Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Or tastes just really changed. As much as most of the games we loved came out pre-2000ish, the following generation will probably grow up fondly thinking of Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, Overwatch, Runescape, Club Pengion, etc.

There's still plenty of good indie games that would be like our 90s games, just like there's still good post-2000ish games.


I mean, the gamers I know who are almost 10 years younger cared more about the Nintendo N64 games that just came out for the Switch than they did for the SNES games. Meanwhile, I still prefer SNES games.

The real scourge is mobile/gatcha.
True some genre's and gameplay styles just faded out of popularity. Though metroidvanias seem to be making a resurgence.

Poor kirby series is going 3d though. And pokemon snap forgot everything that made the original as fun as it was.

n64 stuff wise it's a shame the switches eshop pails in comparison to the wiis.

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Yes, the monetization of games has ruined them, in which dev's and pub's moved F2P/money-sink schemes into the core gaming ($40-70 type of games). Ridiculous sums of $ on MTX's and all of that. And some games are being always-online not just for DRM-purposes, but also for monetization purposes - no longer are there really cheat codes, it's buy your way through a game or buy an XP boost or non-sense like that.

Now they stick ARPG elements onto almost every thing also and monetize that in ways too, so you can buy your way through games, if they allow it.

I remember when we had MP games like say Quake 2, HL1, etc etc - yeah, no XP and leveling schemes there. Just jump online; play some matches; and have fun. And back then, b/c of SDK's, felt like we had an endless supply of maps and game-mode mods being made too.

No longer do we have SDK's released for games and these games can last for a long time period b/c of that, as now Season Passes galore, DLC's and Expansions eat up the market; everything got commercialized.

And of course, once companies get bought by a non-console owner platform (like Sony, Microsoft, and/or Nintendo - who still make single-player games b/c these sell consoles) - well, it's a race to see when things fall apart. Look how EA destroyed so many studios and now BioWare is joining that list. Look at how COD really has not been the same since West and Zampella went to Respawn. Look at how Activision turned Diablo into a MMO, after D2 and an always-online game (on PC). Look at how Bethesda ain't been the same, since FO4 and/or FO76. Look at how GTA Online is causing us not to really get GTA Single-Player DLC's and how GTA6 is supposedly in Development Troubles, since Leslie and Dan Houser left. Look at how Square ruined Crystal Dynamics w/ the Avengers GaaS mess.

Who's next to fall from grace? CD Projekt RED?
Everyone thinks they get a GAAS $40 game now that brings in $20-$40 repeatedly in chunks.

That is why I think Nintendo and Sony have been doing so well lately. Sony's first party studios and Nintendo are still releasing really solid, complete games for $60 a few times per year. You pay once, and you get a polished, complete game.

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Everyone thinks they get a GAAS $40 game now that brings in $20-$40 repeatedly in chunks.

That is why I think Nintendo and Sony have been doing so well lately. Sony's first party studios and Nintendo are still releasing really solid, complete games for $60 a few times per year. You pay, and you get a polished, complete game.
And the thing is: Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft are trying to sell their console equipment and platform too. What sells consoles often are great single-player games. And from those companies, no real shortage of those there.

It's the 3rd parties like EA, Activision, Square...when we start to wonder and scratch our heads on stuff.

Welp, my response to this writes itself.
Normal enough, it’s not shooting down hundreds of people, throwing fireballs at goblins, or directing falling blocks into neatly organized rows. Also, missing the point.
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I don't understand how "doing normal tasks with shitty controls" turned into a video game genre. I mean, I guess QWOP was funny, and Surgeon Simulator was popular or whatever, but... I feel like you can't really take the concept much further.
I believe these are games that fall into the "fun to watch other people play" category. I have tried many of them when in bundles or demos and found them to be toys, at best.

However, if you're a streamer trying to appease some tweens to get some Amazon Prime Subs, and other forms of Bezos Bucks™, then you're going to be playing games like these while they're the flash in the pan hot meme game.

Back 4 Blood.

Solo Offline Mode w/ Progression coming in December:
Really disappointed with the game overall … just lacks that something that made Left 4 Dead so good. The enemies are more generic, the special infected aren’t memorable and just respawn way too often, and it just feels like they tried to add more content like the hub camp, but it’s so clear it’s just a fancy way to navigate a menu. Reminds me of the “city” in Anthem which was mostly lacking in interactivity and you just walked around to get missions. If developers are going to make something that detailed, give it more interactivity … make it like Fallout where you can customize it and build it out over the course of the game.

Back 4 Blood was probably my biggest disappointment of 2021 so far.
I'm enjoying B4B but I have no particular fondness for L4D so maybe that's part of it.  I mean, L4D 1/2 are fine (albeit with a trash community) but they're not games I've felt like spending a bunch of hours in once I completed the campaigns.  B4B certainly needs a pass or two (special spawns, difficulty spikes, Quick Join bugs, etc) I like the deck aspect, the zombie shootin' is mostly fine and I typically have fun.  It's not "omg you need to buy this right now" and I still think $60 is overpriced but I've enjoyed my time in it so far.

