Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Finally jumped into the B4B beta … much improved from the alpha or earlier test period. Felt pretty good, looking forward to the full game. With that said, the AI seems pretty bad, which isn’t anything new from L4D … but when you have ganeplay that requires things like planting bombs and only you can do it … the fun factor drops pretty fast. L4D also felt more balanced … but hopefully that will come in time, before launch.
Sorry to hear that MysterD. :/

At first it sounded like the discrete GPU died, but the fan issue seemingly points to the motherboard. If the root culprit was the GPU you should theoretically be able to enter BIOS and set the laptop to "integrated graphics only" mode or similar. No image obviously complicates that. Either way it's likely that the accumulation of thermal stress on one or more components under load led to failure.

I can sympathize with the situation. Similar thing happened to me with a laptop about 6 years ago (discrete GPU failed). I was lucky to be able to find an identical motherboard replacement on ebay that thankfully worked out. If it's not cost-prohibitive, perhaps you may try to replace the mobo? Either way good luck with whatever you do.

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Not sure if the SC15 laptop's speaking laptop-style morse code here - but probably every minute or so, the RGB on the keyboard goes on for a second and then off.

Well, until I figure out what to do w/ the 1060 laptop - looks like the 960m laptop & 970 desktop (for old games); and 3070 desktop (for new stuff) will be taking most of the heat from game-running.

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Going to be playing a lot of Gamepass games over the month including Humankind and will give my thoughts on them( approximately 20 if I get to them all).

This series will start with Library of Ruinia.
I'm so happy this was on Gamepass, as I was thinking of doing my 2 hour playthrough on Steam and deciding to refund or not. This pretty much is a game about a guy who comes into a library who is a fixer level 9 (lowest level I think) of which pretty much do jobs for people mainly hunting and such. He ends up in a library and meets a librarian who questions him, but starts working with him shortly to rebuild this library. This consists of getting pages to invite people starting turn based battles, whom you have the librarians and allies if possible fighting a series of battles. These battles have you rolling a die for initiative (higher rolls go first I believe) and then choose cards from a built before combat deck and comparing it to the enemies' actions which are shown who they will attack. Each card has one or more attack/defense actions which help determine what cards to play. Then you get a very confusing battle system where I believe the quicker one goes first and then the die rolls for the cards abilities and they go against each other and do some damage or mitigate some or maybe get some damage to your stamina meter. If this depletes on you or an enemy, the character can't act in their next turn and takes critical damage with every hit. I believe players can only activate one card a turn, which uses light (energy) and replenishes once a turn. Frankly it's confusing, as the deflection system is unclear and when people have the same initiative since I have no idea who goes first. There are abilities mainly coming from on hits (like a bleed), and it can get confusing. I also hate die rolls for freakin' everything, which is fine for D&D, but makes the game unpredictable at times. When enemies die they leave books, which can be burned for cards that are character pages (somewhat classes) and cards you build your decks out of. Those deck cards cost 0-3 I believe and you can have 9 of them. The graphics are OK enough. The animations in battle are kind of like Darkest Dungeon chibified, so it's OK. During other times there are visual novel segments with average enough art. There are good voices for the most part, and the sound effects are pretty decent. You likely need to do some grinding/book burning to get cards to build up the deck across the librarians you unlock (you start with 1) and their assistants (you start with none). There is good things here, but it can be very convoluted at times. It has a lot of content in battles and stories, but I think it lacks a decent amount of polish and the dice rolls can make battles very chaotic. I was going to purchase this before, but it went straight to my wait for a bundle wishlist. Seemed OK enough but the grinding, somewhat confusing and wordy story, and generally chaotic gameplay went to it waiting for me to wait, especially since the game isn't too cheap. Played for about 2 hours. 6.5/10

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Likely starting up my Gamepass for a month starting Tuesday to try Humankind. Anything recent, as in previous 3-4 months of offerings, worth playing as well? I don't own an Xbox and likely wont ever, so only PC for this. Going to try Boyfriend Dungeon and Library of Ruinia as well.
I don't know when they added it but I'm pretty hooked on Dragon Quest Builders 2 right now. I'm not sure if it's something that would have normally held my interest but I've been playing it with my son and he likes it, and after a while it got its hooks into me too. I just started Hades and it seems like it's going to be very good. I also put some time into Yakuza Like a Dragon recently. I really liked the tone and humor, and the new turn-based gameplay felt right for the series. But as always with Yakuza I just don't know if I want to spend the time it takes to finish the game. I guess it will depend on whether the story holds my interest. Lastly, I recently tried out the Gears 5 DLC campaign and it sucks.

