Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='Malik112099']Cop Out - other than Tracy making me laugh a couple times it really wasn't that great. On the other hand it was a pretty good throwback to 80's cop comedies which were never really good to begin with. I didn't know this was directed by Kevin Smith. I don't know how to feel about that.[/QUOTE]

He directed it, but didn't write it. That's why it sucks.

Alien 3 - Bad, bad and bad. The cgi was some of the worst I've ever seen in my life. I know they say the studio gave David Fincher a hard time and made him do things he didn't want to, but I can't imagine it would have been much better.

Alien Resurrection - Much better than 3, but doesn't touch 1 or 2. The end was extremely stupid and I thought clone Alien/Ripley was a dumb idea.
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[quote name='VipFREAK']^ Again... What possess someone to watch it in the first place is beyond me...[/QUOTE]

i watch 1 or 2 movies a night at work sometimes if it gets real slow (watchthem on my phone) and I run low on movies to watch since my wife wants to watch a lot of the better ones with me at home.
Got invited to the Sci-Fi Spectacular 4 at Chicago's Music Box Theatre, Saturday was pretty busy for me so I only went for the last 2 films.

Lifeforce - 3/5 - Oh god this movie is complicated. Very are on earth, alien bodies that are recovered from a space ship that was in the tail of Haley's Comet get loose on earth and somehow suck the lifeforce from humans.
short version - stupidly complex, Mathilda May is hot, Patrick Stewart is in the film, alien vampires from outerspace. not a must see.
long version...
This movie is stupidly complex for no good reason. aliens are vampires, they can steal some life and not kill you, they can give u some of their life, they can steal all of your life...and 2 hours u become alive again but can recover yourself by stealing the 'lifeforce' from someone else or you explode into dust, oh and not to forget you can turn into a bat? but that never really shows up in the film.

There are a few good things about this movie. Mathilda May is smokin hot and is nude for about an hour of the film for no good reason. There is a certain charm in having a movie be so complex. Its very ambitious but never explains anything in great deal so you are left confused how/why something happens. Lifeforce based on the book 'Space Vampires' which i guess would elaborate a bit more on all these ideas they bring up in the film. The film is long clocking in at just under 2 drags a bit during the middle but overall has some fun moments. One of those moments has Patrick Stewart being posed by a woman alien. Patrick is then saying some provocative things to the lead male character. Im sure Captain Picard was proud of that scene. Definitely not a must see but if you are hooked on sci-fi movies or want to see Patrick Stewart play a minor role in a random 80s film...check it out.

They Live - 4/5 - Roddy Piper finds glasses that allows him to see the truth behind advertisements & aliens that are here taking over our world. Roddy Piper is amazing in They Live. There are countless one-liners that will have you laughing. Why aren't there anymore cheesy action stars. Did Steven Seagal kill the one-liner action hero?

There is a fight scene between Roddy Piper and Keith David which lasts for about 10-15 minutes. Its just over the top ridiculous since they go on and on punching eachother in the face and slamming eachother on the ground. The best part is what the fight is over...Keith David not wearing sunglasses. Yup, sunglasses. The score for They Live is pretty good. Very classic 80s movie music. Its awesome. John Carpenter again made a very memorable lead character. He did it w/ Kurt Russel in Big Trouble in Little China and again w/ Roddy Piper in They Live. Definitely watch this film if you haven't. It starts off a bit slow but once it gets going it doesn't stop.
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[quote name='Malik112099']i watch 1 or 2 movies a night at work sometimes if it gets real slow (watchthem on my phone) and I run low on movies to watch since my wife wants to watch a lot of the better ones with me at home.[/QUOTE]

I can do the same thing at work, but you don't see me lowering the bar THAT far or that desperate. If I was married (glad I'm not) my wife wouldn't be watching that crap let alone think it's worth watching it.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I can do the same thing at work, but you don't see me lowering the bar THAT far or that desperate. If I was married (glad I'm not) my wife wouldn't be watching that crap let alone think it's worth watching it.[/QUOTE]

Maybe you didn't understand. Most of the movies that are worth half a shit are ones my wife wants to watch as well. That means that the ones I watch at work are generally the super crappy ones (its just to pass the time while im there after all). We save the decent movies to watch together at home.
[quote name='chimpster1313']Synecdoche, New York - Wow, I'm not entirely sure how to interpret what I watched (I have a few theories), but it was incredible.[/QUOTE]
That's an accurate statement. I definitely need to watch that again.
[quote name='Azumangaman']That's an accurate statement. I definitely need to watch that again.[/QUOTE]

One of my favorite movies of the decade (last decade).
Harry Brown - 3/5 - Michael Caine takes the law into his own hands. UK Kids are trading drugs, weapons and woman in his neighbrohood and Michael Caine is gonna make it stop.

This movie is hella brutal. It starts off with a pretty vicious scene but later tones itself down to something you normally expect from a vengeance film. The problem with Harry Brown is the ratio of vengeance to finding out why the kids are evil. Maybe I just wanted to see Batman's bulter murdering people for 90 minutes but I found the middle to drag on. The story is good, Michael Caine does a fantastic job playing that old man you dont want to mess with so not really that many complaints. Its an enjoyable ride.

trailer below...wish i could stop it embedding itself
[quote name='chimpster1313']Synecdoche, New York - Wow, I'm not entirely sure how to interpret what I watched (I have a few theories), but it was incredible.[/QUOTE]

I greatly enjoy Charlie Kaufman, but this movie sucked. Total waste of time.
Kick Ass - It was awesome.

