Tales from the Pawn Shop(s)!


Marked $45, convinced the old man that was a typo, and offered him the same price ($4-5)as the rest of the SNES games. He said he'd take $10 cause he wasn't sure why it was so expensive. I kinda felt sleazy afterwards, but oh well.
[quote name='phoenix529']

Marked $45, convinced the old man that was a typo, and offered him the same price ($4-5)as the rest of the SNES games. He said he'd take $10 cause he wasn't sure why it was so expensive. I kinda felt sleazy afterwards, but oh well.[/QUOTE]

Honestly, that is kinda sleazy. Guy could have probably used the money for something. Just remember....Karma. What goes around comes around.
damn - you guys are hardcore! I thought I had a decent idea of game values, but I'm WAAAY out of my league with these older games. I could go to a pawn shop and not even know that I was staring treasure in the face. Feeling like a rookie after skimming through this thread . . .
Pawn shops aren't as fun for great deals now days, most of them price check EB/Gamestop or Ebay and Half.com prices -.-
[quote name='tacgnol']Pawn shops aren't as fun for great deals now days, most of them price check EB/Gamestop or Ebay and Half.com prices -.-[/QUOTE]you're just checking the wrong places then. i only know one in the entire city of tucson that does that, the rest have blanket prices on games for each system.
I used to be the king of pawnshop hauls. Most of the local and surronding areas shops know me by face and some name. Its been slow this year becuase I already bought all the good stuff so I havent been going out like I used to be but I made my rounds today and scored big.

Parasite Eve
Vagrant Story
Clock Tower 2

Grand total of 15 cash out the door. :bouncy:
After checking all of my local pawn shops, I have concluded that they all pay attention to GS's pricing. All their games are the same price, which is crazy ridiculous. Especially since they still only have a 48 hour return policy.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Honestly, that is kinda sleazy. Guy could have probably used the money for something. Just remember....Karma. What goes around comes around.[/QUOTE]
And pawn shops never overcharge and people over :roll:. Plus, chrono trigger the cartridge isn't worth that much, complete it's worth a lot, but cartridge only I would say $15-20
[quote name='Scrubsy']And pawn shops never overcharge and people over :roll:. Plus, chrono trigger the cartridge isn't worth that much, complete it's worth a lot, but cartridge only I would say $15-20[/QUOTE]

If anyone is willing to listen to this guy and sell Chrono Trigger for $20 please pm me. I will buy multiple copies.:D
[quote name='darkslime']If anyone is willing to listen to this guy and sell Chrono Trigger for $20 please pm me. I will buy multiple copies.:D[/QUOTE]

No kidding, you're looking at at least 30 for a cart only copy of CT.
[quote name='tacgnol']Pawn shops aren't as fun for great deals now days, most of them price check EB/Gamestop or Ebay and Half.com prices -.-[/QUOTE]

Mine does that some lately. When Resident Evil 5 was new, and the pawn shop had it. They priced it at 39.99 when use to they never priced a game over 19.99. They check the prices now which is wonderful.
[quote name='Scrubsy']And pawn shops never overcharge and people over :roll:. Plus, chrono trigger the cartridge isn't worth that much, complete it's worth a lot, but cartridge only I would say $15-20[/QUOTE]

Apparently, it's opposite day.
I got:

Dragon Warrior
Star Tropics
Marble Madness

All 3 for NES for a total of $4.50. I'm quite happy with that. The pawn shop was selling some other games like Mario Bros/Duck Hunt for $10. I really don't understand their prices.

Edit: Does anyone know a website for checking values on old games?
[quote name='CaptainJoel']After checking all of my local pawn shops, I have concluded that they all pay attention to GS's pricing. All their games are the same price, which is crazy ridiculous. Especially since they still only have a 48 hour return policy.[/QUOTE]

The pawn shops in my area are much cheaper than GS. I think it's because most of the stuff is stolen and they want to unload it quickly. I get new games for 20 bucks all the time.

Sorry for the bad quality. Picked these 4 titles complete with manuals for 20 bucks. Caught my eye and I hopped on it. Question to you CAG'ers out there, is it worth 20 bucks?
[quote name='chronoserge456']

Sorry for the bad quality. Picked these 4 titles complete with manuals for 20 bucks. Caught my eye and I hopped on it. Question to you CAG'ers out there, is it worth 20 bucks?[/QUOTE]

Very much so. The RE3 looks like the one with the Dino Crisis demo. That means it is a first print one. I sold one of those for $25 alone a few weeks ago.