Spoiler Alert: The story is a flimsy pretext to shoot zombies with your friends.
But what matters here to me is that there's a real offline mode that's coming. [shrug]


B4B certainly needs a pass or two (special spawns, difficulty spikes, Quick Join bugs, etc) I like the deck aspect, the zombie shootin' is mostly fine and I typically have fun. It's not "omg you need to buy this right now" and I still think $60 is overpriced but I've enjoyed my time in it so far.
Not only all of that which you mentioned - but like most MP games these days lacking maps, modes, and actual real content these days, it probably really needs a SDK so the community can keep the game going & flowing w/ new content & mods.

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but like most MP games these days lacking maps, modes, and actual real content these days, it probably really needs a SDK so the community can keep the game going & flowing w/ new content & mods.
It's a month old (if that) and they've posted a road map into 2022. Little early to start bemoaning "If only we could mod to keep the game alive!!", dontcha think?

For as much as people bitch about Games As A Service, the flipside is people going ape because a game's been out for four weeks and doesn't have all new modes and maps and mods. Sometimes you can just play a game and then, when you've reached the end, set it aside for a bit.

Fanatical Dollar Neon stuff for the bots:

Neon Space


Neon Space 2


* = # of games I bought in the Steam Halloween sale


Slash It


Spin Rush


^ = first letter of Wa1terSobchak's favorite club

PEN 15 club

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It's a month old (if that) and they've posted a road map into 2022. Little early to start bemoaning "If only we could mod to keep the game alive!!", dontcha think?

For as much as people bitch about Games As A Service, the flipside is people going ape because a game's been out for four weeks and doesn't have all new modes and maps and mods. Sometimes you can just play a game and then, when you've reached the end, set it aside for a bit.
I remember when we had games with all of its content out-the-box and was basically done. And when you got expansions, those were often a new story entirely.

Now dev's release a game, it ain't done story-wise and/or game-wise....and you basically need the DLC's b/c it continues the story and/or the ending is actually in the DLC's (i.e. ME3 and DAI, I'm looking at you).

It's like we're paying Beta testers until a so-called "Complete Edition" is out.

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I remember when we had games with all of its content out-the-box and was basically done. [...]

It's like we're paying Beta testers until a so-called "Complete Edition" is out.
That's great, Grandpa, but it's been like this for the last decade or so since easily distributed digital files and a worldwide penetration of internet access made it so a game could continue past what you originally put on the ten 5.25" floppies in the box you bought from Babbages. Anyone still acting shocked about this is just in it for the drama. Furthermore, it was abundantly obvious that B4B was going to continue having content added after launch so if anyone made the poor purchasing decision to buy it and expected a static product, that's on them.

If you feel you need to wait to get a "complete" game, the solution is simple. It's just a video game; your life won't be diminished if you don't play it until 2027 or never play it at all. Shit, it doesn't even have any grandiose dreams of expanding on the human experience or telling overwrought tales of love and loss. You shoot zombies with your friends until you reach the end of the stage and get your points for zombie-shooting. In my opinion, it currently does that pretty well and lives up to the description on the tin.

Gamers are weird.

Wow, I wasn't even buying games on floppy. I've been on Windows since W95; and buying Windows games on CD since '95. Of course, I barely buy games on CD/DVD anymore and mostly buy digital due to pricing's much better normally digitally. 

Very rarely do I catch that GameStop has Cyberpunk 2077 PC for $18 type of detail, destroying the digital prices of the game; probably trying to clearance that shelf and move product. Got my $18 worth out of that one, 50 hours or so and all.

I don't buy most games Day 1 b/c of pricing schemes; charts needed to figure out what over-priced edition I should really want so that I buy it later (i.e. Deus Ex: MD, I ain't forgotten that nonsense of the chart needed - and always glad to wait for price-drops); DRM schemes and/or Denuvo (if used); any always-online non-sense involved; offline solo progression doesn't exist (yet); any sort of client-app requirements; incomplete product out-the-box; base-game could be lacking content; DLC/expansions could be important and even stick the real ending in there(i.e. DAI and ME3, I'm looking at you); performance issues out-the-box; devaluing of games real fast b/c of releasing DLC's/expansions; devaluing of games by bundling them on Humble, Fanatical, other Bundle Sites, etc; any other reasons you can think of; etc etc - so I don't often wind-up in that trap.

They (dev's and pub's) treat games often like rentals, so...I do too.

Regardless, I am on Game Pass for $1 and B4B is solid and all, but it definitely ain't no L4D1 and L4D2.

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Just a quick check in since Forza Horizon 5 has released on Game Pass.

I suggest unlocking the PR area first. This will give you more to do as you go around.

Also drift zones are much, much easier this time. So easy that I pretty much did all of them first in case there's a patch that comes up to tighten the width of the zones or ups the requirements. (I did all of them in under an hour and I'm not even good at them and I know I've spent an hour on individual drift zones in previous titles. )

Performance is still better than I expected, having a great time with it.
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Just a quick check in since Forza Horizon 5 has released on Game Pass.

I suggest unlocking the PR area first. This will give you more to do as you go around.

