Strangest piece of video game memorabilia that you own/have seen?


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I was going through a bunch of the video game-related items I've aquired over the years, and realized that a some of them are just plain weird. XD

Here are a few strange picks from my collection:
A silver Nintendo rubber band.

GBA Classic Series scratch n' sniff stickers.

SMB smells like spaghetti, LOZ smells like cedar or grass or something (o_O), Excitebike smells like "burning rubber", DK smells of bananas (I was fearing much worse), Ice Climber is minty fresh.

A card from "Viewtiful Joe", sent to me by Capcom, for participating in their street team for the game. Was sent with some other nifty free things, sich as a stack of trading cards and an "HMD shirt like Joe's.


Joe thinks I rock. ;)

Anyone else have any gaming oddities they'd like to share?
haha thats a cool picture of sonic playin a stuffed dreamcast. but anyway i remember when i was in Florida at some hollywood memrobilia store (i think it was the one in downtown Disney) it was a Grand Theft Auto poster but its not the game it was some movie signed by the no named actors

I remember that Nintendo rubber band from the T-shirt/hat promo they did with new Gamecubes. I have the exact same rubber band. :)
[quote name='Ledhed']I remember that Nintendo rubber band from the T-shirt/hat promo they did with new Gamecubes. I have the exact same rubber band. :)[/quote]

Yeah, that's how I got it--only my boyfriend yoinked the shirt and hat. :x
No pictures at hand but I've got a lot of promotional stuff from being on the PR lists with many companies.

For N64 Zelda:OOT they sent a letter opener in the shape of Link's sword.

For N64 F-Zero they sent a stopwatch with a N64 logo.

For the 'ice-blue' GameBoy they sent a 'cool jazz' CD.

For Yoshi's Story they sent an elaborate oversized card like part of a pop-up book to match the game's graphic theme.

Sony sent me a little plush toy monkey wearing an Ape Escape t-shirt.

The list goes on. Dozens of T-shirts and lots of shoulder bags and backpacks from countless pressconferences. The one Nintendo gave out in 2003 was crap and fell apart quickly but most of them are of good quality.
A few months ago, I found this cheap case for glasses, it was black, and had the Nintendo logo on it in red, and it had a bit of shoelace to hold it by which had the Nintendo logo going across it continuously. Got it for $1, just because it was rather odd.
I also got like 3 Zelda OoT t-shirts for $1 each and 2 matching sweaters for like $3 each at a grand opening of a 99¢ Stuff. It was totally rocking, let me tell you. Still wear them all the time.
I have a mini cardboard standee advertising nintendo's family friendly image from back in the snes days that states how nintendo games don't have blood, sexual things, so on so forth. They had it in with the games at my local target and I convinced the guy there to give it to me when mortal kombat 2 came out because it broke those rules making the sign no longer valid. When I go back to visit my family this weekend I'll take a picture of it if I remember and post it here.
The wierdest would have to be the Nintendo bandana-like thing i won at a mall (International for the miami folks). That and my pimp as hell Mario Kart phone :cool:
I saw somebody has an old Gameboy display type thing where you put a GB in and playe on the stand's screen. It was pretty weird looking, but cool. I have nothing too odd. Maybe some figures from Japanese stuff...
Wow, neat stuff. Most of my video game stuff is lame. I've got a stack of old Nintendo Power magazines, and few cheesy Legend of Zelda action figures that scare me because of their hideousness. Plus a friend stationed overseas sent me some funny looking Phantasy Star toys that he got from a vending machine in Japan. They're all in wierd poses...especially the female figures. I don't display them next to the male figures because it just looks too creepy. :shock:

The neatest item I have is a figure of Red XIII from Final Fantasy VII. He sits on my desk looking pissed off all the time.
[quote name='Smell']haha thats a cool picture of sonic playin a stuffed dreamcast. but anyway i remember when i was in Florida at some hollywood memrobilia store (i think it was the one in downtown Disney) it was a Grand Theft Auto poster but its not the game it was some movie signed by the no named actors


Well, Ron Howard is now a famous director. He also looks amazingly like Buddy from Charles in Charge.
[quote name='defender']I got TONS of odd promo items. I will have to take some pics.[/quote]

You do. When I saw this thread I immediately thought of your establishment.
Has anyone seen that game Final Furlong i think it was called? It was an arcade horse racing game where you bounced up and down on horses(great for the ladies) and the faster you did it the faster your horse would run on screen. I HAVE ONE OF THE HORSE HEADS LOL, i can take pictures if anyone wants to see.

