Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Bachlor Party Vegas - 5/10

It was ok I guess... I knew after it got TOO crazy that it was gonna turn out the be like the Game with Douglas. It's isn't anywhere close to Very Bad Things. Off to see the other older Bachlor Party movies. Oh also, I have yet to see The Hangover but I did see the opening like 5min. of it and it wasn't really funny. I hope that movie isn't THAT overrated.
The Blob [1988] - Wonderful. I can't believe it took me this long to enjoy it.

Nine Miles Down [2009] - Not terrible, not amazing. Decent enough.
The King of Fighters - Wow, I think I'd rather watch Tekken
500 Days of Summer - Eh. The highlight was seeing Minka Kelly at the end. Still, there were some pretty funny moments. I didn't know that anyone else knew about "The Penis Game".
8 1/2 - 4/5 - Pretty interesting movie. My first Fellini movie. I know some people worship him as a god...not sure why yet. I don't think 8 1/2 is one of the greatest movies every created but its definitely weird and fun. One thing that annoyed me throughout the movie is the ADR. After searching a bit I found that Felliini would not care how synced the lips were with the dialog and would sometimes change the script after shooting. It was a bit distracting. I am gonna try out La Dolce Vita next.

Machete - 3/5 - The first 10 minutes of Machete is epic. I felt like they made the trailer I laughed at into an awesome movie w/ Steven Seagal chopping people helpless people. Sadly the grindhouse-ness fades away or just disappears for a majority of the movie. The old dirty film effect goes missing and you get a clean modern look which makes Machete a bit odd. They don't completely abandon the grindhouse style...mainly when they use parts from the trailer we saw years ago we see glimpses of what the movie should look like.

Not only in the visual style Machete is a bit imbalanced. There are times when the dialog and action isn't over the top and then its too over the top. Machete does have a couple memorable kills which highlight some bloody action scenes. One thing I wasn't expecting is the amount of screen time Jessica Alba got. I am happy they maximized her and minimized the amount of Lohan. The soundtrack for the movie is great. Much like Black Dynamite, the soundtrack adds a lot of character to the film. During the 'love' scenes you get a generic porno background beat which always got a chuckle from audience. Overall Machete is a fun action movie. Hard to say if I enjoyed the Mexican-exploitation film more than The Expendables. I guess they both have their certain charm.
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[quote name='Halo05']500 Days of Summer - Eh. The highlight was seeing Minka Kelly at the end. Still, there were some pretty funny moments. I didn't know that anyone else knew about "The Penis Game".[/QUOTE]

I think "The Penis Game" is known to just about every bored immature adolescent male in the gene pool. :lol: A friend of mine was so good at "throwing his voice" that he would get other people back in HS study hall in trouble all the time. :lol: He also could fake seizures and dislocate his shoulder anytime it was needed (both of which came in handy).

[quote name='naiku']

Machete - 3/5 - The first 10 minutes of Machete is epic. I felt like they made the trailer I laughed at into an awesome movie w/ Steven Seagal chopping people helpless people. Sadly the grindhouse-ness fades away or just disappears for a majority of the movie. The old dirty film effect goes missing and you get a clean modern look which makes Machete a bit odd. They don't completely abandon the grindhouse style...mainly when they use parts from the trailer we saw years ago we see glimpses of what the movie should look like.

Not only in the visual style Machete is a bit imbalanced. There are times when the dialog and action isn't over the top and then its too over the top. Machete does have a couple memorable kills which highlight some bloody action scenes. One thing I wasn't expecting is the amount of screen time Jessica Alba got. I am happy they maximized her and minimized the amount of Lohan. The soundtrack for the movie is great. Much like Black Dynamite, the soundtrack adds a lot of character to the film. During the 'love' scenes you get a generic porno background beat which always got a chuckle from audience. Overall Machete is a fun action movie. Hard to say if I enjoyed the Mexican-exploitation film more than The Expendables. I guess they both have their certain charm.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm... very strange that they didn't keep the Grindhouse style for the whole film.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']He also could fake seizures and dislocate his shoulder anytime it was needed (both of which came in handy).[/QUOTE]

Thanks for making me want to watch Lethal Weapon.
[quote name='chimpster1313']Thanks for making me want to watch Lethal Weapon.[/QUOTE]

