some logical sequence, even indirectly.

Speaking of console variations, did any of y'all fellow ol' curs manage to try out one of the iterations of the PiPP!N? :joystick:
Both Cricket and MetroPCS are offering the newer iPhone SE for $49 right now if you want to upgrade. I think you get 4.7'' instead of 4'' on that one.

I'm sorry, but I cannot help but laugh at the fact that some Shenmue 3 backers paid at least $30 to get a Steam key, had to wait a year to get the key due to EGS exclusivity, and the day it finally releases on Steam, it's discounted down to $17.
Ironic as it is i don't think any game that has finally released on Steam has not had a sale day 1 of release.
Ironic as it is i don't think any game that has finally released on Steam has not had a sale day 1 of release.
This happens A LOT w/ EGS-exclusives launching on Steam - Metro Exodus, Hades, Control: Ultimate, The Outer Worlds, and now Shemnue 3.

They (dev's and pub's) know Steam-users aren't happy about the 6 month-to-one year delay, so...they just keep pricing the game like they were doing on EGS. They treat if it ain't a new game.

Sometimes, seems like...Steam or GOG (when launching way after EGS version) could possibly get a better version w/ more content, more DLC includes, more options,Achievement support, or whatever - once it launches there.

Also, BTW - Shenmue 3 is on GOG too now.

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Still using an iPhone SE. Not the new one, the old one. I think it was originally released between i6 and i7? Still takes the updates, though. Got it free about three years ago for signing up to MetroPCS. I was required to stay with the service for three months, then switched to TracFone. I'm a CAP (CheapAssPhony) as well as a CAG. But that screen seems to get smaller every year... :oldman:

re: Microsoft naming its consoles, they clearly were/are insecure about using a standard numbering sequence because that puts them one behind Sony's consoles. They didn't like the idea of 'Xbox 2' competing with 'PlayStation 3' so they went the geometry route with '360'. And while one popular guess for the next iteration was '720' (did some suggest '1080'?), they went the other direction and returned to 'One' (with they might have justified because the original Xbox didn't have a number). And now? I think they just like to fuck with the naming sequence. Personally, I think they missed an opportunity to call the new generation 'Xbox 4K' to return it to some logical sequence, even indirectly.

Speaking of console variations, did any of y'all fellow ol' curs manage to try out one of the iterations of the PiPP!N? :joystick:
I wish I had the old SE—same form factor as the 5 with the guts of a 6. That size of phone is just more comfortable to hold and type on than the larger phones that took over.

Curious about how the 12 mini might feel—in another two or three years when it’s actually at a reasonable price.

Also no Pippin, but I had a CD-i growing up.
Bloodrayne 1 and 2 stuff.

Terminal Cut (Remasters) are now out for BloodRayne 1 and 2 on both Steam and GOG.

On Steam:

  • Own BR1, you get BR1: Terminal for free. Check your Steam account.
  • Own BR2, you get BR2: Terminal for free. Check your Steam account.

  • Own BR1, you get BR1: Terminal for free. Check your GOG account.
  • Own BR2, you get BR2: Terminal for free. Check your GOG account.
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Bloodrayne 1 and 2 stuff.

Terminal Cut (Remasters) are now out for BloodRayne 1 and 2 on both Steam and GOG.

On Steam:

  • Own BR1, you get BR1: Terminal for free. Check your Steam account.
  • Own BR2, you get BR2: Terminal for free. Check your Steam account.
  • Own BR1, you get BR1: Terminal for free. Check your GOG account.
  • Own BR2, you get BR2: Terminal for free. Check your GOG account.
Hey, you should upgrade yourself to a Sunbeam Radiant Control model, MysterD. Maybe you’d be less redundant.
Been reading through the recent posts and just wanted to say that I'm a shameless loser so I bought the PS5, Series X, and I have a 3080 and I love them all.

On what system will you be playing Cyberpunk 2077? That is the main question.
Well it won’t be the PS5, that’s for sure. I filled the SSD on that thing in about 5 minutes. I never planned on getting any multi platform stuff on the PS5 but I have to admit I really like the Dual Sense and depending on how it’s utilized I might slop up some third party slime from time to time on that system.
Chart from NVidia on Cyberpunk 2077's requirements for all kinds of settings and systems:

The best part about this post is that an image about how awesome this game's graphics are supposed to be looks like shit and is nearly impossible to read. Thanks for the auto formatting, forums.

They still have unlimited plans, not sure what you are saying. For most of their customers that that applies to, 1.2 TB is an increase to their cap, at least that is how I am reading it.
There were areas without data caps (without paying extra for unlimited).

January all areas will have data caps (unless you pay for unlimited).

Thank you oh benevolent Comcast-Xfinity overlords for allowing us meager peasants another 200 gigabytes during these dark times.  The tithe will be paid in full on the 15th day. 

