Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Hanna -- pretty fun movie, glad it wasn't what I expected. Awesome soundtrack and well choreographed action scenes. Ending was a bit lame though IMO.
[quote name='lokizz']yeah they didnt advertise that flick properly because i had one idea of what itd be like going in but was blown away by what it was really like. easily one of my top 5 eastwood flicks.[/QUOTE]

Was strange watching that at the theater. You'd naturally laugh at the jokes, but stop yourself because the audience didn't want to offend eachother, lol. Was a guy in the theater when I saw it who cackled like crazy at all the racist jokes and it was kind of uncomfortable.

Excellent movie though. Mainly because of all the unknown actors that played the kids doing such an awesome job. The part where
the girl walks into the house all beat to shit
was tough to watch, even though it wasn't particularly dramatic by normal movie moment standards. Just great directing.

Being rather interested in the Zodiac case myself, I thought I'd treat myself to this just to renew my interest in one of my, if not absolute, favorite Serial Killers of all time.
It took me 2 entire days to will myself to watch it all. Not bad, but not great.
Typical mystery movie in my honest opinion.
Love David Fincher movies, but Zodiac was too long. Hate to say it (not being a Spike Lee fan at all), but it just made me appreciate Summer Of Sam more. That movie just capture what it must have been like to live through that scare so much better.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Was strange watching that at the theater. You'd naturally laugh at the jokes, but stop yourself because the audience didn't want to offend eachother, lol. Was a guy in the theater when I saw it who cackled like crazy at all the racist jokes and it was kind of uncomfortable.

Excellent movie though. Mainly because of all the unknown actors that played the kids doing such an awesome job. The part where
the girl walks into the house all beat to shit
was tough to watch, even though it wasn't particularly dramatic by normal movie moment standards. Just great directing.[/QUOTE]

that was a rough bit especially since one of the ones responsible was her cousin. awesome ending though never saw it coming.
Shutter Island

Yeah, I got something totally different than what I expected with this too.
I expected less insanity and more creepy shit, instead all I got was an evening remembering my crazy aunt that's been wrecking havoc on my family for the last 10 years. fuck All in all, not bad.


Impressive, to say the least. The whole collaborating with the enemy shtick was applied perfectly.
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Broken Embraces.

Another damn good movie from Pedro Almodovar. Came out in 2009 but I never got around to watching it. I'd say it's probably my second favorite of his I've seen so far after All About My Mother.

Low brow reason to see it? Penelope Cruz gets naked. :drool:
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Anyone know any good revolutionary war or colonial era movies that are good? (already seen the patriot and last of the Mohicans, and John Adams doesn't count.
Everyone needs to hurry and see Drive.

The flick is GREAT cinema. I loved it and would possibly place it as being my first or second favorite film of the year (It's a toss-up between Drive and Midnight in Paris.)

Basically there's this getaway driver for hire. You get him for 5 minutes. Inside that 5 minutes he is yours to do with whatever you want. After or before those 5 minutes, he is a ghost.

I don't wanna spoil it but yeah - it opens in theaters today. CHECK IT OUT!




EDIT: It's also got the best soundtrack of the year.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I kinda do wanna see it. Isn't Hendricks in it too? xD[/QUOTE]

Yeah she is. No spoilers though.

Bryan Cranston (Mr. Breaking Bad) is also in the flick, along with Ron Pearlman and Albert Brooks (it will be a crime if he is not nominated for an academy award). There is some debate about whether this is an action or drama but I'll let you guys decide for yourself.

Ryan Gosling is the glue that holds the flick together. He probably gives the best performance I've seen all year. It's all in his face. Cool and calm one second. Brutal and effective another. I was pretty much in awe of the his acting/character. It's not a very loud role. Very understated. But his ACTING is powerful, powerful stuff.


I went and watched it based off word of mouth. I just checked out the trailer and it gives a bit too much away. Just a warning!
Yup, Drive was pretty damn fantastic. Ryan Gosling continues to impress me; I haven't seen all his movies, but I've loved every movie I've seen him in. That scene where
Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan just stare at each other and smile was amazing. There basically weren't any words; it didn't need words. The silence and the facial expressions said everything!

