stupid police busts!


115 Accused of Gambling on Insect Fights

Sun Aug 15, 9:33 AM ET

HONG KONG - Hong Kong police arrested 115 men for illegally gambling on insect fights on Sunday in the same building that housed a cricket lovers' association, a police spokesman said.

Police seized about 300 crickets and $1,025 in cash during the bust, said police spokesman T.K. Ng.

The alleged bug gamblers remained in custody Sunday, but weren't immediately charged, Ng said. Illegal gambling carries a maximum penalty of $1,280 and three months' imprisonment.

that'll teach em.. take their crickets away! dang thats 1.80 down the drain. Where are they gonna get any more crickets that are so rare!?
I like police busts.
Cricket fights? wtf? Couldn't they get a better animal for the fights like a dog, or the widely used rooster.
why are they wasting their time on cricket fights? that has to be one of the stupidest police bust ever.
Cricket fights are one of the most famous entertainment in some Asian countries. It's actually a boring and stupid fight. Rooster fights are bloodier and have more action, although if you are animal lover, you'll cry a river watching them fight.
[quote name='epobirs']Hey, real estate in incredibly expensive in HK. You need to keep your arena small.[/quote]

whats next? Sea Monkey fights?
bread's done