Stupid-ish question about the Vita


9 (100%)
I've had my Vita for a while, and I have a few games for it, but sadly have no friends who have a Vita. However, while screwing around with my various games (Mortal Kombat, PS All-Stars Battle Royale, and Little Big Planet), I haven't seen anything that lets me set up a local wifi match. Does Vita not do that? I thought it did but it really didn't seem like there was an option for local-play... only online play. Maybe I totally missed it, dunno.

Second question, corollary to the first: If there is a local-wifi mode, and if there is, I assume there was also one on the PSP, will PSP games on the Vita play on local wifi? If so, with PSPs also, or only with other Vitas?

Yeah they do work indeed. Just checked few vids on Youtube showing ppl playing PSP games on PSP with Vita np.
LBPV doesn't support ad-hoc but most every other vita game does. I play local on the vita w/ the wife all the time.

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LBPV doesn't support ad-hoc but most every other vita game does. I play local on the vita w/ the wife all the time.
On the local wi-fi games does both people have to have the game? or can you play together with one person having the game? I know nintendo has a few titles that both people can play with only one having the game.

On the local wi-fi games does both people have to have the game? or can you play together with one person having the game? I know nintendo has a few titles that both people can play with only one having the game.
You have to have two copies unless you bought it on PSN. If you bought it digitally then you're free to install the game on both of your vitas with your PSN account and enjoy ad-hoc multiplayer from one purchase that way.

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Spelunky has ad-hoc multiplayer, but I don't have anyone to try it with. At the LAN game screen there is a thing at the bottom that I think says to press triangle to play ad-hoc. Or it's some button in any case. So look for that in the game.

We have played Spelunky PS3+Vita and it is awesome! ad-hoc with multiple Vitas would be sweet!

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