Anyone else who sees it, the music in the part where
Big Daddy is killing the guys in the warehouse
Is from another movie or a trailer or something. I can't remember but it's driving me crazy :p
[quote name='whoknows']Kick Ass - It was awesome.

Anyone else who sees it, the music in the part where
Big Daddy is killing the guys in the warehouse
Is from another movie or a trailer or something. I can't remember but it's driving me crazy :p[/QUOTE]

A lot of the music is from the movie Sunshine (Danny Boyle).

edit: apparently composer John Murphy worked on both films. The soundtrack to Sunshine is my favorite movie soundtrack ever.
[quote name='gregthomas77']A lot of the music is from the movie Sunshine (Danny Boyle).

edit: apparently composer John Murphy worked on both films. The soundtrack to Sunshine is my favorite movie soundtrack ever.[/QUOTE]

Mine, too. This makes me want to watch Kick Ass now.
Kick-Ass - Saw it early this morning/late last night at a midnight showing. fuck, this movie is so fucking awesome. It totally rocked (to refrain from saying Kick-Ass kicked ass). So much fun. Now I want to get my hands on a copy of the original. If I have money when this comes out on DVD, it's a first day buy. I really wish I could go and watch another two times in theatres. i hope they make a sequel to the film and that it does very well/well enough to merit a sequel. Sneaky'll probably definitely like this one.

Freaking great. Hilarious and the action scenes were great. This should hold people over till Iron Man 2 comes out.
[quote name='gregthomas77']A lot of the music is from the movie Sunshine (Danny Boyle).

edit: apparently composer John Murphy worked on both films. The soundtrack to Sunshine is my favorite movie soundtrack ever.[/QUOTE]

Haven't seen it.

I feel like the particular music I'm talking about I heard in a movie trailer or some other movie. I just don't know what. I don't know why it's bothering me, but it is :lol:
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day - It was a fun time. I have been a casual Boondock Saints' fan since it came out on VHS ten years ago, and the sequel delivered. Just like the first it isn't a great movie but instead it is a great feel good action comedy. As long as you don't hold up the original on some sort of pedestal that it doesn't belong on you will enjoy the sequel for what it is.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']The Box. Holy fuck that movie was so bad I'm thinking of selling my TV.[/QUOTE]

100% agree. That movie was a steaming pile of rat carcass.
I think John Murphy's best was 28 Days Later. That song "In The House / In A Heartbeat" made the ending so fucking intense and kept you on the edge of your seat. A relatively simple composition, just used exceptionally well with what's going on on-screen.

Clint Mansell's soundtrack to The Fountain is another example, except that it drives the entire movie. A continuous soundtrack, similar to Aimee Mann's soundtrack on Magnolia. It's almost always there, it just roller-coasters throughout, never obtrusive because sometimes you forget it's even playing.
The Holy Mountain.
Tawrent it. (Warning: This blurs the line between suck and too confusing to tell. Make sure no one you like is in the room with you.)

I can't really think of anything that didn't suck recently so Oldboy or Dr. Giggles. My movie game's been slacking.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I think John Murphy's best was 28 Days Later. That song "In The House / In A Heartbeat" made the ending so fucking intense and kept you on the edge of your seat. A relatively simple composition, just used exceptionally well with what's going on on-screen.

I always liked "Who Are You" by Murphy, it's in like every movie but I first noticed it in Miami Vice, it's used 3 or 4 times in it.
Capitalism: A Love Story - wow...i know Moore is biased and has an agenda but some of the pure facts you pull out of this film blow your fucking mind

Favorite quote: "What the fuck happened?"
Universal Soldier: Regeneration - Between this and JCVD, I want to see more Jean-Claude! It's got a great synth soundtrack that sounds like a classic John Carpenter movie, well done fight scenes, just all around surprisingly good low budget action flick.
The Time Traveler's Wife - Not so much a good romance as it was an interesting look at time travel. Not really sci-fi at all. It was pretty easy to guess what was going to happen and who was who once you get into it. Still, it was ably acted and worth watching to gain brownie points from your significant other if you're not typically the type to watch girly stuff.
I watched Devils on the Doorstep yesterday. It was a movie about how a bunch of villagers deal with the Japanese Imperial Army during World War 2. It has some funny moments along with some gut wrenching ones. Definitely worth watching.
The Island - Cool sci-fi movie. The action scenes were really good, definitely a Michael Bay movie. The bridge scene was the best, those cars got wrecked hard.
[quote name='TheCapn010']The Holy Mountain.
Tawrent it. (Warning: This blurs the line between suck and too confusing to tell. Make sure no one you like is in the room with you.)[/QUOTE]

I love that movie. If you err on the side of "not suck" check out El Topo, Jodorowsky's other weird as fuck movie.

Since last post:

The Bank Job
Where The Wild Things Are

I haven't been watching many movies, been mostly reading and playing games.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']I love that movie. If you err on the side of "not suck" check out El Topo, Jodorowsky's other weird as fuck movie.

Since last post:

The Bank Job
Where The Wild Things Are

I haven't been watching many movies, been mostly reading and playing games.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I got it already ;)
Same here, minus the reading part. Replace that with TV. I've been hankering to start reading again though. I always like going back to Thoreau.
Bruno - Pretty much the same movie as Borat was. The gross-out humor was still intact but if that isn't your thing, there's not much to see.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Kick Ass

I think the title sums it up quite well. I'm anxious to see the 18-minute longer home video version.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I definitely thought the movie would be up your alley:D;)

The movie was excellent. I really hope it doubles/triples its budget because I demand sequels.

Also, they already announced the DVD? Where? I'm really interested now. Sounds kind of Sin City-esque, which was on Spike late last night and which I watched for the 5000th time.
bread's done