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Google overlords realized they were in over their heads and gave up long before they reached here.  After a couple months of "Oh shit, we're almost at the cap", we gave in and got Comcast unlimited.  Luckily my wife was able to get a rate that was practically the same as before.  I think they were doing some nice deals during the initial quarantine periods if you got in before they ended "unlimited for everyone because Covid".

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This will be the only time I say "thank goodness for AT&T fiber..."

Forcing me to use their crappy modem/router combo at a premium monthly cost is still better than Comcast.

Hardly a surprise. NVME drives really show their speed for things like video editing, sequential data transfers and maybe running the OS. For loading most software, the difference is a few seconds between them and a sata drive.

But, hey...console speed hype. Maybe there will be games in the future that use the tech but devs have to design with it in mind.

Control (base-game).

After 21h 37m 34s in total here, all according to Epic Game Store's tracking and all, Control (base-game) is now complete. And what a ride it was!

With non-stop shooting and gun-play; floating and levitating in the air (what an awesome & fun skill to use, once you earn that skill); using telekinesis to lift and toss objects (even including humans and enemies, once you level that up) - the game's just an action-packed blast and tons of fun. Oh, and at times, there's some odd puzzles too!

This is such an outstanding action-game & one of the better shooters that I've played since Doom 2016. The story and their characters are bizarre; out there; and totally in another (and their own) galaxy - but still, it's quite good, despite it being often quite purposely obtuse. As long as you can find lots of Lore, learn the lingo, and follow it - you should be fine, even if you don't get all of the answers.

Regardless, the game's a graphical marvel & looks fantastic; runs solid (40fps on my 6GB GTX 1060-based laptop, once I locked the framerate down); the story's always interesting & intriguing; and both the combat and level design's fantastic.

This game is a definite "must play."

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But, hey...console speed hype. Maybe there will be games in the future that use the tech but devs have to design with it in mind.
A user in the Borderlands subreddit posted videos showing Borderlands 3 loading on last gen, the last gen refresh, and the new gen loading the game and whstnot...

The increase in speed really cannot be underestimated. It is blistering and worth the hype for console users but most PC user's will likely shrug at it.

The real interesting part will be the size of games which will also expand crazily due to 4K support. I've already seen complaints about the small size of their new SSD. (And with installs being a requirement I imagine it will be tedious if you want to swap between a number of games.)
These consoles better be ready to support any sort of HDD for storage - mechanical w/ big-sized spaces; external mechanical hard drives; any sort of external solid states; etc etc.

This really ain't a problem on PC - as well, you could just install another drive internally or get some externals. Only issue only PC is: do you have the money and want to spend it?

I think w/ now Comcast also instituting data caps - yep, looks like we're gonna be wanting to store our games on external drives just so we don't blow up our data caps here...especially when you got games like last few CoD's wanting to eat up over 230GB.

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These consoles better be ready to support any sort of HDD for storage - mechanical w/ big-sized spaces; external mechanical hard drives; any sort of external solid states; etc etc.

This really ain't a problem on PC - as well, you could just install another drive internally or get some externals. Only issue only PC is: do you have the money and want to spend it?

I think w/ now Comcast also instituting data caps - yep, looks like we're gonna be wanting to store our games on external drives just so we don't blow up our data caps here...especially when you got games like last few CoD's wanting to eat up over 230GB.
I was hoping there would be regulations by now to put an end to data caps, or at the very least increase the cap by a few TB. That would be a good start to 2021.

These consoles better be ready to support any sort of HDD for storage - mechanical w/ big-sized spaces; external mechanical hard drives; any sort of external solid states; etc etc.
I think both support outside storage now... but thats a guess. With the new SSD setup it might be a bit more complicated than that.

I'm pretty sure I've read that Sony still has the worst downloads possible... in that you have to have room to download the whole patch at once (aka it cannot download just parts of files like Steam, Xbox does) so you actually need far more room for the game than one would expect.

in good, if really unexpected news, Star Wars Squadrons is going to get post launch DLC. A new map, custom games, and two new starfighters are coming. The B-Wing (Surprisingly not in the game from the start) and the Tie Defender, which is a bit more surprising since it was made for a game (The original Star Wars: X-Wing) and not a movie... And the Tie Advance (what Darth Vader flies at the end of A New Hope) was passed over again.

This content will be FREE.

Lolz at this "test".

Half what he's videoing is the game connecting to an online server, nothing to do with loading data from disk. Other load times are hidden behind intro graphics so you wouldn't be able to tell if it loaded any faster or slower. I don't know what he means by getting "in game", etc.

It's hilarious to me that he thinks all the data starts loading when he presses "continue", like it's some sort of mechanical switch that starts pouring the data :lol: .

These videos have exactly zero to do with the advantages in question, but it is a hilarious reminder how little tech journalists understand of what they write about.

bread's done