Steam may have serious competition in the near future.


CAG Veteran
So apparently there's a new Digital Distribution client called StormPowered. And surprisingly, they have a very similar setup that Steam has. The only real difference I could see was they don’t have Steam’s Multiplayer system. But I hear they plan on doing this in the near future.

And also, they don't have anywhere near the amount of games that Steam has at the moment, but I'll definitely be keeping an eye on them. If they can get going they could easily be Steams #1 competition in the Digital Distribution market.

For anyone else who want's to take a look, here's a link to their Store Page.
When you get big enough and particularly if you are first, being the same or even better may not matter. Consider Microsoft(Windows) or Ebay. Once everyone starts using it, it doesnt quite matter what the competition is doing. You can use things like economies of scale to make sure your #1 competitor stays a small fry and largely inconsequential.
Could they rip off steam a little bit more?

Steam powered.

Storm powered.

This will go nowhere. Gamers have already adopted Steam and are reluctant towards anything else. Just look at how much trouble EA has with people reluctant to move to Origin. What makes you think a fly by night company is going to be able to compete?
Wow. Just... wow. That site is "cheap Chinese bootleg" level of knockoff.

ETA: This is the OP's one and only post here. HMM...
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[quote name='mrsilkunderwear']Serious competition? Lawl[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly... Steam has an established base that's very loyal and it's not surprising as to why: Steam is awesome. I would have given up on PC gaming had it not been for Steam (and their sales).

The only way they'll take down Steam is if Gabe decides to suddenly make Steam into Origin.
I don't see anything ever knocking off Steam in the computer world. One, that would require all the Valve fans to stop supporting it. Two, they are keeping pc gaming afloat.
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