Spent a good chunk of the last few days playing Hades. Maybe it was the overwhelming hype I've read for the last 1-2 years that created insurmountable expectations, but I didn't think it was all that amazing. Definitely good, and at times very good. Combat has a nice flow to it, production values are fantastic. It's one of the few roguelites I've played where the whole loop of going through an extensive dungeon and always starting over at the beginning is built in to the story and there's a logic that makes sense. There just isn't enough variety in regards to biomes, enemies or bosses (and that includes the alternate Extreme Measures versions). Even with the different weapon types and assortment of boons, runs feel very same-y quicker than I expected. After 20-25 trips through the underworld and having won five times, I felt like I had my fill. I know the pact of punishment mixes things up a bit but not necessarily enough in the ways that matter to me. In the end, it just doesn't have the staying power of something like Isaac, Spelunky, Gungeon, or even Dead Cells.

Also got in a couple games of L4D2 for the first time in nearly ten years and that game still holds up today. The pacing is just so much better than B4B.

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Spent a good chunk of the last few days playing Hades. Maybe it was the overwhelming hype I've read for the last 1-2 years that created insurmountable expectations, but I didn't think it was all that amazing. Definitely good, and at times very good. Combat has a nice flow to it, production values are fantastic. It's one of the few roguelites I've played where the whole loop of going through an extensive dungeon and always starting over at the beginning is built in to the story and there's a logic that makes sense. There just isn't enough variety in regards to biomes, enemies or bosses (and that includes the alternate Extreme Measures versions). Even with the different weapon types and assortment of boons, runs feel very same-y quicker than I expected. After 20-25 trips through the underworld and having won five times, I felt like I had my fill. I know the pact of punishment mixes things up a bit but not necessarily enough in the ways that matter to me. In the end, it just doesn't have the staying power of something like Isaac, Spelunky, Gungeon, or even Dead Cells.

Also got in a couple games of L4D2 for the first time in nearly ten years and that game still holds up today. The pacing is just so much better than B4B.
Agreed on all points … Hades was a bit overhyped for me. I own an unopened copy on Switch, but wanted to try it out on Game Pass. It’s nice … good production value … but far from GOTY material imo.

And L4D is one of the best games in that genre, hands down … hopefully Turtle Rock can tweak B4B and move it closer to that style of pacing and gameplay since we’ll never get L4D3.
Agreed also on Hades. I put around 51 hours and got an ending, so that's good. It's very samey, but that's also a boon (hah) in a way also. This is because you will know what boons to get and such, although it makes runs extremely samey. I dislike the heat system for making each run harder, as I usually prefer set in hardness like Slay the Spire and Monster Train difficulties. I think it was still super solid and felt a lot like a Diablo type game with a bit more strategy and no looting for equipment. The character dialogue is pretty good with lots of it and excellent voice actors. The character portraits are gorgeous as well. I like the game quite a bit though rating about a 7.5/10 (good in my book), but rarely get that urge to play it again. Still a very good albeit overhyped game.

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Agreed also on Hades. I put around 51 hours and got an ending, so that's good. It's very samey, but that's also a boon (hah) in a way also. This is because you will know what boons to get and such, although it makes runs extremely samey. I dislike the heat system for making each run harder, as I usually prefer set in hardness like Slay the Spire and Monster Train difficulties. I think it was still super solid and felt a lot like a Diablo type game with a bit more strategy and no looting for equipment. The character dialogue is pretty good with lots of it and excellent voice actors. The character portraits are gorgeous as well. I like the game quite a bit though rating about a 7.5/10 (good in my book), but rarely get that urge to play it again. Still a very good albeit overhyped game.
Did you get the "not really an ending" ending, or the true ending? I'm thinking by the playtime that you got the true ending, in which case there's not much more worth doing. But if you only "beat" the game once, then you have a lot more to do.

