Steam Weekend Deal: 75% Off All Oddworld Games + Steam Indie Sale


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steam continues this weekend with giving us some cheap ass games. you can get abes oddysee + exoddus for $3.75. follow the link:
edit: The system requirements state that the two games are only for a Windows 2000/XP-compatible computer system. But it works fine on my 32bit vista

Now thru Sunday, March 29th Steam is running a special promotion on all independent games offered via Steam. Every Steam indie is marked down at least 10%, and all the top-rated Steam indie games are on sale for 33% off their regular price. For more information, please visit
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[quote name='boblentil']I'm using Vista 32-bit, and I had no trouble running the Abe's Oddysee demo.[/quote]

Also works on 64-bit Vista. I wasn't going to buy these because of what the system requirements said, but when it was mentioned they work on Vista/7 I went for it.
I want to buy it, but I don't think I can. From what I can tell of the demo the first game only lets me recruit 1 person to follow at a time, which is a pain in the ass, while the second demo is far too difficult, forcing me to restart the entire tutorial level because disarming the bombs requires such precise timing. The games are both fun, but I end up more frustrated than anything else after playing for more than 30 minutes.
To me they are not games where you sit and play for hours. They are good for about 15-25 minutes, long enough to get past the next section but quick enough before frustration sets in.

Anyone have any experience with the indie games on sale right now?
Don't buy the Path ... I paid $9.99 for it a couple days ago and I'm currently missing my $10. Your $10 can go further with actual games, the Path is something of an oddity and is disturbing in ways that aren't appealing ... honestly, I was interested in it during the first 20 minutes but frankly it really starts to drag and gets disturbing in a non-horror way (disturbing like ... oh look, is that a sexual predator in a playground, oh look, I think this young girl just got raped ... sort of way).

When I bought it, I was thinking Silent Hill and monsters in the woods but it seems to be more realistically based and still disturbing (possibly disturbing to think I paid $10 for a game that has young girls being assaulted and scores you points for doing so, as opposed to just "visiting grandma" which causes you to fail the game). Overall, a bit too weird, disturbing and avant-garde (aka not fun or compelling horror) mixed with really poor design choices (the girls walk so slow ... especially after being assaulted and left in the rain to walk to Grandma's house with literally nothing else happening for a good 3 to 5 minutes).

Maybe I need to give this game more time, but from what I've seen ... I'm missing my $10. Of course, these are merely my humble opinions for those considering the game with no previous knowledge of it aside from Steam's screenshots.
as a note, defense grid and aquaria are both cheaper on direct2drive $10 each
defense grid can be purchased on direct2drive and then activated additionally on steam, and aquaria is drm free (you just get an install file you can install over and over again)

I've enjoyed both on vista 64
[quote name='etcrane']Don't buy the Path ... I paid $9.99 for it a couple days ago and I'm currently missing my $10. Your $10 can go further with actual games, the Path is something of an oddity and is disturbing in ways that aren't appealing ... honestly, I was interested in it during the first 20 minutes but frankly it really starts to drag and gets disturbing in a non-horror way (disturbing like ... oh look, is that a sexual predator in a playground, oh look, I think this young girl just got raped ... sort of way).

Maybe I need to give this game more time, but from what I've seen ... I'm missing my $10. Of course, these are merely my humble opinions for those considering the game with no previous knowledge of it aside from Steam's screenshots.[/QUOTE]

I can find nothing but positive reviews of the game. It's apparently pretty artsy and high concept. You sound kind of like Jack Thompson, focusing on one little thing that happens in the game and turning it into a "rape simulator." But still, the game's probably not for everybody.

The Path reviews:
[quote name='eastx']I can find nothing but positive reviews of the game. It's apparently pretty artsy and high concept. You sound kind of like Jack Thompson, focusing on one little thing that happens in the game and turning it into a "rape simulator." But still, the game's probably not for everybody.

