Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Finally saw Skyfall last night (thanks again CaseyRyback for the pass!).

Loved it. Easily the best of the Craig Bond films so far, and by default my favorite Bond movie since there's few of the older ones I really care much for.

Hoping to find time to see the Hobbit in 3D HFR and Lincoln with the girlfriend this week before heading out of town for a week for the holidays. We're both pretty swamped with work though, so we'll be pressed to get both in.
I'm not a huge fan of 3D, but want to check out the 48FPS.

I don't hate 3D, just don't think it's worth the extra cost most of the time--Avatar being one notable exception where the 3D really added a lot.

In any case, 3D is here to stay. Makes studios and theaters too much money by being able to charge more for admission.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm not a huge fan of 3D, but want to check out the 48FPS.

I don't hate 3D, just don't think it's worth the extra cost most of the time--Avatar being one notable exception where the 3D really added a lot.

In any case, 3D is here to stay. Makes studios and theaters too much money by being able to charge more for admission.[/QUOTE]

I would put the 3D in The Hobbit on par with Avatar, it is extraordinary.
3D aint going anywhere. Almost every Waner Bros picture in 2013 will be in 3D

Hobbit 2 : (The Desolation of Smaug)
300 part 2 (w/e the frak they're callin that)
Man of Steel , Jack the Giant Slayer ,The seventh Son . .. etc etc 3D 3D 3D 3D. (Not endorsing this , just sayin its here to stay)
[quote name='tcrash247']I would put the 3D in The Hobbit on par with Avatar, it is extraordinary.[/QUOTE]

I saw it in 2D and will admit that I regret not seeing it in 3D. The last hour of the film has to look out of control in 3D. All I kept thinking was, why didn't I see this in 3D?

I just found out that one of the theaters near me added 3D and 48 FPS so I probably will go see it again this week. They must have just been added to the list because like two weeks ago there wasn't any theaters in the Raleigh area that there going to show the movie in 48 FPS. The closest one was going to be an hour and a half away.

Overall I thought the last hour and a half was excellent, but the first hour dragged. Hopefully subsequent movies are a little crisper.
Question for anybody that has seen The Hobbit. How long was the whole movie experience? What I mean is after all the previews and the film how much time did it take. I want to go tomorrow and see a 11:45 showing of it but I have to be back at home by 3:05 to pick up my son from school. I would say I would need at least 25 minutes of drive time between the movie ending and picking up my son.
Saw Hobbit in HFR 3D. Gave me a headache, and I felt like everyone was moving in fast forward for awhile. Looked fantastic, but headache and fast forward effect both made me wonder if it was worth it.

The movie was completely absurd. I used to complain about films like "Wanted" because they're essentially completely unfathomable, but this movie was just unbelievable nonsense after unbelievable nonsense for 3 hours straight. By the end I didn't care at all if anyone lived or died - the exact opposite of "Fellowship of the Ring" which had some real drama towards the end that made the whole thing feel REAL. This had a suggestion of drama that didn't deliver at all. I guess in that way I was really disappointed.

Note that I don't usually have any issues with 3D movies or IMAX 3D. Very happy that the HFR 3D didn't have an extra surcharge like IMAX does!
[quote name='ajh2298']Question for anybody that has seen The Hobbit. How long was the whole movie experience? What I mean is after all the previews and the film how much time did it take. I want to go tomorrow and see a 11:45 showing of it but I have to be back at home by 3:05 to pick up my son from school. I would say I would need at least 25 minutes of drive time between the movie ending and picking up my son.[/QUOTE]

I'd be close. It was just shy of 3 hours with the previews (like 2 hours and 50 minutes).
Finally saw the Expendables and man was it as violent as all of their respective movies put together. Obviously the story was crap, because if it was better this could've been two hours long rather than the 90 minutes. I guess I'm satisfied with it as along it's a gore fest where every star had a chance to shine.
Finally saw The Dark Knight Rises this weekend. Sean Connery is looking good for his age.

Am I the only one that didn't really care for Batman Begins? My ranking of the Nolan trillogy:

1. TDK
3. BB
21 Jump Street. WAY better than I thought it would be... which isn't saying much but still. Probably near the top of the "cheesy semi-serious TV show that was actually cool for its time remade into a not-so-serious movie" list.
The Hobbit 3D 48FPS

Saw it yesterday, thought it was good but nothing overly amazing. It really made me think how good the LOTR trilogy is actually. I know its only the first film so theres alot of setting up so I hope the next two are better.

