Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Mortal Kombat (1995) - 8.3
Megamind (2010) - 9.4
Fantasia (1940) - 9.8
Fantasia 2000 (2000) - 8.5
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - 9.0

My scores will be readjusted for inflation upon this list growing bigger.

Also: How many of you are willing to watch films in black and white?
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Due Date. It was alright, not as funny as I was expecting.

[quote name='Ansé Solis']
Also: How many of you are willing to watch films in black and white?[/QUOTE]

For sure. A good movie is a good movie, regardless of when it was made, language it is in etc.
I watch loads of black and white movies, exactly what dmaul said.

Watched Rush Hour 2 last night - I think i'm in love with Jackie Chan..

Also recently - - A Bittersweet Life again in preparation for I Saw the Devil and Memoirs of a Geisha.
Tron Legacy, Hot Tub Time Machine, and believe it or not Skyline.
Expected these to kinda suck, but was suprised.
I think the key is not to be expecting ANYTHING from them.

"Keep your expectations low and you will almost always pleasantly suprised"
[quote name='Cameron4All']Tron Legacy, Hot Tub Time Machine, and believe it or not Skyline.
Expected these to kinda suck, but was suprised.
I think the key is not to be expecting ANYTHING from them.

"Keep your expectations low and you will almost always pleasantly suprised"[/QUOTE]

I saw Hot Tub Time Mache.

I too expected it to suck, but I loved it. I liked it better than the Hangover, but I had high expectations for that one.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Love and Other Drugs.

Very good, much better than I was expecting.[/QUOTE]

The wife and I just rented this one. I figured it was going to be another sucky chick flick, but the good amount of sex and nudity saved it. (It still would have been pretty good without the nudity)
Totally wasn't planning to see it but while programming the new Sirius channels I caught them pumping up Thor. Checked the showtime and it was starting in 20 minutes in 3D. Good movie first time I been to theatre since that stupid Shutter Island..

$12 for afternoon matinee at our new slick theatre and some sexy glasses they ask you to recycle aka resell. =\ still a good time. Be sure to stay after the end credits roll for a teaser......
Inception- every time I see a movie that most people like I always have minimum expectations and this is one of those rare occurrences where I actually agree with the general populous. This movie rocked.
^ You should check out The Prestige. I watched it 3-4 times and it still blows me away. You get tricked watching it, just as it promises in Michael Caine's introduction, and like a real magic trick you have to really look closely at it multiple times before you understand everything. Whatever you think will undoubtedly change after another vieweing. It's like the movie itself is Nolan performing a magic trick. There's the "answers" they show you, and a lot they don't show you that you have to figure out yourself. It's like The Sopranos finale, people wrote friggin' analysis essays on it.

Excellent movie that didn't get near enough attention.
Kick Ass - -100000000000000000000000000/10

There wasn't anything else on... I should've went with my instincts to not waste my braincells... I'd like the 45min. of my life I lost back...
Thor - I honestly thought it was going to be terrible, but I actually really liked it. And it wasn't even full of completely stupid plot holes like Iron Man 2!

Also Kick Ass is awesome.
[quote name='whoknows']Thor - I honestly thought it was going to be terrible, but I actually really liked it. And it wasn't even full of completely stupid plot holes like Iron Man 2![/QUOTE]

I actually like Iron Man 2 a lot less after seeing Thor. Thor is now my 3rd favorite Marvel movie after Spider Man 2 and X-Men 2.
[quote name='Survivalism']Scream 4 - I wish the new breed of horror directors would be more like Wes Craven and not suck.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking that Wes Craven was, more or less, a one trick pony. I only associate him with the Nightmare on Elm Street movies that scared me as a child and wasn't really doing anything else good in recent years.

