Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Star Wars IV, the second disc on the DVD set, with the original version. It wasn't as good quality you would normally get with a DVD, but the video was better than I expected. The movie itself is still fun to watch, and children will still eat it up.


A relatively standard story of neighbor vs. neighbor (in this case Seth Rogen vs. a fraternity lead by Zac Efron). It's got some hilarious moments to it but the style of comedy is the similar back and forth casual bantering you've seen plenty of times before from Seth Rogen. The film is entertaining throughout but the laughs can be relatively sparse if you don't think the writing style from films like The Pineapple Express is funny. Otherwise there isn't much in the way of visual humor, and if you're into that kind thing you'll probably be bored.

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Oculus. Not a bad movie, it had its moments and the mystery around it was kind of cool. Wasn't scary at all though, which is to be expected I suppose. 

The Sacrament (new Ti West movie on DVD), chilling. I purposely didn't watch any trailers or anything so I wasn't sure exactly where the story was going, but once you figure it out it's pretty horrifying.

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Bernie. Awesome.
Jack Black did a great job in this role.

Oculus. Not a bad movie, it had its moments and the mystery around it was kind of cool. Wasn't scary at all though, which is to be expected I suppose.
I agree. There were a few scary moments, but a waste of a movie.

The Sacrament (new Ti West movie on DVD), chilling. I purposely didn't watch any trailers or anything so I wasn't sure exactly where the story was going, but once you figure it out it's pretty horrifying.
Some of the later scenes were pretty chilling.

Blended: 3/5 - If you can stand movies like Just Go With It, then I'd say give Blended a shot. Terry Crews is always funny. Drew Barrymore has good chemistry with Adam Sandler, but damn it makes me want to watch 50 First Dates again.

The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)

Adventure | Biography | Drama
staring Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, Rab Affleck

Strong cast and battle scenes hold up. imo there hasn't been a good medieval movie since this.
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No Way Out with Kevin Costner, Sean Young, and Gene Hackman. Pretty cool that the military police were Black and really good at their jobs, and they came off a lot less dickish then you would get with your standard FBI commandeering roles. Anyway, this is supposed to be a remake of a 1940s(?) film, but it came off more of an episode of Magnum PI where he's stuck inside the general area of a naval building all day. I wonder if Donald Bellasario wrote this movie. The twist ending at the end was kind of hackneyed in this day and age, but still was a kicker. So... 3/5, but higher if you like Kevin Costner movies.

Watched Journey to the West, Conquering the Demon. Great movie, though I wish Stephen Chow acted in it!

Wow, the lead Wen Zhang looks so much like a young Jacky Cheung (HK Pop Singer/Actor/etc.) Well, couldn't fine better pictures (lazy). But watch the movie and you'll be surprised.


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^Still have that unopened on my shelf.I am a little disappointed he decided not to have an acting role in it.

The Bad and the Beautiful:

I enjoyed it's look at how people go about producing films. Kirk Douglas played such an interesting character.


Has some excellent cinematography. Acting all around was great,and the ending was just excellent.

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I'm watching "Is the Man Who is Tall Happy?"

Well, I'm listening to it at this point. The visuals are making me want to vomit. Gondry's voice and his questions also are making me want to vomit. I'll update this post to what I can stomach.

Done. 0/10. Gondry's negative points is enough to cancel out any of Chomsky's positive points. Damn. I wasted like $14.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel.  5/5

I really enjoyed this one but if you haven't seen it you should know that it was by far the most "Wes Anderson" movie that Wes Anderson has ever made.

Watched Journey to the West, Conquering the Demon. Great movie, though I wish Stephen Chow acted in it!

Wow, the lead Wen Zhang looks so much like a young Jacky Cheung (HK Pop Singer/Actor/etc.) Well, couldn't fine better pictures (lazy). But watch the movie and you'll be surprised
Weird coincidence. I saw that recently as well.

I liked it but I thought it really fell apart at the end. Really really badly.

I thought the ending was what I was expected. It may be hard to believe that Tripitaka forgives the demons that were the antagonists of this movie, but that's the Buddhist way and Jesus' way too, forgive to find the goodness inside. Besides, I have seen so many Journey to the West adaptations, I knew what was coming in terms of major plot points. With Stephen Chow's current movie output, you might as well enjoy the movie as is, and go watch Monkey Magic for the full story.

Weird coincidence. I saw that recently as well.

