Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo GBA version



Is it worth $29.99? I mean in fun factor. Also, is it rare, and will the value go up in the future? Anyone who answers will, uh, have the pleasure of knowing they answered a persons question. :D
Its a fun game, and its pretty damn hard to find IMO. I got it way back when it first came out for that price and I don't really regret it. Check it out if you can spare the cash.
Yes! It is an EXCELLENT game! Bought it when it first came out. Really haven't seen it too often since. I highly recommend it!
If you've got a Meijers in your area (since I don't know where you live), you might be able to find it for $20. Then again, I've only seen it one time at Meijers ever, and that was when I bought it...

It's basically a direct port of the other versions of the game, so if you've played those you know exactly what you're getting. The game CAN be glitchy - some people have reported their game's memory resetting or other problems; mine has only locked up twice - but Capcom was giving new copies out to replace the messed up ones.

If you like the other versions, you'll like this one.
I thought it was worth the $30 at first, but none of my friends wanted to play vs. I think I ended up trading it to Mustang.

Anyways, if you've got competition, then replayability and fun factor go through the roof. Otherwise, pick up a copy of Tetris or something.
Great game. I loved it when my arcade had had it. Tons and tons of replayablity if you have more than one person. Pretty good by itself as well. One of the better puzzlers IMO.
I traded mine. Kinda lost its flair after a while. It allows for vs. on the same GBA (one person uses d-pad and L, other uses A/B and R). It's just not that compelling in single-player. Yes, it's a little rare. I'd value it at about $20.
I thought it was pretty rare, but the wierd thing is that I was just in my local Gamestop this sunday and saw that they had a display box for new copies of it for 29.99. Never saw it there before so I'm not sure anymore =/

Anyways, it's definitley worth the money IMO. A good puzzler to pass some time real quick. That's all I need and it delivers very well on that. I recomend it if you're looking for something a little different from tetris.
It's not that rare, every Circuit City has it for $20. If you live in Jersey, check out the one on Rt.10 near East Hanover. I think the Ledgewood location has it as well.
It's pretty hard to find in my area, but it's worth the purchase. It's a very fun game, but as said above, it does lose a bit of luster after a while.

Personally, I'm going to play Tetris for a while until I get SPFIIT out of my system; then I'll go back to it.
In college, I personally witnessed crowd after crowd get mesmerized by this game (on PlayStation). Plenty of non-gamers and girls, too. I always loved the game, but I never expected it to be such a "mainstream" crowd-pleaser! Right down to my very last semester, I still saw new people get hooked every time I put that game on. The only other game I ever saw stir up a similar commotion was Halo. I'd definitely recommend it for GBA, but just realize that the experience will be very different since you will most likely end up playing single player most of the time. It's a shame the PS1 version is so rare.
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