Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Well every movie based on a "true story" does that,which is why I just take them as entertaintment,and nothing more.
I mean I expected that when I saw it, it's just that the bullshit was on such a high level.

The way he had a heart of gold and ended up caring for his captors made me roll my eyes. My eyes literally fell out of my head and rolled across the floor.

I actually laughed out loud when Tom Hanks yells "HE'S JUST A KID!" about one of the pirates.

Tango and Cash - A very enjoyable bad film.I love how over the top the last 20 mins,with it just throwing all logic out the window.
Only the last 20 minutes was over the top? I thought the entire movie was.

I actually saw this movie when it was out in theaters. I can't remember which other movies I watched that day, but as a 10 year old kid sneaking into an R-rated movie, I was blown away by it. As I look back, the funniest thing was when my dad casually asked which movies I saw, I told him that I saw this one and then he got mad. Not because I snuck into 2 movies or saw 3 movies that day, but just because I watched a rated R film! If he only knew that I saw Robocop when I was like 8 with my older cousin! :rofl:

Man of Steel - 2.5/5: Way too much exposition for what's really a pretty simple story. And for me, Lois Lane was an unpleasant interruption every time she appeared on screen, and Superman's relationship with his earth father was really melodramatic (the scene with the tornado has to be one of the stupidest pieces of film I've ever seen).

That being said, the movie gets 2.5 stars almost solely for its 10 minute action scene in the middle (the Krypton chick and henchman vs Superman and the Army). Like, that made my night. I've never seen that level of fight choreography in a hollywood film. No bullshit, no overplayed kungfu, no acceleration, no slow motion -- just ass kicking at neckbreak speeds. It was fucking flawless. I don't know who directed those scenes but they need to do other movies.
I wasn't a huge fan of Man of Steel either. It's a fun romp and had some interesting themes and approaches to the story, but feels a bit...wooden? I also think the score didn't really compliment it that well either. Frankly, I thought Faora and Det. Stabler had better chemistry than Supes and Lois...heh
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The movie started to get pretty ridiculous when they got to prison,but those last 20 mins took it to a new level.Also who could forget Robert Z'dar as the character of Face


Only the last 20 minutes was over the top? I thought the entire movie was.

I actually saw this movie when it was out in theaters. I can't remember which other movies I watched that day, but as a 10 year old kid sneaking into an R-rated movie, I was blown away by it. As I look back, the funniest thing was when my dad casually asked which movies I saw, I told him that I saw this one and then he got mad. Not because I snuck into 2 movies or saw 3 movies that day, but just because I watched a rated R film! If he only knew that I saw Robocop when I was like 8 with my older cousin! :rofl:
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Escape Plan: pretty good movie with combo of Sly and Arny. The whole movie was good but they just screw up the final when action tops over reality.
The Game: Still a good movie even after knowing the twist,though it helps that Michael Douglas gives a really good performance.
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Dallas Buyers Club - Very good with great performances by every actor involved.

Saving Mr. Banks - Also very good, but way more serious than I expected.  I thought it was going to be a fun movie the whole time, boy was I wrong.

Frozen - Good, but Despicable Me 2 was the best animated film from last year.  I found the snowman very annoying and voiced by someone who only got that part because Jonah Hill must have turned it down.

Dallas Buyers Club - Very good with great performances by every actor involved.
I second the sentiments on Dallas Buyers Club.

Filth (2013) - James McAvoy kills it in this role. Film was good, if a little messed up for me. I thought it would be like a British Bad Lieutenant but it's something else, as in this film the character actually has serious mental issues. I'd recommend it a watch.

From Up on Poppy Hill. It's a mesmerizing movie, makes me want to visit Yokohama, but years of urbanization have transformed it. I was disappointed with the ending revelation, considering they just plain want to avoid another Luke/Leia. No reason two people of different sexes can't be besties.

Not sure how you're ok with someone revealing the end of a movie. You already see it?
Nope, not yet. Have had it on Blu-ray for a while but never got around to seeing it (when I say I have a large backlog, I mean it).

