Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Fast & Furious 6 for the 2nd time. Awesome movie. There was nothing out that I was really interested in and I really enjoyed it the first time so why not? It's definitely my favorite movie of the series.

Just saw the original Cannes cut of Kill Bill in all its close to 4-hour glory. This version needs to see proper release on blu-ray. It's just that simple.
Curious where did you happen to watch this?
They screened it in Philadelphia this weekend, only the third time it had been screened as there is only one 35mm print, QT's personal copy. Don't know how they were able to get the chance to borrow it.
Just saw the original Cannes cut of Kill Bill in all its close to 4-hour glory. This version needs to see proper release on blu-ray. It's just that simple.
Curious where did you happen to watch this?
They screened it in Philadelphia this weekend, only the third time it had been screened as there is only one 35mm print, QT's personal copy. Don't know how they were able to get the chance to borrow it.
Shit, I wish I knew this was being screened, I would have gone.

Man of Steel.  First movie in forever that I saw in the theater (The Dark Knight Rises was the previous one and The Dark Knight was the one before that!).  Anyway, it was good but not great. 

I liked the dark tone that people seem to be hung up on but I thought the pacing was a little off and there were a few ridiculous plot points revolving around where people were positioned relative to the action. Lois just happend to be in the building where Superman killed Zod after they battled all over Metropolis???  Perry and crew just happened to crawl out of the rubble right in front of Superman and Zod??? I actually thought the entire Daily Planet could have been cut other than the few scenes involving Lois - no one gives a crap about the nameless reporters.  I also thought there was no need for Lois to be on Zod's ship but I guess that was just an excuse for Russell Crowe to get some more screen time (that whole sequence was pretty bad). 

Other than those nitpicky things I enjoyed the movie - especially the fighting.  Hopefully the sequel will be even better - too bad there aren't any real classic villians for him to battle like Batman and Spiderman have without getting too comic-booky.  I guess next up will be Lex Luthor but how will he possibly be a threat without Kryptonite?  Bizzaro, Darkseid, Doomsday and Brainiac would be pretty sweet I guess but the average person has probably never heard of them.

Star Trek (1st one). Entertaining for sure. Occasionally a little stupid (sky diving, for example), other times really stupid (all the Nimoy bits), other times good. I want to see the new one. It was flawed, but still a promising start to the series.

When Nimoy showed up I almost gave up on the film, but it got better again.

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Monsters University is incredibly charming and a whole lot of fun. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even more so than Monsters Inc. 

There's a theater near here that has $4 movie tickets for all ages before 6PM, so I'm planning on seeing more movies than I usually do just because tickets are so damn cheap. I went into the theater not expecting much, but you really do get bang for your buck. Comfortable seating, affordable ticket prices, and a nice screen/sound system. Best of all, large popcorn and drinks are $3. 

Man of Steel. First movie in forever that I saw in the theater (The Dark Knight Rises was the previous one and The Dark Knight was the one before that!). Anyway, it was good but not great.

I liked the dark tone that people seem to be hung up on but I thought the pacing was a little off and there were a few ridiculous plot points revolving around where people were positioned relative to the action. Lois just happend to be in the building where Superman killed Zod after they battled all over Metropolis??? Perry and crew just happened to crawl out of the rubble right in front of Superman and Zod??? I actually thought the entire Daily Planet could have been cut other than the few scenes involving Lois - no one gives a crap about the nameless reporters. I also thought there was no need for Lois to be on Zod's ship but I guess that was just an excuse for Russell Crowe to get some more screen time (that whole sequence was pretty bad).

Other than those nitpicky things I enjoyed the movie - especially the fighting. Hopefully the sequel will be even better - too bad there aren't any real classic villians for him to battle like Batman and Spiderman have without getting too comic-booky. I guess next up will be Lex Luthor but how will he possibly be a threat without Kryptonite? Bizzaro, Darkseid, Doomsday and Brainiac would be pretty sweet I guess but the average person has probably never heard of them.
Lex Luthor has this pretty nifty thing called a Power Suit that has given problems to Supes many, many times over the year. He doesn't need kryptonite to be a threat to Superman. Just by being a popular human/businessman/politician/everyman, he is a threat to Clark.

Lex Luthor has this pretty nifty thing called a Power Suit that has given problems to Supes many, many times over the year. He doesn't need kryptonite to be a threat to Superman. Just by being a popular human/businessman/politician/everyman, he is a threat to Clark.
I like that, I hope he's less comical and is a threat more from the political aspect to supes, as in not as easy to beat up unless superman wants his uneasy truce the the us to fall apart. For the fighting villain, they could always tweak a pre-existing villain like they do in these movies, as an example Brainiac and make it so that Lex created this intelligent lifeform or he created a messed up clone of superman and created Bizzaro.

Hatchet II - If you liked the first, you'll probably like the second. Over the top violence and gore mixed with a little goofy humor mixed in.

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Searching for Sugar Man.  It's so hard to believe that our world was that disconnected back then.  I mean, something like that could never happen in this age of information we live in now.  Totally fascinating story made movie.

Man of Steel.

