Stoked now $30 new at Gamestop

I was just lamenting the lack of a next-gen SSX in another thread. I didn't hear much about this, if anyone can vouch for it it might get me to bite.
[quote name='lunker']I was just lamenting the lack of a next-gen SSX in another thread. I didn't hear much about this, if anyone can vouch for it it might get me to bite.[/quote]

i heard that it isn't very much like ssx but more realistic. looks like a sweet game but got some so-so review scores.

personally i can wait til $25-20 before i get it.
I never liked SSX but this game looks like it is worth $20. Might get it when it gets down to that price
I have Stoked. Put maybe 8 hours into it but got sidetracked by Street Fighter 4.

It's a good game - a lot better than Shaun White Snowboarding (360/PS3). It's easily worth the $30... snowboarding feels great and realistic. The control system is also good and borrows heavily from the Skate games. The mountains are huge and great for tricking off of, even just riding around without any goals or objectives. When you land a trick cleanly, you get a points multiplier... you land sketchy, it docks you points. Stomping a clean line is pretty rewarding.

If you're looking for an SSX style game, this isn't it. It's a lot more realistic. The major downside is that the 'goals' in the game are pretty generic and all the same (get X points doing X tricks kind of stuff).
I really liked Amped 2, haven't played a boarding game as good since. Skate is okay for skateboarding but it's a lot slower and more technical. As you can tell I like the realism more than the flashy WipEout-esque boarding games.
I rented Stoked and was pretty disappointed. At least it is way better than Shaun White, but really both games are bad gameplay wise. They both look good in their own way, but in my opinion, they don't touch Amped 3 gameplay and fun. (I prefer Tony Hawk controls and long sequence combos and didn't mind the wanna-be Napoleon Dynamite stuff.)

All the goals I tried for Stoked were activities that only lasted 15 seconds. They are hard. For 50 attempts, I only passed 4-5 goals. You will have to constantly refer to the move bible until you memorize it since the game will ask you to do specific tricks. I am not into this "Skate" revolution of controls either. I wish it was an option. The grinding was not magnetic. So loose and realistic. (I also had a huge struggle getting air even with prewinding, etc.)

I guess if you love Skate, this could be the game for you.
[quote name='voidedx']I rented Stoked and was pretty disappointed. At least it is way better than Shaun White, but really both games are bad gameplay wise. They both look good in their own way, but in my opinion, they don't touch Amped 3 gameplay and fun. (I prefer Tony Hawk controls and long sequence combos and didn't mind the wanna-be Napoleon Dynamite stuff.)

All the goals I tried for Stoked were activities that only lasted 15 seconds. They are hard. For 50 attempts, I only passed 4-5 goals. You will have to constantly refer to the move bible until you memorize it since the game will ask you to do specific tricks. I am not into this "Skate" revolution of controls either. I wish it was an option. The grinding was not magnetic. So loose and realistic. (I also had a huge struggle getting air even with prewinding, etc.)

I guess if you love Skate, this could be the game for you.[/quote]

You seemed to just not be fit for this game. For starters prewinding isn't meant to improve the amount of air you get, it's for spinning faster.

After spending some time with the game it's easily worth $30 for those interested. It sucks at first because you are limited to a certain amount of tricks, but once you get 66 fame points things start unlocking and happening quickly. I would recommend this to those who want a good snowboarding simulation, but for the SSX fans this is not your game.
[quote name='voidedx']I rented Stoked and was pretty disappointed. At least it is way better than Shaun White, but really both games are bad gameplay wise. They both look good in their own way, but in my opinion, they don't touch Amped 3 gameplay and fun. (I prefer Tony Hawk controls and long sequence combos and didn't mind the wanna-be Napoleon Dynamite stuff.)

All the goals I tried for Stoked were activities that only lasted 15 seconds. They are hard. For 50 attempts, I only passed 4-5 goals. You will have to constantly refer to the move bible until you memorize it since the game will ask you to do specific tricks. I am not into this "Skate" revolution of controls either. I wish it was an option. The grinding was not magnetic. So loose and realistic. (I also had a huge struggle getting air even with prewinding, etc.)

I guess if you love Skate, this could be the game for you.[/quote]

... So you essentially wanted a snowboarding game that would hold your hand? Magnetic grinds... wtf? Also, I don't get how controls could be an "option" when they're a core part of how the game is made and is meant to be played.

To everyone else: I do think that if you liked Amped 2 (not 3), this game would fit you well. Like modifiedbears said, If you're hoping for another SSX... yeah, this probably isn't your game.
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