Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='camoor']Anyone ever watch this movie? It really fucked me up as a kid.[/QUOTE]

First time I experienced Mrs. Mary Jane, my roommate's friend came over and brought a VCR and a VHS tape. We indulged then began to watch Fantastic Planet. I was blown away and was just freaking out the whole time. Week later I watched it again without indulging with Mrs. Mary Jane and I was still blown away at how amazing it was in a completely different light of course. Back then, the DVD was going for 60+ on ebay, but they rereleased it lately and I picked it up. I've watched it so many times and still every single time I watch it I'm blown away at how amazing the concept and animation is for even back then. Such a damn good Sci-Fi movie. The music is amazing.
[quote name='detectiveconan16']Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
What a load of fucking hippie propaganda.

Damn good movie, though I wish the comics were more available. Those Ohmus are as creepy as hell, and awesome.[/QUOTE]

They are readily available. You can buy them now from Amazon or Right Stuf. Also, if you enjoyed the movie, you should buy the manga; they blow the movie away.
Watched Hugo tonight. And what the hell? Everybody kept saying it was about the magic of the movies and it was definitely not. I mean yeah, the last like 20 or so minutes was about movies, but not the magic of it. It was such an empty movie to me, filled with nothing until the very end and even then it was pretty weak. Yeah I got all the references too, but honestly, what the hell was that? Even for a childrens movie it wasn't even that magical or full of adventure either. It looked very nice but just no real soul to it I felt. Of course it wasn't a bad movie, but it was most definitely cliche as shit. Scorsese cliche downward spiral continues. *facepalm*
[quote name='lokizz']Limitless its on netflix i mainly remembered it because of that kanye song power.[/QUOTE]

Just refound my post and this reply. Many thanks my good sir!
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Just refound my post and this reply. Many thanks my good sir![/QUOTE]

no problem its a pretty good movie.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Watched Total Recall for the first time this morning. Damn, practical effects kick ass.[/QUOTE]
Also, "SEE YOU AT THE PARTY, RICHTER!" is one of the greatest lines in the history of film.
[quote name='The Crotch']Also, "SEE YOU AT THE PARTY, RICHTER!" is one of the greatest lines in the history of film.[/QUOTE]

There are definitely some bad one liners in the movie, but considering how much it is quoted, I though the movie and Arnold were much less stupid than I was expecting (if that makes sense).
[quote name='bobo2k4']Act Of Valor - Awesome action and that's all that matters.[/QUOTE]

I would agree that except the plot so straight out of Call of Duty. That fact kind of ruined it for me. I honestly couldn't get past how shitty and generic the plot was, did Infinity Ward write it? The quality of the acting was better than I thought it would be on the bright side.

Also saw Safe House over the weekend and I enjoyed it would recommend it as a rental though.

Saw Journey 2 in 3D as well and I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. I definitely thought it would suck hard but was proved wrong. It was just a fun movie that knew the plot etc. was dumb and didn't take itself to seriously. The 3D was some of the best I have ever experienced. My kids, 4 and 7, liked it a lot as well.
Caught the final hour of Last Action Hero this morning, and I don't think it was that bad of a movie. I seriously thought the main character was the fat kid from the Goonies. It is definitely Sony's fault for effing up this cromulent movie.
I watched Winters Bone today. I don't know how I feel about it. It didn't make me happy but it was a well told story. Don't watch if you feel down.
Oh and I watched an anime movie named The Place Promised In Our Early Days. It was a little slow at parts and it didn't blow my mind but some scenes were excellent. It was an above average movie.
I know this is supposed to be about movies that don't suck but I'm gonna talk about one that sucks anyway... Straw Dogs (the 2011 remake).

