Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

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Duke Nukem Forever isn't THAT bad. It's either one of the worst "Mediocre games", or one of the best "Bad games". But people talk about it like its Ride to Hell: Retribution or something like that. I actually had a little fun with some parts of it.

It's more that life is short, and there are a thousand other games out there that are more deserving of your limited time on Earth.


there are a thousand other games out there that are more deserving of your limited time on Earth.
Like this one :

Duke Nukem forever is actually a good game. I'm convinced that a few review outlets gave it a bad rating and then everyone else jumped on the hate bandwagon as people always do. But I actually enjoyed it and even got a platinum trophy on it and might try to get all of the achievements on it again on Steam.
People are dumb.  They just kind of repeat things they've heard on the internet before. Such as "Duke Nukem Forever is the worst game ever". 

It's not too unlike everyone shitting on Cyberpunk even though most people who bought it on a current system actually enjoyed the game.  Same with Borderlands 3, great game.  People latch on to blog headlines and parrot them ad nauseam.   Ignorant bandwagon criticism is weird.   It's a phenomena as old as the internet itself and just look at how far they take things on Twitter now.  At least the vocal minority hasn't gotten Chappelle cancelled yet.  But screw Hollywood in particular for responding to that kind of crap.  People don't even watch The Oscars anymore because it's sickening. 

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People are dumb. They just kind of repeat things they've heard on the internet before. Such as "Duke Nukem Forever is the worst game ever".

It's not too unlike everyone shitting on Cyberpunk even though most people who bought it on a current system actually enjoyed the game. Same with Borderlands 3, great game. People latch on to blog headlines and parrot them ad nauseam. Ignorant bandwagon criticism is weird. It's a phenomena as old as the internet itself and just look at how far they take things on Twitter now. At least the vocal minority hasn't gotten Chappelle cancelled yet. But screw Hollywood in particular for responding to that kind of crap. People don't even watch The Oscars anymore because it's sickening.
Eh, Cyberpunk was a trainwreck when it released and deserved it's bad name. I'm sure in another few years and a dlc or two it'll be a competent game. And I'll probably buy it a year or two after that when it ends up in a bundle or a promo with something else I'm interested in. It's not as if Witcher 3 was particularly impressive at launch. But it eventually found it's feet. And Cyberpunk probably will too.

It's also not as if CDPR is the only one that does this stuff... it would be an odd situation that finds me buying anything by Bethesda at launch. I'm not going to beta test the next Elder Scrolls for them... other hype chasing fanboys that love typing page long diatribes can do that. I'll buy it a couple years later on a discount, probably with some extra dlc included.

Cyberpunk deserved to get dunked on. They released an unpolished, bad product. Even if it becomes good, when you're courting the masses- and simultaneous releasing to console- you need to expect that stuff. Console gamers aren't used to the whole "This will be improved via patches over the next several months" and more often than not will be on to the next overly hyped game by the time something gets to a more playable state.

It's how it is, and I don't know if it's worth the hassle to champion mediocre games that eventually became competent.

Borderlands 3 isn't a great game. It's a decent game that has a ton of baggage because the designers and developers are morons and got greedy. First controversy was the time-limited Epic exclusivity, second one was the that the Developer/Designer DLCs were pure bullshit.
2K/Gearbox reaped what the sowed on that... that the game was basically seen as a constant disappointment is the result of their hubris.

Duke Nukem Forever just happens to be a great example of what happen when you fall into development hell.
Is it the worse game ever? Nah.
But it was in development for 14 years and 44 days. It deserves to have a good number of lumps pounded on it because that's a significant failure on so many levels. Sure, if you look at the game in a vacuum, you'll be a lot kinder to it, but on release it was still dated-feeling and just kind of cringe-y.

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Shout out to anyone who remembers getting this issue of PC Gamer in the mail, exactly 24 years go.


