Stupid things you thought as a kid

shamu, the white being the eye
a mall that had two levels and was built on hilly ground, so the second floor had a parking lot in on one side and the 1st floor had one on the other side.
the truman show made me confussed and always wondering if that's what my life is.

and in the movie, blank check, when the guy knocks over the kid, a women asks if he was drinking, i thought drinking was just drinking, not beer, wine, ect.

those are just the one already posted
I thought my parents werent my real parents.

I also thought that my life might just be a dream and that i would wake up and be somewhere else.
[quote name='"Kaijufan"'][quote name='AvidWriter']I also remember wondering at one point if I was really the only real person, and everyone else was not real, like I was on a holodeck on Star Trek.[/quote]

Whoa, similar deal for me. I kinda thought I was like some kinda weird god or something and that everyone else was like a robot.

Another thing of know those huge, usually blue water things every town has? I used to think they were prisons. Also, I thought women peed out of their ass.
[quote name='ykryptonite13']You know sometimes when you just stare into nothing and you see those squiggly things moving around? I used to think I was the only one in the world who could see that. Turns out it's actually bacteria on your eye or something...[/quote]

I remember seeing those in the sky for the first time. I thought they were angels! I think they are water molecules though.
[quote name='rabbitt'][quote name='ykryptonite13']You know sometimes when you just stare into nothing and you see those squiggly things moving around? I used to think I was the only one in the world who could see that. Turns out it's actually bacteria on your eye or something...[/quote]

I remember seeing those in the sky for the first time. I thought they were angels! I think they are water molecules though.[/quote]

Eye floaters:
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I thought that ants were created (or birthed, you could say) from food that was left out for several hours.[/quote]

This used to be a popular belief for people of all ages. Spontaneous generation. It was believed that piles of manure or rotting corpses gave birth to maggots and everything worked up from there.

A lot of things that are thought as only passing fallacies in small children used to be taken quite seriously.
I used to think n64 games were made by programers tweaking those little pieces of metal sticking it in the n64 testing it and then taking it out and tweaking it agian untill it was right!
I got a real good one and it also was an embarrasing moment too.

When I was about 13 and we were in Health class (sex education basically). I asked if it was true that you could get girl pregnant through oral sex. At the time I thought the sperm could travel through her stomach and get a girl pregnant. Obviously the teacher said no and a few giggles came was a very embarrasing moment for me at the time.

Oh well.
I used to think so much dumb stuff
like that my gi joes would get up and do stuff at night while I was asleep.
that you could blow up if you held you pee (thanks cuz)
if you slept in complete darkness without a cover a witch would come and eat what ever part of your body that stuck out of the covers.

I miss being little and having nothing to do and worry about dumb stuff.
I know this topic is WAY old but I just remembered when I was I kid I thought euthanasia was instead 'youth in Asia'.
[quote name='Moxio'][quote name='hardwo0d']When I was around five, I walked into the bathroom and saw my mom putting on a tampon. [/quote]


the first time i got a code from punch out i asked my aunt how i use it? and she said "just put it in the game!" so i wrote the password on a piece of paper and taped it to the game cartridge and put the cart in the nes....that code never did work...
I thought you just randomly walked up to women and asked them to marry you. Didn't matter if you knew them or not, saw them sitting on a bench, thought they were hot, get married.
I used to think that mutants in the sense of X-Men mutants were real and that one day I could have mutant powers too. Also when I was a kid I didn't know there was such a thing as a World Series. Just look at my location if you need an explanation.
I used to think with hard work and determination, you could accomplish anything.

I thought that Star Wars really happened. In fact, I thought all tv shows and movies were real.

I didn't know roller coasters were scary, until I rode one. I thought they were relaxing train rides, like they have at most zoos.

When I saw flashing lights in the sky, I sometimes thought it was a UFO from Radarscope (a game from the local arcade) coming to get me.

I had an Ernie (from Sesame Street) doll, and I made up adventures for him, and talked about him as a real person.

If I didn't like someone, I'd say so, whether they were there or not.

I thought that when I talked to myself, it was really a little man who lived in my heart, which had windows and a chimney, and any time I ate hot candy, I would set his "house" on fire.

I was terrified of anyone with glasses.

I thought girls had penises.
For the life of me, when I was a kid I couldn't understand why if you paid for a $4.50 tab with $5 and got your 50 cents change, why you couldn't go back and give them the 50 cents now that you had it and get your extra dollar back.

:roll: :)
When I was little I thought if you worked hard and was nice to people that everything would work out and life wouldn't suck.
Also that older people treated each other with respect.
God what a dumbass I was. :cry:
[quote name='defender']I got a real good one and it also was an embarrasing moment too.

When I was about 13 and we were in Health class (sex education basically). I asked if it was true that you could get girl pregnant through oral sex. At the time I thought the sperm could travel through her stomach and get a girl pregnant. Obviously the teacher said no and a few giggles came was a very embarrasing moment for me at the time.

Oh well.[/quote]

I'd say the results are inconclusive and the experiment merits repeating several thousand more times.
[quote name='defender']I got a real good one and it also was an embarrasing moment too.

When I was about 13 and we were in Health class (sex education basically). I asked if it was true that you could get girl pregnant through oral sex. At the time I thought the sperm could travel through her stomach and get a girl pregnant. Obviously the teacher said no and a few giggles came was a very embarrasing moment for me at the time.

Oh well.[/quote]

Actually, yes, you can - if her boyfriend catches the two of you immediately afterwards and stabs her with a knife in just the right way.
When I was about 8 or so, my dad was doing our taxes, and I walked up and asked how things were going. He told me that he didn't have enough money to pay my taxes, and I was going to go to jail. Being 8, I believed him and was so afraid of going to jail.
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