Study: Americans shockingly ignorant when it comes to U.S. History


Study: Americans shockingly ignorant when it comes to U.S. History
June 3, 11:23
Ana Kasparian

The American Revolution Center has sponsored a survey that reveals enormous gaps in the knowledge Americans have in civics and Revolutionary-era history. The study consisted of 1001 American adults who were given a multiple choice exam on U.S history. Prior to the exam, 89 percent of the respondents expressed confidence that they would pass. However, only 6 percent went on to pass the test.

What were some of the questions that most respondents failed to answer correctly?

More Americans could identify Michael Jackson as the composer of "Beat It" and "Billie Jean" than could identify the Bill of Rights as a body of amendments in the Constitution.

More than a third did not know which century the American Revolution took place. In fact, half of the participants in the study believed that either the Civil War, the Emancipation Proclamation or the War of 1812 occurred before the American Revolution. In reality, the American Revolution took place in the last half of the 18th century.
A third of the respondents believed that the Bill of Rights does not guarantee a right to a trial by jury. On the other hand, 40 percent thought that it did secure the right to vote. The respondents must have forgotten about the fact that most women in the U.S. did not have the right to vote until the 19th amendment was ratified under Woodrow Wilson in 1920, which was 129 years AFTER the Bill of Rights came into effect.

More than 50 percent of participants in the study believed that the U.S. system of government is a direct democracy rather than a republic.

As if the findings of this study weren't depressing enough, another survey released by asked 1000 respondents to name the current justices on the Supreme Court. The study found that two-thirds can't name a single current justice. That's right...not one. Only one percent of the respondents were able to name all nine justices.

These studies already prove that most Americans know very little about the identity of the U.S. While one would think that they don't care about U.S. history, 90 percent of Americans think that knowledge of the American Revolution and its principles is very important.

It is important.

Our citizens need to know our country's identity. If future generations are unaware of the blood and sweat it took to make America the country that it is today, why would they feel the need to defend or preserve it? How can one be proud of his or her country without knowing its struggle?

It's funny how we make immigrants take exams on U.S. history to gain citizenship when our own system of education is lacking in that very subject.
Reminds me of this older article which made me wonder...
Percentage of Americans who believe the sun revolves around the Earth: 18%. And 3% answered "No Opinion" on this one. I was not aware this was an opinion. Now, who is stupider? In any event, I'm gonna thank religion for this one. Everything else, the propaganda... COUGH, COUGH, ahem, I mean education system. And let's not forget conservatism!

New Poll Gauges Americans' General Knowledge Levels Four-fifths know earth revolves around sun by Steve Crabtree
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Some people detest history to the point of turning their back on it. Every high school student should have to read the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence in their history class. Possibly throw in Common Sense for good measure. It's not how we fought for our freedoms that's important it's what we were, and are, fighting for that matters.
You're blaming religion for this? Or just for the "Sun revolves around the Earth" crowd?
Either way, how is religion to blame for either?

Also, I know for a fact I can't name all 9 SC Justices. It might be something I should know, but I'm honestly not really surprised so few could. I don't think that it is as big of a deal as how poorly people did knowing their American history.
I can't be expected to remember all 58 years of American history. I have a hard time remembering the 28 states. Too much information.
You need to remove the word "shockingly" from the thread title. :D

I'm not saying everyone needs to know every little detail from US history (for example, I'm sure I know way more about the Civil War than is reasonable or necessary), but it's honestly sad how stupid some people are.
Ok I honestly couldn't recite the Bill of Rights or give you excerpts from the Constitution off the top of my head -- hell I'd probably confuse it with the Declaration of Independence.

I couldn't name all the countries in Europe, and I really don't know all that much about the Middle East.

I've learned all this in school but like most things you learn, you eventually forget. Something tells me that people who aren't American don't research their country's history everyday either. Yeah I know my country had a civil war, but since I forgot where the first shots were fired I'm suddenly ignorant of the "blood and sweat" that my country has given?

Sure there are some people who really don't know some pretty huge things of their history, but if there's anything that's more annoying then that it's patriotic elitists walking around dissing their own country's people because they can't tell you how many people died in 9/11.
[quote name='Strell']One out of two isn't so bad.[/QUOTE]

Fat people are stupid and stupid people are more likely to be fat.
[quote name='budsmoka']Fat people are stupid and stupid people are more likely to be fat.[/QUOTE]

You have any proof or are you just talking out of your ass on this? I could easily say people who work out all the time are just idiotic meatheads.
[quote name='docvinh']You have any proof or are you just talking out of your ass on this? I could easily say people who work out all the time are just idiotic meatheads.[/QUOTE]

No one that is intelligent would want to be fat. It is unhealthy and causes many health conditions. Intelligent people like me, like to stay in shape.
[quote name='budsmoka']No one that is intelligent would want to be fat. It is unhealthy and causes many health conditions. Intelligent people like me, like to stay in shape.[/QUOTE]

I would LOL, but sadly, I think you're serious.
[quote name='docvinh']I would LOL, but sadly, I think you're serious.[/QUOTE]
I am. Obesity is a sign of low intelligence.
Stephen Hawking has no mass. He dumb. He needs to learn how to max his pump and shred his bi's. Needs to GET JACKED, BROTHER.
[quote name='Strell']Yes doc. Intelligent people. Like budsmoka. Intelligent.