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Eh, Cyberpunk was a trainwreck when it released and deserved it's bad name.
newp, It worked perfectly for me. But then again I'm a PC gamer. ;)

Cyberpunk deserved to get dunked on. They released an unpolished, bad product. Even if it becomes good, when you're courting the masses- and simultaneous releasing to console- you need to expect that stuff. Console gamers aren't used to the whole "This will be improved via patches over the next several months"
A'int nobody talking about PS4 console gaming in hurr.

Yeah, that was a giant mistake for them to even bother releasing it on PS4 and XB1. That was CDPR's primary problem; they should have canned those releases completely. But I've also spoken with countless people that enjoyed CP2077 on XBSX or PS5 near launch with little to no technical problems too.

PS4 gamers have been calling PS5 "next gen" this entire time when in reality the new consoles have been "current gen" since Nov. 2020.  People are behind the times.  You've got to get current if you want to enjoy certain high-end, brand new AAA games.  It's why I have to build a new gaming rig about once every 5-6 years.  It's not like I enjoy spending that money (that I don't have).  You do what it takes.  You either care or you don't. 

Not to say that CDPR wasn't completely wrong in their messaging, because they were.  Launching that game on old consoles from 2013 practically sunk the core leadership of that company.  But still.

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This is a bad game... That said I finished it and I think it takes the cake for game that makes me say "what in the fuck did he just say" and "what the fuck is this"
Never played Bulletstorm, I take it?


Also, don't forget the Duke Nukem DLC in the Full Clip Edition...


Despite the cheesiness, I enjoyed Bulletstorm's gameplay.  Of course... it's only about 3 hours long.

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On the anniversary of nothing important, here's some leftovers. Not sure if these are still valid or not, but feel free to try your luck...

  • Control Ultimate Edition

  • Battlefield 3

  • Aegis Defenders
  • Alpha Version.0
  • Batman Arkham Origins
  • BEEP
  • Dark Matter
  • Dead Island Definitive Edition
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Dividedn
  • Dishonored - Definitive Edition
  • Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
  • Last Inua
  • Layers of Fear
  • LEGO The Hobbit
  • LEGO The Hobbit
  • LEGO The Lord of the Rings
  • Mega Man Legacy Collection
  • Monstrum
  • Onikira Demon Killer
  • Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You
  • Resident Evil Revelations
  • Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
  • Sniper Elite
  • Sniper Elite V2
  • Space Hack
  • STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic
  • STAR WARS Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords
  • The Darkness II
  • The Surge
  • The Town of Light
  • Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
  • Zombie Army Trilogy
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Never played Bulletstorm, I take it?


Also, don't forget the Duke Nukem DLC in the Full Clip Edition...

Bulletstorm I've never actually played despite my continual purchases of the game saying "I'll play it this time" each time I buy it. Although truthfully, hearing that it's on par with rogue warrior and only about 3 hours encourages me to actually get around to it.

Duke nukem forever I've intentionally avoided but I actually think that game is probably so stupid I probably would enjoy it lol
Borderlands 3 isn't a great game. It's a decent game that has a ton of baggage because the designers and developers are morons and got greedy. First controversy was the time-limited Epic exclusivity, second one was the that the Developer/Designer DLCs were pure bullshit.
2K/Gearbox reaped what the sowed on that... that the game was basically seen as a constant disappointment is the result of their hubris.

Duke Nukem Forever just happens to be a great example of what happen when you fall into development hell.
Is it the worse game ever? Nah.
Borderlands has an incredibly whiny player base. BL3 is actually a good game and just about anyone will tell you that the gameplay is as good or better than any game in the series. Everyone falls apart when you discuss the story though.. The reality is that the story has never been a strong point for the series. General Knoxx in BL1, Jack's character and the Tiny Tina DLC in BL2, and the Claptrap DLC in BLTPS were the high points in the series and the rest was just kinda okay. It's never been as good as some people like to pretend it is. BL3 DLC should have stopped at the first Season Pass though. The second is a bust.

Duke Nukem Forever is an okay game if it's viewed through the lens of the year it should have been released instead of when it actually hit the shelves. i mean, it wasn't a good game.. it just wasn't as bad as people like to make it out to be. I'm glad it got released though, just to satisfy my curiosity about its infamous development. Archeologically speaking, it's very interesting, Unsurprisingly, Randy Pitchford running his mouth about it prior to release is probably the worst thing about it.

