Steggy's CAGCAA - NCAA 11 Online Dynasty #2 **Week 9**

Just a heads up that I will be leaving for Chicago tomorrow morning (Lollapalooza, yay!) and won't be back until Monday night. So I don't know if you guys want to get this started without me or add me later or whatever. I'm okay with whatever you chose to do. Also, if we do end up all playing in the same conference then I might have a tough time doing this because I work overnights and therefore I usually sleep during the day and it might be tough to schedule time to play the games. That's why I personally prefer playing in seperate conferences. But if it ends up not working that's cool. I'm already in another online dynasty anyway.
Oh and if we are going to say where we are going this Saturday August 7th, I leave for upstate New York for a week and won't be back until August 14th. :[
FrankySox / Frankysox / Cent / Nights after 6pm-Weekends / will pm dynasty commish my phone number / Miami Hurricanes

Really excited to get this going and hoping it works out!
[quote name='prometheus_5']Looks like we only need one more. Or we can jump in.[/QUOTE]

I sent a message to a friend that's in the other league as well to see if he'd be interested. I'd say if nobody else joins in the next day or so we should get the ball rolling.
I'll join.

Pure Apathy / Pure Apathy / Central / Varies can usually play during the day or evening / Message me on Live / Virginia Tech

I like 6 minute quarters too.
Did you notice the recruiting is still on all-american? It'll probably be really hard to recruit if it isn't on freshman or varsity.
Sorry everyone for the delay... been putting together my Intern end of summer presentation... so any progression has been delayed 2 days. Presentation today at 1 :/ so after that well get a crackin'.
[quote name='Steggy']Sorry everyone for the delay... been putting together my Intern end of summer presentation... so any progression has been delayed 2 days. Presentation today at 1 :/ so after that well get a crackin'.[/QUOTE]

I don't think everyone has even joined up yet, so no hurry.
Yeah, I just got back in town from being out for a few days yesterday. I'll join up later today.

I'm already in another league where I am playing as Ark, so does anyone mind if I switch to a different team that is not already spoken for? Just want to put a little variety in my dynasties...
I entered as South Carolina instead of Arkansas. Stayed in the SEC and didn't rock the boat too much. Only one person has set up there stuff yet...

EDIT: Didn't see your Big Ten threat or I might have. Though I don't know who I would have wanted to be since no team in that conference is really worth shaking a stick at... :D
[quote name='Steggy']psssh... lies i say teche... wait till the first bcs rankings roll around in a few months :D[/QUOTE]

Once they have Nebraska they'll be good :D
Sorry for the delay, just moved into my new place. I'll be sure to accept the invite in tomorrow, hopefully before work. As for schedule, I don't care really.
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Call me skeptical, but moving this ahead every three days seems a little unlikely if it has taken five days now and still not everyone has accepted their invite which takes about five minutes. Killsbury have you been in contact with the others? I think 10 would still work well for this type of dynasty.
IS there anyone that can hop online right now and let me know the gamertags of those that have yet to join?

Some reason I cant get my xbox slim to connect to any wireless connection at the moment :(
neworlbush25 and atomicgerbal appear to be the only ones whom havent joined. Correct?

Finally was able to connect.... realized the power wasnt getting through the ac adapter on my power.... wtf.

Anyways.... this is what I was thinking as far as custom schedules... otherwise itd get kinda messy imo.

Everyone here post three teams they would like to have added as an opponent, and I will pick at least one of those that would fit as far as weeks go. After that I will remove the FCS opponents (I dont like highschool teams... yes I realize that they arent highschool, but might as well be). Then I will try to make the schedules as even as possible as far as strength of schedule goes. Since not everyone will be able to consistently play top 10 teams... I would assume an overall of an A- or B would be adequate?

If this doesnt work or anyone has another suggestion, let me know! I will be on for a few hours so shoot me a PM. Trying to contact the two others now. If I hear no response I will have to move forward.
I'd say something around an A- schedule would work. Obviously it'll be a little difficult as some teams may need a tougher non conference schedule if their conference isn't as strong as others. Should be able to pull it off though.

Here are the three teams I'd like to add as opponents
-Notre dame
-Ohio St.

Also I will be w/o internet connection until Tuesday night. So if we end up getting this thing rolling I wont be able to play until then. But I'll definitely get my game in on Tuesday.

Another suggestion would be to PM the two people who haven't shown and give them 48 hours to join up, if they don't go ahead and start this up with just the 10 players. Ten will work with the setup you have in place.

One other note, I noticed you have recruiting set to All-American, I don't know if you have any experience with that level but mine hasn't been too good. I'd suggest the level below that. I think the easiest is too easy and All-American is way too difficult to recruit players you need. Just a suggestion as I wasn't sure if you had tried recruiting on any of the difficulties.

Still excited for this.
I honestly skip over the recruiting process in my offline dynasty. I can adjust those settings too.

So does anyone think people will object to my judgement of picking oponents to reach the strength of schedule of A-?

Wanted to get this rolling by tonight, but so far you are the only one who answered FrankySox.

Was headin to the casino in a few, and depending how the day turns up I may be on late. This is my hope to hit it rich tactics at trying to pay for my wedding... haha. Either way people leave messages here or PM me with any suggestions/comments.
Hey guys i am SO sorry for the delay. I just got back from a week long vacation in up state New York. I am very happy to here this thing is finally running and I will get on right now to join into the league. As for 3 opponents I could care less. Surprise me Steggy :]. 6 minuet quarters sound okay with me. And I promise I will be more active now that I am home haha. Thanks for not kicking me out. :]
- AtomicGerbal
[quote name='Steggy']I honestly skip over the recruiting process in my offline dynasty. I can adjust those settings too.[/QUOTE]

If you're talking about taking recruiting out, then my vote is to keep it in. Recruiting is probably the funnest thing about the dynasty for me. I said this before but you might have overlooked it. I think the recruiting difficulty is up too high. Freshman or Varsity should make it where we can still get people and not make it hard as hell like it'll be on All-American.
Hey, yall.... people here active still other then a few certain ones? Trying to get this moving.... waiting for one. Need one opinion on what to do about it and I will second the motion, ha! Come on responses......

And BTW... dibs Nebraska for custom schedule.... semi bitter on the fact they are in the big ten now and that cakewalk team of Notre Damn doesnt have the cajones (sp) to join an actual conference. Only thing that school has going for them is the movie Rudy... seriously.
by the way... can someone be fucking awesome right now and post or pm me how to change my profile pic. seriously not new here.... but i SWEAR the link is not the same....
Hey, my brother-in-law would be our 12th, if y'all want him. He isn't a CAG, but if you get past that, he's a pretty good guy! :p
CowboyJ04 is his xbox live-ID. He'll take Texas I imagine since VT is already taken...

Also, recruiting is one of my favorite parts of dynasties as well!

And, steggy, to change your profile pic now, it looks like, you click on the small gear at the top of the page to the right of all the tabs used to navigate CAG....good luck with that.
Hey steggy sorry I havent joined yet, I don't think I can do it anymore. I don't want to hold you guys back. I have no time on my hands between work and personal shit. Thanks anyways and sorry
Tried changing up the custom schedules to reflect no FCS and tried getting everyone to an A- or A strength of schedule.

Let me know any opinions on what should be changed. Was a bit harder to get everyone to A's.

Also, for the last spot... should we start with 11 or take on another?
bread's done