Street Fighter IV PS3 Official Discussion Thread

[quote name='DarkKenpachi']I had some good games last night...

I was in the championship match last night against an akuma with my zangief. He comes at me with the raging demon and I grab him out of it with gief's ultra. All I could do is laugh because it felt so good to really enjoy the game again. I know I had at least 5500 points after the match so I wonder why it won't come up as a replay for everyone to watch?[/QUOTE]

Great move with Gief. I started playing him more since people rip up Blanka in G2.

I believe replay is only available as a save for the top 5000 players.
[quote name='decon']Great move with Gief. I started playing him more since people rip up Blanka in G2.

I believe replay is only available as a save for the top 5000 players.[/QUOTE]

Yup, replays are for the TOP 5000 CP winners. SO check the leaderboards and look at #4999 and see what you have to beat to get a replay. Some of the top matches I've seen seem to be simple matches(no FADC, no EXs, nothing hard trails) just jumping back and forth with regular moves playing footsies.

There are a few that amaze me though, I speak for the 360, I have no idea about how the PS3 is. But the SFIV 360 thread is pretty much dead.
I have a TE stick and even after a couple weeks of using it I feel that I'm still better using my $10 usb gamepad. Any tips on how to get better with it?
just time and practice really...for most of us that grew up without arcades, the TE stick will take some getting used to, but I'd say its definitely worth it
[quote name='greyzieoriental']Timing.
Look at the golden line across your opponents health bar for when to push the next button.

Also get a stick, you'll enjoy the game much more and you'll probably never want to go back to a controller again.[/QUOTE]
Its actually been proven than that line means nothing. Dig around the SRK forums and there's a thread about linking moves that explains it.
bread's done