Syphon Filter (PS2) $10 + $20 GV at EBGames

[quote name='shrike4242']Good idea. judy*3 tried it with my info and they kept giving her the run-around and BS answers.[/QUOTE]
To be specific, they told me shrike used another discount to bring the $19.99 price to $9.99, which is definitely BS since he didn't use ANY discounts on that order. I'm not even sure what to say to them anymore that isn't an expletive.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']A supervisor just told me if I can find someone who already got the $20 rebate from purchasing it for $10, he'd probably be willing to give me the other $10 back. Any volunteers?


Which supervisor? Was it Ross? He was somewhat courteous to me, but of totally no help, in fact, it seemed like he was trying to piss me off by saying only what they "could not" do, not what they "could" or "would" do. If a supervisor at my call center talked to a customer like that, the center manager would hear about it pretty quick.
I've got someone's order number, who got 20 and paid 10, but I don't want to tell EB I have it until I hear back and see if the person used it. It would be just like them to say 'Never mind, that 20 is now 10.'
[quote name='dtcarson']Which supervisor? Was it Ross? He was somewhat courteous to me, but of totally no help, in fact, it seemed like he was trying to piss me off by saying only what they "could not" do, not what they "could" or "would" do. If a supervisor at my call center talked to a customer like that, the center manager would hear about it pretty quick.
I've got someone's order number, who got 20 and paid 10, but I don't want to tell EB I have it until I hear back and see if the person used it. It would be just like them to say 'Never mind, that 20 is now 10.'[/QUOTE]
No, I got a different supervisor, and he was very courteous (unlike the first customer rep I first spoke to... that's the first time I dealt with a not-that-nice rep from EB). And shrike already used his coupon code (and it was $20), and he didn't tell me that until after I spoke to the rep... I didn't even think of that possibility. More love to shrike :)
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']No, I got a different supervisor, and he was very courteous (unlike the first customer rep I first spoke to... that's the first time I dealt with a not-that-nice rep from EB). And shrike already used his coupon code (and it was $20), and he didn't tell me that until after I spoke to the rep... I didn't even think of that possibility. More love to shrike :)[/QUOTE]

So, you have my original order showing it was $9.99 list price for SF:TOS, you have another order that shows you what EB does with a coupon on the order (not for you, for the asshat reps), plus the order that has my $20 coupon being used on a $19.99 item. What the heck else do they want, blood and urine samples, to prove you're not high as a kite when calling them?

I think you have all the ammo you need to kick them in the P's, though as Cheapy said, I think he's going to check into it in his super-secret channels into EB.
Well, EB has asked me for a list of email address from those who got served.
I assume that is a good sign.

Can someone take charge and put together a list for me?
[quote name='CheapyD']Well, EB has asked me for a list of email address from those who got served.
I assume that is a good sign.

Can someone take charge and put together a list for me?[/QUOTE]
How do you do it, Cheapy?

I'm willing to volunteer, unless people are more comfortable giving their email addresses to a mod.
I just have a direct channel, thats all. I can skip all the customer support stuff and get to the managment quickly.

Maybe I just need a list of usernames. Can you get that for me?
I can then pull their email from their registration and/or send a group PM.
[quote name='CheapyD']I just have a direct channel, thats all. I can skip all the customer support stuff and get to the managment quickly.

Maybe I just need a list of usernames. Can you get that for me?
I can then pull their email from their registration and/or send a group PM.[/QUOTE]
I'd be happy to do that. Should I just keep it to this thread or make a new one?
Those who got $10 instead of $20...

Professor Oreo

Am I missing anyone?
looks like [at least from this thread]:

me [dtcarson]

to start with.

Anyone else?

[Those are folks who got 10 instead of the 20 as listed on the rebate. I guess if anyone got absolutely nothing, that would be another list.]

I'm still surprised they didn't just say 'Fine, here' the second or third time I contacted them.
If you didn't get your $20 gift voucher for Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain from EB, please post here so I can get your username. I'm compiling a list of CAGs that got a $10 gift voucher instead of the $20 one. This is for the Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain deal only. Cheapy was told to compile of list of affected users' emails, so once he gets all the usernames, he'll then get our email addresses I'm assuming were used on the rebates. *Please PM your EB e-mail address to me* I'll update the list as people post... please let me know if I missed anyone.

CAGs who got served
1. judyjudyjudy
2. dtcarson
3. ManChowder
4. harunim
5. Msia
6. evilmax17
7. lionheart4life
8. pdiscool
9. jngx80
10. Zon27
11. Sarang01
12. uberzone
13. Professor Oreo
14. erasure
15. djinni
16. froinlaven
17. snakeyes
18. weedofwisdom
19. schnider
20. GreatDoink
21. shipwreck
22. bmarquardt
23. mentos888

Also, if you didn't get ANY rebate, we can make a separate list for those cases, too.