[quote name='notfromtexas']Has anyone seen that game Final Furlong i think it was called? It was an arcade horse racing game where you bounced up and down on horses(great for the ladies) and the faster you did it the faster your horse would run on screen. I HAVE ONE OF THE HORSE HEADS LOL, i can take pictures if anyone wants to see.


thats awesome. I wish more places had that game
[quote name='ElfAngel7']The wierdest would have to be the Nintendo bandana-like thing i won at a mall (International for the miami folks). That and my pimp as hell Mario Kart phone :cool:[/quote]

Hah, I have that Mario Kart phone. Mario's bringing down the lightning.
I have some old school Nintendo pencil bags. One with Samus and a Metroid on it. The other has Link shooting an Octorok. I have also seen a copy of Custer's Revenge.
I've got tons of video game action figures and PR stuff but there was one thing that stands out in my mind to this day. I had a stuffed Pac Man toy with a felt ghost in his mouth and a shirt on that says "I'm Hungry for You".

I just gave it to my gf in hopes that she'd reconsider breaking up w/me.....

I think it worked b/c she started calling me again the next day! HAHAH!
Let's see, I had Lara Croft playing cards (which I think I threw away recently), The MGS3 press kit (available in my tradelist), the PS2 Alcohol flask (trade pending), a nintendo gamecube stress "ball"... I should take some pictures of this stuff.
a door hanger that says DND, videogaming in progress with the nes link picture on it! Either that or the Link art cell from SC II.
Anyone have or seen the prize from Nintendo for guessing the correct smell of the mystery scratch n' Sniff card in the Earthbound Guide?

It is a Pizza Man (from the game) Air Freshener like you hang from you rear view mirror in your car. No idea what it smells like, but guess pizza.
My industry contacts have allowed me to amass about 6 years worth of PR shwag both American and Japanese. Thankfully I've learned to be less attached to this stuff and profited from em. Some highlights off the top of my head include:

Extermination (PS2) - It was one of those worms that springs out of a can. It was a red plastic can with a purple worm inside.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) - Snake food in a can. It feels heavy enough that there most likely is food in there.
Xenosaga (PS2) - Shion statue and Momo t-shirt. The Momo shirt was pretty cool because it didn't have a typical iron-on image. It was as if it was dyed in the cotton (made in Japan in fact). Got them at E3 2002 via booth appointment. Timed a sale of both of them on Ebay right before the game came out here (to take advantage of the excitement). Made $400 total.
Eternal Darkness (GC) - This was really cool. Media got the game in a partially hollowed out hardcover book called "The Tome of Eternal Darkness". Parted with it on Ebay for $250.
Silent Hill series (PSX/PS2) - It's hard not to pass up selling stuff considering the cult following this game has. I had several items signed by Takeyoshi Sato (the CG director of SH1 & 2). I sold the SH4 t-shirt the week of the Konami January 2004 press conference. This I just sold on Ebay In all I made about $1200 just on Silent Hill.
Sega - At E3 2002 Sega made 12 baseball cards, one for each developer head of their subsidiaries at the time (photo and stats on the back). Sega passed them around at their Wednesday evening party and the developers also had some if you said hi to them anytime during E3 (that is if you recognize them. The party was also billed as an autograph session for you to get your cards signed. It was especially significant b/c this was only the second time in history that all these developers were in the same area together. Rumor had it they didn't get along. I most likely won't sell these. Pics available (as well as pics from the party) if wanted.

Currently I'm trying to get rid of a cool Wild Arms 3 paper weight, a Mark of Kri tattoo, Contra Shattered Soldier 'Konami Code' t-shirt and some Final Fantasy magnets. Anybody want a pre-retail review copy of Ninja Gaiden or my non-disclosure agreement for Kingdom Hearts? Seriously, I'm open to trade with some actual games.
[quote name='Birbo']I have a Dreamcast keychain and a Nights Into Dreams pillowcase.[/quote]

That reminds me. I have a Nights Into Dreams Lighted Marquee! This thing is awesome! I need to pull it out of the closet and take a picture of it.
Wow, love the plush dreamcast Zingela! Where did you get that? Was it from some import place? And does it open up? I have some unusual gaming stuff, but they are from peripheral companies. Can I post those here too?
[quote name='daphatty'][quote name='Birbo']I have a Dreamcast keychain and a Nights Into Dreams pillowcase.[/quote]

That reminds me. I have a Nights Into Dreams Lighted Marquee! This thing is awesome! I need to pull it out of the closet and take a picture of it.[/quote]

Oh, I want to see them! Please post pics!
Wow, love the plush dreamcast Zingela! Where did you get that? Was it from some import place? And does it open up? I have some unusual gaming stuff, but they are from peripheral companies. Can I post those here too?
Got it from a seller in Japan that I normally buy a lot of japanese Sonic ufo catcher dolls (think crane machine prizes, only in much higher quality). It doesn't open up, but the plush controller is connected by a small rope. :)

Since a lot of you seem interested in it:

And may as well post a pic of part of my Sonic collection:
It's a somewhat older picture. I've gotten maybe about 15-20 more plush since I took that. I average about 3 plush/month, sometimes more, depending on what I can find cheap. It's an addiction. :3

And while I'm on the subject of plush, this is one of my favorite non-Sonic ones. Ganondorf!

Who ever knew he was so huggable.