Did you get the "not really an ending" ending, or the true ending? I'm thinking by the playtime that you got the true ending, in which case there's not much more worth doing. But if you only "beat" the game once, then you have a lot more to do.
Did you get the "not really an ending" ending, or the true ending? I'm thinking by the playtime that you got the true ending, in which case there's not much more worth doing. But if you only "beat" the game once, then you have a lot more to do.
Yeah I got the true ending with credits, the ending song and all. I think there is a bit more for me to do story/achievement wise, but just haven't really wanted to play lately.

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It boggles my mind that people can spend 51 hours on a game and say they were underwhelmed. 

What, you couldn't tell by hour 20 that you were underwhelmed? Did you expect that once you got 35 hours into it and then the whelming would commence?

I think for action games, two hours max should be enough to tell if the game is for you.

Likely starting up my Gamepass for a month starting Tuesday to try Humankind. Anything recent, as in previous 3-4 months of offerings, worth playing as well? I don't own an Xbox and likely wont ever, so only PC for this. Going to try Boyfriend Dungeon and Library of Ruinia as well.
I'd consider waiting a few weeks on HK. They were doing lots of balancing, UI and documentation stuff after the last beta and I expect it to continue after release.

It boggles my mind that people can spend 51 hours on a game and say they were underwhelmed.

What, you couldn't tell by hour 20 that you were underwhelmed? Did you expect that once you got 35 hours into it and then the whelming would commence?

I think for action games, two hours max should be enough to tell if the game is for you.
Reviewers loving a game; gamer love for a game; or both - and also hype too, if that's a factor - can really cause someone to be disappointed w/ something.

I dunno, but sometimes games get more (or less variety) of quests; missions; story, plots, etc - by DLC's; chapters later; and/or expansions. Depends per game, TBH. [shrug]

Not that I'd expect much variety w/ Hades - but some games like that, you have to either really love what it does and not get sick of it, in those type of games (if you can); or you get let down b/c it lacks variety or disappoints in some sort of way.

I've had games that are great early on, but lose steam (no pun intended) once they get further along for some reason(s) - i.e. The Council; certain AC games; etc etc.

Some games - like say Mars: War Logs - got better once you get past the repetitive opening areas & quests; got more areas and enemy variety type to battle; more interesting quests; etc etc - and you can tell they got better & smarter w/ game design as their development went along. [shrug]

For certain players - some games are too long and/or too repetitive, at some point.

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I'd consider waiting a few weeks on HK. They were doing lots of balancing, UI and documentation stuff after the last beta and I expect it to continue after release.
Already got Gamepass since I was excited for Library of Ruina (which I was somewhat disappointed with). Speak of disappointments I have 2 more games I tried from Gamepass Boyfriend Dungeon and Double Kick Heroes. My thoughts are below:

Boyfriend Dungeon has a player created character come visit their cousin (hey cousin let's hang out haha j/k). They talk to them about living it up this summer and this of course means going on dates. I believe the only dateable types are the weapons themselves. The story takes place in usually unvoiced (except for main events) visual novel segments. This is a boon for me, but I'll be the first to say I'm not very fond of most of the characters (including the main one) or the story itself. The story goes on where you go on a date and go through a mall dungeon. You meet other weapons along the way, and eventually build your affection with them. Once you max out the affection level you go on a date with them to level up and gain weapon abilities. I'm sure the affection builds towards ending up with one of them. The dungeon parts themselves have a simple somewhat bland art style. It feels very basic in a way, but isn't terrible. The movement (I used a PS4 controller) was a little floaty at times especially for dodge rolling. This isn't Hades or Dark Souls on responses. You get basic combos with light and heavy attacks (similar to a musou game), and eventually unlock another limited skill (can have up to 3 charges) that can be changed and does an area wide attack/effect. There are weapons you unlock as the story goes on and you get to choose one each floor. You also get 3 Boba teas to heal with that can be found. This gets extremely repetitive over time as the dungeons themselves are procedurally generated and look similar. The lack of enemies is also evident, although different dungeons have different enemies and lower levels do as well. You try to make it down to the end of these dungeons and hopefully build relationships and live your summer to the fullest. The graphics are neat enough for visual novel scenes though the art isn't 100% to my liking. It's still solid though. The music I barely remember. I mentioned before the characters can have their head set on things and come off as very unlikable at times. This could be being strict and stern, constantly wanting to flirt and lie, stalking (author's had to add that warning at the beginning of the game), and lots of other quirks. I don't feel dialogue choices you make change much of anything other than how much affection you get. You can also craft a lot of junk including outfits, those limited attacks and gifts for your dates. It is a loop and it's OK. I almost feel asleep playing, but I was playing before bed. This game feels way too flawed with a lot of annoying characters IMHO. My favorite was the KPOP guy mainly cause I liked his laid back attitude and his drama. I kind of want to finish, but it feels boring already. According to the characters I'm likely around the 60-70% mark, so I'll likely finish it. It's OK, but the dungeon actually is the worst thing about it, and it encompasses about 60% of the gameplay. It just doesn't change much and later enemies are HP sponges. With about 80% of the cast being annoying, controlling, bratty, feeling way too young for a few of them, and very immature (these feel like teens honestly even though they're adults and the teen characters feel like kids). It's too flawed to rate highly. If it was just a visual novel I would likely give it a 7/10 at max more likely 6.5/10. In it's current state after about 2-3 hours of gameplay I rate it a 6/10. It's polished but the dungeoneering slog and pretty immature at times story bring it down a decent amount.

