Street Fighter IV PS3 Official Discussion Thread

[quote name='Furashu']not to be a negative nancy, but how will u get a CE down the road when capcom said they arent making anymore, it seems the regular allocation of the CE cant even be filled or havent even been filled. :cry:[/QUOTE]

As long as it ain't MGS3:Subsistence, it'll be fine.
[quote name='jughead']OMG, install takes so long and the song is unbearable. My PSN is Jugsta. Hit me up if you want an easy adversary.[/quote]

The install doesn't seem to be mandatory....I wonder how much of a difference it makes?
So you guys who have the PS3 version. If you read a message during a cutscene, does it freeze the game/console?
[quote name='KingBroly']So you guys who have the PS3 version. If you read a message during a cutscene, does it freeze the game/console?[/quote]

It's not the anime cut scene, it's because NXE is buggy as shit.

It happens all the time, regardless of what game you're playing, or when you press it.
[quote name='Trakan']It's not the anime cut scene, it's because NXE is buggy as shit.

It happens all the time, regardless of what game you're playing, or when you press it.[/quote]

Well, this game makes it happen 100% of the time on 360. No other game is that accurate.
[quote name='KingBroly']So you guys who have the PS3 version. If you read a message during a cutscene, does it freeze the game/console?[/QUOTE]

No freezing problems here.
[quote name='enufs8d']so i havent opened the blu ray. is that where i find the sound track cd and hint guide?[/quote]


edit- also, the install makes loading time nonexistent.
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[quote name='CAG 79']Anyone else having problems downloading the brawler pack costumes from the CE?[/quote]

Yeah I can't either. I think we have to wait until tomorrow or Thursday after they put it in the PSN Store.
Yeah the install cuts down the load time considerable, you can tell during online matches if the guy you're playing doesn't have the install, it's a pretty noticeable pause on the VS screen.

Also, Seth can go fuck himself. That guy is awful!
Yep, ohvermie invited me to play some games last night, pretty much right after I had loaded the game up for the first time (had done a total of two challenges so far) and hadn't done the install yet, and there was a pretty considerable load on the vs screen. It lagged and we couldn't stay connected at first, but I switched my PS3 to be connected wired instead of wirelessly and it was lag free after that. We had some good matches, it was pretty even. I would definitely be up for a PS3 SF4 group, PSN name DeskLaser. Hopefully quarter matches or multiple player lobbies are coming in the free "Championship Mode" DLC pack.
no one new in the xbox thread, so I thought i'd ask here

Was the Chun Li box art ever suppose to be a a walmart exclusive?

I read that it was ditched for the Ken/Ryu art, but I thought i read something a long while back about the chun li art being a walmart exclusive?

Can someone enlighten me?

I had thought about switching to the 360 version, but I think that I will stay with the PS3 version. :) I am picking this up 2day after work. I'm down for the throwdown. Hit me up online. Also, has anyone used wifi for online matches? I really dont wanna run another ethernet cable through the apt lol.
[quote name='gameoverrg']damn seth is pissing me off. I want my F n akuma ![/quote]

You do know you can put it on easiest diffficulty for arcade and still unlock characters, right? Although I'm right there with you on trying to beat Seth with Dan, even on easiest.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Jugsta I'll add you now. Also, I'm on now if anyone wants to play. My mic isn't set up right now, but it will be soon.[/QUOTE]

Good games last night. What did you win, probably 15 out of 20? I need practice. Get a mic and I'll see you around.
[quote name='roobix']no one new in the xbox thread, so I thought i'd ask here

Was the Chun Li box art ever suppose to be a a walmart exclusive?

I read that it was ditched for the Ken/Ryu art, but I thought i read something a long while back about the chun li art being a walmart exclusive?

Can someone enlighten me?


the chun li box art was ditched cause the fans said it looked stupid so capcom released a new cover art.
[quote name='Furashu']the chun li box art was ditched cause the fans said it looked stupid so capcom released a new cover art.[/quote]

I think my favorite criticism of it was something along the lines of:
"It looks like Ryu and Ken are fighting some sort of giant Chun Li monster." :lol:
Picked up my CE today at Best Buy, I'll be playing for a few hours until work. Feel free to add me if you guys want to play sometime!

PSN - GenDV138
I'll add you in a bit, GenDV. Big thumbs up to the KYI avatar.