The Path reviews:[/QUOTE]

Dude, go ahead and spend $8.99 on it if you're so confident that professional reviews are better than my opinion, I couldn't give less of a shit. All I'm saying is that after playing it, I personally failed to see the hype-train that these reviews built up come into the station. If your idea of artsy and high concept is a creepy dude sitting down next to a girl in a playground and then having the next scene have her sprawled on the ground in the rain, looking extremely upset, then go for it. I'm not saying it's a rape simulator ... all I'm saying is that for folks looking for the next Silent Hill or Trapt, this game is 1. not that type of game and 2. from a game mechanic standpoint is somewhat lacking in terms of how fun it is to play. As a few of the reviews have pointed out, this really isn't even a "game" per se. If indeed then it is art, I can easily say that it's art that doesn't necessarily appeal to me on a personal level. If the actual mechanics were smoother and some of the design choices didn't seem so frustrating (the extremely slow walking moments in parts, the ending which has literally no interaction aside from moving forward.) Sure you can say it's art, so there's meaning in all those design choices, but that doesn't guarantee those intentions translate well into an interactive experience.

I don't regret taking a look at it because it does seem intriguing (demos can usually satisfy that curiosity) ... what I'm saying is that it's the type of experience that not only leaves you unsettled, but also doesn't hold up as something you want to come back to time and again. If you're looking for a $10 experience, go ahead and buy it ... if you're tight on cash and looking for a game that's going to deliver value, fun and excitement, do some research before throwing down your hard-earned cash.
Hey, no one opinion is better than any other. Researching prior to purchase is definitely a good idea, especially where indie titles are concerned. It's too bad that you didn't like the game. Did you ever see the movie Freeway? That's a disturbing take on the same story that I didn't enjoy at all.
Anyway, I'd buy The path and give it a shot but I already grabbed a ton of games from the Steam indie sale so I'll just wait for the price to drop again some day.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Anyone confirmed that they work on Vista yet?[/QUOTE]

I'm running vista 64 and had no problem running the demos for Abe's Exoddus or Oddysee.
Yes, the demos all work fine on Vista and Vista 64. Fourth confirmation now. But do the full games work? (Almost certainly so.) And once somebody establishes that they do, can we not repeat it constantly? :p
Just to add some thoughts on the Path, I went back to it and played a bit more tonight. While I think the ambiance and creative aspect of it are intriguing and do push you to play further out of sheer curiosity regarding what will happen to each of the girls, I still can't fully recommend it. The part of the game that really seems broken to me is the walk from the end of the path to the grandmother's house. If you've played the game, you know what I'm talking about.

You simply can't get around it and it feels like forever because nothing is happening, you're walking at a crawl and all you're walking to is your ending scene which is either longer or shorter depending on the items you've discovered in the forest. I understand from a thematic perspective that it doesn't make sense to have the girl run and be bubbly because she's just suffered some sort of trauma (some of which are very odd and ambiguous, others which seem more clear cut) and the pace matches the overall mood with the rain and the downtrodden demeanor. However, it's sooooo slow ... I couldn't even get past it on my last play through because I asked myself "Is this really how I want to spend the next 3 to 4 minutes of my life."

Some may be able to get past this but for me, it's a real deal breaker. Like I said in my previous posts, this game is fundamentally intriguing but I personally don't believe it's worth your $10. For $5 it might not hurt, but be aware that some of the underlying mechanics take away from the artistic and experiential aspects the game designers were trying to convey.
[quote name='etcrane']Dude, go ahead and spend $8.99 on it if you're so confident that professional reviews are better than my opinion[/quote]

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::applause: ok
[quote name='eastx']Yes, the demos all work fine on Vista and Vista 64. Fourth confirmation now. But do the full games work? (Almost certainly so.) And once somebody establishes that they do, can we not repeat it constantly? :p[/QUOTE]

Yep. Vista 64 here and both full games work.
In with the Oddworld Bundle, The Path, Mr.Robot, and Zeno Clash.

Wow, "The Path" is really disturbing so far. I really enjoy loading up a game and having no idea what to expect. In fact, I'm very glad I played it before reading this thread. With a cheap independent game, all I need to know is that SOMEBODY liked it and that it's a unique experience. I don't really care about replay value (I don't watch movies over and over, or read books over and over...).
steam is having a week long sale on ubisoft games. One game 50% off each day for 24 hours only. Today is Assassin's Creed for $9.99.
just because no one else mentioned it, I want to point out that Lorne Lanning (who is planning on getting back in to game development) has said that if sales figures on Steam warrant it, that he will investigate the possibility of porting both Munch's Oddysee and Stranger's Wrath to PC. I'm sure this past weekend's sale pulled in a lot of sales, so, maybe it'll happen.