Edit: Finished Boyfriend Dungeon. Had about 1 more hour of story. Very shallow ending with your romance partner. Cute but that's it. No epilogue or anything. Fails in the visual novel sense. Last battle was annoying because of the spotty dodge controls. Beat all dungeons I believe and conquered my KPOP cutie so got my time out of it. 6/10 wait for bundle.

Double Kick Heroes is a rhythm action game. You play as a band who are heavy metal and on your last performance you notice everyone is a zombie. You then start running and one of the band members drives the car, which you get into outfitted with guns. You can on different difficulties drive the car as well, but I did an easier one where it auto drives. You have a bar on the bottom that follows the rhythm of a song and hit either left button/right button or L1/R1 on a PS controller to shoot the gun up and down. There is pixelly decent enough graphics. The default controls suck on the Xbox 360 controller (may need to upgrade to a more comfortable Xbox One controller in the future or Xbox Series X). I used my PS4 controller for this playthrough of act 1. The music is pretty good. The gameplay itself is alright. You mainly have to watch the zombies, the timing on the bottom of the screen (most important), and hit the top or bottom gun button. With combos you eventually get stronger guns automatically. The stage ends when the song ends or a big enemy dies. It's basic but alright. I played on the story mode which is kind of fun. It has you going around a world map and at the spots you have story parts that play out. Nothing amazing but nothing terrible. I was OK at the game, but I just got a bit bored. I can see myself going through the whole story, but it's not my favorite. Still solid if unremarkable after about an hour and a half and 1 act fully cleared in story mode on hard. 6.5/10

I'm going to try Humankind and another game likely tonight.

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Hardware talk incoming...

I've been looking at upgrades again so that my ancient potato isn't dragging down my (msrp!) 6800xt

I was leaning towards the 5600x for a CPU but recently the thought of a 5800x has been creeping in. I've seen quite a few benchmark builds that use that instead of the 5600 and I'm wondering if there's a reason for that.

It seems like a b550 is a solid motherboard choice, even though I wish it had a couple more USB ports. I want the pcie 4.0 to future proof a bit since this will probably last me for another 8-10 years.

For memory I'm pretty clueless these days. I see a bunch of numbers and tuning for specific cpu brands. Then there's clock speed but that doesn't match mainboard so I assume everyone is overclocking?

For cost reasons right now I'm planning to reuse my existing case/fans/liquid cooler and hdds (too old for m2). An upgrade to SSD could come sooner than later but isn't high on the priority list now.

Am I barking up the wrong tree with any of these thoughts? Anyone built anything recently and have an opinion?
I was leaning towards the 5600x for a CPU but recently the thought of a 5800x has been creeping in. I've seen quite a few benchmark builds that use that instead of the 5600 and I'm wondering if there's a reason for that.
Most games have minimal benefit going from 6/12 to 8/16. Very few show fps improvement over 8/16.