Nice find!
Agreed. Both of your finds are incredible. Especially Mega Man 5 and Silent Hill.

I don't think it's rare per se, but I don't ever see SMB 2 in the wild.
[quote name='phoenix529']I don't think it's rare per se, but I don't ever see SMB 2 in the wild.[/QUOTE]

I would agree that it's (obviously) far from rare but it's is easily the least common of the 3 SMB games on the NES.
SMB3 sells for the highest amount of the three, though, regardless of how many copies are in the wild. SMB2 gets around $12 compared to the $15 - $17 SMB3 can get.
Went to the local pawn shop today and picked up the following movies

Shaun of the Dead - $2.25
Are you Afraid of the Dark Freaky Favorities - $2.25
LOTR Fellowship, Extended 4-disc set - $2.25
X-Men 2 (2-Disc OOP) - $2.25
Dark Knight Blu-ray - $8
[quote name='david12795']Do pawn shops generally sell blu ray movies at a steal price?? Think I might start looking around there.[/QUOTE]

Depends on the pawn shop. There are a couple around here that used to have some deals (new releases for $13-16), but because the prices have come down so much, the deals aren't so hot anymore.

I think I've seen people getting them for under $8 in here though; best you can do is go check out some shops for yourself.
[quote name='lolwut?']Depends on the pawn shop. There are a couple around here that used to have some deals (new releases for $13-16), but because the prices have come down so much, the deals aren't so hot anymore.

I think I've seen people getting them for under $8 in here though; best you can do is go check out some shops for yourself.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I plan on checking out the pawn shops out here. :D
[quote name='camelking6969']ac 2 for 14.99 i was happy as hell. my new years resolution is to not pay over 15 for anygame[/QUOTE]

:bomb: I wish our local two 'pawn shops' would actually sell stuff that cheap, but they're WORSE than Rapestop on some items. They want upwards of $20-22 for 2-3 year old PS3/360 junk that's half that elsewhere.

They recently took the word 'trade' off of their biz cards and store signs too, since I guess they didn't like the idea of possibly losing money on occasion by trading with people. Total fuckin' ripoff artists.

Even their vintage coin prices have gone through the roof since I started going there. Five or six years ago, I was paying them $10 for silver dollars, now they want $25-30 a pop in deplorable condition.
i go to one three times a week. the girls know me so well they call me when they put new out. i can get a discount most days, just bought a psp300 and dsi white for 140 cash out the door. the only thing they didnt have was the box. i cant complain, but the other pawn shops are asses. i saw one with a genesis game for 30.00
Went to a couple of pawn shops today. All the PS3 games were $20 to $35 for old crap. I found a ps3 controller and asked the girl how much it was she said it was $7. I told her I would take it. We headed to the register and she says let me go to the back and make sure. She comes back and says it would be $35.I told her nevermind and walked out.I dont know why she decided to go back and check.The controller looked liked new and powered on when I checked it.
Snagged complete and mint copies of Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and Anthology, all black label, for under $20 out the door the other day from one of the local pawns.
[quote name='Maskim']Snagged complete and mint copies of Final Fantasy VII, VIII, and Anthology, all black label, for under $20 out the door the other day from one of the local pawns.[/QUOTE]
Wow very nice. I was hoping to get a deal like that at my game xchange today.But had no luck.
It was good, but not as good as I thought. I just went to play FFVII, to test it, even though it looked great. I don't know how I didn't notice, but disc one has some nasty rental stickers on it. Still, for the price, one less than perfect disc is still alright in my book. I'll just keep an eye out for disc 1 to replace it.
[quote name='david12795']Do pawn shops generally sell blu ray movies at a steal price?? Think I might start looking around there.[/QUOTE]

My local pawn shop sells Blu Rays for $15 a piece, so it really depends on pawn shops. It's a horrible price for used movies, but every time I go there, they have new movies and they are always selling them. I saw one guy walk out with 5 or so movies for $15 each when he could have gone to the Wal-Mart next door and gotten them for $15 new...
At a local Pawn shop, for $50 cash (No tax), I picked up:

Fallout 3 (X360)
Oblvion GOTY (X360)
Oblivion GOTY (PS3)
Sid Meiers Civilization (X360)
Gears of War 2 (X360)
Silent Hill 4 (PS2)
Okami (Wii)

I sold Oblivion GOTY (X360) to Gamestop for $20 credit on my way home. I was very happy with the rest of the games and all were complete except Civilization.
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