Is LW or LW2 where Riggs dislocates his shoulder in the police station? I want to say LW2.
G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra on Netflix instantly. I thought people said this movie sucked. It was better than X-Men and Transformers. The special effects were so-so but I thought the movie did a good job of showing a bit of all the different characters. There was a ton of fan service. The story was a little weak (there was no super villain) but it's just the beginning and I hope they do a sequel.
Inside Man - crime drama with Denzel Washington and Spike Lee from 2006. Actually enjoyed the movie despite the little action and all of Lee's unnecessary racial tension jabs throughout the film. It kept me entertained right till the end
Killdozer - 3/5

On a remote island off of Africa and meteor lands. A small group of men working on buildings something on this island encounter trouble when one of their bulldozers runs into this meteor. The dozer then goes on a rampage stalking and running down the helpless construction crew. This is a pretty funny TV movie. There are lots of opportunity to make fun of the film. The best moments is near the end where
they finally decide that its possible to 'kill' a machine and decide to finally fight back. They spend about an 50 minutes of the movie running away from the dozer because there is no way to 'kill it'
Definitely worth a few laughs. My one friend is gonna try to get Killdozer and Deathbed double feature for the next B-fest event.

Piranha - 3/5

The 1978 original film where genetically altered piranha get let loose into the wild. They are breed to reproduce, live in harsh environments. and of course...kill. Pretty good movie. The 'action' scenes can feel a bit weak since there aren't many money shots. Most of the people screaming to save their lives is nonexistent or drowned out by the constant buzzing by the piranha as they swarm their dinner. The female lead must have been written in to be 'the world's dumbest woman'. She says some ridiculous things which really makes the movie a lot of fun. I haven't seen Piranha 3d but I can't imagine it being great....but it does have Kelly Brook. *drool* The re-release of Piranha on bluray is probably worth checking out. The video quality is amazing for a movie that is 32 years old.
Batman: Under The Red Hood - 5/5 - It's just on par with The Mask of Phantasm in terms of Batman movies. It botched the true origins of Jason Todd as the Red Hood, but I think that's what Winick was going fore (seeing how he is currently writing a Red Hood series). Excellent animation with even better voice acting. Neil Patrick Harris as Nightwing was freakin' awesome.
I Spit On Your Grave - I expected this to be a lot worse than it actually was. Yeah there was a lot of rape, but Last House On The Left disturbed me more overall.
I heard Iron Man 2 was disappointing and yes that 'you complete me' line was sorely missed but aside from that it wasn't too bad.
Repo Men - much better than I expected. I actually enjoyed more than District 9.

Some Kind of Wonderful Netflix HD- Eric Stoltz was almost Marty McFly, Watts was the hottest tomboy ever, and I have liked Elias Koteas ever since Casey Jones in TMNT the movie.

Popeye. Netflix HD- never understood why this wasn't a hit. Malta was perfect. Robin Williams is more inspired casting than Keaton as Batman. I dare you to disagree.
X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

It was alright, better than I expected from the tepid reviews. The boxing scene was god awful, rest of the movie wasn't too cheesy. Nothing great, probably even a tad worse than Xmen 3. But still an enjoyable enough popcorn flick IMO. Nothing I'd every buy, but was worth the Netflix viewing.
The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. 4/5. Really liked. I'm reading the books now (about 1/3 through the last one) and found the movie a very solid adaptation. Even without having read the book, it's a very solid thriller flick, and available on Netflix Instant Watch.

Will try to catch The Girl Who Played with Fire in the local art theater this weekend.
[quote name='tcrash247']I Spit On Your Grave - I expected this to be a lot worse than it actually was. Yeah there was a lot of rape, but Last House On The Left disturbed me more overall.[/QUOTE]

Original or remake? If you watch the original, you have to listen to Joe Bob Briggs' commentary. It's awesome.
[quote name='Vulgarism']Original or remake? If you watch the original, you have to listen to Joe Bob Briggs' commentary. It's awesome.[/QUOTE]

Original, but I already mailed it back to netflix.
[quote name='Vulgarism']Original or remake? If you watch the original, you have to listen to Joe Bob Briggs' commentary. It's awesome.[/QUOTE]

I fucking miss Monstervision, where he hosted horror movie marathons from a fake trailer park. I think they replaced it with Dinner And A Movie, where that dork and Annabelle Gurwitch just cooked shit.

