Surprisingly the Last TV Show You Saw was Good

Power Rangers Mystic Force - Nowhere near as good as DinoThunder and SPD. When the series focused on the non-Nick Rangers, it was actually pretty decent. Problem is, the show spent only a handful of episodes on them. Most of the story focused on the non-Rangers and Nick is arguably the worst Red Ranger ever. Plus, the theme song sucked, emphasized in next season's "Once a Ranger" special. Adam, though unable to use the MMPR theme, got a rock piece when he does awesome stuff. Tori, Kira, and Bridge got their high-energy theme songs. Xander? Total silence before low-energy rap. Ugh.

Power Rangers Operation Overdrive - Horrible. The idea of the Rangers being adventure archaeologists and facing off against 4 bad guys was a good premise, as was the revelation made 3/4 of the way in, but everything else was horrible. The acting was bad, most of the villains were horrible, and the story was crap. It's really telling when the first 10 minutes of Jungle Fury is better than 80% of this series.
I cycle through. Right now I am on a Power Rangers/Western Animation kick. After that I will try and get my anime backlog down. When I get through them (maybe around June?) I will get through my non-PR live-action stuff. Then I plan on going through live-action shows that have actually premiered in the past 3-4 years. Might even watch some of them live (which, outside of Whose Line, I haven't done since Season 2 of 30 Rock).
Prison Break is so good. I can't believe it's almost a decade old and I'm just now getting into it. Been watching at least an episode a day and loving it so far. About 15 episodes into season one at the moment so I have quite a ways to go but it seems like it should be a fun ride.

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Prison Break is so good. I can't believe it's almost a decade old and I'm just now getting into it. Been watching at least an episode a day and loving it so far. About 15 episodes into season one at the moment so I have quite a ways to go but it seems like it should be a fun ride.
The first season is the best. After that it goes downhill. Also Michael Scofield's brother is the worst actor I've seen, very deadpan delivery with no emotion. Dude has zero charisma. But the last season I couldn't even finish it was so awful.

Prison Break is so good. I can't believe it's almost a decade old and I'm just now getting into it. Been watching at least an episode a day and loving it so far. About 15 episodes into season one at the moment so I have quite a ways to go but it seems like it should be a fun ride.
Yeah, what TooMuchCoolness said. Finish the first season and wiki the rest. It gets REALLY dumb REALLY fast.
Oh man. I was so pumped for Prison Break in its first season but then it just blah.

Same with Heroes, damn that show went downhill quickly. By the time my fiancée and I got to season 4 we had to force ourselves to finish it. That fourth season in particular was just offensively bad with its blatant plot holes and nonsensical plot. Talk about complete meandering... In particular
the journey Peter and Noah go on to find a power to heal Hiro and Sylar's "redemption". With Hiro they go on this journey, get the power AND THEN NEVER BOTHER EVEN GOING BACK TO THE HOSPITAL TO HEAL HIM. It's just like, "well that was fun, what were we doing again? Ah nevermind." Then Hiro ends up being saved by doctors with this incurable condition anyway. Ugh, what complete garbage.

With Sylar, I can at least appreciate where they were trying to go and it's a very "comic booky" thing to switch a villain into a hero but he barely had to work for it. One episode with Peter suddenly made up for the previous 3 and 1/2 seasons of a murderous rampage which included one of the main characters of the show.
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I think I just finished up episode 10 of Twin Peaks (season 2). Never seen it before so all new to me. I love it, it's so weird and funny

Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Not the best season, but actually pretty decent and way better than the last two seasons. The characters are pretty good, RJ is a very unique mentor figure, and the action is quite impressive. Probably would have been better recieved if it hadn't come before the best season ever (a.k.a. RPM)
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The first season is the best. After that it goes downhill.

Yeah, what TooMuchCoolness said. Finish the first season and wiki the rest. It gets REALLY dumb REALLY fast.

Oh man. I was so pumped for Prison Break in its first season but then it just blah.
Just finished season one and the finale was just as exciting if not more exciting than any episode up to that point. Thanks to you guys, I'm going season two with low expectations. Here goes nothing...