Holy shit on a stick was that a terrible fucking movie. Boring as all hell, no emotional impact despite heavy subject matter, and you really won't give 2 shits about a single fucking character, try, I dare you. I will say this though, the final villain kill was one of the best of any movie
The hero takes a bear trap and slams it over the head of the main villain closing it on his head. Perfectly shot, perfectly acted, worked really well despite the other 99.9% of the movie being a steaming pile
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I know this is supposed to be about movies that don't suck but I'm gonna talk about one that sucks anyway... Straw Dogs (the 2011 remake).

Holy shit on a stick was that a terrible fucking movie. Boring as all hell, no emotional impact despite heavy subject matter, and you really won't give 2 shits about a single fucking character, try, I dare you. I will say this though, the final villain kill was one of the best of any movie
The hero takes a bear trap and slams it over the head of the main villain closing it on his head. Perfectly shot, perfectly acted, worked really well despite the other 99.9% of the movie being a steaming pile

I totally agree, this movie was an epic piece of shit.
Though the nail gun into the dudes hand over the broken window was pretty cool as well. Even though the main guy was way too big of a pussy to be believable.

My wife and I got drunk then we watched this pile followed by the Fright Night remake. Thank God for alcohol or nobody could ever watch those shitty movies.
Tucker and Dale VS Evil. One of the funniest horror movie spoofs I've ever seen. The way the kids just kept dropping had me laughing my ass off.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I know this is supposed to be about movies that don't suck but I'm gonna talk about one that sucks anyway...[/QUOTE]
It isn't, actually. Way back when, they would close these threads at a certain size and then someone would make a new one, just like OTTs or GGTs or the RPG Thread (though those seem rather resilient of late). Because these threads lasted a lot longer than an OTT and were not numbered like the Fighting Game Thread, people didn't realize that the one previous to this - "Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck" - wasn't the first of these threads, and this was not the second. I recall the one that preceded the first Surprisingly was called, "They're coming to get the last movie you saw, Barbara!" in reference to Night of the Living Dead, but I don't remember what came before that.

Also, The Town was pretty good. Not mindblowing or anything. But pretty good.
My Wife is a Gangster - 3/5 - There are a few funny moments but overall it was quite bland. The action scenes can be pretty fun since I didn't expect them at all by the wife played by Eun-Kyung Shin. The story is quite different which is nice to see in a romcom... but as a romcom you wont be satisfied with this movies romance or comedy.
saw Wanderlust this morning. It was funny at first, then got insanely annoying, and then went back to funny + cute. I thought it was OK. Nothing to rush to theaters to see. A Shame because I'm a huge fan of David Wain and all those guys too.
[quote name='AshesofWake']saw Wanderlust this morning. It was funny at first, then got insanely annoying, and then went back to funny + cute. I thought it was OK. Nothing to rush to theaters to see. A Shame because I'm a huge fan of David Wain and all those guys too.[/QUOTE]

No one is rushing to see it, it was #8 for the weekend. Ouch.
The Thing - Best movie of 2011 (granted it had zero competition that year)... good mystery and thriller. Although I don't understand how
the thing infected people while others survived.
[quote name='Necrozilla']The Thing - Best movie of 2011 (granted it had zero competition that year)... good mystery and thriller. Although I don't understand how
the thing infected people while others survived.
I haven't seen it and don't know if you're being serious, but I have to disagree. Last year had a lot of good movies like: Drive, The Descendants, Xmen first class and others I haven't seen like The artist,Tinker Tailor soldier Spy and The Skin I live in.
[quote name='Necrozilla']The Thing - Best movie of 2011 (granted it had zero competition that year)... good mystery and thriller. Although I don't understand how
the thing infected people while others survived.

There's so much wrong with this I can't handle it.
The Artist.

Thought it was fantastic. Not sure I'd vote it as best picture--I'd probably give that to The Descendants out of the 2011 films I've saw thus far. But still a damn good movie.
Watched Safe House last night. I enjoyed it predictable plot and the characters didn't really push either Reynolds or Denzel but still was a solid movie.
^ I don't know if it's possible to push Reynolds. The guy can't act for shit to begin with. That movie where he was buried in a coffin was about the worst thing I've seen in a while. Phone Booth was like Casablanca compared to that.

