Super 8 - In Theatres Today! - Reviews are GOOD!


55 (98%)
Anyone else really excited to see this movie this weekend! I know i am! Growing up watching movies like ET and the Goonies was really awesome and almost every kid could relate to the Adventures the characters of the films embarked on because as kids we liked to do the same!

The film also is directed by JJ Abrams who is slowly becoming one of my favorite directors right now. He brings his "Cloverfield" type of filming with the whole "keep the monster hidden until the end". Mix him with Steven Spielberg (who made both ET and the Goonies) and it looks like it will turn out to be great!

Early reviews already call it great and most have been positive and as of now on Rotten Tomatoes it is around 80%.

If you havent checked out the trailers yet or dont know about the film, go to Youtube and check it out! Cant wait until this Friday! :)
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Reviews -


83 Average Rating: 7.7/10
Reviews Counted: 86
Fresh: 71 | Rotten: 15

It may evoke memories of classic summer blockbusters a little too eagerly for some, but Super 8 has thrills, visual dazzle, and emotional depth to spare.
I was very interested until I noticed it by the ads it seemed to be about those kids. Any movie that has kids doing most of the acting is horrid.
I saw it. It was pretty good, although it seemed to drag at parts. It's probably the best movie of the summer so far, but not the most entertaining.
I watched it yesterday. I admit that I'd forgotten about this movie completely until my co worker mentioned he wanted to watch this really bad. Add this thread into the mix and I watched Spielberg on the MTV Movie Awards and I figured I'd see what the hype was about.

I can't say I loved it but I didn't hate it either. It had some nice action scenes that made me go, "whoa!" for those that haven't watched it, make sure you stay for the credits.
So people that have seen this...what does the title of the movie have to do with the actual movie?

Did I miss something or is it completely unrelated?
I thought the child acting was great. Been so long since a movie had child actors that were ok let alone exceptional.

The story overall was a tad weak and the monster felt like a modern day alien design in an old film.

Very enjoyable.
ive seen the trailers and i hope its a great film but i keep getting that mnight vibe off of it so i dunno what to expect. im hoping some of you who see it can give your non spoiler opinions about it. cant tell if itll be a semi violent film or one of those jump fests with no real gore or violence that ends in a heart warming ending.
I thought it was ok, not nearly as good as any of the older films it's playing off of. I thought the alien needed more emotional depth. I felt absolutely no connection to it. It felt way to animalistic/primitive to come across as having any shred believable intelligence. Kids were great though.
I thought it was really good. The train crash was awesome, the mild humor was good, and the kids were great.

Stay for the credits too. A nice bonus there. So many people started to leave and had to stand there for 5 minutes because they were almost out the door.

I don't know if it was just my theater or the movie but I know the movie is suppose to have a bunch of lens flare but some of it was too much. There was a couple times where there was blue light all the way across the screen. Was this just me?

[quote name='lokizz']ive seen the trailers and i hope its a great film but i keep getting that mnight vibe off of it so i dunno what to expect. im hoping some of you who see it can give your non spoiler opinions about it. cant tell if itll be a semi violent film or one of those jump fests with no real gore or violence that ends in a heart warming ending.[/QUOTE]

It has its violent moments but its nothing over the top and the gore is minimal. And it has a couple jump in your seat moments. Nothing too bad.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']I thought it was really good. The train crash was awesome, the mild humor was good, and the kids were great.

Stay for the credits too. A nice bonus there. So many people started to leave and had to stand there for 5 minutes because they were almost out the door.

I don't know if it was just my theater or the movie but I know the movie is suppose to have a bunch of lens flare but some of it was too much. There was a couple times where there was blue light all the way across the screen. Was this just me?

It has its violent moments but its nothing over the top and the gore is minimal. And it has a couple jump in your seat moments. Nothing too bad.[/QUOTE]

thanks for the info im definelty going to check it out sounds like a bit of a throwback and if you all are right about the kids having acting chops itll be a good change from the usual move crap hollywood tosses out.
Good movie, great crash scene, hated the ending. Lens flare was overwhelming at time.

Dakota Fanning's sister stole the show
The ending was puzzling until the credits started rolling and I remembered Spielberg was a producer on it.

The guy just can't get away from the aliens aren't that bad theme of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. There's that, ET, *batteries not included, and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull which all have very similar "ET phone home" endings. It can't be a mere coincidence, it's gotta be his heavy handed approach to alien movies.
[quote name='lokizz']btw is dakotas sister at the same level as her (acting wise) worse or better?[/QUOTE]

Haven't seen Dakota in awhile so I'll go with Elle.
[quote name='Scorch']Good movie, great crash scene, hated the ending. Lens flare was overwhelming at time.

Dakota Fanning's sister stole the show[/QUOTE]

Pretty much sport on right here Scorch. Loved the crash, disappointed on the ending and how the film seemed to drag for parts. Didn't really care for the alien much either. Felt as though the film was relying way, way too much on nostalgia to evoke its mood. Hyped, and the film tries way too hard.

The lens flare got to be annoying also. Cool at first, but a bit heavy handed when you see it in practically every scene, even scenes where it doesn't work.

[quote name='lokizz']btw is dakotas sister at the same level as her (acting wise) worse or better?[/QUOTE]

I didn't know that was Dakota's sister, but she runs circles around her.

