Suggestions for Zombie movies?

Kurt Hustle

CAG Veteran
My apologies if this is the incorrect spot to post, no deal in here just looking for opinions. Didn't wanna infringe on the Horror flick thread also on the first page, but lately I've been on a HUGE zombie movie kick and looking for suggestions on older / obscure / rare / underrated / overrated movies not on the list of what I have already. ANY recommendation is appreciated especially 80s stuff...the cheesier the better. Thanks in advance.

My list...

Anything Romero
NOTLD 90 remake
Return of The Living Dead series
Dawn 2004
Day 2008
28 Days/Weeks
CHUD (Not really zombie I guess)
Zombie Diaries
City of The Living Dead (Same as Zombi? Someone please educate me)
The Video Dead
Night of the Creeps
Re-Animator Series
Resident Evil series
Evil Dead series
Dead Alive
Planet Terror
Severed Forest of The Dead

Anything classic or not so classic I am missing? I know there's a LOT more flicks out there...but looking to get some opinions on movies ppl have actually seen and can judge.. as opposed to me just buying cause it has "Dead / Zombie" in the title. Again...much thanks.
[quote name='opterasis']It bored me to tears. And I really didn't appreciate the murder of live animals. IMO it's one of the more overrated cult classics.[/QUOTE]

Oh, dang! Yeah, take that for what it is then. Sounds like an overrated piece of trash.

Seriously, that's why I didn't finish it. It made me feel like crap. But, hey, if you like that...
You could always watch Resident Evil...

I'm kidding, I'm kidding :rofl:

[quote name='opterasis']It bored me to tears. And I really didn't appreciate the murder of live animals. IMO it's one of the more overrated cult classics.[/quote]

This is true. I downloaded it a while back expecting the greatest thing ever, given all the hype. So boring; plus killing real animals for the sake of any movie (let alone a shitty one) is not cool.
[quote name='scum1']Flight of the living dead is not too bad. Kind of like snakes on a plane but it is zombies instead.[/quote]

Was gonna recommend this one. The commentary track is great on it!

Also I second: Fido, Shaun of the Dead, and Dance of the Dead.
[quote name='Cameron4All']A couple of my favs are
Shaun of the Dead
and the Peter Jackson classic Dead Alive (aka Braindead)
(but i see you already have that one)[/quote]

Ditto on S.O.T.D!
I completely forgot Dead Alive is a Peter Jackson project!

What's the basic idea of Fido? I've heard of it, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen it.
I would suggest The Serpent and the Rainbow, a Wes Craven film, based on a true story. One of my top 5 scariest movies.
Thanks for recommending Dead Set. I just finished watching it and it was freaking awesome. Had zombie nightmares all night. (Though that might have had something to do with all the Left 4 Dead I have been playing.)
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Well for anyone who can find the Fright Pack: Walking Dead that includes:

Hell of the Living Dead
City of the Living Dead
Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
House By The Cemetary
Nightmare City
Dead Heat

Imagine getting all 6 of those for 15! It was a Zombie lover's dream that day![/quote]

Yep I have that, and it was well worth it. Though I've never been too fond of Nightmare City for some reason, but the rest of the movies in the set more than make up for it.
anyone see "Diary of the dead"? I really like the 'of the dead' series and I thought it was odd how this one slipped under the radar, and Im hoping not for good reason.
Hey guys thanks for all the help....heres something if you guys havent seen it already...trailer for Romeros untitled ....of the Dead 2009 picture....



I saw a zombie DVD at Wal-Mart the other day but for the life of me can't remember the title of it. The cover was rather disturbing though - it featured a legless torso crawling along the ground (I think). Anyone know what movie I'm talking about?
[quote name='Josef']I saw a zombie DVD at Wal-Mart the other day but for the life of me can't remember the title of it. The cover was rather disturbing though - it featured a legless torso crawling along the ground (I think). Anyone know what movie I'm talking about?[/quote]

Automaton Transfusion?

