Super Smash Bros. Brawl $38.99

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[quote name='panasonic']sented lol. I assume that was a joke. Thanks for answer:D[/quote]
Sorry! for the bad grammar :cry:
[quote name='iGen']LOL at the pathetic losers who need to have this game the second it comes out.

It's a 25% savings we're talking about here.[/QUOTE]

Lol at people who judge others, go to your clan meeting jerk.
A few points (some have been stated, but I can't help but reiterate many of these):
(1) This is a "deal" from FamilyVideo. Family Video "deals" litter these pages every day. To act holier than thou for finding a deal at any of the major sites (which anyone can find) is pretty funny. Thanks for the humor.

(2) FamilyVideo's preorders suck. Many CAGs have had horrible experiences with pre-orders from FV. People here are CAGs, but when a game comes out in December, they're not too fond of getting a game in February. ;-)

(3) The Lion Games deal is pretty much par. Shipping does make FV better, but Lion Games is reliable in getting games to your door when they are released -- that's some really strong good will for any gaming community. LG does charge now, but you can take advantage of pre-order deals at any time (their old ones are still on their site)

(4) Quit being a such a jerk. If you're looking to be a part of the community--- great, but it seems more like you're just looking to be thanked and touted for all your greatness. If the latter is the case, please go elsewhere.
$42.73 for me. Blah. I think I can find a better deal around here on launch day (various store coupons).
Thanks, OP. I just ordered my copy. With tax, brand new games here are almost $55 so I'm pretty satisfied getting it for under $40 shipped.

If FamilyVideo is really that bad with preorders... well, I'll deal with that in December.

Also, I was about to type a couple lines about how completely silly it is to get worked up over anything you see on the Internet, but then I figured even that wasn't worth my time. I'm going to go have fun.
[quote name='iGen']
It's just another Smash game, not the next coming of Jesus. Smash is fun, but the gameplay itself really hasn't evolved all that much, and you know it. It's just being hyped to hell because of the blog updates.[/QUOTE]

Why fix what isn't broken? The game is a blast to play, and the new one will have enough new additions (especially the online factor) to make it the best Smash Bros yet. Let people be excited about a game that they're a huge fan of.
[quote name='iGen']And you're stupid enough to give them an interest-free loan! Great job there, fool! :applause:

FamilyVideo doesn't charge you until your item ships. Which is a far better business practice than a certain retail chain known as GayStop, which requires customers to give them interest-free loans.


Also, "loser" is an understatement for the "must have on first second" folks. And the competitive players. :)[/QUOTE]

I paid ~$31.xx out of pocket. Why the fuck would I pay more? Welcome to CAG, where we raep EBGS, not the other way around.

Again, you're a near useless prick that keeps blabbing away. You did nothing of importance and to be honest, I'd rather have you not exist, then to have this "deal". You know, the one that makes me pay more money for something I'll get months after release.

A mod should have you temp banned (in the least) by now, not really sure what's keeping them.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']I paid ~$31.xx out of pocket. Why the fuck would I pay more? Welcome to CAG, where we raep EBGS, not the other way around.[/quote]
How did you get a $31.xx price? By trading in 200 used games for ten cents each or something?

[quote name='-Never4ever-']I A mod should have you temp banned (in the least) by now, not really sure what's keeping them.[/quote]
Cry more. Maybe you should try contributing instead of bitching.
[quote name='iGen']Who's the ass?

I find a hot deal and come here to share it with you all out of pure kindness, and what I get in return is people telling me "ZOMG THIS DEAL ISN'T WORTH IT I NEED TO HAVE THIS GAME ON THE VERY FIRST SECOND I'M A PATHETIC HOPELESSLY ADDICTED SMASH FANBOY OMGOMGOMG"[/quote]

Stop being a dicksmack before you get yourself suspended along with your thread closed.

Look, we get it. You wanted to post a deal and have people thank you for it. You got your attention and you got your thanks, but you're also getting crap for it because you told the FIRST person who said he wanted this game on release that he was a "pathetic loser".

At least he's not making deal threads to get attention on the internet.