You're talking to someone who knows exactly what will happen in Seasons 4-5-6 of Breaking Bad just through pop culture osmosis despite not seeing past Season 3. And back when anime series used to come in singles, I viewed way, way more Volume 6 and 7s than Volume 1 and 2s. I also know the ending of pretty much every SquareEnix RPG despite playing, maybe, 3 or 4 of them. Movies I don't have much experience with spoilers as I typically just ignore any non-comic book movie.

Makes me wish I could find a clip of Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged dueling Arcana where he spoils every movie ever made.

Nope, not yet. Have had it on Blu-ray for a while but never got around to seeing it (when I say I have a large backlog, I mean it).

You're talking to someone who knows exactly what will happen in Seasons 4-5-6 of Breaking Bad just through pop culture osmosis despite not seeing past Season 3. And back when anime series used to come in singles, I viewed way, way more Volume 6 and 7s than Volume 1 and 2s. I also know the ending of pretty much every SquareEnix RPG despite playing, maybe, 3 or 4 of them. Movies I don't have much experience with spoilers as I typically just ignore any non-comic book movie.

Makes me wish I could find a clip of Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged dueling Arcana where he spoils every movie ever made.
Ok I guess. Personally, I try to avoid reading about the end of movies so when the end does happen it happens through the natural course of what I'm supposed to experience, from the vision of those who created it. Not some letdown because I already know what happens. I have a hard time understanding how such a viewpoint could be considered anal.

If a scene works, it will work no matter how many times it's viewed.

Justice League: War - Overall a good film and thankfully way better than the last few entries. However, I didn't like how much of an idiot GL was. For the most part he was funny, but he was pretty much the only one without a scene near the end where he shows why he got the ring in the first place.

This is also kind of nitpicky, but I am so far used to the DCAU and earlier DCU casts that the cast of this movie felt off to me. That, and it would be nice to find somebody other than Kevin Conroy who can do a Batman voice without growling.

Oh, and it's Captain Marvel, not Shazam.
If a scene works, it will work no matter how many times it's viewed.

Justice League: War - Overall a good film and thankfully way better than the last few entries. However, I didn't like how much of an idiot GL was. For the most part he was funny, but he was pretty much the only one without a scene near the end where he shows why he got the ring in the first place.

This is also kind of nitpicky, but I am so far used to the DCAU and earlier DCU casts that the cast of this movie felt off to me. That, and it would be nice to find somebody other than Kevin Conroy who can do a Batman voice without growling.

Oh, and it's Captain Marvel, not Shazam.
Shazam is his actual name in the new 52 continuity.

Watched The Simpsons Movie. There were some good parts but ultimately I didn't think it was that good. The plot screamed THE MOVIE and I didn't think it was that funny. I went on Wikipedia and looked at the reception section and was shocked to see all the positive reviews that came out for it. I'm one of those people that still believe there are quality Simpsons episodes produced in the last 5 years but this movie just wasn't that funny compared to some of the older episodes that were only 20 minutes.

Prisoners.  Decent enough, but nothing great.

Labyrinth.  Somehow had never gotten around to seeing this even as a kid.  Enjoyed it a lot.

Watched The Simpsons Movie. There were some good parts but ultimately I didn't think it was that good. The plot screamed THE MOVIE and I didn't think it was that funny. I went on Wikipedia and looked at the reception section and was shocked to see all the positive reviews that came out for it. I'm one of those people that still believe there are quality Simpsons episodes produced in the last 5 years but this movie just wasn't that funny compared to some of the older episodes that were only 20 minutes.
I thought it sucked real hard.
The Man of Tai Chi - 3/5 - Once you get past Keanu Reeves' deplorable acting, you find that he can be a pretty decent director. The action and fight choreography is fantastic and worth watching for those factors alone. 

God Bless America - 4/5 - Expertly written and adequately acted by the entire cast. Fun from beginning to end, but maybe a bit too much blatant satirization of modern America to the point that they beat us over the head with the motif. 

The Man of Tai Chi - 3/5 - Once you get past Keanu Reeves' deplorable acting, you find that he can be a pretty decent director. The action and fight choreography is fantastic and worth watching for those factors alone.