Really liked it.  Well cast, and tons of destruction, crazy fights etc. that had been missing in past Superman movies.

I like that, I hope he's less comical and is a threat more from the political aspect to supes, as in not as easy to beat up unless superman wants his uneasy truce the the us to fall apart. For the fighting villain, they could always tweak a pre-existing villain like they do in these movies, as an example Brainiac and make it so that Lex created this intelligent lifeform or he created a messed up clone of superman and created Bizzaro.
I really hope they don't use Lex or at least not make him the main villain in the next movie. It's happened a million times already, I want to see someone that hasn't been in a Superman movie yet. I want to see Superman fight super things, just like in Man of Steel.

I'm just tired of Lex Luthor.

As for the last movie I saw: World War Z

It was a lot better than expected. A nice surprise.

Olympus Has Fallen was pretty damn good, specially if you have a surround sound system with a nice sub woofer (mine was turned up blowing air fierce and shaking walls). Gerald Butler was good, action was intense, and special effects were spot on.
Dead Man Down was also a pretty descent movie starring Collin Farrell and Terrence Howard, biggest surprised it was produced by WWE films, only wrestler I recognized was Wade Barrett. The movie starts out slow but once story pieces fall into place (about 45 mins into the film, movie duration is 2 hours exactly), it becomes a good smart action/drama film, easy the best movie WWE put out in my eyes.
World War Z-definitely exceeded my expectations and I loved that it actually conveyed the wider story of a zombie outbreak as just about every other movie focuses on just the small band of survivors.  Overall, I really enjoyed it.  The way the pricing ended up working out it ended up being the same price for a regular showing or a 3D showing during the matinee times so I opted for 3D.  Definitely not worth the 3D though, it added very little to nothing to the experience and there were parts where I just plain forgot I was watching 3D.

Hotel Transylvania is the reason I love that Sony Pictures is willing to take risks still.  Nowhere near as bad as critics made it out to be and has a rightful place with even the worst Pixar has ever produced.  HT is a movie thoughtful of the source material, even paying tribute to greats like Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff at times, with a family story worth telling to boot.  With legendary Genndy Tartakovsky behind the helm, I'm surprised I didn't know about this sooner because he certainly shaped my young adulthood for the better.

Super - I watched this movie on a whim only because James Gunn directed it and I wanted to see his style before Guardians of the Galaxy next year. While I think the film missed it's mark of a deconstruction on the stree-level superhero and the superhero genre as a whole, I enjoyed the film. There is some funny stuff in there, but the film really falters when everything gets so serious. The ending also makes zero sense. I am willing to forgive it all because Ellen Page was fantastic.

Prefontaine 3.9/5

- not as good as Without Limits. Very interesting to watch both since they were only made about a year apart. AFAIK Without Limits was the movie Pre's parents were behind. Prefontaine was a bit disappointing with some of the incidents it changed for dramatic purposes, such as how Pre injured his foot. 

Fire On The Track: The Steve Prefontaine Story 4.5/5

- Documentary better than the 2 movies. 

Super - I watched this movie on a whim only because James Gunn directed it and I wanted to see his style before Guardians of the Galaxy next year. While I think the film missed it's mark of a deconstruction on the stree-level superhero and the superhero genre as a whole, I enjoyed the film. There is some funny stuff in there, but the film really falters when everything gets so serious. The ending also makes zero sense. I am willing to forgive it all because Ellen Page was fantastic.
I thought she was so hot in it, for some reason I can't pinpoint.
It was just such a huge disappointment. Not that I was really looking forward to it or anything, but I thought it looked like something entertaining to watch. It wasn't. It just dragged and dragged.

Pretty much.
I'm not one to agree with rotten tomatoes but in this case the film is under 20% plus the trailer looked pretty bad.

I'm just nit a fan of Johnny depp in weird mode, which I guess is most of his career.
I'm not one to agree with rotten tomatoes but in this case the film is under 20% plus the trailer looked pretty bad.

I'm just nit a fan of Johnny depp in weird mode, which I guess is most of his career.
I saw that but went anyway since I'm not one to really listen to reviews. I'm not a big Johnny Depp fan either but he really was the most entertaining thing about the movie.

I guess it just wasn't what I wanted it to be. I wanted it to be the guy becoming the lone ranger and then doing things to build up notoriety and things like that. Kind of like Batman Begins. It wouldn't have been original, but it would have been entertaining. Instead it felt like half the movie was him becoming the lone ranger, and the next half was him deciding not to be the lone ranger then changing his mind and the big action scene at the end, which is what I wanted the whole movie to be.

Ah well. I'd like to see them try harder with a sequel, but factoring in the 215million budget and the fact it didn't even make 10 million yesterday, I think the franchise is going to be killed.

The Campaign.  It was more low key than I was expecting from Will Farrell, which isn't a bad thing because I hate when he's too over the top.  Wasn't something I'd rave about but I didn't hate it either.  

Tucker and Dale VS Evil - Dont know why I waited so long to watch this. Fantastic film that had me laughing the entire time.

The Devil Inside - *snooze*
My review of the new Evil Dead. Please let me know if there are any issues with the sound or my speaking. I'm trying to improve. Thanks.


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