Also drift zones are much, much easier this time. So easy that I pretty much did all of them first in case there's a patch that comes up to tighten the width of the zones or ups the requirements. (I did all of them in under an hour and I'm not even good at them and I know I've spent an hour on individual drift zones in previous titles. )

Performance is still better than I expected, having a great time with it.
Also started FH5 today and am enjoying it now that I got some performance issues squared away. But as was the case with FH4, I've reached a point where I'm completely overwhelmed by all the map markers attempting to lure me their way and have no idea what I should do next. Maybe just focus on the "story"? I dunno. I realize this is more a "Me" problem than a game problem.

Driving is fun though. Cars look pretty and go vroom.

Also started FH5 today and am enjoying it now that I got some performance issues squared away. But as was the case with FH4, I've reached a point where I'm completely overwhelmed by all the map markers attempting to lure me their way and have no idea what I should do next. Maybe just focus on the "story"? I dunno. I realize this is more a "Me" problem than a game problem.

Driving is fun though. Cars look pretty and go vroom.
If you pull up your map, and click the right shoulder/bumper you can then go and turn off what displays and what doesn't. Its really useful if you're trying to focus on one type of events.)
If you pull up your map, and click the right shoulder/bumper you can then go and turn off what displays and what doesn't. Its really useful if you're trying to focus on one type of events.)
Oh yeah, I already turned off the MP stuff for now. Still unsure if I should focus on certain races that offer wheel spins or vehicles as prizes or just do whatever I come across as I come across it.

Also started FH5 today and am enjoying it now that I got some performance issues squared away. But as was the case with FH4, I've reached a point where I'm completely overwhelmed by all the map markers attempting to lure me their way and have no idea what I should do next. Maybe just focus on the "story"? I dunno. I realize this is more a "Me" problem than a game problem.

Driving is fun though. Cars look pretty and go vroom.
Not just you. This drove me crazy in FH4. I like to just leisurely explore and having things all of a sudden cut to the map and someone telling me of a new event was distracting. I appreciated the ton of content, but FH4 felt like it was being crammed down my throat.

So far, my only bitch on FH5 is that the player character talks now. I don't like that but that's definitely a "me" issue.

I remember when we had games with all of its content out-the-box and was basically done. And when you got expansions, those were often a new story entirely.

Now dev's release a game, it ain't done story-wise and/or game-wise....and you basically need the DLC's b/c it continues the story and/or the ending is actually in the DLC's (i.e. ME3 and DAI, I'm looking at you).

It's like we're paying Beta testers until a so-called "Complete Edition" is out.
Don't forget that PC gamers CHOSE this type of digital distribution ecosystem. It all started on Steam. They accepted the platform and the requirement in the early 2000s. PC gamers and Valve were the progenitors of it all.

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Yeah - and things like Stardock Impulse and GOG never really took off, TBH. Steam just destroyed them all w/ better service and killer pricing (before Bundle sites took off).

True (about the majority of PC Gamers buying into Steam ecosystem), but I think NWN1 was the first to really do DLC's, TBH - namely w/ the "Premium Content" (which are now called DLC's) with stuff like Kingmaker DLC. So, we can blame mostly BioWare for that, starting this mess. :p

Don't know if we should consider shareware from Id stuff in the 90's like with Quake 1 count as "DLC's."

I guess the good thing can be w/ dev's and pub's doing DLC's is that when a deadline to release said base-game ain't met entirely and pub's won't agree w/ it, they (the dev's) can just turn whatever unfinished content into say DLC's. At least what wasn't finished by launch day...well, could be finished by the time they're done w/ DLC's, Season Passes and Expansions.

I do find it interesting thought that E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy just released on GOG and it's a Single Player Edition (only w/ the SP content), which is also a Source Engine game. All the Steam Achievements, LAN, and Co-Op is cut-out or disabled from that version of the game. I do wonder how tightly all of the MP content and features are tied into Steam's servers and Steamworks - and it's not like the dev's re-worked this into GOG Galaxy either.

Humble is so pathetic... copying Fanatical with the new larry bundle, but it's more expensive, and still can't get the 4th game in the bundle.

Prince of Persia Bundle / Complete A Bundle:

Bundle includes:

  • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
  • Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
  • Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
  • Prince of Persia (Cel-Shaded game with Elika)
  • Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

  • Price if you own nothing on Steam here = 82% off @ $8.95
  • If you own some, you can buy what's missing and the cost is cheaper.
  • Shows as $3.58 for me, as I'm missing PoP Cel-Shaded & PoP Warrior Within on Steam.
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As noted in the article, the number is smaller than 47 but no one knows for sure how much smaller. At least a couple songs listed as missing (Video Killed The Radio Star and Japanese Boy) have been confirmed to be in the game. The aforementioned VGC article lays it out in better detail. Either way, the big takeaway is that not even Rockstar knows what did and didn't make the cut.

To me at least, all the discussion about visual changes and song lists is irrelevant because after watching some San Andreas gameplay, the highly-compressed audio would be a deal-breaker for me (had I any interest in getting it in the first place).

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bread's done