It seems like a b550 is a solid motherboard choice, even though I wish it had a couple more USB ports. I want the pcie 4.0 to future proof a bit since this will probably last me for another 8-10 years.

For memory I'm pretty clueless these days. I see a bunch of numbers and tuning for specific cpu brands. Then there's clock speed but that doesn't match mainboard so I assume everyone is overclocking?

For cost reasons right now I'm planning to reuse my existing case/fans/liquid cooler and hdds (too old for m2). An upgrade to SSD could come sooner than later but isn't high on the priority list now.
b550 is fine for most. actual very few are overclocking on am4 these days, due to the marginal performance gains available from trying to push recent cpu's. but for boards, the officially supported frequencies are really just suggestions. You don't have to worry too much about matching motherboard specs to ram speed. Outside of the cheapest entry level options, most b550's will run ddr4 up to 3600mhz without problems.

Also go ssd for your OS installation, even if it's just a sata 2.5" drive. That's a huge difference and should be a high priority.

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Cyberpunk 2077.

Upcoming Patch 1.3 Patch Notes/List:
It's now possible to upgrade crafting components in bulk.

Thank Sweet Jesus. Having to manually craft each component was fucking insane when you needed literally 1,000+ clicks to go from greens to golds. And each time required an independent click so you couldn't just tape down a button/key. I wound up downloading an autoclicker for it, feeling sadness for console players where it wasn't an option.

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Most games have minimal benefit going from 6/12 to 8/16. Very few show fps improvement over 8/16.

b550 is fine for most. actual very few are overclocking on am4 these days, due to the marginal performance gains available from trying to push recent cpu's. but for boards, the officially supported frequencies are really just suggestions. You don't have to worry too much about matching motherboard specs to ram speed. Outside of the cheapest entry level options, most b550's will run ddr4 up to 3600mhz without problems.

Also go ssd for your OS installation, even if it's just a sata 2.5" drive. That's a huge difference and should be a high priority.
Any reason to look at an x570 board if I'm not bothering to overclock?

Does an SSD for OS really make that much of a difference? I typically put my pc to sleep when I'm done using it and it wakes up in a few seconds.
Any reason to look at an x570 board if I'm not bothering to overclock?
Outside of power delivery, two reasons come to mind: Additional pci lanes and price. Some x570's are getting fairly cheap since they've been out on the market longer than b550's.

Does an SSD for OS really make that much of a difference?
Yes. None of the other upgrades you're planning would come close to the significance of upgrading to ssd. Doesn't need to be fancy. Just avoid QLC. Maybe start looking at something like the WD SN550 500gb, which is $50 on sale fairly often these days.

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I feel like it'd be a waste to build something today without going to NVME, but that's just me. It's probably the biggest reason I want to upgrade.

But I've been using SSDs since 2012 at home, and longer than that at work. So it feels weird to not go up in speed after a decade.

SSDs are relatively inexpensive now.  My current system only has a 1TB for both the OS and installed games.  Yes, I'm crazy, I don't install a berjillion games at a time necessitating a 20 TB drive.

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Yea, I actually only have 1TB SSD. And like 300 GB of it is raw photos so they load faster when I'm looking through them, though I know that's a huge waste of space. Oh well. Been meaning to sort through them and move them to a networked RAID... for the past 3 years now.

Any reason to look at an x570 board if I'm not bothering to overclock?

Does an SSD for OS really make that much of a difference? I typically put my pc to sleep when I'm done using it and it wakes up in a few seconds.
Absolutely. And go M.2 / NVME on it, too; it's right on the mobo' and it's really fast.

Windows boots in seconds - yeah, if that - once you go that route.

Fast boots to the desktop are awesome.

And also games you put on that SSD drive load real fast, killing load times by quite a bit; and also texture popping should not occur anymore, since textures load quick.

Since my SC15 GTX 1060 laptop is on the fritz - I might need to look into getting a NVME-USB converter, adapter, or I might need to pull that drive.

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SSDs are relatively inexpensive now. My current system only has a 1TB for both the OS and installed games. Yes, I'm crazy, I don't install a berjillion games at a time necessitating a 20 TB drive.
My current RTX 3070 desktop has 1TB SSD for 1st drive and 2nd drive is 2TB regular HDD. 2TB drive is namely for storage. Whatever I'm playing if it's newer and/or big, it goes on the SSD.

