Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Other the fight scenes I don't consider it a "good" film. I found the Street Fighter film more entertaining,along with it's director's commentary which is pretty damn funny at points.
The Street FIghter movie was a mess of a production. I think it was a podcast where I heard discussion about all the issues that came up during filming. Here's the first relevant post I found if anyone is interested.

Street Fighter: The Movie - What Went Wrong

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Amazing Spiderman 2 - Very average, nothing special. The entire movie felt like a build up for the next. I must have been the only person looking forward to Rhino's scenes because his mech suit looked cool as shit, but they were totally halfassed.
Question: Was JJ Jameson in the movie?

Not gonna hold it against her, she agreed to watch the dark knight trilogy and all of mcu phase 1.
She watched one of the greatest movies ever made and she punished you for it?

Everybody knows the only reasons women watch the MCU is to a) watch Tony and Steve flirt with each other, b) Coulson, and c) Thor's beefcakiness.

Everybody knows the only reasons women watch the MCU is to a) watch Tony and Steve flirt with each other, b) Coulson, and c) Thor's beefcakiness.
She was more a fan of banner than anything.

She like the dark knight trilogy, though she didn't like the joker. She found him creepy.

It's a little strange now that comic characters are something we can talk about at home and generally everyone knows what you're talking about.
Saw Amazing Spider-Man 2. It wasn't as bad as I had heard, though nowhere near Cap 2. Biggest problem was that it felt like 2 different movies squished into one. Electro pretty much lost any and all plot signifigance once he actually became Electro and the final 20 minutes should've been its own movie.

Still, it was pretty good overall and I continue to like Amazing's Spidey over Raimi's Spidey, though I prefer Tobey's Parker over Garfield's.

Also, I preferred the last film's Spidey suit, even though this one is the most comic-accurate of all 5 films.

One thing that annoyed me was the X-Men scene right in the middle of the credits. Random as hell.

In other movies, there were a few scenes added to the TMNT trailer, including close-ups of all 4 Turtles.

Meant to say this during my Cap 2 review but I have mixed feelinga about the Annie remake. On one hand, the trailer is actually pretty good and makes the film worth seeing. On the other, it just seems wrong to remake Annie, and I don't even care about the original.
No. I would have said unfortunately no, but I'm not sure anyone could top J.K. Simmons.
Thanks. I also agree that probably no one can top his performance. He's like 99.99% compatible with the character. Great casting on that.

I kept reading comments about how the new people in charge of Spider-man could just end up bringing him back.

Journey to the Center of the Earth(original):

I really liked the well designed sets.All and all it was good fun.

Forbidden Planet:

First time I've seen Leslie Neilson in a serious role. As for the movie I thought it was a very good sci-fi film.I did get a little bogged down by exposition in the middle.Now the sets and special effects were just outstanding;a lot of work clearly went into to those.

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So I've finished my slog through horrible fighting-game-based movies. I've got no idea why I wanted to go on it since I don't play fighting games to begin with, but... eh.

Mortal Kombat was the first one I watched, and also the best. It came closest to having a tight, coherent plot, and aside from Reptile, the CGI wasn't a complete embarrassment. Just a good, dumb, goofy movie with a wicked-cool theme song.

Female love interest status: kidnapped by main villain, put in ridiculous dress.

Street Fighter was the second-least-worst, thanks largely to Raul Julia trying to murder everyone with his eyes in every single scene. Aside from him and Jean-Claude Van Damme's infamous Guile, the most noteworthy part of the movie is the enormous visual disparity between the characters. How do you completely nail Vega that well and then cast some random dumpy white guy as Ken, let alone that god damn Blanka?

Female love interest status: kidnapped by main villain, put in ridiculous dress.

Street Fighter II: The Animated Film was an hour and a half of homoerotic longing with ten minutes of close-ups of Chun-Li's ass right in the middle for some reason. Seriously, Ken, does your girlfriend know about you and Ryu, or...?

Female love interest status: given a really weird, creepy, voyeuristic bit then inexplicably put in a coma so we can get back to Balrog popping a boner while he watches Zangief fight Blanka.

Mortal Kombat Annihilation has something in common with SFII: characters that show up for one fucking scene and then completely disappear. Some of them seem like they should come back but never do, others just show up for their contractually obligated fight. The difference, I guess, is that in MKA, that was the entire fucking movie.

Female love interest status: kidnapped by main villain, gets to keep her normal clothes (which look only somewhat ridiculous). Progress?

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li was some hot garbage. It's the only one of these movies that managed to make me actually angry. Also, holy shit, is that Liu Kang from the Mortal Kombat movies? God damn, it is!