I liked it but I thought it really fell apart at the end. Really really badly.
Not really sure it's a coincidence, because Netflix just added it recently. I started it up the other day too, but I was too distracted to finish it.

Ghostbusters 5/5

Saw it in a theater for the first time during LDW (30th Anniversary Limited Engagement). Amazing to see it on the big screen, though some of the effects looked dated. Still funny as hell. Makes me dread the possible 3rd film or rumored all-female spinoff.

The hate Ghostbusters 2 gets is a bit ridiculous.  It's not a a bad movie.  It's not as good as the original, but I can watch it and enjoy it every time.  The villain was a poor choice though.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in IMAX 3D - 4/5 - I get to see pre-screening in IMAX for the first time at Universal Citywalk with Q&A with 3 ninja turtles & shredder. TMNT IMAX 3D opens this Friday, 9/12.

I don't get the hate either. It's definitely more goofy than it should be, It's not as bad as everyone says.
It wasn't a particularly bad film, I actually enjoy it but they made the mistake of making it more family friendly. The original is very risque film imo.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in IMAX 3D - 4/5 - I get to see pre-screening in IMAX for the first time at Universal Citywalk with Q&A with 3 ninja turtles & shredder. TMNT IMAX 3D opens this Friday, 9/12.
What? You loved the constant hitting on Megan Fox?

I too don't understand why people treat Ghostbusters 2 like a week old cheeseburger. I thought it was alright, though it should've been made sooner.

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Planet of the Apes:

Didn't know that Rod Sterling had a hand in the screenplay. Thought the film was excellent,and I really enjoyed Charlton Heston's performance.

Beneath Planet of the Apes:

Despite the plot holes,and cheesy effects it was entertaining.At the end of the day thought it was just the usual forced sequel.

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The hate Ghostbusters 2 gets is a bit ridiculous. It's not a a bad movie. It's not as good as the original, but I can watch it and enjoy it every time. The villain was a poor choice though.
I'm sorry, but it is a bad movie. Stupid villains, terrible slime plot. Just an overall ugly tone. And then a Stay-Puft retread.

It sucks, sucks, sucks.
Pontypool was alright, I guess. The Raid 2 didn't quite do for me what the first one did - maybe I was too distracted and confused by the return of a certain actor whose character died in the first film.

Pontypool was alright, I guess. The Raid 2 didn't quite do for me what the first one did - maybe I was too distracted and confused by the return of a certain actor whose character died in the first film.
He's a different character in this. I didn't mind that that, suspension of disbelief and all that. Plus his fight scene in the club was badass.

I know he's a different character, but his appearance is so distinct that, on first seeing him, I couldn't think anything but,
"So... Mad Dog is alive after all? And he works for these guys now? And he has a real name now?"

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The Raid. 9/10.

I didn't like the beginning, but once they start navigating through the building to survive, it gets good. It doesn't have the slow parts of The Raid 2 once it gets past all the guns.

The Raid. 9/10.

I didn't like the beginning, but once they start navigating through the building to survive, it gets good. It doesn't have the slow parts of The Raid 2 once it gets past all the guns.
The Raid 1 and 2 are both awesome films. You definitely have to watch them with subs though. The English dub is embarrassing

Anchorman 2. Really low expectations. Had fun. Why the hell would the news report a car chase? Isn't that what crappy tv shows on a weekend afternoon are for?

It is a bummer movie if you start thinking about it, even if you aren't a old time newsanchor. I don't watch TV news anymore, but a lot of yoyos do because they want to be entertained.

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Doom - The most accurate scene was the ending credits showing how the cast and crew destroyed the idea of making a good movie.

Even Resident Evil: Apocalypse was better than this trainwreck. 

Now that I think about the recent media debate about ISIL does stem from what Anchorman 2 brought up...

Anyway, just saw Iron Man 3. It was a much better popcorn movie than the second one, and a great ending for Tony Stark. Even if they won't ever make a 4 due to Downey's demands, I'll be okay.  Obviously this movie does have its flaws, since halfway,  Tony Stark ends up being Michael Westen and Jack Bauer (which is frankly ridiculous if you discount Batman.) Liked that Gweneth Paltrow's character got some pretty cool stuff to do, unheard of in action movies outside of a Jolie flick.

Very glad the editors managed to whittle away the Chinese scenes except for a few shots of that Doctor. But still, WTF didn't Tony Stark go to Germany for his surgery. If they can rebuild a soldier literally torn apart by vampires into a Super cyborg, surely they could've done this easily.

bread's done