Finished the first season of the Following, Its okay. It was good and at the same time super annoying - in any other situation i'd stop watching but I have that need to find out what happens..

Person of Interest season 2 - just got done and I'm on the edge of my seat. Just love the show.
GREAT show, love Michael Emerson in it. Season 3 hasn't been as great but still worth watching.

My fiancé started watching Dexter over the weekend so I've caught some season 1 episodes again, it started out so good...
I've started True Detective and just finished episode 4. Yup, that was crazy intense. Though all mumbling and some of the accents are harder to understand than an episode of Game of Thrones.

Gonna have to pump Veep again for HBO. It's HILARIOUS especially if you're a political junkie.
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True Detective is finished. Yeah, I enjoyed the series even with parts being hard to understand or listen. That and it was easy to get caught up in the personal lives of the characters and forgetting about the case before it comes roaring back.

Man, those boobs were...pretty epic. Though to be fair, they're both written as insane so it makes some sense in that they're bonkers.

What I've watched most recently, random order:

- Fargo 4.25/5 based on 2 episodes so far.

- Vikings 4.5/5 based on almost 2 full seasons.

- Silicon Valley 3.75/5 based on 3 episodes, nothing else like it on tv.

- Ancient Aliens - 4.25/5 based on many seasons, quality varies episode to episode.

- Cosmos 4.25/5 based on ~5 episodes, also varies episode to episode, usually consistent though.

- Pawn Stars - 4.5 based on many years, varies episode to episode.

- Hardcore Pawn - 4/5 based on ~10 episodes, varies.

- The Profit - 4.25/5 based on 3 episodes.

- Shark Tank - 4/5 based on 5 episodes.

- Kitchen Nightmares - 4.25/5 based on at least 10 episodes.

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Just finished breaking bad season 4. Popping in season 5 into the PS4 right now. Excited to see how this whole thing ends
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Wait, are we talking about Person of Interest?

I thought the show was going to bite when
they had you know who killed
but now I can see why it had to happen. The first season and most of the first half of season two was like watching paint dry.

The Kitchen Nightmares "Amy's Baking Company" episode is a 10/5.
That episode was insane. They supposedly did a 2nd episode to it just recently, but I've never seen it aired.

Just finished breaking bad season 4. Popping in season 5 into the PS4 right now. Excited to see how this whole thing ends
Season 5 is great, but the ending is not. Enjoy it and then lower your expectations for the final episode, that way you won't be disappointed.

That episode was insane. They supposedly did a 2nd episode to it just recently, but I've never seen it aired.

Season 5 is great, but the ending is not. Enjoy it and then lower your expectations for the final episode, that way you won't be disappointed.
What's not to like? Walt fakes his death by driving into a hurricane and lives his life out in seclusion in the woods, amongst the bears and other wildlife.

He was once known as Heisenberg but now goes by Heisenbearg...
Heisenberg living life as a sad lumberjack was totally the way to go.

In all honesty, I thought the ending was perfect.
Heisenberg living life as a sad lumberjack was totally the way to go.

In all honesty, I thought the ending was perfect.
I'll just say everything leading up to the end is great, the last 10 minutes is crap. The whole deal with Walt dying from wildlife just seems too random. Even the raft chase before the waterfall was better than that.

I started watching Portlandia the other night, on season two now its pretty good I guess
The biggest problem with Portlandia is that the bar was set so high because the very first skit on the show is the most incredibly funny thing I've ever seen.
Wow the last episode of Parks and Rec punted the show's format out the window.  I thought it became a superior Office, with less camera mugging and more positive energy. But the episode took place April 24, 2014 and then there's a time jump into three years later?

Will season 7 be quite different that it'll cause fans to start crying and screaming? But I hope it won't use flashbacks like Brooklyn Nine Nine and other shows.

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While they probably will, they don't HAVE to keep to the time jump. And just cause it might be set three years from now, why does that mean the format has to be different now?
That's more mindwarping than Community ever could be. Parks and Rec is a faux-documentary show in the vein of the Office and Modern Family. For them to continue the same format in a 2017 setting means that it is a show within a show with TIME TRAVEL. You know Abed would love to be in Pawnee at this rate.

