Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Django Unchained

"Cora, say goodbye to Miss Lara"

What a great damn movie.[/QUOTE]

Just watched it for the 2nd time. Definitely a great one. I'd put it as my 2nd favorite Tarantino directed flick after Pulp Fiction.
Lincoln was good. Not insanely so, but good.

That reminds me... I always like to look up historical accuracy with movies like that. Need to do it for this one.
There were some reported inaccuracies in Lincoln with mistakes in which state reps coted yay or nay.

Killing Them Softly.

I liked it a lot. Really good performance from Brad Pitt.
[quote name='whoknows']
All it did was act as her last resort. It's not like she could have done much else once Dredd got in.

It really doesn't seem like they're making him soften for doing that. All it was to me is that he saw Anderson as being a capable Judge so he passed her.

I really liked the movie though. Out of all the comic book movies from last year this was easily the best one IMO.[/QUOTE]

At the beginning of the film, Anderson was a "soft" Judge and Dredd knew that she'd be killed almost instantly on the job. She was more "Judge and Jury", while missing the "Executioner". Remember when one of the Judges told Mama how she'd kill her? [Not exact wording] If she gets the drop on me, she'll see me as a Judge and hesitate. When she hesitates, I'll kill her. If I get the drop on her, I'll just kill her right away.

At the end, she survived despite having been separated from Dredd and he was impressed enough to pass her. That's how I see it.

I enjoyed Dredd quite a bit as well. Wasn't really sure what to think of it when it was first announced, but it turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

Also, I thought this thread was about "Movies that Surprisingly DIDN'T suck"? There seems to be quite a few movies that DO suck in here. To that end, I haven't really seen a movie that fits that description lately.
"The last movie you saw" is a long-running thread series. Whoever made this one was just very uncreative and reused the title of the last one. Before that it was, "They're coming to get the last movie you saw, Barbara!", and before that it was something else entirely. The "didn't suck" part has never been relevant.

EDIT: In fact, if you look at the first page, you can see people complaining about the thread title.
Oblivion was so disappointing because it had all the right elements of an epic except the script. It's pretty good up to about halfway, with the premise being interesting in its own right and the visuals/Cruise carrying the film. Sadly, the twist is shockingly paper thin and can be guessed within the first ten minutes of the film (especially if you've already seen the movie
The Island
). I would still say give it a view for being a quality sci-fi flick (not overly flashy or unbelievable), which tend to be rare these days.
Saw Oz tonight with my gf. Was not impressed. The visuals were great but Franco was annoying and Kunis didn't help much. Plus the story felt like a hot mess for a while.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']I saw Dredd. It was fine but the hyperviolent stuff was freaky and the movie would've been better without it.[/QUOTE]
....are you fucking serious? It wouldn't even be Dredd without violence.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Saw Oz tonight with my gf. Was not impressed. The visuals were great but Franco was annoying and Kunis didn't help much. Plus the story felt like a hot mess for a while.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. Kunick was a wooden plank through the movie. I got my wife to see it with me then we went to the theater to see the show Wicked two weeks later. Wicked destroyed it.
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A History of Violence is one of the few examples of a movie outperforming the graphic novel. Speaking of Viggo, what in the hell happened to that guy? I haven't seen him in anything since Eastern Promises (which everyone should see as soon as possible).
The Amazing Spiderman was good. Felt a bit long and somewhat melodramatic, but still faithful to the source (or at least what I remember from reading the comics).
I wasn't a big fan of Amazing Spider-Man. I don't get the praise it gets. Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 and both better acted and developed films. Maybe the sequel will be better, but I wouldn't bank on it with Dr. Manhattan/Mr. Freeze Jamie Foxx.
I'm not a fan of Spiderman period, so to me each take on the franchise were equally ok. I did feel like this was more of a teenage angst movie though lol.
[quote name='Jodou']I'm not a fan of Spiderman period, so to me each take on the franchise were equally ok. I did feel like this was more of a teenage angst movie though lol.[/QUOTE]
Everybody says its inspired/based on ultimate spiderman, but that isn't angsty at all.
[quote name='Tsel']Evil Dead really hit the spot, I must say. I also watched Sinister last and thoroughly enjoyed that as well.[/QUOTE]

Watched that yesterday, I really enjoyed the Evil Dead, hope theres an unrated version out as I felt the movie was pretty tame compared to the first red band trailer I saw.

So is Sinister worth checking out then? I watched the Possession, while not scary it was well acted for me, also has anypne seen v/h/s?
[quote name='whoknows']Sinister is fantastic.