Still want to see it though. Denzel never disappoints. In fact, he usually makes a mediocre movie enjoyable with little effort.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']^ I don't know if it's possible to push Reynolds. The guy can't act for shit to begin with. That movie where he was buried in a coffin was about the worst thing I've seen in a while. Phone Booth was like Casablanca compared to that.

Still want to see it though. Denzel never disappoints. In fact, he usually makes a mediocre movie enjoyable with little effort.[/QUOTE]

theyre going to keep pushing him till he sticks or hey find someone better. just like how they pushed shia and jamie fox. and now expect to see more of that chick who won for best supporting actress for the help.
Just saw Project X. It's getting awful reviews but I really enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun. I am exactly who the movie was made for though, so some (*cough* old people) probably won't like it at all.
Bang Bang Club
Had been wanting to see it since I saw a review on it months ago. Not a bad movie but was slightly disappointed.
[quote name='lokizz']theyre going to keep pushing him till he sticks or hey find someone better. just like how they pushed shia and jamie fox. and now expect to see more of that chick who won for best supporting actress for the help.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure he meant pushing his acting ability, from a directing standpoint. Not pushing him as a product. Which I also don't understand. It's not exactly a selling point when you're agent says "Hire my client, he was Green Lantern!"

I get what you're saying though. It was like with Gerard Butler. Awesome in 300, but then they put him in EVERYTHING and all of it bombed hard. Especially when he was cast with Jennifer Aniston. That was like having a root canal and a prostate exam done to the viewer at the same time.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I'm pretty sure he meant pushing his acting ability, from a directing standpoint. Not pushing him as a product. Which I also don't understand. It's not exactly a selling point when you're agent says "Hire my client, he was Green Lantern!"

I get what you're saying though. It was like with Gerard Butler. Awesome in 300, but then they put him in EVERYTHING and all of it bombed hard. Especially when he was cast with Jennifer Aniston. That was like having a root canal and a prostate exam done to the viewer at the same time.[/QUOTE]

shes another one i cant understand why they keep pushing her. no matter how shitty her movies are she keeps making more. and of late they keep pairing her off with diff well known or popular comedic actors.

gerard butler a damn good actor loved him in rocknrolla and gamer was cool too.
Haven't seen either of those movies. Gamer I refuse to watch because the dude from Dexter probably should have passed on that offer, lol. After watching Six Feet Under and Dexter, I just can't ruin a high opinion of him as an actor by watching Gamer. Plus, I can't get into movies like that. Only "videogame" movie I liked was Brainscan...primarily because it was an enjoyable kind of terrible. Wish that shit was on Blu-Ray.
brainscan was good havent seen it in ages but the whole setup was cool. i saw gamer on a whim and its ones of those " i saw it on tv and didnt hate it" movies but rocknrolla is definitely worth seeing the guy from luther is in it as well as bunch of others. ludacris and jeremy piven are in it as well but theyre easy to ignore.
Straw Dogs - 3/5 - This is the remake. Its really hard to buy Alexander Skarsgård as a southern american/redneck living in a small southern town. I never seen the original so I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.
The trailer gave me the feeling the movie was just about the rednecks harassing Kate Bosworth as she came back to town, didn't know or expect the mentally handicapped story line to cause the shit storm.
I was disappointed in the amount of screen time Walton Goggins had. The story moves along well enough. There is a few 'serious' moments which are fun to laugh at. Overall the movie is entertaining. It isn't anything special but at least it wont feel like a waste of time.
Anonymous - 3/5. It's a movie based on the conspiracy theory on whether William Shakespeare wrote his plays or not, or whether it was a pen name for Edward de Vere. As a historical drama, it works fine, but the story jumps all over the place in the timeline of de Vere's life, making it hard to follow. The movie is also better if you've taken a Shakespearean course beforehand as a lot of the dialogue from de Vere's life come directly from scenarios from Shakespeare plays, although the movie doesn't do much to explain this. Had the story been more focused, it would have been a better movie. A worthy watch for Shakespearean buffs, but it's likely to confuse anyone else.
I'll throw down two quick reviews of movies I saw last week...