P.S. Intelligent.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='budsmoka']I am. Obesity is a sign of low intelligence.[/QUOTE]

Proof? Or did the guy in your avatar tell you that?
[quote name='Strell']Stephen Hawking has no mass. He dumb. He needs to learn how to max his pump and shred his bi's. Needs to GET JACKED, BROTHER.[/QUOTE]

Strell, I challenge you to an arm wrestling match to show you how smart I am.
[quote name='budsmoka']I am. Obesity is a sign of low intelligence.[/QUOTE]


Any other signs we should be on the lookout for?
[quote name='Strell']Stephen Hawking has no mass. He dumb. He needs to learn how to max his pump and shred his bi's. Needs to GET JACKED, BROTHER.[/QUOTE]

Hes in a wheel chair I would't expect him to be in shape. For able bodied people there is no excuses other then stupidity and laziness.
It's ON.

[quote name='bvharris']:fridge:

Any other signs we should be on the lookout for?[/QUOTE]

I'll arm wrestle you next after I take care of Strell to show you how smart I am!
[quote name='budsmoka']Hes in a wheel chair I would't expect him to be in shape. For able bodied people there is no excuses other then stupidity and laziness.[/QUOTE]

Does it have to be both or is one enough?
[quote name='budsmoka']If you are lazy,get fat and do nothing about it then you are stupid. So yeah its generally both.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='budsmoka']If you are lazy,get fat and do nothing about it then you are stupid lazy.[/QUOTE]

It was tough, but I think I might have found the hole in your logic.
[quote name='bvharris']It was tough, but I think I might have found the hole in your logic.[/QUOTE]

Only a stupid person would remain fat.
Well the Asshole might have a point. There have been quite a few studies showing that in Morbidly Obese children there is a tendency for lower IQ's.
I love where this discussion has gone. I'm LMFAO!

For the record, I blame the earth is the center bit on religion (for obvious enough reasons that I will not bother to state them). Not the other stuff. And I thought I was PRETTY clear on that when I said all the rest on the education system.
[quote name='SpeedyG']Well the Asshole might have a point. There have been quite a few studies showing that in Morbidly Obese children there is a tendency for lower IQ's.[/QUOTE]

Minorities are more likely to be obese as children too. Coincidence?
[quote name='budsmoka']Minorities are more likely to be obese as children too. Coincidence?[/QUOTE]

Oh man, we were having so much fun, and then you had to go and make it racist.

[quote name='budsmoka']Minorities are more likely to be obese as children too. Coincidence?[/QUOTE]

Really? Really? :cold:

I want to see stats on that. Not because I don't think you'll be able to produce them, but just because I think you should have to do the legwork if you're going to be that flagrantly racist.

I'd ask if you were joking, but we've learned you don't joke when it comes to physical fitness.
[quote name='docvinh']Oh man, we were having so much fun, and then you had to go and make it racist.


I'm not a racist, I'm just making a scientific observation.
[quote name='budsmoka']I'm not a racist, I'm just making a scientific observation.[/QUOTE]

I would bet money that it's mostly people of low SES, and not just minorities.
What do you think, Hulk?
[quote name='docvinh']I would bet money that it's mostly people of low SES, and not just minorities.
What do you think, Hulk?

Thats true there are just as man dumb,fat white people in the south.
[quote name='joeboosauce']I love where this discussion has gone. I'm LMFAO!

For the record, I blame the earth is the center bit on religion (for obvious enough reasons that I will not bother to state them). Not the other stuff. And I thought I was PRETTY clear on that when I said all the rest on the education system.[/QUOTE]
I just wanted to clarify.
And regardless of the ridiculous claims made by the Catholic Church 450 years ago(which isn't even a claim supported in their own Bible), are there any legitimate religions that still claim the Earth is the center of the universe?
[quote name='bvharris']So were Phrenologists.[/QUOTE]

Dood how can you even say that. Everybody knows Phrenologists were totally buff.

I have a good idea. Everybody solve this mathematical problem:

3 - 4 x 10 + 7 = ???

No cheating now.
[quote name='Strell']I have a good idea. Everybody solve this mathematical problem:

3 - 4 x 10 + 7 = ???

No cheating now.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, too fat to solve.
bread's done