CAGs who didn't even get served (no rebates at all)
1. FOnewearl

Much thanks to CheapyD for even trying to fix this. He's da man!
[quote name='CheapyD']Well, EB has asked me for a list of email address from those who got served.
I assume that is a good sign.

Can someone take charge and put together a list for me?[/QUOTE]


I am glad you got somewhere
[quote name='dtcarson']

I'm still surprised they didn't just say 'Fine, here' the second or third time I contacted them.[/QUOTE]

and its only a 10 gift voucher

Even a company like microsoft, after I called a few times, fixed my xbox for free when they originally wanted 100 :O

I bet a lot of you don't care now that you took advantage of that ebgames glitch

[quote name='dtcarson']
[Those are folks who got 10 instead of the 20 as listed on the rebate. I guess if anyone got absolutely nothing, that would be another list.][/QUOTE]
But assuming when they eventually get their rebate, it's probably going to be the $10 one, isn't it? I can keep separate lists... people just have to mention that discrepancy.

Edited to add: changed list post to reflect this...
Can you please add me to the list. Thanks.

I emailed three separate times trying to get the other $10, but no luck. The last one said it was a $10 rebate when it was on sale for $9.99 . I asked for a copy of that $10 rebate form, but of course that request was ignored...
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']But assuming when they eventually get their rebate, it's probably going to be the $10 one, isn't it? I can keep separate lists... people just have to mention that discrepancy.

Edited to add: changed list post to reflect this...[/QUOTE]

I'd like to think that they'll offer up a second $10 GV to those that only have a single $10 GV, and make sure that those people that haven't received one yet get a $20 GV.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']But assuming when they eventually get their rebate, it's probably going to be the $10 one, isn't it? I can keep separate lists... people just have to mention that discrepancy.

Edited to add: changed list post to reflect this...[/QUOTE]

Oh, most likely, yes. I just didn't want to confuse the issue [any more than it already is]. I think I read some folks in this thread posting that they haven't received *anything* at all. First issue is receiving *something*, next issue is "recieving what was promised."

Of course, those of us who got the 10.00, we'll probably get another code worth 10, which of course won't be stackable with the current one....

While I certainly appreciate CheapyD's using his "pull" to get things done [thanks Cheapy!] it's sad that it had to come to that. It's like getting the "Five On Your Side" consumer team to hassle a company; the company resolves that one situation, but the core issue that caused the problem in the first place usually doesn't get changed. In other words, if we were just 10 nobodies who didn't spend time on a site that sends a lot of traffic to EB, we probably wouldn't have a chance.
I also got pwned by EB. I tried emailing them a few times and they got evasive. Put me on the list, and thanks CheapyD, you're like the patron saint of cheap games!
[quote name='dtcarson']While I certainly appreciate CheapyD's using his "pull" to get things done [thanks Cheapy!] it's sad that it had to come to that. It's like getting the "Five On Your Side" consumer team to hassle a company; the company resolves that one situation, but the core issue that caused the problem in the first place usually doesn't get changed. In other words, if we were just 10 nobodies who didn't spend time on a site that sends a lot of traffic to EB, we probably wouldn't have a chance.[/QUOTE]
The way they've dealt with this has totally changed how I view their customer service. I used to think they had the best customer service, particularly over the phone. Then they came up with their BS excuses, flat out lying (no customers got $20, it was sale/discounted, saying shrike used a discount when he didn't), and then the not-so-friendly rep... grrrr.

I wonder if this has something to do with the Gamestop merger. :whistle2:k
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I wonder if this has something to do with the Gamestop merger. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE] My guess is that many at EB are worried where they paycheck will come from this time next year. I'm not trying to make excuses for them, but things must be freaking crazy over there.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']The way they've dealt with this has totally changed how I view their customer service. I used to think they had the best customer service, particularly over the phone. Then they came up with their BS excuses, flat out lying (no customers got $20, it was sale/discounted, saying shrike used a discount when he didn't), and then the not-so-friendly rep... grrrr.

I wonder if this has something to do with the Gamestop merger. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

I can say that I've had funny issues with all the rebates from EB, if nothing more than just bugging them periodically for the status of it, though I've had to fax them info more than once about "missing" rebates.

The one whole rebate I did with GS went problem free, though I know many CAGs that had issues with them as well.

Again, it's not them giving us money, so I don't know what the real issue is. I figure that they would want to do the rebates ASAP, since they know it generates them additional traffic, unlike a money rebate.

I'm still shocked that the guy lied to you when he had the proof right in front of him that my order for SF:TOS was the $9.99 price and that he had my order where I used the coupon code from said game purchase. Pretty ballsy of him.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']The way they've dealt with this has totally changed how I view their customer service. I used to think they had the best customer service, particularly over the phone. Then they came up with their BS excuses, flat out lying (no customers got $20, it was sale/discounted, saying shrike used a discount when he didn't), and then the not-so-friendly rep... grrrr.