Before I shot my mouth of, I thought I'd check IMDB to see what he has done recently. Did you know that there was a Freddy Vs. The Ghotbusters movie? That strikes me as funny for some reason.
[quote name='tcrash247']I actually like Iron Man 2 a lot less after seeing Thor. Thor is now my 3rd favorite Marvel movie after Spider Man 2 and X-Men 2.[/QUOTE]

That's because Kenneth Branagh directed it. Branagh is well respected for his Shakespeare work. He's a real director, whereas Favreau sucks shit through a straw.
A Serbian Film, not really disturbing as people made it out to be (yes I'll admit a couple scenes were made up of messed up ideas, but the way they shot those scenes it honestly felt like they tried too hard to shock thus dampening any impact), the rest of the movie kept my interest though.
I'm watching Jackie Brown right now, which I'm greatly enjoying; however, that being said, there's one part in the movie around the 98 minute mark that is just killing me. Louis is shown watching a movie on the tv, and I feel like I've seen it before or somewhere or something. Anyone mind popping in the movie to see what it is they are watching or anyone remember what movies are displayed in Jackie Brown?

I felt it better to try and ask this here before I went and made a thread of it or something.
Thor - 6/10 It was entertaining, but there wasn't enough action for my tastes and certainly not worth the 3D.

Fast Five - 8/10 - I was surprised by this one. I didn't like Fast and Furious very much, but thought they did a good job with this one.
The fight scene between the Rock and Vin Diesel was awesome.
It almost reminded me of an Ocean's 11 or Italian Job type of movie.
[quote name='dastly75']Seen both as well, thoughts?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed Hanna. Didn't really know anything about it apart from basic plot but it was cool. Great cinematography, soundtrack etc which I saw someone else posted before.Plus Eric Bana is in the movie, and he's great!

I Saw the Devil was good too, really like the work of the Director and both the main actors. Very violent though, like my body was literally in pain after watching some of the brutality hahah
Thor - 9.5/5 - Tremendous film. Great acting choices all around. Hiddleston as Loki is quite possibly the best acting choice of the film. Also, from the moment the movie starts, you know that Hemmsworth IS Thor. Everything from the beauty of Asgard to the
Cosmic Cube ending
makes this one amazing movie.

The King's Speech - 9/10 - Ya know, I loved this movie more than I thought I would. I figured that since it won the best film oscar that i would be just OK, but man was I wrong. The movie is definitely worth a buy or a rental. Easily.
[quote name='GhostShark']Thor - 9.5/5[/QUOTE]
Wow. I wasn't that excited to see this one, but with those kind of props it's like... almost twice as good as the Godfather! ;)
I would give Thor a strong 8/10.

I was pleasantly surprised by how entertaining it was. I was honestly expecting a trainwreck when I bought my ticket.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I enjoyed Hanna. Didn't really know anything about it apart from basic plot but it was cool. Great cinematography, soundtrack etc which I saw someone else posted before.Plus Eric Bana is in the movie, and he's great!

I Saw the Devil was good too, really like the work of the Director and both the main actors. Very violent though, like my body was literally in pain after watching some of the brutality hahah[/QUOTE]

I pretty much agree with you across the board.
King's Speech was great. Source Code was OK. Slightly disappointing considering the general praise. Felt some things could have been expanded but maybe the movie would run on too much at that point.
The Troll Hunter - Surprisingly very cool. I'm not really into Cloverfield or Blair Witch type of movies, but this was really well done and the effects were fantastic. I definitely want this on blu-ray when it's available in the states.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.[/QUOTE]

There was a quote in the local paper not too long about by Johnny Depp. He said that he didn't watch the second and the third movie because he didn't "get it" (or something along those lines). He said that he kept having to ask the director what was going on.

I agree... I don't get the appeal. I have a theory that the director just told him to play the scene like a homosexual for spite.
I've never understood the gripes personally, I really like all 3 Pirates movies. *shrugs* The 2nd one may be my favorite of the bunch actually.
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
On BluRay this is just spectacular. Truly epic filmmaking with quite possible the most appropriate score of any movie ever made. The whole thing just clicks, though it has always pissed me off that we're not supposed to think these are the same characters as A Fistful of Dollars and For A Few Dollars More.
Still, the most perfect example of why the Spaghetti Western is one of the best genres ever.
American Psycho.

Kill them, Bateman.
Kill them all.
bread's done