Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='vrblknch']Attack the Block. My 3rd fave released this year after #1 Drive and #2 Hanna. The lead deviant from Attack the Block acts/looks like Denzel Washington minus 30 years. Bright future for this kid.[/QUOTE]

Haven't watched Hanna yet, but I can definitely agree with Attack the Block and Drive being two of the best this year. Hopefully seeing Immortals (I love Tarsem,) Martha Marcy May Marlene, and Elite Squad over the next few weeks. Maybe a little Melancholia too.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I don't see how you can't see this movie as funny. : shrugs :[/QUOTE]

I see it as a good depiction of life, frustrating, angry, etc, complete opposite of funny.
SLC Punk - I had a feeling the movie would end the way it did. Kind of reminded me of Clerks and most of Kevin Smith's movies in the sense that a hidden message and/or internal message is trying to come through. The main character obviously was dealing with his own identity battles and began to question what exactly Anarchy is. I liked the explanation of the "cycle" and how he was never really put off when people asked him why he is the way he is.
[quote name='crushtopher']SLC Punk - I had a feeling the movie would end the way it did. Kind of reminded me of Clerks and most of Kevin Smith's movies in the sense that a hidden message and/or internal message is trying to come through. The main character obviously was dealing with his own identity battles and began to question what exactly Anarchy is. I liked the explanation of the "cycle" and how he was never really put off when people asked him why he is the way he is.[/QUOTE]

Didn't like that movie the first time I saw it, worked at a videostore and a girl there insisted we watch it because a bigger videostore opened down the road, so you could watch fucked up shit (even porn) due to no customers coming in.

Watched it a second time and was able to appreciate it, again because of the deep plot hidden under all the crazy antics and general Matthew Lillardisms. Another movie similar to that is Suburbia. That's an excellent "oddball" movie. Watch that if you liked Clerks and SLC Punk. It's on Netflix streaming too.
I know this thred is movies that didn't suck, but the last 2 I saw sucked so much I had to include them. They are the roommate and the ghost writer

Jill being Ghostface was ridiculous because she is smaller and physically harder to convince she can pull those killings. This chick was crazy as hell, just another confused teenager. Overall movie was just okay, maybe the third best in series.

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War of the Roses - 5/10

Friend recommended I see it. It was pretty horrifying. Could've gone without seeing it. I don't need to see something like this to know getting married is generally a Trap.
crazy stupid love - funny
anastasia - rewatched for fun.
the help - surprised at how long it was, about what I expected otherwise.
inside job - sigh, ridiculous stuff.
the art of getting by - quite liked it, good movie probably not. simple if not particularily accurate way to describe it, it's kind of a funny story with less humour and more angst.
Started watching movies again since I had fuck all else to do.

Batman Forever - Forgot how cheesy this was. It's like both Jim Carrey and Tommy Lee Jones thought they were supposed to be The Joker
Hanna - Disappointing. Had high hopes but left sort of bored
Battlestar Galactica: The Plan - Just makes me want more BSG. Hopefully the new series delivers.
Schindler's List - 8.5/10
Starts of a little slow but then get's very good. Wish there was more graphic scenes of what happened.

Not quite what I expected, thought it'll be more like something from the Vengeance trilogy however it was fairly good. Very long slow start though.
The Tree of Life.

I liked it. Visually stunning and some interesting themes. Definitely not for people who hate abstract things and need a lot of plot etc.
J Edgar- It was OK. The reviews had me thinking it would be pretty bad but it's far from a train wreck. I'm a huge DiCaprio fan and so maybe I'm a little biased but I thought he did good as old and young Edgar. His accent did not bother me though that may be an issue for some other people. Biggest problem for me was that they tried to put too much into the movie which is pretty long and they hop around the plot too much. There were a few instances where I was little lost in the timeline. Apparently the last few Eastwood films weren't all that great so this would probably not change a detractors mind. As for me this is my first film I've seen from him since Gran Torino and J Edgar is not close to that quality.
Transformers: Dark (Why-U-No-Say-Side?!?) of the Moon

I only finished the second one because of Megan Fox - her replacement is not even hot. I stopped watching shortly after the whole fat Asian and Shia in the bathroom (halfway through).
[quote name='Necrozilla']Transformers: Dark (Why-U-No-Say-Side?!?) of the Moon

I only finished the second one because of Megan Fox - her replacement is not even hot. I stopped watching shortly after the whole fat Asian and Shia in the bathroom (halfway through).[/QUOTE]

best part of the movie = first 10 seconds when she walks up the stairs with the bear in just a shirt
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

Took two months or so, but finally finished watching the saga on Bluray! This one has the most nostalgia for me as it's the only one I saw in the theater as as kid. Ewoks are a bit cheesy, but everything else in the movie is great.

The ending is also a bit more poignant after having seen the prequels and knowing Anakin's full story. For all their faults, the prequels at least had that benefit (this is the first time I've watched the OT since seeing the prequels).
Super 8 was frickin awesome,
but i seen The Thing prequel recently and I cant understand the horrible reviews it got, sorry lackluster reviews, it was exactly what i wanted it to be, a great prequel and even better scary movie, though obviously not as shocking as the first one.
go see it !!
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Super 8.
Great beginning and the kids were great, but the overall plot fell a little flat for me.[/QUOTE]

yeah super 8 was awesome the first 20 or so minutes then its pretty much downhill from there.

if you thought that was ok check out Attack the Block if you havent seen it already. kinda the same premise( with the whole
kids dealing with aliens
)but done way better.great music too.
Wet Hot American Summer: Pretty good, kind of cheesy at some parts but overall pretty funny.
Limitless: I thought it was really good. The whole idea of the movie was awesome and I thought they executed it perfectly.
Hobo With A Shotgun:
Watched 5 minutes and turned it off because Rob Lowe was the only reason I was watching it and he died immediately.
[quote name='shinn']but i seen The Thing prequel recently and I cant understand the horrible reviews it got, sorry lackluster reviews, it was exactly what i wanted it to be, a great prequel and even better scary movie, though obviously not as shocking as the first one.
go see it !![/QUOTE]

You reminded me that I needed to see The Thing. It was complete and utter shit. It was a terrible prequel and forgot why the 1982 version was so good. The special effects were some of the worst I've ever seen. The 1982 version was more a psychological thriller than a monster movie, this was almost pure monster movie with the thing chasing people around. It wasn't one bit scary and it makes you question things that happened in the 1982 version (a cardinal sin in a prequel). Plus, the ending should have been a helicopter chasing a dog to lead into the 1982 version. It didn't. Fail.
The Descendants- Pretty good. I wasn't too crazy about it. I wonder if it's cause I'm not in my 30s or older. I think I just had a hard time connecting to anyone cause the main characters are in their teens and younger or a bunch of people not too far from retirement.
[quote name='tcrash247']You reminded me that I needed to see The Thing. It was complete and utter shit. It was a terrible prequel and forgot why the 1982 version was so good. The special effects were some of the worst I've ever seen. The 1982 version was more a psychological thriller than a monster movie, this was almost pure monster movie with the thing chasing people around. It wasn't one bit scary and it makes you question things that happened in the 1982 version (a cardinal sin in a prequel). Plus, the ending should have been a helicopter chasing a dog to lead into the 1982 version. It didn't. Fail.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what the ending was. I'm glad the prequel tried for something different than the 82 movie. If it was the exact same thing it would have been boring. Also the monster looked great and creepy, I don't know what gave you impossibly high standards.
Dutch- another John Hughes movie. Watching it just made me happy.
For a few dollars more- good, but I didn't pay attention to the whole thing, looking forward to good, bad, ugly next.
bread's done