Steam Weekend Deal: 50% off Far Cry games.

These are the same prices as during the past holiday sale. I picked up FC2 for that price and I've enjoyed it. Is FC1 worth it?
[quote name='msu89dawgs']It's a rare week lately that I haven't dropped any cash on a Steam sale. My wallet could use a break anyway...[/QUOTE]

I know, same here. Very nice for having a week of games I'm not interested in, I need to catch up more on games I bought during the holiday sale still.
[quote name='Jugglenaut']These are the same prices as during the past holiday sale. I picked up FC2 for that price and I've enjoyed it. Is FC1 worth it?[/QUOTE]

Back when I played it I thought it was super awesome. For its time it looked great and it also plays great. Dunno if playing the second one first may change it since I have not played the second one.
Hmmm ... I'd bite for $10 but $15 just doesn't seem worth it. Far Cry 2 is a very empty experience ... the world is huge but the AI is terrible and enemies randomly spawn out of nowhere. It really takes away from the fun ... it's too bad because I was so excited for it prior to its release and it was just such a letdown. I'd go so far as to say that Farcry was actually a more enjoyable experience and I loved the map editor it came with. You could make some epic maps on the 360 with that editor and the hang glider.

Does anyone know if Far Cry includes the map editor in this version? I may have to pick it up if it does ...
For the first time in what seems like a while, I think I'll have to pass on a Steam deal. Enjoyed Far Cry until the end with all the monsters with the sniping rocket launcher arms and haven't heard too many great things about FC2. Might go down to the wire if I change my mind.
[quote name='silent h3ro']Where is FC1 $2.50? I see $5.[/QUOTE]

he was referring to the guy who said he would have bit at 2.50, and was referring to the extra 2.50 it would cost
[quote name='Gerbar']5 machine activation limit? No thanks[/QUOTE]

It has been removed according to the FC steam forums
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Back when I played it I thought it was super awesome. For its time it looked great and it also plays great. Dunno if playing the second one first may change it since I have not played the second one.[/QUOTE]

nope. i played 2 first, then went back and played 1. FC1 still looks good imo, and the gameplay is so much more fun.
[quote name='SilentStryk09']he was referring to the guy who said he would have bit at 2.50, and was referring to the extra 2.50 it would cost[/QUOTE]

It's not the actual money, it's the cost/like ratio. That effectively halves it!
I bought the first Far Cry on 360 and it was pretty terrible. Perhaps it's one of those games you need to play on the PC though.

I have Far Cry 2 on the 360 and never got very far into it, but liked it quite a bit.

Thinking about grabbing that here for the hell of it.

Plus, it should be a fun 'benchmark' game for whatever card I end up buying eventually.
I'm a bit conflicted over this one. I kind of want them. 12.50 for both and I almost certainly would have, but oddly I don't feel like it at 15. This site has made me too cheap.

An aside: Why is the weekend deal and Midweek deal up at the same time?
the deals lately have been 66% and 75% off, that would have put this pack at 10 or 7.50...both killer prices. But at $15, my gut says "just wait, they will come down soon"

i do appreciate steam giving me a deal i can pass up on. 3 weeks of relentlessness took it's toll on my wallet.
[quote name='The_Forgetful_Brain']I bought the first Far Cry on 360 and it was pretty terrible. Perhaps it's one of those games you need to play on the PC though.

They are two completely different games.
I am a big fan of FC1 and FC2 is one of the biggest gaming disappointments for me ever. The whole malaria infection just sucks the fun out of the game, and the driving is tedious and not fun.

If you haven't played it, there are fun bits, but they are few and far between, separated by malaria infections that make it frustrating to control the character, and long, pointless driving expeditions as you try to move from one mission to the next.

FC1 is worth playing if you haven't experienced it before.
Regarding the activations limits, it was patched out. So yes, the base game ships with the activation limits, but since Steam downloads the latest version of the game it doesn't have the limited activations/limited machines.

Sorta like what happened with Bioshock 1.
[quote name='Hocus Cadabra']I am a big fan of FC1 and FC2 is one of the biggest gaming disappointments for me ever. The whole malaria infection just sucks the fun out of the game, and the driving is tedious and not fun.

If you haven't played it, there are fun bits, but they are few and far between, separated by malaria infections that make it frustrating to control the character, and long, pointless driving expeditions as you try to move from one mission to the next.

FC1 is worth playing if you haven't experienced it before.[/QUOTE]

I think it is a matter of preference. I played FC1 when it came out and thought that is was beautiful but not particularly entertaining. I played FC2 right after it came out and thought it was an incredibly immersive game. FC1 is more action packed and FC2 is more of a slow burn IMO.

That being said, I recommend FC1 for the price and the bundle for anyone who doesn't mind sinking a few hours into a game before it clicks.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']Regarding the activations limits, it was patched out. So yes, the base game ships with the activation limits, but since Steam downloads the latest version of the game it doesn't have the limited activations/limited machines.

Sorta like what happened with Bioshock 1.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure because they said the same thing about Dawn of Discovery but what actually happened was they patched out the activation limits from the retail copies but not the digital copies.
FC1 is a good game.

FC2 is just annoying. For me I was enjoying far cry 2 a bunch until I got annoyed at every fucking little enemy camp that would not go away and every time I had to pass like 3-4 for a mission and they would come driving after me. I would have to get out of my car, kill them then drive away again and they are dead center on the fucking map with no way around them.
[quote name='Nesrie']Are you sure because they said the same thing about Dawn of Discovery but what actually happened was they patched out the activation limits from the retail copies but not the digital copies.[/QUOTE]

Yes. There is no activation, period. It's not even that it has unlimited activations; there just plain isn't any activation required anymore. It was completely patched out in version 1.03.

This info should seriously be added to the OP, so that no one passes on it based on bad info.
The PC Far Cry 1 is a unique version of the game, don't compare any console iterations to it. It's one of the best FPS games of the last 10 years IMO, and for its time, it was very refreshing, heck it still is. I've beaten it through 3 times, it's awesome and well designed, and looks beautiful for a 6 year old game. I bought it for $20 in its first few months on shelves years ago and would pay that again if I didn't have it and had to to get it. Recommended.
bread's done