Stephen Colbert running for President.


It''s really happening!
Hmm, I guess I didn't realize it was possible for a news show, even one based on comedy, to jump the shark but hey looks like I was wrong.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Hmm, I guess I didn't realize it was possible for a news show, even one based on comedy, to jump the shark but hey looks like I was wrong.[/quote]

Now, now, no need to be sensitive.

In a guest column for Maureen Dowd in Sunday's New York Times, Colbert wrote: "I am not ready to announce yet — even though it's clear that the voters are desperate for a white, male, middle-aged, Jesus-trumpeting alternative."

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Hmm, I guess I didn't realize it was possible for a news show, even one based on comedy, to jump the shark but hey looks like I was wrong.[/quote]

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Hmm, I guess I didn't realize it was possible for a news show, even one based on comedy, to jump the shark but hey looks like I was wrong.[/quote]

You hate AMERICA!
Because we all know he would win because of his beliefs and stances on important political issues and not because he plays in a popular comedic news show.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']Because we all know he would win because of his beliefs and stances on important political issues and not because he plays in a popular comedic news show.[/quote]

You should take the advice of your own sig

[quote name='Punk_Raven']let it go.[/quote]
I hear that his campaign is being funded by the guitar lobby!

And why not? Our Founding Fathers... guaranteed us certain protections. The freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to own and play stringed instruments of all kinds. Those Founding Fathers didn't place restrictions on these freedoms. They didn't say, "The right to play guitar shall not be violated, except when used to play Green Day's, 'Time of Your Life,' over and over again in the common area of your dorm!" *No!* Where will these restrictions end? A background check when you want to take up banjo? A five day waiting period to buy a Telecaster? An all-out ban on the Flying V or, dare I say, whammy bar? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is up to *you* to defend our right to keep and bear guitars.

[quote name='Wikiquote'](Phil's Presidential Campaign commercial, starts with song about how he's "seen almost half of America" with a video of a stripper dancing)

Phil: I'm Phil Ken Sebben. You may not know me, but I have 12-billion dollars here that says you'll vote for me regardless.
Narrator: Phil Ken Sebben. Strength. Leadership. Vision.
Phil: (Interrupting) Oh, almost forgot! I've taken every drug known to man. And not just orally. Just gettin' that out there.
Narrator: Paid for by the people who gave Phil Ken Sebben 12-billion dollars." [/quote]
[quote name='camoor']You should take the advice of your own sig[/quote]
A. It's not a sig, it's a custom user title ( because I just want to be a dick ).
B. What should I let go? What are you talking about?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Who looks sillier, the clown or the people taking the clown seriously and getting worked up about it?[/quote]

da nigger who post about it.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']I just want to be a dick[/quote]


[quote name='Punk_Raven']B. What should I let go? What are you talking about?[/quote]

LoL you're getting so worked up about this.

It's a joke dude.
I'm not getting " worked up" about this, but, because you said I was and I'm making a reponse, you automatically win.

Good job.
[quote name='MrBadExample']At least Colbert is smarter than anyone else running. I'd love to see him get into a debate.[/QUOTE]
That's so true.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not, but he is.

Too bad this isn't the 2004 election though, Colbert would do great against bush/kerry...or at least I'd hope so.
Hate to be combative but I disagree with MrBadExample and Whoknows. Colbert, when challenged on his show, can and always has just relied on some sarcastic pun to wiggle out of any serious opposition. On the debate-floor, he can not use this tactic that he so frequently turns to as a crutch on the Colbert Report.

There may be a reason Colbert never (or hardly ever) leaves "character." It is much tougher to appear as smart and witty when your trying to get people to actually take you seriously. I am a huge fan of the Colbert report and think it is hilarious, but thats it, hilarious. THe writing (whether done by him or more likely his writers) is spot on and they do a great job of exposing hypocrisy and stupidity in the government; but political satire (where you criticize and poke fun) and actual candidacy are two very different beasts.
[quote name='pittpizza']Hate to be combative but I disagree with MrBadExample and Whoknows. Colbert, when challenged on his show, can and always has just relied on some sarcastic pun to wiggle out of any serious opposition. On the debate-floor, he can not use this tactic that he so frequently turns to as a crutch on the Colbert Report. [/QUOTE]

He can use plenty of other tactics to wiggle out of serious opposition, such as answering a different question, agreeing with both sides of an issue at once, or using the word 'terrorist.'
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']He can use plenty of other tactics to wiggle out of serious opposition, such as answering a different question, agreeing with both sides of an issue at once, or using the word 'terrorist.'[/quote]

Exactly my point! You must admit though, his show is hilarious and a testament to free speech.
I saw that. Colbert needs to spend little to no money to avoid any FEC violations...and the cost to run in the GOP primary is far too much to avoid that. He's playing it smart.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']In general, people in Hollywood and politicians are people who are the most out of touch with reality anyway.[/quote]

LoL - you obviously have never seen a televangelist.
It's too bad he couldn't run. His mock candidacy had some potential to at the very least make America laugh at themselves.
[quote name='t0llenz']It's too bad he couldn't run. His mock candidacy had some potential to at the very least make America laugh at themselves.[/QUOTE]

and the last presidential campaign wasn't funny? ;)
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']and the last presidential campaign wasn't funny? ;)[/quote]

No, it wasn't. Bush was reelected. :)

I'm still voting for him as a write in, I don't think my vote will matter at all. Do I vote for the dumb bitch or the dumb bastard? Hard choice, I'll just vote for Steven Colbert whose show I enjoy.
bread's done