THIS MEANS WAR: I'll start off by saying that I would kiss Tom Hardy on the mouth and feel like a giddy little school-girl. He's fan-fucking-tastic in just about anything, and I hope his career just continues to go up for him. I figured this would be a very by-the-numbers rom-com when I first saw the trailer, but hell, I'm a sucker for Chris Pine and Tom Hardy in the mix was good enough for me.

It was extremely... Mundane, but as a whole, if you know what to expect (it's a McG movie, which I didn't know until the intro credits rolled) you might not be terribly disappointed. SLIGHT MINOR SPOILERS, Hugo Stiglitz plays a tacked-on antagonist who does just about nothing for the film at all. Aside from me being excited to see him on screen, there just wasn't much for him to do except put Reese Witherspoon's character in danger. Bleh.

I will say the comedic moments weren't terrible, but it was still pretty safe. A great point I've read (at filmdrunk, seriously, why don't you guys visit it more often!?) is that comedies tend to get the shit end of the stick because they run them through test-audiences and end up going the easiest route and releasing the cut that gets the most laughs, instead of one that might cut out a few jokes to flesh things out a little bit. I mean, who cares about plot/character development when they're going to see Pine and Hardy running around shirtless? I will say there's a damned great paintballing scene. If you can see it cheap, go and watch it. Rent it. Put it on with a lady.

The second film I saw was Wanderlust. I'm not huge on David Wain's past work, but I was super excited about Wanderlust. It was like a supergroup of the comedy world. Basically, Paul Rudd and Crazy Aniston buy a "Microloft" (an apartment the size of a small bedroom) in Manhattan that is terribly expensive... But it's okay, because Aniston is going to pitch her documentary about penguins with testicular cancer to HBO. That is what sold me on the movie when I read about it, by the way. Plus, Paul Rudd is going to get a promotion! Things will be alright!

I'm sure you can figure where this is going.

Anyway, things turn out bad for them, and they have to end up moving down to Atlanta to stay with Rudd's brother (PERFECTLY played asshole by Ken Marino... I mean... fuckING PERFECT.) and his crazy drunk wife and dickhole son. On their way there, Rudd and Aniston stop at a backwoods bed and breakfast (Joe Lo Truglio... Oh man...) which ends up being run by a cult-like group of hippies.

Without giving anything else away, I can say I honestly haven't laughed as much at a theater as much as I did when I watched Wanderlust. Just... Yes. That is all I can sum up.
[quote name='moon_knight']In Bruges[/QUOTE]

That was such a good movie. If you have the DVD be sure to watch the extra that's just the edited together clip of all the curse words. It's surprisingly entertaining.
^Don't own the dvd, I got it in the mail from netflix when i saw it. Martin McDonagh is making another movie, which I'm hoping will be a good follow up.

just watched Death at a Funeral. NOT the chris Rock/ American version. But the one directed bt Frank Oz. fucking. Hilarious. Quite surprised at how genuinely funny it was.
[quote name='gbpackers94']Just saw Project X. It's getting awful reviews but I really enjoyed it, it was a lot of fun. I am exactly who the movie was made for though, so some (*cough* old people) probably won't like it at all.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I thought you were talking about the 80's Project X
Watched Bronson the other night. It was alright, definitely had it's moments. I think I just expected a bit more though because one of my friends hyped the shit out of this movie for so long that it just wasn't what I expected.
On Netflix: Watch Instantly I just watched Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey. It's an interesting look at Kevin Clash, the man behind the "modern" voice of Elmo. Lots of neat trivia in there and it doesn't shy away from some negative aspects Elmo has brought to his family life.
bread's done