Regarding 48FPS the first five minutes were a little weird, slight character movements looked off (like they were sped up obviously). But I got used to it quickly. My biggest complaint is just how 48FPS made everything look fake, the sets, CGI etc just looked like a movie, which obviously isn't good and everything was too bright.

As I work in a cinema I might pop into the 2D screening if I can and see how that compares.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Finally saw The Dark Knight Rises this weekend. Sean Connery is looking good for his age.

Am I the only one that didn't really care for Batman Begins? My ranking of the Nolan trillogy:

1. TDK

yea for me i think its:


(BB and TDK were close and both really good imo, TDKR was bad. spiderman bad imo)
Hobbit 2D. I thought the movie was good, just for me there was too much noticeable CG in it. It kinda took away from the realness of the movies.

The Princess Bride- I never seen this movie before oddly. It's really good, and it's very witty and fun. I loved it. I was expecting a meh chick flick by the title but rest assured, I came out loving it. Plus it has Andre The Giant.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Hobbit 2D. I thought the movie was good, just for me there was too much noticeable CG in it. It kinda took away from the realness of the movies.
That stinks, so is there a consensus on the 2D Hobbit vs the 3D 48fps yet?
I'm certainly only going to get to see it once in the theater so I'd appreciate the feedback.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']That stinks, so is there a consensus on the 2D Hobbit vs the 3D 48fps yet?
I'm certainly only going to get to see it once in the theater so I'd appreciate the feedback.[/QUOTE]

I saw it in 3D and thought the CGI was amazing.
Going to watch hobbit tonight. Sounds like I should watch the 3d version but my wife gets sick sometimes watching that shit so I'll probably watch the regular one.

Hunger on netflix. its OK. Fast forwarded it a couple times. Basically survival in a well.
Saw a couple movies on the plane.

Bully- Good and somewhat infuriating (not the movie but the situation)

Breakfast at Tiffany's- I understand this is a classic. Now answer me this. Holly is meant to be unlikable right? I mean there are so many situations where I wonder why the main man even cares to stick around. The main guy has that decorator/agent lady why? Is there something going on between them other than business? Loved the cat. I enjoyed the majority of the movie after what seemed like a slow and unfunny start (asian neighbor is terrible).
The Hobbit - I went in with really low expectations. I love the source material and was pissed that they were splitting the book into three movies. I was really surprised how lovingly Jackson handled this movie and I'm now really excited to see the second one.
Total Recall (remake)- Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. There was a lot of really fun nods to the original and they did a really good job of creating a very interesting future world. Lots of fun action sequences also. Overall I'd definitely recommend at least giving it a shot if you like action movies.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Total Recall (remake)- Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. There was a lot of really fun nods to the original and they did a really good job of creating a very interesting future world. Lots of fun action sequences also. Overall I'd definitely recommend at least giving it a shot if you like action movies.[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed it as well. People automatically say remakes suck though without giving them a chance, and even when they do they pretend the original is a masterpiece.
Nice. I was planning on checking it out. The original was a comedic masterpiece like all of Arnold's movies. Only Commando was more over the top.:D
[quote name='whoknows']I enjoyed it as well. People automatically say remakes suck though without giving them a chance, and even when they do they pretend the original is a masterpiece.[/QUOTE]

Both the original and the remake are, for the most part, cliche reflections of movies/themes of their respective times. Granted, the original has a slightly more original look to it.

[quote name='dohdough']Nice. I was planning on checking it out. The original was a comedic masterpiece like all of Arnold's movies. Only Commando was more over the top.:D[/QUOTE]

This one plays it a little more seriously and unfortunately I was disappointed to find out there's no "See you at the party, Rictor" in this one...

Actually, I think I just realized there is a nod to that scene now that I think about it. Definitely not as good as that one though.
The Watch - I enjoyed it, but wasn't expecting much. It won't change your life, but it might entertain you.

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter - It was ok, I had read most of the book before I missplaced it. It's different from the book.
The Hobbit in HFR 3D.

