Strange medical question..


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Ok, so.. this is clearly not about me, but my boyfriend. A few times now he has had a 'dry orgasm'? More or less he says he felt like he's orgasmed, but there was no liquid. After the first time (a few days ago) he was able to have an orgasm with ejaculate. Last night he had another dry one. We did a little research online, and found something about retrograde ejaculation, and I think he's made an appointment with his doctor, but as far as we could tell he doesn't have any of the risk factors that could lead to it, and it's confusing because while one was dry, another would have the ejaculate... and of course, looking online for medical advice is probably not the best idea.

So my question is have any of you had this problem? Any advice? I guess one idea was that he just 'ran out' of semen, but somehow I doubt it. I guess worst part is he's getting pretty self conscious about it, and that can seriously effect performance.

Ah, this may be a bad idea posting this, feel free to make fun, but I hope to get at least one or two legit responses.
You should try tying a party popper to end of his unit. When it is time for the money shot, just pull the string! Plus, it's easier to clean up.
[quote name='jbroush99']You should try tying a party popper to end of his unit. When it is time for the money shot, just pull the string! Plus, it's easier to clean up.[/QUOTE]

This sort of reminds me of that Mission Hill episode where Andy goes to buy condoms, but the store owner is distracted, and gives him nose plugs instead. Andy walks out of the store, looks in his bag, sees he has, and sighs while saying "I guess these will just have to do."
Your boyfriend has been awarded the General Certificate Of Sporadic Ejaculation.
But seriously I went through something similar and it turned out to be a mental thing more than a physical abnormality. Apparently people enjoy this kinda of thing and actually work to achieve it. Personally it can be a kinda small little hell.
Thank you cinder, for a real response (though the rest of you did make me laugh, so thanks!) I was talking with my boss not to long ago about it, and he also told me it was most likely mental. Dunno how exactly to get past it. My boss told me not to put too much pressure on him to fix it. Men can be really fragile about performance issues, it seems.

I also saw about the guys trying to achieve the dry orgasm. I think the male birth control pill is supposed to do a similar thing.
[quote name='squid']Say what...?[/QUOTE]
He shot you, but when he pulled out, the chamber was empty leading you to believe the condition in the OP. Case closed.
Well you don't have to worry about him "running out" since men can produce semen for just about our whole lives. Like a few have said, it's likely one of two occurrences:

1) He's been jerking off a little too much and his tank is low.

2) Something's wrong down there. Tell him to see a urologist.
[quote name='squid']Thank you cinder, for a real response (though the rest of you did make me laugh, so thanks!) I was talking with my boss not to long ago about it, and he also told me it was most likely mental. Dunno how exactly to get past it. My boss told me not to put too much pressure on him to fix it. Men can be really fragile about performance issues, it seems.

I also saw about the guys trying to achieve the dry orgasm. I think the male birth control pill is supposed to do a similar thing.[/quote]

What the Hell? Are you asking everybody about it?

Why can't you give the man a little privacy?

Have you considered that he is faking an orgasm just to get his dick away from you?
[quote name='Jobbercho']He shot you, but when he pulled out, the chamber was empty leading you to believe the condition in the OP. Case closed.[/quote]You really are the world's greatest detective.:applause:
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Have you considered that he is faking an orgasm just to get his dick away from you?[/QUOTE]

If he was smart wouldn't he just get her in doggy style and then spit on her back?
[quote name='squid']Thank you cinder, for a real response (though the rest of you did make me laugh, so thanks!) I was talking with my boss not to long ago about it, and he also told me it was most likely mental. Dunno how exactly to get past it. My boss told me not to put too much pressure on him to fix it. Men can be really fragile about performance issues, it seems.

I also saw about the guys trying to achieve the dry orgasm. I think the male birth control pill is supposed to do a similar thing.[/quote]

what kind of male boss do you talk about your bf's ejaculate or lack there of with?
Does he approve of you talking to your boss about that? If not....that's not cool...

He either he's having some medical problem or he jacks it a lot.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']What the Hell? Are you asking everybody about it?

Why can't you give the man a little privacy?

Have you considered that he is faking an orgasm just to get his dick away from you?[/quote]

It sounds like I may have struck a nerve, and I'm sorry for that.
I mean no harm. He doesn't seem to have an issue with me asking.. his brief research wasn't terribly helpful, it really only brought up worst case scenario sort of things, so I thought I'd ask regular guys while we wait for a doctors appointment next week. Again, I'm very, very sorry if I bothered you.

[quote name='Ikohn4ever']what kind of male boss do you talk about your bf's ejaculate or lack there of with?[/quote]

The description was not as accurate as it could have been. I actually met my current boss back when we were in college together, we have been very good friends for years now. I usually call him 'boss' when casually speaking about, whoops. I admit, it does sound awkward if you think of it as a more serious work-only relationship. We've always confided in each other over the years. He's a really good friend.

I think I was hoping most guys would be like 'Yeah, happens.. no big.' ..but it's kind of a touchy subject for guys, I see that now.
I guess the advice nurse wants him to go see his regular doctor first, and from there his doctor will decide if he needs to see a specialist. Seems like we're having to jump through hoops, but at least we got the ball rolling.

Anyway, thanks again. I'm really, really sorry again if I hurt or bothered people.
The advice nurse is a b173$ and lazy. A couple of weeks ago I stopped sleeping altogether and started having visual hallucination and it wasn't enough to get an earlier appointment. I stayed up with no sleep for 6 and a half days before I got me some drugs that knocked my ass out. Advice nurse must die.
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[quote name='cindersphere']The advice nurse is a b173$ and lazy. A couple of weeks ago I stopped sleeping altogether and started having visual hallucination and it wasn't enough to get an earlier appointment. I stayed up with no sleep for 6 and a half days before I got me some drugs that knocked my ass out. Advice nurse must die.[/QUOTE]

In my professional medical opinion: it could be a lot of things. However despite it depending on the person you can only have a "low tank" if you do it like four times in quick succession. Semen regenerates pretty quickly. Honestly I think it's a deeper problem because spooge isn't *just* produced in the testicles; it's made of sugars from the seminal vesicle, nutrients from the prostate and mucus from the kowper's gland. So even with retroactive ejaculation I'm pretty sure there'd still be *some* sort of liquid left.

I particularly enjoyed when I had to take A&P: Male Reproduction. :D

Again the advice on seeing a urologist is best. And do give the boy a little privacy.
[quote name='squid']
I think I was hoping most guys would be like 'Yeah, happens.. no big.' ..but it's kind of a touchy subject for guys, I see that now.

Thing is, I certainly don't think that is common in guys. Some above mentioned it jokingly or seriously, but either way:

Masturbation shortly before sex could lower the amount of semen he produces. Can't say it would be nothing, but I suppose it could be possible.


He could have some mental anxiety stopping the action. I'm sure anxiety in guys with little sexual experience is fairly common, but I would think premature ejaculation would be the result of that (not shooting blanks).

Or finally...

It's a medical issue.

Again, I'm not speaking from experience, as I have never shot blanks. Good luck to him (and you) with the situation.
Watch King of the Hill.

When Peggy tells a random stranger that "Hank has a narrow urethra.", does Hank ever thank Peggy for doing so? Hint: no.

Here's a little relationship advice for everyone: nobody needs to know about your partner's sexual problems UNLESS your partner has a real problem and won't seek medical treatment. At that point in time, the only person you should be confiding in is a medical profession when asked a direct question.

Airing a little dirty laundry anonymously over the net, not a big deal.

Telling your friends or family, quite a big deal.
Wow, I have never heard / seen sth like that before..
@ Theduck or @ Moxio, still needing a date??
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