Was Borderlands and/or looter-shooters ever really about story though?

It was never going to be a BioWare or Obsidian type of thing on story, as that ain't their thing. I thought it was all about looting & shooting; comedy, parody & jokes; and really cool & zany characters?

I thought they always did just enough to keep you going & playing story-plot & plot-wise, like Bethesda does.


Regardless, I thought BL1 and BL2 were a blast and a lot of fun. I still need to do the BL2 DLC's, all of the Pre-Sequel, and BL3 Ultimate.

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Was Borderlands and/or looter-shooters ever really about story though?

It was never going to be a BioWare or Obsidian type of thing on story, as that ain't their thing. I thought it was all about looting & shooting; comedy, parody & jokes; and really cool & zany characters?

I thought they always did just enough to keep you going & playing story-plot & plot-wise, like Bethesda does.

Regardless, I thought BL1 and BL2 were a blast and a lot of fun. I still need to do the BL2 DLC's, all of the Pre-Sequel, and BL3 Ultimate.
Did you play them solo?

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Was Borderlands and/or looter-shooters ever really about story though?
I didn't care about the overall story of any of the Borderlands (other than the first one pumping up the vault, and then you get there...). The side stories though can be funny and worth paying attention to.

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PS4 gamers have been calling PS5 "next gen" this entire time when in reality the new consoles have been "current gen" since Nov. 2020. People are behind the times.
I could see that as mixed messaging and not a reality for everyone.

For console gamers, getting the new system is still an active chore if you want one and nearly all the first party stuff (at least on Sony) is going to cross generational.

For PC gamers, if you're playing at 1080p, the need to upgrade is much, much lower than 1440p/144Hz or 4K/60Hz+.

This the first console generation and period in PC gaming where not only is cost prohibitive to upgrade for many, but also, unless you want the latest AAA, all the other AA and indie stuff will be coming to a box you already own. Which is kind of super weird, but also where gaming should go in the future.

Aside, still sad that a PS5/XSX is still probably the best value for performance per dollar unless what you want to play is PC only.

You can throw a stick of DDR3 at and hit a dozen games worse than Duke Nukem, Bad Rats, or any other meme "lol wurst pc gaem evah" title.
I think the implied idea is it's one of the worst games to be sold on the market by a team that would try to call itself professional and with a publisher, unlike an indie game released on Desura

Was Borderlands and/or looter-shooters ever really about story though?
I think any looter were you replay the same areas/missions over and over again has to tell a story in a limited way to keep those missions moving.

If you're willing to look for it I feel like the Division games tell a good tale. Diablo III, for all its hate, I thought told a good story... Maybe its just its presentation thats so good.

Agree with BL being hated on. Its got some extremely annoying characters (the twins are an interesting idea but the social media stuff i felt missed the mark), I've never tried to really farm in it but its not as straightforward as other looters, but all in all its a damn good game.

Forza Horizon 5, I really had no plans to get it, I've been enjoying this league of Path of Exile, but I ended up getting it. I'm about 8 or so hours into it and I literally have the least powerful GPU that will run it. A Viper v770 TNT2. Just kidding. Its actually a 970x.

It runs good, really does. Medium settings at 1080p. Frame rate stays above 60 pretty much consistently for a few hours. After that I need a reboot to clear it up.

Gameplay wise not much has changed but its solidly polished, I feel like playground games has learned from all of the pervious games.

Anyhow, I highly recommend it.
I don't know why but I'm oddly hyped for FH5. I bounced off FH4 after a handful of hours and the last open-world arcade racer that really grabbed me was Test Drive Unlimited, but I'll be right there on Tuesday checking it out. Probably helps that I've got no backlog and want something to sink my teeth into.

I think the implied idea is it's one of the worst games to be sold on the market by a team that would try to call itself professional and with a publisher, unlike an indie game released on Desura
Meh. When the weekly Bro nights were largely "Find the loly-ist nonsense to play" experiments, we still played worse shit three weeks out of four. And those games had publishers and blah blah. People just lack perspective.