Why pre-order a game at all if you don't want it at launch? People don't pre-order games because there's some super secret to it. The reason pre-ordering was even a system in place was for times in the past where games like Suikoden 3 came out and no one could find them, or back when Final Fantasy 3 and Chrono Trigger came out and no one could get ahold of a copy. Street Fighter 2, Zelda. People want to guarantee they can have the game when it comes out.

So yeah, half the people viewing this page want a "delivered at launch day" guarantee. If you have the balls to call gamers that want a game at launch, "pathetic losers", really you should head :arrow: way, because you won't have a great time here.
I love how someone who in no way benefits from the sale of this game gets mad and upset when people decide to spend their hard earned cash elsewhere, it's called a free market economy iGen, you can screw off you communist fool, I'll spend my money wherever the hell I please ^^;


[quote name='NamelessMC']

So yeah, half the people viewing this page want a "delivered at launch day" guarantee. If you have the balls to call gamers that want a game at launch, "pathetic losers", really you should head :arrow: way, because you won't have a great time here.[/QUOTE]
The deal seems very good, but when you consider other factors, it'll probably be more of an annoyance. First of all, a bunch of people are complaining about the shipping. In December, shipping companies get EXTREMELY busy and many items get lost, delayed, stuck somewhere, whatever. So bad shipping + busy season = high chance of something going wrong. Another thing is if you got a Wii, you got it for Brawl. Most people aren't going to want to wait for it. My third point is that I'm sure there will be some deal for this in a store that everyone can get before they would have recieved if from FV.

Summary: Good deal, but other circumstances lower it's value.
[quote name='Chronis']Another thing is if you got a Wii, you got it for Brawl.[/quote] Generalise much? I got mine primarily for Super Mario Galaxy, which will almost certainly be named the Wii Game of the Year by the press.

Smash isn't a bad game by any measurement, but it's incredibly overrated and overhyped. I will get it, but as I've said, it's not the second coming of Jesus and it's not worth spending an extra $11 to get it on the first second it's out.
[quote name='iGen']
Cry more. Maybe you should try contributing instead of bitching.[/quote]
Do you always camp out your own contribution topics hoping to get your (ego) stroked? You're the one who got defensive for no good reason. Pick your words better or stop posting in this topic.

Thanks for the deal. No thanks for the attitude.
This is an awesome deal. Unfortunately, I had already fallen for the Metroid Prime 3 for $39.99 (-$5 after Pricegrabber review) deal. With that, I had to wait exactly 10 days after its actual release date for it to arrive which was torcher.

Big titles as such deserve a trip to the store for pick-up.
I've got back-up with BestBuy RewardZone coupons.

// Roth
[quote name='iGen']How did you get a $31.xx price? By trading in 200 used games for ten cents each or something?


Replace 200 with 3, and "ten cents" with $49.99 (and some leftover credit to spare).

But that's okay, you're content to getting hosed by Family Video all in the name of hurting that evil mean corporation, right?

[quote name='iGen']

Cry more. Maybe you should try contributing instead of bitching.[/QUOTE]

Oh right, let me go look up some games I don't even care about, and then post them here just to flip out and throw a tantrum just because your deal's not good enough.

I said it before, we're better off with you not posting at all.

[quote name='iGen']Generalise much? I got mine primarily for Super Mario Galaxy, which will almost certainly be named the Wii Game of the Year by the press.

Smash isn't a bad game by any measurement, but it's incredibly overrated and overhyped. I will get it, but as I've said, it's not the second coming of Jesus and it's not worth spending an extra $11 to get it on the first second it's out.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your worthless opinion, but no one asked for it, so keep it to yourself.
[quote name='iGen']Smash isn't a bad game by any measurement, but it's incredibly overrated and overhyped. I will get it, but as I've said, it's not the second coming of Jesus and it's not worth spending an extra $11 to get it on the first second it's out.[/quote]

Not to be picky or anything... but I'm getting mine for $50 from Amazon. I've had it pre-ordered since they first started taking them... And since I've already used both FamilyVideo coupons, it'd be $45 for me. That's just a $5 difference. I think I'll live, when I end up getting mine sooner. (Amazon is generally very good about getting Christmas deliveries on time and such)
[quote name='OldKai']With'll probably take more than a week after release to get the game. (And even if you do cancel...they'll ship anyways, in my experience).[/QUOTE]
Ugh, so true. I thought cancelling over the phone would mean things could get taken care of in a timely and appropriate fashion, but apparently that was too much for them.
LOL @ iGEN. This deal SUCKS! Y wud you pay 38.99 for a game when you could wait like 2 yearz and get it for like 29.99. Gretist Hitz Titlz R were its at! I just piked up Madden 02 for $0.99! That's 98 percnt off the orignal prize! N think of the noncheapazzes that paid full prize in 2002! Wating for 29.99 GH will save u 23% off of 38.99 for a total of 40% off MSRP! Y setle for 25% off MSRP?