God Bless America - 4/5 - Expertly written and adequately acted by the entire cast. Fun from beginning to end, but maybe a bit too much blatant satirization of modern America to the point that they beat us over the head with the motif.
I haven't seen Man of Tai Chi yet, will do eventually, but I read in an interview somewhere that keanu was going for that kind of style of acting intentionally. Not that it's any excuse if it still comes across really bad.

Lego Movie - It was Only had 2 nitpicks.

1) I wanted the DC characters to be voiced by the DCAU/DCU cast. :( Imagine that movie with Kevin Conroy, George Newburn, and Nathan Fillion in it.

2) I wish Bionicle and Technic had background cameos. :( Maybe even those giant figures like the Ben 10 line.

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit - Actually really enjoyed it. One thing I appreciated was that when the Russians were speaking to each other they actually spoke Russian and not accented English.
The Lego Movie was good, but the last 20 or so minutes being an overly long commercial almost ruined it. Great up until that point though.

But the last 20 minutes is pretty much the heart of the movie.

Last Action Hero - Haven't seen this in over a decade. One of Arnie's underrated films.
All Is Lost - 3.5/5

Robert Redford does an admirable job in this lost-at-sea drama, and since he is the only actor in it, the whole picture needed to be carried by his performance.  Most of the film has no conversation at all; but sometimes I wish the main character would voice his frustration out loud to himself a little more to let the viewer know whats going on in his head.  The green screen time is sometimes obvious, and some of the troubles seem a little self-manufactured, but overall it's a decent film that provides suspenseful moments and keeps the viewer wondering if they could survive such an ordeal.

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But the last 20 minutes is pretty much the heart of the movie.

Last Action Hero - Haven't seen this in over a decade. One of Arnie's underrated films.
Last Action Hero was good until the third act where it just falls apart.The movie is really longer than it should be,and the kid was fucking annoying as all hell on top of the fact he couldn't act to save his live.

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But the last 20 minutes is pretty much the heart of the movie.

Last Action Hero - Haven't seen this in over a decade. One of Arnie's underrated films.
You can call it heart, I call it an in your face advertisement saying
Hey dads. Lots of fun memories can be shared if you purchase Lego brand sets and enjoy them with your son. Nothing creates fond memories like Lego

Considering the whole movie is pretty much a Lego advertisment I found the end ot be really unnecessary.

Well, that IS part of it, but it was more "Legos are for creativity, not just the intended manual." I think you're being a bit too cynical.

The entire point of the story was just a metaphor for
Finn wanting to play with his dad more.
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American Beauty - 3.75/5

Some things just don't add up, like a super strict father who examines his son's video tapes but not his fridge. That kind of stuff happened more than a few times.

Finally watched Usual Suspects cause I had the ending "twist" ruined for me and I didn't care to really watch it.

Good movie but it screams out the answer to the twist the entire time. I would be interested in knowing how many people saw it coming.
The World's End

I had some moderate expectations coming in, since I like Simon Pegg movies (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead).  The first third of this sci-fi comedy was pretty great.  Started out as a normal pub crawl reunion of sorts with unresolved issues of the past, with funny, fast and quick-witted dialogue.  Sets up the situation nicely, with a few flashbacks to introduce the characters. 

Then came the middle third with its weird sci-fi twist regarding the residents of the town, making the pub crawl turn into a life or death situation.  I'm OK with it at this point, but it kinda comes out of nowhere.  Movie tells you "Yea, this happened just now, deal with it."  A lot of Nick Frost kicking ass here, lol.

The final third of the movie is a real drag since it doesn't really clean up those issues from the beginning neatly, and the sci-fi portion of it just jumps off the rails altogether by the end.  Forget half-way, they decide to go all-in, baby.

Overall, it was somewhat enjoyable, Pegg has great dialogue, however the rest of the cast was a bit lacking.  I think I would have been happier if the whole sci-fi bit was scrapped and we just had a typical comedy instead.     

TL;DR - Didn't Suck, but leaves you with WTF face. Rating 3/5

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bread's done