I liked the movie a lot, but probably a tad less than I was expecting. From Rivendell on it was mostly great, before that it drug some and got a little too silly at times (Trolls etc.). Riddles in the Dark scene was great, battle with the Goblins was great as well--though the Great Goblin was kind of lame.

I guess my main gripe/nitpick is I was hoping that with all the additions the tone would be more similar to the LOTR movies, rather than being more light hearted like the children's book it's based on. But they went with kind of a weird mix of being pretty kiddy in places, then having beheadings in the next scene etc. so the tone felt kind of off/mixed. But again, I still enjoyed it and need to see it again.

As for the 48FPS 3D, I wasn't a big fan. On the one hand I liked how it made the 3D look clearer, rather than dim and a bit blurry like I find most 3D. But on the other hand I felt like the movie was in slight fast forward the whole time (especially wide panning shots or someone walking--like Bilbo through Bag End in the beginning). I also felt it made a lot of sets/special effects seem fake--though I'll need to watch in 2D to see if it was the HFR/3D causing that for me. But I'm guessing it is just a result of the added clarity from the HFR. So I found that distracting and need to go see it again in 2D--and I'll most likely just see the next 2 in 2D.

Nitpicks aside, I'm really looking forward to the next 2. This one really picked up after Rivendale, and I'm guessing the next 2 will continue that with Smaug's attack, the stuff they've added with Azog continuing, the white council attacking Dol Goldur, the Battle of Five Armies etc. Lot's to look forward to now that the characters are introduced and the story set up.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']Saw a couple movies on the plane.

Bully- Good and somewhat infuriating (not the movie but the situation)

Breakfast at Tiffany's- I understand this is a classic. Now answer me this. Holly is meant to be unlikable right? I mean there are so many situations where I wonder why the main man even cares to stick around. The main guy has that decorator/agent lady why? Is there something going on between them other than business? Loved the cat. I enjoyed the majority of the movie after what seemed like a slow and unfunny start (asian neighbor is terrible).[/QUOTE]

Mickey Rooney as the Asian neighbor was the height of racist hilarity. It's like a facepalm beginning to end with that character.

And Holly Golightly was supposed to be unlikable - she was trying to find herself but battling between her materialistic "this is what makes me happy" and the real happiness she wanted with Hannibal. It's a great role and a great character - too many romantic movies today make both characters some perfect, lovable types... the best show real characters that you fall in love with whether you like it or not. Hannibal didn't want to get dragged into Holly's craziness, but he did anyway.

Audrey Hepburn is freaking gorgeous, too. That's a movie star, people!
[quote name='whoknows']I enjoyed it as well. People automatically say remakes suck though without giving them a chance, and even when they do they pretend the original is a masterpiece.[/QUOTE]

I gave it a chance and it sucked. Completely forgettable because it makes the future look exactly like everybody else's gritty technofuture. I wish we could delete Blade Runner from the lexicon so everybody would be forced to come up with their own visions instead of just copying Ridley Scott.

By way of comparison, the original TR was its own movie. It didn't look or feel like anything else, so it stuck with you. Guy in a stomach? Arnold's head exploding? Sharon Stone? Cabby with a wierd arm? Three boobs? Lots of stuff to remember from the original, almost nothing from the remake.

And Colin Farrell is deathly boring as the generic hero. give him a personality like in In Bruges or Minority Report!
Went to The Hobbit earlier today. It was old school 24 fps and 2d.

First off, regarding the 48 fps discussion. Whether or not you like it is one discussion but it was clearly show with the intention of being shown that way. It gets blurry as all hell in certain sections because the camera is moving really quick. I kind of regret not seeing 48 and 3d.

The movie itself? It was good, not as good as any of the LotR movies, though. My biggest problem is that the artificial padding of milking 3 movies out of this really showed, unfortunately. It drags way too much at the beginning. Particularly
the scene of first meeting at Bilbo's house.
That scene was just too long. Some of the characters were really interesting and I really enjoyed Bilbo and Thorin, in particular.
The Watch

I read some pretty bad reviews, so I honestly wasn't expecting all that much and while it wasn't the greatest movie by any means, I still enjoyed it for what it was.
Looper - Great film. I don't know if the events of the events of the film actually lead up to that ending though. Joe's arch wasn't as fluid as it could have been and apart from
hooking up with the chick
there was very little to show his mindset turn towards saving the day. I also didn't understand the idea of how what Young Joe was planning at the under didn't sync up with Old Joe causing Old Joe to react accordingly. That was probably the biggest glaring error in the film for me.