Serisly, this is CAG! Cheapasses wait 2 years for an extra $9 savingz. I mean, this is a good game and all, but I've already playd it and itz getng way 2 much hype. Blogz LOL!

I juz got a NES form a garge sale 4 like $10 n it came w/ 35 gams. Have any of u playd Contra? Its a sweat gam n onle cost me pennnies1! Nevr playd it b4, was always 2 expenzive.
iGenesis, do you ever shut the hell up? You are a loner, have no friends, and will play SSBB alone.

Others have friends, want to start unlocking everything and play with their friends asap. $11 is nothing really. I pre-ordered mine fully at EB for $30. Saved $30 and will get mine Day 1 the moment the store opens (Last day of school is Dec 3rd, which is a Monday and I have Mondays off). I get to play for a week and a half before studying for my exams.

Now seriously, SHUT UP. You're like this on LL too. I mean, you were prepared to give $200 to people if they could hack a website and post Harry Potter spoilers. Calling other people losers after doing that is just plain hypocritical.
not only is this game cheaper on w/ google checkout, but why is anyone complaining when you can buy it locally at launch then return the one you get in the mail?
[quote name='iGen']If it's about playing as early as possible, can't school and/or work keep you busy for those few extra days? Good lord, maybe it's a difference in philosophy, but some people really need to get lives.[/quote]

amen :applause:
What the hell is going on in this thread?

Thanks for the deal, if they get my copy of Halo 3 to me in a reasonable amount of days (about 4 days...) I'll order from them again.
Is this the best deal out there? Also if i remember right nintendo games don't ship until after their release right? (compared to Halo which is street dated and ships early)?
anyone know if smash bros melee is going down in price anytime soon? since brawl is due in a few months? i know its like $30 bucks at the stores. just wondering if theres some any lower
[quote name='jeremywoods']anyone know if smash bros melee is going down in price anytime soon? since brawl is due in a few months? i know its like $30 bucks at the stores. just wondering if theres some any lower[/quote]

don't count on it...especially as Gamestop

check a local fye or w/ gco for cheap tho
I went ahead and ordered this. I think it is probably the best deal out there for the game. At best some store may have it for $39.99 + tax launch day but I wouldn't even count on that. I paid $39.98 shipped. If it does happen to be $49.99 everywhere then I save a little over $13 bucks. I also ordered GH 3 on FamVid for $85. Just by ordering those 2 games on there I saved over $30! Thanks OP!
[quote name='gamer4432']I tried using the NEWMEM3F coupon (since I am returning customer) and it says invalid.[/quote]

sign out and try again...otherwise just use the new member code
[quote name='Foo228']sign out and try again...otherwise just use the new member code[/QUOTE]

Tried, still didnt work.
Got an e-mail Friday saying it shipped
Its here today Monday 10th!

Now I have to wait till tomorrow to play since my Wii is at the girlfriends house :wall:
[quote name='OrngRubberDucky']Got an e-mail Friday saying it shipped
Its here today Monday 10th!

Now I have to wait till tomorrow to play since my Wii is at the girlfriends house :wall:[/quote]

Why are you bumping this piece of crap? I hate family video and the guy who started this thread was just plain a dick.
[quote name='zerowing']I'll buy it here, then at a B&M, keep the reciept and return the FV copy[/QUOTE]
Yo, I see you're playing one of the funniest games on the Xbox, 'Armed and Dangerous'. Tell me, how funny is that game!?
[quote name='tightclaws']Why are you bumping this piece of crap? I hate family video and the guy who started this thread was just plain a dick.[/quote]

I canceled my order out of spite after reading some of those posts. Picked up the game yesterday at MSRP (minus $25 SMG GC) and don't regret a thing.
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