If anyone wants to add me:

I should be up for a game whenever I'm on the ps3, haha.
Hey all. I've already asked this on the 360 boards so I wanted to get an opinion here as well. For those who have played both versions (PS3 and 360) which is the better option? I'm not talking about the "uber graphicz" (noticed I used the inappropriate "z" at the end of a word), I'm talking about the controls and all that jazz. I heard the d-pad for the 360 isn't that great and I'm wondering what the consensus is for the PS3's controller and SF4. The one thing I can't stand in a new game is bad controls so that's why I'm asking. Thanks!
Supposedly the 360 d-pads make the baby jesus cry.

However, the PS3 pads aren't that much better, I think if anything all those years of playing SF Alpha on PSone might've made me moderately competent with it. They did make things a bit easier on everyone though, for dragon punch motions, you can just tap down forward, down forward and it does the same thing.

Adding a bunch of you guys now for fighting actions. :)
It's pretty universally accepted that the PS3 dpad destroys the xbox360's. With the way network games work, I don't foresee xbl being a big advantage either, since you can pick games based on network quality.
If you don't plan on picking up a special controller (arcade stick, fight pad, etc.) then I'd say the PS3 version. Since the d-pad in the primary position feels better. Of course, it all comes down to personal preference. Some people hate the PS d-pad because of how it's sectioned off. Which, for those without the fighting game callus would be like playing with a cheese grater.

Personally, I don't plan on picking up a stick or any other special controller. I spent my younger years playing Street Fighter on the SNES, and played so many fighting games on consoles that it's what I'm used to at this point.

Anyway, I'd say: if you plan on picking up a stick, it's a toss up. If not, I'd (personally) say PS3. It also just depends on which community, XBL or PSN, you'd rather play with.
[quote name='ohvermie']Supposedly the 360 d-pads make the baby jesus cry.

However, the PS3 pads aren't that much better, I think if anything all those years of playing SF Alpha on PSone might've made me moderately competent with it. They did make things a bit easier on everyone though, for dragon punch motions, you can just tap down forward, down forward and it does the same thing.

Adding a bunch of you guys now for fighting actions. :)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='brighenne']It's pretty universally accepted that the PS3 dpad destroys the xbox360's. With the way network games work, I don't foresee xbl being a big advantage either, since you can pick games based on network quality.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='dmunkee']If you don't plan on picking up a special controller (arcade stick, fight pad, etc.) then I'd say the PS3 version. Since the d-pad in the primary position feels better. Of course, it all comes down to personal preference. Some people hate the PS d-pad because of how it's sectioned off. Which, for those without the fighting game callus would be like playing with a cheese grater.

Personally, I don't plan on picking up a stick or any other special controller. I spent my younger years playing Street Fighter on the SNES, and played so many fighting games on consoles that it's what I'm used to at this point.

Anyway, I'd say: if you plan on picking up a stick, it's a toss up. If not, I'd (personally) say PS3. It also just depends on which community, XBL or PSN, you'd rather play with.[/QUOTE]

First off, thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I'm literally about to head out the door and pick up this game so your input(s) are monumentally helpful.

I definitely don't think I'll be getting a specific controller for this game per se. Unless I absolutely fall in love with it, then that might be an option. I'm also not really looking to play online as much simply because I'm going to suck lol. I just to relive a piece of gaming nostalgia from my childhood and Street Fighter basically says it all.

It sounds like the PS3 controller is better, overall, for this game so I might just pick it up for the PS3. My only problem is a buddy of mine who only has a 360 is getting it too and is stoked that I'm getting it. I might be letting him down a little bit haha. Thanks again for all the replies!!!
GG or sparing with MSUHitman! I need to learn those fireball characters. Anyone here is free to add me to their friend's list. Also, having the headset definitely makes the online play much more pleasent.

my PSN name is MiniBossBattle

Also, my joystick last night get stuck sometimes moving to the right. Do joysticks have to be worn in?
[quote name='MiniB0ssBattle']GG or sparing with MSUHitman! I need to learn those fireball characters. Anyone here is free to add me to their friend's list. Also, having the headset definitely makes the online play much more pleasent.

my PSN name is MiniBossBattle

Also, my joystick last night get stuck sometimes moving to the right. Do joysticks have to be worn in?[/quote]

MBB did you get the $70 SF4 stick? That stick (both versions) has a defective washer from the factory that causes the joystick to lock at times. If you're not into modding, I would PM MarkMan here on CAG or setup a warranty claim with Mad Catz, as all the ones in the stores currently have that issue.