And wow, do movie theatres suck nowadays. I got a theatre with a Sony 4K, which was thankfully set properly with a single light and such, but with two babies (fucking retards hire a fucking babysitter already), two people with cell phones not on vibrate or silent or off, and two people near me who wouldn't shut up and had to keep pointing out the obvious (i.e. he's watching a movie, etc.).
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']And wow, do movie theatres suck nowadays. I got a theatre with a Sony 4K, which was thankfully set properly with a single light and such, but with two babies (fucking retards hire a fucking babysitter already), two people with cell phones not on vibrate or silent or off, and two people near me who wouldn't shut up and had to keep pointing out the obvious (i.e. he's watching a movie, etc.).[/QUOTE]

What kind of parent brings a baby that has explosions in it? fucking idiots that who.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']
And wow, do movie theatres suck nowadays. I got a theatre with a Sony 4K, which was thankfully set properly with a single light and such, but with two babies (fucking retards hire a fucking babysitter already), two people with cell phones not on vibrate or silent or off, and two people near me who wouldn't shut up and had to keep pointing out the obvious (i.e. he's watching a movie, etc.).[/QUOTE]

Matinee ftw.
[quote name='PenguinoMF']What kind of parent brings a baby that has explosions in it? fucking idiots that who.[/QUOTE]

radical Islamics
[quote name='lokizz']btw is dakotas sister at the same level as her (acting wise) worse or better?[/QUOTE]

She was amazing in the film, I enjoyed every scene she was in.
Just came back from this one...

Rental at best.

Why the fuck do people compare this to ET? There was no friendship with the Alien. Yea it wanted to go home and with it's power, it could have done so in the first place.

Bullets can't hurt it....

Guess that fire outside of town put itself out huh?

No fucking way that dude in the truck could have survived the crash.

Why did the alien store those people in the lair? Was he going to eat them later? A snack for the trip home?

So all those years they had that thing in captivity and they couldn't figure it out?

Seriously NOT WORTH THE HYPE....and I am glad I didn't follow the hype...Just wiki it and you will see.

I think this would have been better as the Cloverfield prequel instead of a bunch of kids running around trying to make a zombie movie and following an alien thingy.
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Reading responses, it seems that at least 3 out of 4 people like Super 8.

That's good enough for me to check out.

Reading comic book boards, on the other hand seems like 7 out of 10 people hated the Green Lantern film.
I liked Super 8 a lot, but the ending left me wishing they'd added about 15 minutes to it to wrap things up better. Crash scene was absolutely unreal though - think the multicar crash from Final Destination 2 on steroids. Lots of humor intertwined with some genuinely cool moments, and a hell of a job by the location scout to find an area in WV that believably looked like 1980's western OH.

LOVED the Slusho poster in the gas station.
[quote name='Ratchet & CAG']Reading responses, it seems that at least 3 out of 4 people like Super 8.

That's good enough for me to check out.

Reading comic book boards, on the other hand seems like 7 out of 10 people hated the Green Lantern film.[/QUOTE]

most comic nerds will go see comic book movies no matter how shitty they are. just like when people flocked to see avatar the last airbender. damn that movie still makes me want to punch mnight in the nuts.
[quote name='JJSP']a hell of a job by the location scout to find an area in WV that believably looked like 1980's western OH.

Oh trust me, it's not that hard.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Just came back from this one...

Rental at best.

Why the fuck do people compare this to ET? There was no friendship with the Alien. Yea it wanted to go home and with it's power, it could have done so in the first place.

Bullets can't hurt it....

Guess that fire outside of town put itself out huh?

No fucking way that dude in the truck could have survived the crash.

Why did the alien store those people in the lair? Was he going to eat them later? A snack for the trip home?

So all those years they had that thing in captivity and they couldn't figure it out?

Seriously NOT WORTH THE HYPE....and I am glad I didn't follow the hype...Just wiki it and you will see.

I think this would have been better as the Cloverfield prequel instead of a bunch of kids running around trying to make a zombie movie and following an alien thingy.

While I thought of most of those questions in your spoiler, I don't think most people will have even thought of those questions and the suspension of disbelief really works wonders in this movie (Suspension of disbelief also surprisingly manages to hold up for the entire film)
What I noticed in my theater is some people freaking out or jumping out of their seats in certain scenes that were not scary.
Like when shit gets tossed around like the trash container or when the alien ruffles a few trees.....Honestly I would have loved it more if the alien made people hallucinate by giving off a chemical into the air.
[quote name='ITDEFX']What I noticed in my theater is some people freaking out or jumping out of their seats in certain scenes that were not scary.
Like when shit gets tossed around like the trash container or when the alien ruffles a few trees.....Honestly I would have loved it more if the alien made people hallucinate by giving off a chemical into the air.

It was a well done movie, dude. The story was solid, the action sequences looked great, and it was well acted. To top it off, it had a vintage/throwback vibe, which I enjoyed...especially when you compare it to that bullshit "Terminator has sex with Transformers Robot Boxing" trailer they showed before the film (is that what "modern movies" are supposed to look like now?)

Yes, there are things you could nitpick, but nothing that ruins the entire movie or makes it unbelievable...assuming you can accept the premise in the first place (if you can't, why watch these types of movies?) Was it the best movie ever? Probably not. But if you enjoy these types of films, I don't see too much to be disappointed in, without just sounding like a complete dick.

In a really big summer for blockbuster movies (Thor, Pirates 4, X-Men 5, Green Lantern, Transformers 3, Harry Potter 8, Captain America, etc), Super 8 will probably end up better than most of them. Though, in my honest opinion, the new Planet of the Apes movie looks to be the darkhorse of the bunch. I have high hopes for that one. But if you just nitpick flaws in everything you watch, how do you ever enjoy anything?
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