Plus, you can always back-up games on big external drive and/or throw some games on some HDD's and/or SSD's connected to some storage drive docks, when you're done w/ a game; that's what I do. [shrug]

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I only have my OS on an SSD NVME 500 gig WD Black (my preferred for these drives). I install a few random games, but play the rest from hybrid drives I believe (so not blazing fast load speeds). At least the OS and main programs you use should be on the SSD.

Stole this off imgur...

Click mp4 link for video and sound of crunch.

Spoiler for diets, guarantee no pineapple or kiwifruit.


well damn, can't beat that. i've got a MC about 40min away, just far enough that i never go there. might be worth the trip...
If you're gonna build a system these days and can get to a Microcenter... its probably the best place to buy stuff. They usually have good deals for in store pickup, cpu/motherboard bundles especially.

There is not a huge deal with b550 vs x570 but if this is a build for a long haul... you might favor x570. They usually have more features.

Ram wise, best is some form of 3200mhz at cas 14 (probably too expensive now) or cas 15 latency up to 3600mhz cas 16 ( which should be the same performance as 3200mhz cas 14). 16gb minimum but 32gb of system ram is good for a 5+ year build.

Oh, and on 6 core vs 8 core cpu, the only reason to get an 8core AMD right now is this system will be kept for 5+ years and you don't want to think about doing a drop in upgrade later. Microcenter has dropped price down on the 8 core lately, to $350 but the 5600X is at $259. Bigger price drop on the 5800X, $100 vs $31.

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For those looking to buy Forza Motorsport 7 before it goes away for delisting on Sept. 17th
It just dawned on me this will be the first time that you cannot buy a new copy of a Forza Motorsport since the move to digital... Previously, the new version is always out before the old version has been pulled.
Another day and another Gamepass game played. Still haven't played Humankind, but I feel like I'll play that this weekend. This one is for The Ascent.

The Ascent is an overhead 2.5Dish shooter game. This game has cyberpunk themes. In it you play a player created character that works with some group when lots of things hit the fan and go badly. You end up in a world with enemies roaming around and quests both main and side in an action RPG shooter (more emphasis on action). I actually started out pretty positive on the game but over time I went to more a meh rating. First of all the graphics are great. The whole world looks nice and has a lot of details. The character models are pretty good too with aliens of different types and some people as well. The sound effects sound good and give a lot of weight to your shooting. The music I remember being 80s synth whatever music that was generally in the background and so low because of the constant shooting. The combat goes in real time where it plays like a twin stick shooter. I tried it with my Xbox 360 gamepad, Mouse and Keyboard and my new Xbox Series X pad. I'd rate the best to be with mouse and keyboard mainly for precision reasons. The gameplay reminds me of a more RPG oriented Alien Shooter. You can and should use your crouch to be behind objects. This movement is slow and clunky especially in the interesting viewpoint. It doesn't snap you to your cover right away like Gears of War or The Division games. You can aim your gun higher to reach over obstacles when crouched, and also shoot more in the head area. The RPG mechanics are there but simplified. Every level you earn 3 skill points to use in various areas to improve your character. A skill seems to only require 1 point to raise with 20 points to master. You collect loot like a Division game, but it's limited to basic forms of items. These can be improved through weaponcraft finding parts basic and advanced around. The armor provides a confusing look at defenses in a few areas and can also improve skills as well and traits, which is confusing since you can't hover over these and get explanations so you better learn those icons. I actually like the bare bones approach in a way, so you can focus more on the fighting. Eventually you can get skills as well. It's all very calculated and a bit boring how these RPG stats are in there. It's all numbers and upgrades focus on this showing damage gains and such. This also looks confusing. The world in general is generally large and has a lot of areas. I actually was enjoying it my first 2 hours but cracks began to show. I mentioned that the world is large, but actually it feels a bit hollow and empty as well. Most major areas have the same facilities, but you really don't care as much about the characters, or at least I didn't care for them. Travelling sucks with some areas only being able to get to from other areas. You can take a metro, which may be limited in areas for free, or a taxi which costs money and is also limited in areas sometime (why!). Main quests and side quests are spread everywhere and the traversing is boring as heck. You go places and it's relatively slow with you fighting random enemies on the way collecting mainly junk along with fighting random elites along the way, which may give you equipment and always give a bounty (sold for money) and an improvement part. The controls are excellent on Mouse and Keyboard other than the cover and the somewhat weird though good side roll. Both controllers are less accurate with the sticks, but playable with the Series X controller being more comfortable overall with the game using most buttons. The game feels repetitive after a while with many quests being basic fetch quests in more dangerous areas. Also at least one side quest has low level requirements but can't be done unless you get the areas in the main quests, so it's annoying. The biggest flaw is the change to difficulty emphasizing how the creators want you to really co-op (up to 4 I believe didn't test) when you get swarmed by a million enemies. This happens mainly when fighting bigger boss monsters and trying to reach important areas. Shots from enemies are pretty accurate and generally hit unless you're behind cover. Melee guys also get faster and swarm you out of cover. I have died many times already after about 5 hours and when I quit and likely will for good was when I lost a boss fight where I was constantly bombarded and about 6 melee guys also come in and kill me quickly while I find cover and get shot by accurate shots, while the developers laugh at me for not playing co-op. I almost fell asleep before this area running across a large airport area clicking on all luggage around to find a guys bag in 2 areas separated by about 5 or 6 minutes. I wanted to like this game and was going to beat it before the game decided to beat me down so handily, and I have my 2nd most upgraded skill to get health and 3rd for quicker evades. Before the boringly big world, somewhat meh missions and tough as nails difficulty got to me I was willing to give it about a 6.5/10 trending towards a 7, but have now downgraded it to a 6/10 meh wait for bundle if interested game. I likely wont touch it again even if bundled.