I think any looter were you replay the same areas/missions over and over again has to tell a story in a limited way to keep those missions moving.

If you're willing to look for it I feel like the Division games tell a good tale. Diablo III, for all its hate, I thought told a good story... Maybe its just its presentation thats so good.

Agree with BL being hated on. Its got some extremely annoying characters (the twins are an interesting idea but the social media stuff i felt missed the mark), I've never tried to really farm in it but its not as straightforward as other looters, but all in all its a damn good game.

Forza Horizon 5, I really had no plans to get it, I've been enjoying this league of Path of Exile, but I ended up getting it. I'm about 8 or so hours into it and I literally have the least powerful GPU that will run it. A Viper v770 TNT2. Just kidding. Its actually a 970x.

It runs good, really does. Medium settings at 1080p. Frame rate stays above 60 pretty much consistently for a few hours. After that I need a reboot to clear it up.

Gameplay wise not much has changed but its solidly polished, I feel like playground games has learned from all of the pervious games.

Anyhow, I highly recommend it.
D3's biggest problem wasn't its story-telling. Actually, it's probably the best one of the Diablo games, at that kind of stuff - so yes, I'm with you on that. But, making cool & unique character builds w/ each class sucks in that game b/'s too noob-friendly & streamlined. Great for not making broken builds and avoiding respec's, though. You don't really sink points and choose skill upgrades in D3 & RoS, which is the opposite in D1 + D2. Still, at least improved loot tables and whatnot for D3 eventually came about, making the game just tons better when RoS & Loot 2.0 both launched.

About FH5 - crap, I still need to work on FH3 & its DLC and eventually try FH4 (while on Game Pass). Regardless, FH3 rocked...and I need to play more of that.

About BL games - those rock and I need to play those more. Those are just really fun games, IMHO. And I always have loved its art-style.

If I want a character and/or story game - I'll just play a BioWare game, Obsidian game, Vampyr, and/or even something like Greedfall.


I don't know why but I'm oddly hyped for FH5. I bounced off FH4 after a handful of hours and the last open-world arcade racer that really grabbed me was Test Drive Unlimited, but I'll be right there on Tuesday checking it out. Probably helps that I've got no backlog and want something to sink my teeth into.
I didn't play TDU1, but TDU2 was awesome.

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Diablo 3's story?

I'm too lazy to look up the 3min story review of Diablo3 all those years ago. It says all that needs to be said about D3.

Look! More hidden footprints! Curse your butterfly magics that kill Deckard Cain.

D3's story is better than what D1 and D2 were doing. D3 also dished out story & Lore stuff in its Lore too. Regardless, we all know, D1 and D2 are the way better ARPG's and as a game overall, when compared to D3.

Diablo hasn't been the same as a game since D2 and also with its art-design b/c....those core guys left and eventually wound-up at Runic and then Echtra (except David Brevik).

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Can people stop caring about Blizzard or Diablo anymore? They peaked in the 90's-2000 and have been garbage ever since. It happens all the time to companies and game series. Maybe it was all a fluke.
I always attributed to success hindering innovation.  When they started making truckloads of money with WoW, all they had to do was keep iterating out the same stuff.

I always attributed to success hindering innovation. When they started making truckloads of money with WoW, all they had to do was keep iterating out the same stuff.
I feel like it was Activision merging with Vivendi Games that did them in but your answer is probably more on point. (Merger happened four years after WoW released.)
Can people stop caring about Blizzard or Diablo anymore? They peaked in the 90's-2000 and have been garbage ever since. It happens all the time to companies and game series. Maybe it was all a fluke.
When I was a kid, I thought publishers mattered. When I was a young adult, I thought developers mattered. Now I realize it's a very small handful of people that actually matter, and most of them have moved on from where they made their names.

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I always attributed to success hindering innovation. When they started making truckloads of money with WoW, all they had to do was keep iterating out the same stuff.
Not only that, if they strayed too far away from the comfortable and well-worn ruts, the playerbase would scream and whine.
There was an incentive to just drop out merely iterative content.