[quote name='GF_Eric']Yes. Fulchi's "Zombie" (mentioned a few times already) is the only zombie movie that actually gave me nightmares. There is something about the way the zombies look and move that was just completely frightening. And how can you possibly beat a zombie vs. shark fight scene?[/quote]

Or the womens eye going straight into the piece of jagged wood from the broken door. Classic, I saw it a while back when me and my brother watched it and I loved it. Now I have moved to cheesier films like Trouble Man, and even Blacula
Does anybody know the name of this movie, it was a Greek film I believe and starts out with the husband being bitten by a zombie. As the movie progresses he gets worse and worse as the wife tries to cope. I skimmed it maybe a year ago but I couldn't find a subtitled version then.
A good one that I haven't seen mentioned yet is "I, Zombie"
It's a "documentary" about a guy who has been bit and gets infected and is becoming a zombie. It's so good because it makes you emotional about what it would be like turning into a zombie. As much as a zombie movie can, that is :p
[quote name='Josef']Yeah, that's the one. Any idea if it's any good?[/quote]

I don't think this is really spoiling it for you or anything...but I saw this movie not knowing it was part of a planned trilogy....decent zombie flick if you can get over the fact it ends with a "To be Continued" real resolution at all.
I saw a zombie movie when I was a kid, it looked old back then, early 90's but it was probably around the 70's. I don't remember much, but I remember a scientist guy in a cave, and a group of people trying to survive and the only thing that really stands out is this mother who let her kid breast feed, and this kid was old. And after he became a zombie the mother took it out not realizing he was a zombie, heh no joke. Anyone have any idea what movie this? Sorry to hijack this thread but it's been bugging me for years.
[quote name='jputahraptor']I saw a zombie movie when I was a kid, it looked old back then, early 90's but it was probably around the 70's. I don't remember much, but I remember a scientist guy in a cave, and a group of people trying to survive and the only thing that really stands out is this mother who let her kid breast feed, and this kid was old. And after he became a zombie the mother took it out not realizing he was a zombie, heh no joke. Anyone have any idea what movie this? Sorry to hijack this thread but it's been bugging me for years.[/quote]

This sounded completely awesome so I went ahead and googled "breast feeding zombie" and it appears this may be the movie

I need to see it now
Automation Transfusion is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Except for one scene which almost redeems some of the stench of the rest of it.
[quote name='coolsteel']Does anybody know the name of this movie, it was a Greek film I believe and starts out with the husband being bitten by a zombie. As the movie progresses he gets worse and worse as the wife tries to cope. I skimmed it maybe a year ago but I couldn't find a subtitled version then.[/QUOTE]

Ended up stumbling back across is, called Zombie Honeymoon
[quote name='coolsteel']Ended up stumbling back across is, called Zombie Honeymoon[/quote]

yeah I was going to say - Zombie Honeymoon - and for the breast feeding kid that one is Burial Ground I believe but it has different names in english? It is a decent zombie flick.
[quote name='HowStern']This sounded completely awesome so I went ahead and googled "breast feeding zombie" and it appears this may be the movie

I need to see it now[/QUOTE]

That's the one, thanks. I've been trying to find the name for years. It really is a bizarre movie with the whole tit thing. I know it was translated into English but you can see the trailer in Italian minus tit scenes, yes there are many of them!
Kinda sounds familiar but the movie I am thinking of is not about zombies

[quote name='jputahraptor']I saw a zombie movie when I was a kid, it looked old back then, early 90's but it was probably around the 70's. I don't remember much, but I remember a scientist guy in a cave, and a group of people trying to survive and the only thing that really stands out is this mother who let her kid breast feed, and this kid was old. And after he became a zombie the mother took it out not realizing he was a zombie, heh no joke. Anyone have any idea what movie this? Sorry to hijack this thread but it's been bugging me for years.[/quote]
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