Sudoku Gridmaster - Any region lock issues?


3 (100%)
Playing Mission in Snowdriftland I saw the ad for Sudoku Gridmaster, but since this is a UK-targeted site, I wanted to know if it was available in the U.S. I checked on Amazon US and found they didn't stock it, so I checked Amazon UK and see it listed there. Then today I found it listed at

So basically, I want to know if there is a US version, and if that's what is selling?

If there's not a US version, and is just selling the UK version, are there any region lock issues with DS games?
DS is region-free. is run by morons who never get an order right.

Buy Sudoku from Gamestop/EB for $20. Check instore; otherwise, every major retail store should have this game.
I'd assume you already know this, but if you don't most people consider the sudoku in Brain Age to be superior to Sudoku Gridmaster, though it doesn't have as many puzzles. Either way, at Best Buy for $15 after GGC is the best way to go.
I'd wait a bit on Gridmaster. It's an ok game, but CC had it on sale for $10 a few months back. It'll be one of those games that cycles in and out of the $10 game sales.
Thanks for all the responses! Glad to know the DS is complete region free.

I haven't seen Sudoku Gridmaster in any stores before; I didn't realize it was so commonplace. There's no Circuit City near me, but I will check at Best Buy next time I'm out.

@ rlse9: I do have Brain Age. My gf has played all the Sudoku puzzles in it, so I was looking for another game for her. Good recommendation though. :)
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