Steam Group Buy and Gift Requests thread

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Counterstrike: Source Group Buy
Pack already bought.

1. Torakusu
2. Friend of Torakusu
3. TXTerminator (PMed with Steam Info)
4. Manial (Friend Request sent on Steam)
5. Open
6. Open

Will check back in the morning and try to keep everyone posted.
I'm sure it's early, but does anyone want to go ahead and start an Aliens vs. Predator group since it hasn't run yet and will most likely run tomorrow?

If so, add me to the group.
Depending upon the cost I'll probably run on an Aliens vs. Predators group. Also more than likely run Osmos, Braid and Splinter Cell groups too, again depending upon cost. Just hope all 4 aren't today.
[quote name='nickm717']Since radioactivez0r was unable to purchase another pack and interest remains for Nyxquest I am willing to set up a 10-pack.
The spots are as follows:
1) nickm717
2) benham
3) Blade (payment pending)
4) darjeeling (payment pending)
5) theclaw (payment pending)
6) jogurt (payment pending)
7) uw4anka (payment pending)
8) TXterminator (payment pending)
Please send me a PM if you are interested in a spot with your paypal email where the payment will originate from as well as your Steam account email if it is different. Hope this will work out for everyone.[/QUOTE]
Still have spots left!
[quote name='paz9x']interested in a liberty city spot. if anyone has one pm me.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='colophon']Anyone still up for GTA Stories?[/QUOTE]

im right above you and sent you a pm as well.
[quote name='nickm717']Since radioactivez0r was unable to purchase another pack and interest remains for Nyxquest I am willing to set up a 10-pack.
The spots are as follows:
1) nickm717
2) benham - Paid
3) Blade (payment pending)
4) darjeeling (payment pending)
5) theclaw - Paid
6) jogurt (payment pending)
7) uw4anka (payment pending)
8) TXterminator - Paid
9) ampatrao (payment pending)
10) lidl - Paid
Please send me a PM if you are interested in a spot with your paypal email where the payment will originate from as well as your Steam account email if it is different. Hope this will work out for everyone.[/QUOTE]

Payment sent, thanks for setting the group up!
A bit late but I'm thinking of setting up a Red Faction Guerilla 8-pack.
Price per copy will be $3.40, payed through Paypal.
If at least 4 people in the next 30 minutes post in this thread that they're interested in a copy, I'll host the pack.

Edit: Only 2 reactions by PM's, pack won't go through.
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Edit: Found one, thanks all.

Looking to join a Counter-Strike: Source group buy. PM me.
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For the stragglers =) :

GTA Liberty City Stories $8.03 each (paypal fees, sigh) already bought:
1) alexiel - Payment Pending - Gift Sent

PM me w/
Steam Email Address:
Paypal Email Address:
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Osmos Group Buy (12-Pack) / $1.67 per person
1. JP - Paid/Sent
2. WormFoodX - PM Sent
3. paz9x - PM Sent
4. Xedeus - Paid/Sent
5. cryllic - Paid/Sent
6. IzzyRocks - Paid/Sent
7. archaicknite - Paid/Sent
8. jay-pee - Paid/Sent
9. crupp - Paid/Sent
10. romir - Paid/Sent
11. jleazot - Paid/Sent
12. bobdaman18 - Paid/Sent

All slots currently full.
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[quote name='soth222']I'll bite and start a just cause 2 pool for those interested. PM me if you want to hop in.[/QUOTE]

PM'd you.
[quote name='soth222']I'll bite and start a just cause 2 pool for those interested. PM me if you want to hop in.[/QUOTE]

also sent a pm.
I'm gonna host a JC2 buy. Having issues placing order at the moment.
Jump ship if you need to.

1. Eagles5769
2. HyperZ69
If anyone is hosting a Just Cause 2 and/or Mount and Blade pack, PM me I'm interested in both, but don't want to host.
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bread's done