Female love interest status: Gets shot at one point and, uh... well, I guess she's wearing different clothes when she shows up again a half hour later?

Don Jon

It felt like the whole movie was just to show how hot, sexy and fuckable Scarlett is. It's obvious Jason Gordon has a crush on her and wanted to show it on screen. Too much of repetitive scenes and Julianne Moore was just awkward casting choice and a bit ugly. I give it 3 out of 5.

Granted, I have only played DoA 2 on PS2 and Dimensions on the 3DS, but I quite enjoyed those games. More so than Tekken.
Honestly, I think I watched the movies I did because of some smidgen of childhood nostalgia. Nobody really played fighting games in my town growing up, so DOA, Tekken, and King of Fighters might as well have not existed. But Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat? Everyone knew those.

Enter the Dragon - 3.75/5

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971) - 4/5

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Waterworld - 3/5

Solid movie.  Keven Costner. Nuff' Said.

No, but seriously, I wish people would stop ragging on this movie.  It's a pretty solid 90's movie that unfortunately flopped and had a huge budget...

The Curse of Frankenstein:

First time seeing a Hammer film. I really enjoyed it and though Peter Cushing was great in it.
I didn't know MC Hammer made films. Cool.

Waterworld - 3/5

Solid movie. Keven Costner. Nuff' Said.

No, but seriously, I wish people would stop ragging on this movie. It's a pretty solid 90's movie that unfortunately flopped and had a huge budget...
We were promised this:

We got this:

That said, I agree with you about the movie even though I never saw it until just recently.

I watched Free to Play on Wednesday, it was good.

You can watch it on YouTube (Legally) and it's only 1 hour 15 mins long.

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Watching that count of Monte cristo made me think of Jim caviezel as doc strange, he certainly had a decent resemblance.

As for Godzilla I imagine anything below 5/5 is wrong.
High Fidelity - 3.75/5

The movie isn't even like the novel.
Read the book in '96, saw movie in theaters in 2002, and again now. Remember it having same plot as book back in 2002, with maybe a few changes at best, specifically the ending. Can't remember a lot now, but still remember so many scenes from the book in the movie. What is not?

Has anyone seen the movie Kids? What a disturbing movie.
Discussed about a month or 2 ago.

I liked the movie more than the book, but it's very different. It keeps a similar plot basically where most people would keep it the same, but most of it is different. Guy Pearce is two characters and the ending turns out differently because of it. Dantes actually works hard to establish his persona by interacting with other characters.

A lot of stuff happens. He even
accepts a duel to the death with Mercedes' son.
Jason and the Argonauts:

Ray Harryhausen's stop motion effects still look good today as they did back then;I can't even imagine how long it took to do the whole skeleton fight.

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Those movies never cease to astound me.  They don't make 'em like those anymore.

Caught the tail end of Tango and Cash. It is a terrible movie.

Frozen on the other hand, it's an okay movie, but way overhyped. I wish Wreck It Ralph had more kids going crazy for it. And what about Disney's last animated film with the black princess and the frog?

Finally got around to watching The Illusionist with Edward Norton yesterday.  It was on Showtime I believe.  I had been sitting on that movie for years and finally watched it.  What a great movie, another Ed Norton classic.  4.5 out of 5.

Over last few days
Beyond Outrage
A Company Man
New World
Robocop (2014)

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Amazing Spider-Man 2- It was decent. Still a bad movie like the first, but it actually had fun moments and good character interactions.

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The Master - 4/5

Weird movie, craziness.

Yes Man - 3.5/5

Stopped it halfway through.

I liked the movie more than the book, but it's very different. It keeps a similar plot basically where most people would keep it the same, but most of it is different. Guy Pearce is two characters and the ending turns out differently because of it. Dantes actually works hard to establish his persona by interacting with other characters.

A lot of stuff happens. He even
accepts a duel to the death with Mercedes' son.
Huh. I didn't see Guy Pearce play 2 characters and IMDB doesn't list 2 either. Oh well I don't remember anyways.

Finally got around to watching The Illusionist with Edward Norton yesterday. It was on Showtime I believe. I had been sitting on that movie for years and finally watched it. What a great movie, another Ed Norton classic. 4.5 out of 5.
Did you see The Prestige? Is this better?

Yes Man - 3.5/5
Stopped it halfway through.

Huh. I didn't see Guy Pearce play 2 characters and IMDB doesn't list 2 either. Oh well I don't remember anyways.
No, dude. The book. It's like Iron Man 3. They put two roles in one on-screen character because it was more convenient.

Did you not like Yes Man? I liked it more than Liar Liar. The Korean scenes were offensive though.

bread's done