[story] JRPGs ported to PC a possibility?


CAG Newbie

Just read about this and am excited about the prospect. If there is some sort of kickstarter, I'm definitely in. As of recent, I've been getting more into PC (just built one). Almost all JRPGs are on console and cost ridiculous amounts compared to most pc game prices. I'm wondering, do any of you guys have an interest in JRPGs ported to PC?
If they are free and on the PC - Yes. I posted quite a few on my list.
there's a lot of good doujin jrpgs. but they're not in english, at least not most of them. they also feature lots of sex which kinda cheapens it.
Just looking over at the comments most people seem to think it's the second coming of Ouya, with unrealistic expectations. Persona 1-4, Ni No Kuni, Shin Megami Tensei...(wtf...all console RPG's with no PC ports)

I'm thinking more along the range of Falcom PC games that don't have a console port (or even if they do...) or that might never make it here (ala LoH: Zero no Kiseki's PSP version) that does have a PC release, and would be possible, just depends if Ghostlight can spend money on resources to do that and get it out quick (see Xseed's LoH's TiTS2, PSP debacle).

In terms of what other major JRPG company that develops for PC and not console, I'm not familiar with any that don't do that. Atlus has its hands full with it's console projects with no time for PC releases, and Squenix doesn't do PC releases as much as they used too. Mistwalker is working on a surfing iOS game, and Level 5 to my mind has never done a PC version of anything, same with Namco, and Konami hasn't developed any Suikoden games in ages, Capcom's MH and Dragon's Dogma (which isn't on PC either) so I don't think I'm forgetting any of the major players, there might be some start-ups or smaller companies the make'em, but nothing comes to mind.

So while in interesting concept for Ghostlight, I'm not sure exactly what they would release, unless as mentioned before doing doujin work, or having a dev port the game to PC, but given how small some of the smaller devs are that might not be an option.

Edit: Just saw this "at the moment we're going to be restricting it to games that already have an English translation" so much for that...
bread's done