I wonder if this has something to do with the Gamestop merger. :whistle2:k[/QUOTE]

Not to mention their canned corporate responses (I got the exact same email that you did word for word about the game being at a "discounted/sale price."
I took that deal. WAITED A QUARTER OF A YEAR (no exaggeration)

finally they sent me only 10 bucks. The Customer Service is bad.

Take offer on own risk.
[quote name='snakeyes']I took that deal. WAITED A QUARTER OF A YEAR (no exaggeration)

finally they sent me only 10 bucks. The Customer Service is bad.

Take offer on own risk.[/QUOTE]
I'll take that to mean you want to be added to the list.
judyjudyjudy I got the $10 treatment too, but EB and CAG have different emails for me.
Thanks for compiling the list, please add me to it and I'll PM you the right address.
[quote name='weedofwisdom']judyjudyjudy I got the $10 treatment too, but EB and CAG have different emails for me.
Thanks for compling the list, please add me to it and I'll PM you the right address.[/QUOTE]
I think CheapyD will gather email addresses later... my EB and CAG email addresses are different also.
Thanks Cheapy, shrike, judy and everyone for the persistence in trying to get these rebates taken care of and for adding me to the list. I still think their customer service is pretty good, at least they tried to explain why they couldn't honor them even though it is a crappy reason that was probably a corporate decision. I find it odd that out of everything, this is the deal they choose to change up the conditions on when people are getting games for nearly 60% off and they've honored bigger price breaks and rebates in the past.
This makes me very afraid of taking other rebates/deals.

There is no way cust. serv. wouldn't know about the deal. They lied and they acted like they didn't know we were supposed to get $20.
In my case they admitted the rebate was 20, but they outright stated they would only give 10.
They f*ed up, with the 'sale price' which was never noted as a sale, and the rebate form listing a specific dollar amount rather than "amount of purchase".
Judy I'll throw you my e-mail just in case I have a different one listed for here. checks again. N/m it's the right one.
Cheapy I REALLY appreciate all of your help, yours as well judy.
Also on the GS comment I WOULD expect GS to try to screw over people on something like this, that is why I was disappointed when I found out EB and GS were merging with GS as the controlling interest. This meant any of the $10 and below deals would end since only EB really does good ones and GS would try to start screwing us over.
I hate for this to be my first message board post (long time lurker, just never found worthy deals to post) but can I be put on that list too? I just got the rebate for $10 instead, and when I asked customer service, they made up an answer similar to the ones I read now.

I just can't believe their customer service would just boldly lie like that. Thanks for trying to help me out.
Okay, since people seem to have no problems giving me their e-mail addresses, I'm going to PM the folks that never sent me an address so Cheapy won't have to compile them later. From now on, when you post to be added to the list, please PM the email address you used for EB (you do NOT have to post it in the thread).
[quote name='CheapyD']Those who got $10 instead of $20...

Professor Oreo

Am I missing anyone?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Okay, since people seem to have no problems giving me their e-mail addresses, I'm going to PM the folks that never sent me an address so Cheapy won't have to compile them later. From now on, when you post to be added to the list, please PM the email address you used for EB (you do NOT have to post it in the thread).[/QUOTE]

How are we doing? Almost got them all? The sooner I get these to EB, the better as they just emailed me asking for the list. I've asked them if it matters if their emails match up with their accounts.
[quote name='CheapyD']How are we doing? Almost got them all? The sooner I get these to EB, the better as they just emailed me asking for the list. I've asked them if it matters if their emails match up with their accounts.
I PMed everybody, but I'm still missing 8 people's emails. Hopefully, I'll get them soon (it's still early on the west coast)!
[quote name='pdiscool']is there any other mod online to help you with that?[/QUOTE]
I don't think a mod can really do anymore. Cheapy will get whatever I have so far whenever he asks for it. Plus everyone has an email registered with CAG, so he could take those from the missing people in the worst case. They might not even need the EB email addresses *shrug*
[quote name='shipwreck']Add me to the list that hasn't received any rebate yet. Thanks.[/QUOTE]


I PMed you the info needed judyjudyjudy

I just tried calling Customer Service to see what they would say about how my rebate process is going and was on the phone for 20 minutes (mostly on hold)

Thanks for the effort on trying to help everyone out on this one judy & cheapy :)
PM'ed you the email address judyjudy. I was out of state and didn't have access to a decent internet connection, so sorry for the delay.

thanks to you and Cheapy for any help you can give us.
So has anything come of this letter to EB yet? Just wondering if they have responded with anything. Even if it doesn't have an effect, I thank everyone for the effort.
bread's done