[quote name='MarkTheArk']steam is having a week long sale on ubisoft games. One game 50% off each day for 24 hours only. Today is Assassin's Creed for $9.99.[/QUOTE]

To be more accurate, the announcement doesn't say that each deal will be 50% off, simply that each game will be available at a "special price." I'm hoping for some 75% off goodness.

[quote name='eastx']I bought Space Giraffe for $5 on XBLA and kind of regret the purchase. I don't think it's worth $18, even with twice the levels. It's too flawed a game.[/QUOTE]
Um, excuse me, but Space Giraffe is flawless.
I didn't see it on the front page and panicked, but the sale is still on for the Oddworld pack and I grabbed it. I loved playing this with my cousin back when it first came out. Oh how we laughed in horrible frustration as Abe tumbled off of a cliff over and over and over and over because you had to be EXACTLY right on where to stand to jump the gaps. @_@
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']To be more accurate, the announcement doesn't say that each deal will be 50% off, simply that each game will be available at a "special price." I'm hoping for some 75% off goodness.[/QUOTE]

If you go to the page about the Ubisoft deal, it shows all the deals will be 50% off something up until the Weekend Deal.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']
Um, excuse me, but Space Giraffe is flawless.[/QUOTE]

I think if you want to counter my viewpoint, you have to provide some kind of evidence to support yours. Of course any judgment of a game's quality is subjective, but to call a game flawless, especially a weird game that hardly anybody liked, is kind of dubious.
I would be very careful to research any Ubisoft PC port for known bugs before buying it. They're not exactly known for their quality PC versions.
Regarding Space Giraffe, if you've been turned off by the Xbox Live Arcade version, don't automatically reject the PC version. The developer made a lot of changes in response to the gamers that thought the visuals were too much of a distraction. I've played both versions, and I find the PC version to be more understandable and more rewarding to play.

You can download a demo of it here, in case you want to check it out and see the difference.

Of course, the PC version also includes the XBLA version, in case you prefer that instead.
Just picked up trials 2 second edition for 7 bucks. Must be the best 7 dollars I've spent on a game in along time. It's really addicting, hard, but oddly non frustrating. I'd recommend getting the demo if you haven't tried it before.
[quote name='brettsp']Just picked up trials 2 second edition for 7 bucks. Must be the best 7 dollars I've spent on a game in along time.[/QUOTE]

Trials 2 is a great game, and definitely worth $7, though I think you missed out big time on the Greatest Indie Pack weekend deal a few weeks ago. It was Trials 2, Eets, Gravitron 2, I-Fluid, and Multiwinia, and a mere $9.99 for the lot of 'em. One of the very best Steam deals in history, hands-down.

But again, as I said, Trials 2 definitely warrants a $7 purchase, so you're still good.
For everyone who said Munch's and the other Oddworld game, there's a thread on the Steam forums with a statement saying that if this sale does well, they'll consider bringing the rest of the Oddworld games on.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']But again, as I said, Trials 2 definitely warrants a $7 purchase, so you're still good.[/QUOTE]

Haha, that's one of the most infuriating games I've ever purchased. I'm just not cut out for the controls in that game or something. I'll need to revisit it once I get a gamepad, because I can't even get past the starter levels with my keyboard. :(
Can anyone get this game to work with a controller? I'm using a 360 Controller+Receiver, and the game's like what controller?

I can't play platformers with a keyboard! :bomb:
I'm able to get the game to detect a controller, using the SFIV FightPad.

My issue is getting the bindings to save, every time I set them and start playing they just reset. XD

edit: Assumed we were talking about Abe's Oddysee.
Works fine with my 360 wired controller... but the default button mappings are a bit messed up (shoulder buttons for run and sneak).
I'm using the reciever and controller, but the back triggers don't work for it. Just remember you don't need to map crouch and it'll work with the same scheme as the PS1. Also make sure your controller is on before you start the game or it won't see it.
bread's done