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It just dawned on me this will be the first time that you cannot buy a new copy of a Forza Motorsport since the move to digital... Previously, the new version is always out before the old version has been pulled.
I bought Forza Motorsport 7: Ultimate for $20 yesterday (before tax) w/ a $25 Microsoft Gift Card, thanks to still doing the daily Bing Searches and activities to get me some Bing Points to turn into GC's.

Played it for a few minutes - and yeah, I already like it. Controls and racing feel really good; game looks & runs great at 1080p easily over 90fps all maxed-out on my RTX 3070. Gonna have to give it more time, to go through the Campaign and all.

I bought Forza Motorsport 7: Ultimate for $20 yesterday (before tax) w/ a $25 Microsoft Gift Card, thanks to still doing the daily Bing Searches and activities to get me some Bing Points to turn into GC's.
I should still do this but I guess I got burned out on it... and with the Forzas showing up on Steam I'll likely never use the Windows Store again.

I've never had such bizarre issues in games as I did UWP games. I had a controller not work in forza that worked just fine in every other game. I had to update the controllers firmware. Audio issues that had me digging in audio settings I've never seen before while audio worked fine in every other game/application.

Maybe its naive to think the Steam version won't be UWP but I sure hope to God it is.
Another day and another Gamepass game played. Still haven't played Humankind, but I feel like I'll play that this weekend. This one is for The Ascent.