[quote name='dmaul1114']The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. 4/5. Really liked. I'm reading the books now (about 1/3 through the last one) and found the movie a very solid adaptation. Even without having read the book, it's a very solid thriller flick, and available on Netflix Instant Watch.[/QUOTE]

Have you ever seen The Bone Collector? I loved that movie, despite it kinda landing below the radar. A damn shame they never followed up with some sequels, as there were quite a few more books that followed the original.

[quote name='vrblknch']
Some Kind of Wonderful Netflix HD- Eric Stoltz was almost Marty McFly, Watts was the hottest tomboy ever, and I have liked Elias Koteas ever since Casey Jones in TMNT the movie.

Koteas is one of the reasons I'm so pumped The Thin Red Line is finally coming out on Blu-Ray very soon. He was phenomenal in that, shit, everybody was. Jim Caviezel, Dash Mihok, Sean Penn, John Cusack, etc. But Nick Nolte was just mindblowing.
Clash of the Titans (remake) - I honestly don't see why everyone hated this movie. Sure, it wasn't fantastic and the original was better, but I did enjoy it for what it was.
[quote name='gregthomas77']Resident Evil Afterlife 3-D didn't suck. (Wasn't real good either)[/QUOTE]

There's a formula for that: Jovovich + Anything = Meh. However, Jovovich + Luc Besson = I can't believe I paid money to watch this.
Meet Bill - 3/5

Aaron Eckhart dislikes his job, finds out his wife (Elizabeth Banks) is cheating on him. Decides to get everything back together with himself then fixes his life. Pretty decent movie. The story delivers nothing too spectacular that will stick with you. There are some laughs to be had. Having Jessica Alba + Elizabeth Banks isn't a bad thing in a movie. Definitely a forgettable film.

Samurai Cop - 3/5

I was told by a few friends that I have to see Samurai Cop, its "like Plan 9 & The Room but no one talks about it". Samurai Cop has Matt Hannon as a cop they call Samurai who is out to stop the yakuza boss in Los Angeles. Robert Z'Dar is the main headman who will personally take out our Samurai Cop for the yakuza boss. This movie is so awful. The audio editing is right up there with the worst of them. You will hear a variety of inconsistent audio recording, one actor dubbed by another actor, reverb in the mic making the guy sound like a robot, over the top accents, etc. Samurai Cop is very enjoyable to laugh at. The first 30 minutes are so hysterical. I was crying from laughter after the Yakuza boss speech & 'horny nurse' scene. Sadly Samurai Cop does become stale near the end. You can only laugh at Hannon's hair for so long. Definitely worth a watch if you like bad movies. The Room for me is one of the most enjoyable bad movies. The Room keeps the laughs coming throughout the entire film where Samurai Cop falls away near the end.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I fucking miss Monstervision, where he hosted horror movie marathons from a fake trailer park. I think they replaced it with Dinner And A Movie, where that dork and Annabelle Gurwitch just cooked shit.

I was a little younger when Monstervision was on, but I do remember it and wish it had a longer run. And Dinner and a Movie was crap, who wanted to make food while watching Dumb and Dumber or There's Something About Mary?

The Cell - 7/10. Not the first time I watched it, but I enjoy this movie more than other did. Tarsem is the true "visionary" director, as much as they hail Zack Snyder as that (don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed all of Snyder's films up to this point.) The Fall is damn great, too, and if you haven't heard of it, it's worth checking out.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']
Have you ever seen The Bone Collector? I loved that movie, despite it kinda landing below the radar. A damn shame they never followed up with some sequels, as there were quite a few more books that followed the original.

Yep, that was a decent movie. Had it on DVD, but was one of the 50 or so that got dumped at Goodwill before more my last move as I hadn't watched it in ages.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Machete

Awesome. I really hope Rodriguez makes Machete Kills! and Machete Kills Again![/QUOTE]

This was a great movie! Apparently the soundtrack is non-existent or hard to find :(
[quote name='bobo2k4']Resident Evil Afterlife
I actually liked it. The RE movies have always been a guilty pleasure of mine.[/QUOTE]

This is the exact same feeling I have. I know the movies suck hard, and I still don't know how the second one wasn't a straight to DVD release, but I can't help but enjoy them (even if I would have preferred it if they stayed with the video game story).

Looking forward to going out and seeing this. You know, doctors orders. (That's right. Become pretty much housebound because you are horribly sick for a full month and the doctor will tell you to "get out" and maybe "see a movie" as part of recovery.) Maybe i'll hit up Machete after it...
bread's done