Super Powers


Well, The Incredibles got me in the mood for some powers and I've got a question for you guys, what do you think is the best super power to have in a fight? Here they are:
Telekenisis=the ability to move anything with your mind
Force=Small amount of telekenisis, small amount of added of speed and strength, and the ability to tell the future (why jedi can swordfight, they know where the strike is coming from)
Controlling elements=being able to control things like fire, ice, earth, and heart. C'mon, you guys remember how awesome heart was right all you Captain Planet fans?
Super speed=pretty much obvious but you also have quicker reflexes, making you harder to hit
Super strength=you're really strong
Teleportation=this is limited to something like Nightcrawler's ability. You can only teleport to where you can see.
Invisibility=you become invisible but things can still hit you, you did not become go-throughable(?)
Other=I know I left some out so if you got a power that isn't in the previously mentioned categories, vote here.

After you vote, please write which one you chose and why, to keep it at the top.
I want the power to sprout as many body parts as I want to from myself in any size and shape, as well as being able to augment the ones I have now :)
Invisibility. Like Sue Storm of the FF. Make shields, fly or crap like that. Plus Locker rooms here I come.
[quote name='Derwood43']I've got to go with invisibility. Who needs mind control when they can't see you?[/quote]

If they have infrared googles then you are toast
Mind control is so much better than invisibility. Sure you can get into a womens' locker room, but what are you going to do once you're there?
[quote name='opportunity777']My super powers would allow me to survive the women's locker room quite easily :)[/quote]

With my mind control I could make women think I was toting lumber.
Telekenisis man. I wouldn't have to know where you are. I would just send out a giant shockwave that would rip right through you. Then you're dead.
[quote name='cleaver']Does telekineses come with mind control? Best Buy would match any price I want![/quote]
No. That is telepathy.
Telekenisis for me. I believe it would be the best to have in a fight. Super strength would be good, but telekenisis could stop them easily. Same thing with invisibility. To attack the person, you'd be felt, and then you'd be done for. Teleportation could get you close to someone, but the telekenisis would stop you once you reappeared. I put way too much thought into this. :D
[quote name='opportunity777']I would just wrap myself up into a giant testicle while you throw objects at me and they get stuck on the outside or bounce off.[/quote]

It hurts to get hit in the testicles. I don't think that would be a very effective defense! :D
I'd hafta go w/ direct control/manipulation of subatomic particles. That way, I can pretty much get any other super power. Flight? Manipulate those particles to generate antimagnetic fields powerful enough to repel gravity. Pyrokinesis? Rub said particles together to increase friction in the air to generate heat. Ice? Slow the movement of same particles. Strength? It's based on applied force so it can fall under magnetic manipulation. Etc. Etc.
[quote name='opportunity777']You're self-esteem wouldn't be as high as mine because I would really be toting lumber! Har har! :)[/quote]

With my mind control I could convince myself I made the Washington Monument look like a snausage.
Telepathy of course... just think of the possibilities. You could manipulate the mind so easily and deceive other "gifted" ones if this were some kind of super showdown into thinking that they had no powers, think they were on fire, dying or start having epileptic seizures. The mind is a very powerful thing.
[quote name='Cereal']psssh... us Jedi do not need your powers

SuperPowers are no match for the force[/quote]Oh yeah Jedi all the way.

But with your limited selection I chose other "Mind Control"
hmm controlling the elements wud be hot!!! *no pun..seriously* i think ice wud be the coolest thing to looks nice! plus it can come in handy when ICE!!
bread's done