The Ascent is an overhead 2.5Dish shooter game. This game has cyberpunk themes. In it you play a player created character that works with some group when lots of things hit the fan and go badly. You end up in a world with enemies roaming around and quests both main and side in an action RPG shooter (more emphasis on action). I actually started out pretty positive on the game but over time I went to more a meh rating. First of all the graphics are great. The whole world looks nice and has a lot of details. The character models are pretty good too with aliens of different types and some people as well. The sound effects sound good and give a lot of weight to your shooting. The music I remember being 80s synth whatever music that was generally in the background and so low because of the constant shooting. The combat goes in real time where it plays like a twin stick shooter. I tried it with my Xbox 360 gamepad, Mouse and Keyboard and my new Xbox Series X pad. I'd rate the best to be with mouse and keyboard mainly for precision reasons. The gameplay reminds me of a more RPG oriented Alien Shooter. You can and should use your crouch to be behind objects. This movement is slow and clunky especially in the interesting viewpoint. It doesn't snap you to your cover right away like Gears of War or The Division games. You can aim your gun higher to reach over obstacles when crouched, and also shoot more in the head area. The RPG mechanics are there but simplified. Every level you earn 3 skill points to use in various areas to improve your character. A skill seems to only require 1 point to raise with 20 points to master. You collect loot like a Division game, but it's limited to basic forms of items. These can be improved through weaponcraft finding parts basic and advanced around. The armor provides a confusing look at defenses in a few areas and can also improve skills as well and traits, which is confusing since you can't hover over these and get explanations so you better learn those icons. I actually like the bare bones approach in a way, so you can focus more on the fighting. Eventually you can get skills as well. It's all very calcuated and a bit boring how these RPG stats are in there. It's all numbers and upgrades focus on this showing damage gains and such. This also looks confusing. The world in general is generally large and has a lot of areas. I actually was enjoying it my first 2 hours but cracks began to show. I mentioned that the world is large, but actually it feels a bit hollow and empty as well. Most major areas have the same facilities, but you really don't care as much about the characters, or at least I didn't care for them. Travelling sucks with some areas only being able to get to from other areas. You can take a metro, which may be limited in areas for free, or a taxi which costs money and is also limited in areas sometime (why!). Main quests and side quests are spread everywhere and the traversing is boring as heck. You go places and it's relatively slow with you fighting random enemies on the way collecting mainly junk along with fighting random elites along the way, which may give you equipment and always give a bounty (sold for money) and an improvement part. The controls are excellent on Mouse and Keyboard other than the cover and the somewhat weird though good side roll. Both controllers are less accurate with the sticks, but playable with the Series X controller being more comfortable overall with the game using most buttons. The game feels repetitive after a while with many quests being basic fetch quests in more dangerous areas. Also at least one side quest has low level requirements but can't be done unless you get the areas in the main quests, so it's annoying. The biggest flaw is the change to difficulty emphasizing how the creators want you to really co-op (up to 4 I believe didn't test) when you get swarmed by a million enemies. This happens mainly when fighting bigger boss monsters and trying to reach important areas. Shots from enemies are pretty accurate and generally hit unless you're behind cover. Melee guys also get faster and swarm you out of cover. I have died many times already after about 5 hours and when I quit and likely will for good was when I lost a boss fight where I was constantly bombarded and about 6 melee guys also come in and kill me quickly while I find cover and get shot by accurate shots, while the developers laugh at me for not playing co-op. I almost fell asleep before this area running across a large airport area clicking on all luggage around to find a guys bag in 2 areas separated by about 5 or 6 minutes. I wanted to like this game and was going to beat it before the game decided to beat me down so handly, and I have my 2nd most upgraded skill to get health and 3rd for quicker evades. Before the boringly big world, somewhat meh missions and tough as nails difficulty got to me I was willing to give it about a 6.5/10 trending towards a 7, but have now dowgraded it to a 6/10 meh wait for bundle if interested game. I likely wont touch it again even if bundled.
I like the reviews, truly. But you need to find the return key.
I'll start using the enter key haha. I will split it up in sections starting with the general explanation of the game, next section explaining what I enjoyed and what I did not, the next section music/graphics/controls, and lastly my overall grade with how long I played. I know I will always have the people say well you didn't play 25 hours and that's when the game really opens up and goes from a 4/10 to 10/10. 

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Been playing a lot of Hades on LameAss and i wouldn’t quite say I’m hooked (I rarely do multiple runs in one sitting) but it keeps bringing me back. What’s interesting is that it’s not the gameplay loop that keeps me playing but the story. I like learning more about the different characters with each run and I’m genuinely curious to see where it is all headed. It’s very different from something like Binding of Isaac, where I became hooked on the gameplay itself and seeing all the various synergies and secrets, which is fine with me since I don’t need to sink 1000 hours into another one of these games.

Also I’ve been playing through the PC version of Days Gone and it’s very nice. Looks and runs great on my new Ultrawide and there’s something about riding around on the motorcycle and killing everyone I see that is very compelling and satisfying. It’s got a little too much AssCreediness to it but the big difference is that this game is actually fun.

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So Quake Remastered is up on Steam for $10 if you have the original steam it's a free upgrade, supposedly current keys are also eligible  for the upgrade $1.26 on Indiegala

bread's done