Gotta say, I was shocked CN allowed Finn to get his arm amputated in Adventure Time. Freaking weird to see him like that. Also quite sad to see the Grass Sword gone so soon.

Something also tells me that there is something more to Finn's dad than what was revealed, if that gut even WAS Finn's dad.
They what?! Has Cartoon Network realized that children AREN'T watching their network anymore, that they'd be so cavalier about Finn not having an arm for a few episodes?

And some Adventure Time talk of the past few eps...

Finn losing his arm has been foreshadowed for literally years. Since everytime you see alternate versions of Finn in the future or a different universe he nearly always had his right arm covered or it was robotic or whatever. The grass sword basically sealed the deal last season that it was coming. Plus it's definitely not the last we'll see of Finn and the grass sword being that he was able to do things not seen before in when he was trying to stop his father from leaving and the flower over his stump does give hints of that.

As for Finn's father? Pretty sure that is him considering it goes with the theme of the show of deadbeat dad's who aren't ready to be father's (Marceline, Flame Princess). Plus he was jailed for a reason and Finn already has an adventurer, rightous father; his adopted father.

For all the talk of Adventure Time being a stoner cartoon or whatever, the writers do seem to know what they're doing and I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be the last season since they keep saying they eventually want to end it.

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I guess the foreshadowing works. I have a feeling Finn's arm will be a mutantated arm (well, mutated further than it originally was pre-amputation).

As for Finn's dad, Finn assumed it was his dad because he was humanoid, but Martin never really confirmed it and seemed to go along with it just so he could go free. He actually reminds me a lot of Magic Man.

As for the series ending, it is a possibility. Though I believe one of the major signs will be Betty finally curing Simon of the Ice King once and for all.
Gonna bump this for Cosmos: A Space Time Odyssey. Not as good as the original(practically perfect), but a great follow-up.
Agreed, but I'm a little biased when it comes to Sagan. The whiz-bang CGI in this newest iteration should do much to hook the youngsters this is meant to inspire. Not a show for those with a decent science education (which I received BECAUSE of the original, so this stuff works!), but I could listen to DeGrasse Tyson speak all day. I also revel in the subtle and not-so-subtle jabs at creationists, climate change deniers, misogynists, and anti-intellectuals woven into the script. I really wonder if Rupert Murdoch watches this or if he's heard complaints from his cronies about its content.

I caught Season 1 of Hannibal at the suggestion of a CAG a few pages back in this thread when it came available for free viewing on Amazon Prime.  There is some pretty gruesome stuff I can't believe gets shown on network television.  Will Graham's psychology (and those who want to use him or study him to their own ends) makes the show.  Hannibal is a smooth operator, for sure, and without spoiling too much, I'm impressed with his long-term planning. 

Also, for Amazon Prime members, catch Orphan Black if you can.  Only the first season is a freebie, but I liked it well enough to buy the second (current) season pass.  It's really a mystery/thriller, with a science fiction.  The lead actress plays multiple roles.  Watch the show to find out why.  And since this is a video game website, the actor (Michael Mando) that plays the main character's drug-dealing boyfriend was the character model and voice of Vaas in Far Cry 3.

Funny you mention these shows, as they are also the last things I started watching streaming.

Orphan Black is phenomenal. I ripped through for the first season in a week before season 2 started on TV, so I'm watching if every week now. It had serious "Heroes" potential, because season 2 had a lot to live up to and it could have gotten really messy. Luckily, it's been just as strong. Highest recommendation I can make.

I'm almost done with Hannibal's first season and I totally agree, this show is just as gruesome, if not more so, than Dexter... And it's on network TV!

Unfortunately I'll have to wait for season 2 to stream now but it's also a pretty great show if you don't mind the gore or organs being shown repeatedly.
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Let's see..Da Vinci's Demons is easily a surprise for good show. Hannibal, Vikings, Orphan Black, and the latest I started watching is Halt and Catch Fire (it's basically the early days of PCs (think IBM and Apple) in their rise to use in homes). 

bread's done