Honorable mentions include:
plush blue Puyo purse (which I actually use from time to time)
Big red inflatable Puyo
Strangest? Well, I dug through my b/f's old videogame crap, and here's that strangest stuff I found. I have a Playstation stress ball, a painted baseball for one of the 989 baseball games, lanyards for all 3 consoles, and Star Fox TOILET PAPER. I swear I'm not making this up, it has tips and strategies printed on it. BTW Zing, I'll hurt an innocent child for that Viewtiful Joe shirt :twisted:
Also, b/f has some of those Link and Ganondorf action figures on the horses on his desk, next to his Crypt Keeper toys (yeah, he has issues :) ). He says he has The Sonic the Hedgehodge comic book's first issue. He says it came out in the mid 90's, but couldn't remember anything else about it.
There was a candle holder for ICO that looked like a cage - saw one an ebay, and have read about it in some pre-release reviews.
The strangest/most rediculous thing I have would be a tie between a servebot washcloth (the entire thing is yellow, with just eyes and mouth centered) and the reversable N64 hat from E3 -outside is a white hat with a N64 logo, turn it inside-out and it's a black hat with the Shadows of the Empire logo.

I do have to add that I'm most proud of my Jet Grind Radio t-shirt signed by the director and lead artist! :D
So I went home and took some pictures of the Nights Marquee. It's pretty cool because it has one of those dual effect artwork thingies that change depending on where you are standing. The pictures don't show it but the marquee is on. What do you think? I've thought about trading it but it would have to be a pretty pimp ass trade.


[quote name='daphatty']So I went home and took some pictures of the Nights Marquee. It's pretty cool because it has one of those dual effect artwork thingies that change depending on where you are standing. The pictures don't show it but the marquee is on. What do you think? I've thought about trading it but it would have to be a pretty pimp ass trade.



wow that's kick ass. I would damand a fantastic trade for that thing. I thought about getting some type of neon sign like the ones they have in video game stores but they are pertty pricy. Also the sonic plush collection is also very cool. I've seen some plush samba maracas that I wish I could have. I've given japanese crane game plush toys as gifts and they are fantastic quality.
Hey I've got that Earthbound car freshener tucked away somewhere too!

Oh, and Zingela, do you have the SUPER SONIC plush? I saw it on ebay and it looked AMAZING. Too bad it was like $250 :?

And I have every single issue of the Sonic the Hedgehog comics (original mini series, ish 0, ish 1/4, ish 1-present, and all the spinoffs and specials).

I also have one of those Gamecube Stress "balls" and a gameboy advance one that is the exact same size as a real GBA.
I do not have it but I once saw on ebay someone was selling arcade tokens "from around the world". I thought it was cool to have but would have no meaning if you owned them and do not go around the world.
[quote name='Gameboy415']
Oh, and Zingela, do you have the SUPER SONIC plush? I saw it on ebay and it looked AMAZING. Too bad it was like $250 :?[/quote]
Heh, no, I don't have that one, I normally don't pay over $100 for a plush, and unfortunately most of the dolls in the Sonic the Fighters set range in the $80-400 amount. Eek. So much for ever completing that set.

Hell, I don't think I've paid over $30 for any single doll in my collection, now that I think about it. I've gotten some awesome deals on a lot of them, the best being only $15 for the Sonic Fighters Tails, mint with tags and all. Yay.

The thing with UFO plush, is that they're made in extremely limited amounts, and then never produced again (I can only think of one single set that has ever had a second release, that being the Legend of Zelda: OoT plushes), so the value can increase by a lot, even after only a year, depending on the popularity.

A good example would be the Cheese the Chao plush from last year's Sonic X set, close to release, you could easily pick one up for $15 or less, now they're selling for up to $100 on eBay. Crazy.
Okay, I just also found these light-up strobe pens from Nintendo (GBA one lights up blue and GC one lights up red). He used them in school a lot when they watched a movie w/ the lights off and had to take notes for busy work. If I find anymore of his crap, I'll post it here.
I found those "Tome of Eternal Darkness" pics. As cool as it was, the $250 I made from it certainly helps me miss it less.




I'd forgotten this thing but came across it today while packing for a move.

The Cyberdillo Toilet Plunger.

I'm not kidding. This obscure FPS for 3D0 featured a toilet plunger launcher as a weapon and the company felt inspired to give out ammo as promotional items. This was the same show that had the Isis game with an appropriately attired booth babe. I always thought the endorsement of a divine entity was a fairly remarkable claim for any product.
Wow, I wish I had some cool video game memorabilia. Where do you guys even find this stuff, other than eBay? Are there any stores that sell stuff like this? I've never seen any.
I have a mini "Champion Edition Street fighter II Turbo Electronic Talking Arcade Bank

It's really Awesome

When you put a coin in the bank, it ligts up and says "Get ready warriors"

it's got pics of ryu and ken and bison and somebody else and they light up and say shoryuken and other cool stuff
bread's done