To the poster on 360 vs. PS3: If you're not going to get a new pad/stick, there's no good reason anyone in the US should get the 360 version instead of the PS3 version. A list of friends does no good if you can't play the game. If you're going to get a stick and have tons more friends on the 360 side then get that one. Otherwise, get the PS3 one, install it to the HD, and you're good to go.
picked up the PS3 CE edition at best buy today. I got into a big arguement with the clerk because I picked up the last CE on the shelf and I asked him what would have happened had I not picked up this copy and he said that they would order me a copy. Well I flipped out and asked him what was the point of pre-ordering? after that I walked off and was looking through the dvds and he walked up to me apologized and told me they had my copy at the register waiting for me. though the situation could have gotten worse if I didn't have a copy, the morale of this story is too always know how to get your way and don't be afraid to curse people out.

I am going to add EVERYONE on this thread later tonight if I don't have you added already.

Minibossbattle: I don't think there should be a problem with your joystick, though back in the day my old NES advantage joystick use to do the same thing until I use to hit it on the bottom and it corrected itself. If you paid a lot for it, then take it back and get a new one.

@MSUhitman on a side note thank you for introducing me to the beauty of lucy pinder. :drool:
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I spent half an hour waiting in line at GameStop but I finally got my copy....

Couldn't get to my first match in Arcade mode since people kept challenging me, had to turn that option off. Having the ability to set challengers to friends-only would've been a nice option.
[quote name='bobo2k4']bobo2k4

just got this!
add me!

also, my custom code doesnt work!
anyone else got that problem?[/quote]

Yes, some won't be active until thursday. A Capcom rep said so.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
To the poster on 360 vs. PS3: If you're not going to get a new pad/stick, there's no good reason anyone in the US should get the 360 version instead of the PS3 version. A list of friends does no good if you can't play the game. If you're going to get a stick and have tons more friends on the 360 side then get that one. Otherwise, get the PS3 one, install it to the HD, and you're good to go.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the advice. That's the thing though; only one of my friends is getting the game on the 360 side. He's an avid gamer but we probably won't be facing off against each other or anything. Sad to say that I literally have 1 friend on the PSN (pathetic right? lol) and he's definitely not getting it. I have to say that if more of my friends bought this game, then I would be totally getting for whichever system. I might be inclined to buy one of the fight pads or sticks if I truly fall in love with this game. With that being said, I could simply buy a fight pad for either system and then it would be all about the graphics and game play.

I've heard rumors that the PS3 version is only an "upscaled 640p" picture. Now, that statement is coming from the official 360 forums so I don't trust that. I hate to ask, but does it look great on both systems? Any hiccups or glitches? I might install it to the HD but I have about 2GBs left unfortunately lol.
[quote name='MSUHitman']You do know you can put it on easiest diffficulty for arcade and still unlock characters, right? Although I'm right there with you on trying to beat Seth with Dan, even on easiest.[/quote]

I know but he is still a cheap dick! I get him close to kill and he keeps doing those fuckin grabs that I can't seem to block for shit. :bomb:
Thanks MSUHitman, I just PM'ed Markman. Hoping I don't have to wait too long if my stick is going in to repairs. I only logged about 2-3 hours with teh stick.
[quote name='gameoverrg']I know but he is still a cheap dick! I get him close to kill and he keeps doing those fuckin grabs that I can't seem to block for shit. :bomb:[/quote]

Seriously :whistle2:#. I breezed through all the fights prior to Seth, but it took me 4 continues to beat that bastard.

On another note, boy, is that Ryu figure small. I wish it would have been Chimera sized like the one in Resistance 2.
[quote name='knightsdwn']Seriously :whistle2:#. I breezed through all the fights prior to Seth, but it took me 4 continues to beat that bastard.

On another note, boy, is that Ryu figure small. I wish it would have been Chimera sized like the one in Resistance 2.[/quote]

Every LE figures should be like the Resistance 2 one, not these cheap shitty statues.
Alright well I've made my decision! Applause anyone? :)

I've decided on the PS3 version and I will be picking it up tonight. Since I seriously have no friends on the PSN, please feel free to add me: Hnd2Glnd. I look forward to playing some SF4 tonight! Woo! :)

Thanks again for helping me everyone. Honestly, a big part of my decision was made, in part, to the help on these forums and the community here. I asked the same question on the 360 forum and literally got ignored. I asked again on the official 360 forum and the only person to reply to me was a PS3 owner with the PS3 version of the game. That speaks volumes to me.
Regarding which version to buy, I'd recommend the PS3 cause its the version I have, but I don't think people should stay away from the 360 version because of the d-pad. Personally, I wouldn't play either version with the d-pad and always play with the thumbsticks. And as far as thumbsticks go I prefer the PS3.

I've had good games with some of you guys so far and hope more of you add me.

Also, ManaKnight maybe we could incorporate SF4 into the gaming nights like you mentioned, but I still think there may be enough interest to have a dedicated Street Fighter group too.
bread's done