I also think the film could have done with more inventive camerawork. I think everyone knows the shot of Joe falling off the fire escape. The film could have used more of that although we didn't get it.
[quote name='HeroToTheMasses']Looper - Great film. I don't know if the events of the events of the film actually lead up to that ending though. Joe's arch wasn't as fluid as it could have been and apart from
hooking up with the chick
there was very little to show his mindset turn towards saving the day. I also didn't understand the idea of how what Young Joe was planning at the under didn't sync up with Old Joe causing Old Joe to react accordingly. That was probably the biggest glaring error in the film for me.

I also think the film could have done with more inventive camerawork. I think everyone knows the shot of Joe falling off the fire escape. The film could have used more of that although we didn't get it.[/QUOTE]

Saw the film this morning and loved it too. As to your concerns, I think
young Joe changed his mind on the kid after realizing that by killing his mom, he would turn evil. The reason that old Joe doesn't realize at the same time is revealed when they talk in the diner and old Joe says that his memories are cloudy until young Joe actually decides and makes an action.
. That's how I understood it anyway, but time travel movies are bound to have holes in them.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Saw the film this morning and loved it too. As to your concerns, I think
young Joe changed his mind on the kid after realizing that by killing his mom, he would turn evil. The reason that old Joe doesn't realize at the same time is revealed when they talk in the diner and old Joe says that his memories are cloudy until young Joe actually decides and makes an action.
. That's how I understood it anyway, but time travel movies are bound to have holes in them.[/QUOTE]

Basically it's the action that makes the memory? Not the state of mind or intent? That makes sense! Thanks!
[quote name='HeroToTheMasses']Basically it's the action that makes the memory? Not the state of mind or intent? That makes sense! Thanks![/QUOTE]

I think so, watch the diner scene again, they explain it there.
Beasts of the Southern Wild - If you guys want to check out an awesome movie with a kid in the starring role, it's this. Seriously, freakin' good. Pretty touching with a kickass soundtrack to boot. Little kid actress was the bomb.
The Expendables 2 - Great, much better than the first, but I wish Jet Li stayed in the whole movie.

Silent Night Deadly Night - 80's cheesy slasher awesomeness.
[quote name='tcrash247']The Expendables 2 - Great, much better than the first, but I wish Jet Li stayed in the whole movie.

Silent Night Deadly Night - 80's cheesy slasher awesomeness.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='tcrash247']The Expendables 2 - Great, much better than the first, but I wish Jet Li stayed in the whole movie.

Silent Night Deadly Night - 80's cheesy slasher awesomeness.[/QUOTE]
I haven't seen the 80s one, but the remake is a lot of fun.
Saw Starship Troopers yesterday. It really does have the cheesiness of Total Recall. I, of course, didn't like it that much since it was a pro-war macho as hell movie, especially since I've seen Full Metal Jacket and like movies recently. Would I watch it again? Not for several years.
Saw This Is 40 yesterday. The reviews weren't all that great, but I knew going in that I'd like it at least a little bit considering I'm a huge fan of Judd Apatow, Paul Rudd, and Knocked Up. The movie dragged on A LOT. There were probably 3-4 points where I thought it was ending, but it just kept going. Aside from that, I thought it was really good.
Saw Django Unchained.

Great movie if you're a fan of QT's style. Some will be offended by the extreme violence, others by the rampant use of the n- word and the slave torture (rightfully so). Some will even be offended by the perceived anti-white racism. Screw all that, it's a great movie and if it's in your wheelhouse, watch it.

I would say it's basically Inglouious Basterds with slavers instead of Nazis... some great dialogue and funny sequences, some really tense moments, lots of revenge. It's not nearly as entertaining as Kill Bill in some ways, and not as relevant in the film world as Pulp Fiction, but it's not a throwaway pic. There's a lot more to it than Jamie Foxx shooting racists.
The Hobbit. It was awesome! Watched it in regular 2D version and don't regret it one bit. My boyfriend and I are going to see it again soon.
bread's done