PC gaming was so exciting up to the late 90s because for the most part the designers and creative folks were the people running the show. The guys who coded games in their basements in the late 70s and early 80s built their companies around creating the products they wanted to see and play themselves. Then in the mid to late 90s PC gaming became hugely popular. The big money arrived and the suits started calling the shots. It happens in every creative industry, it seems. The business side starts to drive the creative decisions. The main risks these companies take is how much they can screw over their customers without losing their dollars. Sadly, as it turns out they can just slap "SimCity", "Diablo", or "Fallout" on something and people will buy it.
The counterargument could be that the rapid advancements in computing power and game engines in the 90s were a huge driving factor of the wide-ranging innovations during that time. By the mid 2000s those leaps and advancements were not as drastic as they were in prior years. Thankfully that's where indie and smaller developers, inspired by those gaming gods of the 80s and 90s, have really done amazing things.
Oh my, nostalgia overload. Look at these beautiful bastards:

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PC gaming was so exciting up to the late 90s because for the most part the designers and creative folks were the people running the show. The guys who coded games in their basements in the late 70s and early 80s built their companies around creating the products they wanted to see and play themselves. Then the big money arrived and the suits started calling the shots. It happens in every creative industry, it seems.

Piggybacking off that, problems seem to arise at modern game developers shortly after their company goes public. Or subsequently after that when they get taken over by a meddling parent company. It forces them to bend towards the shareholders' interests.

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Or tastes just really changed. As much as most of the games we loved came out pre-2000ish, the following generation will probably grow up fondly thinking of Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Overwatch, Runescape, Club Pengion, etc.
There's still plenty of good indie games that would be like our 90s games, just like there's still good post-2000ish games.
I mean, the gamers I know who are almost 10 years younger cared more about the Nintendo N64 games that just came out for the Switch than they did for the SNES games. Meanwhile, I still prefer SNES games.

The real scourge is mobile/gatcha.

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Yes, the monetization of games has ruined them, in which dev's and pub's moved F2P/money-sink schemes into the core gaming ($40-70 type of games). Ridiculous sums of $ on MTX's and all of that. And some games are being always-online not just for DRM-purposes, but also for monetization purposes - no longer are there really cheat codes, it's buy your way through a game or buy an XP boost or non-sense like that.

Now they stick ARPG elements onto almost every thing also and monetize that in ways too, so you can buy your way through games, if they allow it. 

I remember when we had MP games like say Quake 2, HL1, etc etc - yeah, no XP and leveling schemes there. Just jump online; play some matches; and have fun. And back then, b/c of SDK's, felt like we had an endless supply of maps and game-mode mods being made too. 

No longer do we have SDK's released for games and these games can last for a long time period b/c of that, as now Season Passes galore, DLC's and Expansions eat up the market; everything got commercialized.

And of course, once companies get bought by a non-console owner platform (like Sony, Microsoft, and/or Nintendo - who still make single-player games b/c these sell consoles) - well, it's a race to see when things fall apart. Look how EA destroyed so many studios and now BioWare is joining that list. Look at how COD really has not been the same since West and Zampella went to Respawn. Look at how Activision turned Diablo into a MMO, after D2 and an always-online game (on PC). Look at how Bethesda ain't been the same, since FO4 and/or FO76. Look at how GTA Online is causing us not to really get GTA Single-Player DLC's and how GTA6 is supposedly in Development Troubles, since Leslie and Dan Houser left. Look at how Square ruined Crystal Dynamics w/ the Avengers GaaS mess.

Who's next to fall from grace? CD Projekt RED?

Already there if you played their last game....
Played it (Cyberpunk 2077) on my PC with a RTX 3070. Spent $18 on it, before tax. It was really good. Didn't live up to the hype since it was insanely over-hyped to the Peter Molyneux type of moons, sure - but it was still really good on my PC, after it's been patched a bunch of times. Spent about 50 hours with it or so.

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bread's done