And yeah, that soundtrack is damn good. It wasn't an afterthought; it makes the movie much more effective and emotional.
The Losers - Cool to see Jeffrey Morgan in something besides Watchmen and Supernatural. Chris Evans was his usual entertaining self. Overall, pretty fun film.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']The Losers - Cool to see Jeffrey Morgan in something besides Watchmen and Supernatural. Chris Evans was his usual entertaining self. Overall, pretty fun film.[/QUOTE]

Chris Evans going into the office building was fucking hilarious.
The Room- Midnight showing. Those that know about the movie know it was worth dropping some cash for a theatric experience of the movie.
[quote name='dastly75']Monsters (2010) - Much better than I expected. Kinda shocked how low the budget is for it too.[/QUOTE]

One of my favorite movies of recent memory. I'd love to see more indie/low budge films that have the same emotion and plot that Monsters had. There is also rumors of a sequel for the film. I dunno if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
[quote name='GhostShark']One of my favorite movies of recent memory. I'd love to see more indie/low budge films that have the same emotion and plot that Monsters had. There is also rumors of a sequel for the film. I dunno if that is a good thing or a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, great acting, I think they were actually dating at the time of the production. I also believe that many of the scenes were improvised within frameworks of what the director wanted(similar to Blair Witch). Whitney Able was pretty hot so I wouldn't mind a sequel though
the beginning of the film makes it look like she died...
[quote name='blindinglights']Chris Evans going into the office building was fucking hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it was :lol: definitely one of the best non action parts of the flick.
[quote name='Ansé Solis']Has anyone seen all the films on the IMDB Top 250?[/QUOTE]

I've seen 47 of them.
A great many of the movies on it are older then dirt. :drool:
[quote name='Oaxan']I've seen 47 of them.
A great many of the movies on it are older then dirt. :drool:[/QUOTE]

Does that make them harder for you to get into?
[quote name='Ansé Solis']Does that make them harder for you to get into?[/QUOTE]
Yeah, anything from before the 60's I just can't get into. :/
The wife and I watched Insidious, Sucker Punch, and Paul last night. None of which were bad, I enjoyed them for what they were(slightly predictable). The wife's favorite was Sucker Punch. I didn't have a definitive favorite, each had their moments.
Let Me In

its pretty good, except for how the boy pretty much ran away at the end...

[quote name='GhostShark']One of my favorite movies of recent memory. I'd love to see more indie/low budge films that have the same emotion and plot that Monsters had. There is also rumors of a sequel for the film. I dunno if that is a good thing or a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

well itll be with different people since
the 2 main people died at the end which you can see the girls dead body carried off if you do slomo at the start/end
Watched the Phantom Menace on Blu last night. Still by far the worst of the Star Wars movies, but it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. If he hadn't made the Gungan's and battle droids so damn kiddy/silly it would have been a lot better.

Saw the Pearl Jam Twenty documentary tonight. Was a mad house since it was a one night only showing (had it on all 8 screens). Was a fantastic documentary though. Must see for any Pearl Jam fan. Tons of cool footage of random conversations from the early days, covers the start of the band and their whole history, and of course lots of great music in there!
Drive- Nothing that would make me think it would win anything at the Oscars but it's a damn good film. Loved the soundtrack.

Cool to know PJ20 was a quality documentary. I'm absolutely fascinated with Pearl Jam up to 1994 (after that I'm an average onlooker of the band) so I'll probably find it on DVD later.

Anybody know how Lion King 3D turned out? I'm going to see it but I'm curious if the 3D adds something.

Bad, horrible, ass, piece of sh- aw who the fuck am I kidding, I loved it and came within inches of crying near the end. T~T
Tinker Tailor Solider Spy was pretty good, alot of just talking in rooms though, which some of my friends I went with didn't like much. But the acting was top notch!
[quote name='Ansé Solis']Has anyone seen all the films on the IMDB Top 250?[/QUOTE]

I counted and got a total of 74 movies that I have seen.
At about 90 it seems really need to get around to seeing die hard and back to the future also rocky, I've seen bits and pieces of them over the years.

attack the block - bit better than expected but dunno if I would recommend it.
your highness - had a few funny parts but can't but feel a bit disappointed.
the town - I liked it
snatch - rewatched an amusing movie
hard boiled - well choreographed action movie wit ha ridiculous body count.

friends with benefits
no strings attached
I think friends with benefits was my favorite of the two, flash mobs put a smile on my face. though I am a bigger Natalie Portman fan something about no strings attached felt a bit off.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Thor.

It was pretty good. Not the greatest character/concept IMO, but Branagh did a good job with it.[/QUOTE]

I felt the same way. I don't find Thor to be a very interesting character, but the movie was done well.
[quote name='evantrees']friends with benefits
no strings attached
I think friends with benefits was my favorite of the two, flash mobs put a smile on my face. though I am a bigger Natalie Portman fan something about no strings attached felt a bit off.[/QUOTE]

Probably the fact that it was a terrible fucking movie.

My girlfriend and I decided to stop it in the middle because it was so bad.

I've watched some pretty shitty movies all the way through, but this movie was unbearable.
The Da Vinci Code

Yup, doubting my religion now.

Edit: Leon: The Professional.

Not only does it remind me of Hard Candy (*SHUDDERS*) in certain aspects, but it also fuels my need for "bad guys killing good guys who are really bad guys while the bad guy is a good guy."-type films. :D

Edit 2: Memento

It's like Inception, only with less mindfucking and more Alzheimer's...

Edit 3: American History X

No comment, I mean really?
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