V/H/S is worth a watch. It's for the most part a bunch of short horror stories. Some are good, some are not.[/QUOTE]

Wow that was fast ;) thanks for the reply, I think I'll check out both of them, I used to be a big horror buff as a kid strangely but haven't really followed the genre too much recently. I know v/h/s is an anthology movie so some good and some bad but I just don't trust imdb opinions since there's too many trolls over there.
[quote name='ClydeShebang']Watched that yesterday, I really enjoyed the Evil Dead, hope theres an unrated version out as I felt the movie was pretty tame compared to the first red band trailer I saw.

So is Sinister worth checking out then? I watched the Possession, while not scary it was well acted for me, also has anypne seen v/h/s?[/QUOTE]

Sinister is probably the best horror film I've seen in the past few years. It had a solid plot, some creepy moments, and a disturbing ending that you most likely won't see coming.

V/H/S really shocked me with how entertaining it was. It may not be the best movie, but it's intriguing and it'll leave you wanting more. Luckily the sequel comes out in a couple months. I really loved the format of it and enjoyed it thoroughly.
Rented TED on Apple TV this past week. I don't know what I was expecting to be honest, but didn't really enjoy it.

Also saw Running Man for the first time recently. (Yes, I know, I've been living in a cave). Anyway, it is now one of my FAVORITE 80's movies!
John Carter was better than Avatar. Yeah, I said it. Really enjoyed the imagination of this flick, even if it felt familiar in a sci-fi sort of way. Not the greatest story in the world, with a surprise twist at the end but it did manage to hold my attention throughout. More than I can say for Avatar which was all show and no go.
Pain and Gain was strange and somewhat depressing. We just decided to go see it on a whim and I had no idea what it was about -- just thought it would be a funny movie like The Other Guys. So the whole thing was pretty unexpected.

Not sure how accurate the story is to what really happened, I assume significant changes were made to make it more interesting, but with the movie being a comedy and the source material for the story... it was just weird.
[quote name='blindinglights']Pain and Gain was strange and somewhat depressing. We just decided to go see it on a whim and I had no idea what it was about -- just thought it would be a funny movie like The Other Guys. So the whole thing was pretty unexpected.

Not sure how accurate the story is to what really happened, I assume significant changes were made to make it more interesting, but with the movie being a comedy and the source material for the story... it was just weird.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with you 100%. Pain & Gain is NOTHING like the trailers made it out to be. I was interested based off trailers alone. I read no critics reviews or anything of that sort because I knew it'd make me second guess spending cash on it and I'm a big Dwayne Johnson fan so I knew I had to see it in theatres.

I was surprised to say the least, and without spoiliing anything, the movie kept getting weirder and weirder to the point I kept saying "It can't be heading in this direction" or "No way" to my bro who went to check it out with me.

I'm not saying it was a bad movie because I thought it was pretty good and I'm not among Michael Bay's biggest fans, but it's definitely not a pure comedy like The Other Guys. I feel bad because their were children in my showing.
Watched The Last Stand, was a big Arnie fan back in the day. This was a silly film, there were so many holes of logic in the film, we just treated t as a comedy to be entertained.

Plus luiz guzman (sp?) made me laugh since he kept on reminding me of community.
[quote name='keithp']Finally saw Hunger Games, meh, it was a 5/10 at best.[/QUOTE]
The premise is just so preposterous that I couldn't take it seriously at all. It was like The Most Dangerous Game meets Survivor. Totally absurd.
[quote name='Jodou']The premise is just so preposterous that I couldn't take it seriously at all. It was like The Most Dangerous Game meets Survivor. Totally absurd.[/QUOTE]
Perhaps Battle Royale would be a better fit for you. Probably not. It's more crazy and absurd. Kind of its charm though.
Not that I expected them to suck, but I watched Django Unchained and The Hobbit recently and loved them both, Django more so.
[quote name='Tsel']Not that I expected them to suck, but I watched Django Unchained and The Hobbit recently and loved them both, Django more so.[/QUOTE]

Liked Django, thought the hobbit was a tad overrated, good but not great.
[quote name='ClydeShebang']Liked Django, thought the hobbit was a tad overrated, good but not great.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I would agree. 'Loved it' was a bit of a stretch. The last 45 minutes or so were pretty great though and I did love the ending.
[quote name='Clak']A guy I work with earlier was, I'm not joking, comparing Oblivion to Blade Runner.[/QUOTE]

I would have petitioned to get him suspended without pay.
[quote name='Clak']A guy I work with earlier was, I'm not joking, comparing Oblivion to Blade Runner.[/QUOTE]
If anything Total Recall has more in common with Blade Runner than Oblivion.
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