Tales of the Abyss finally announced for the US

Badass. While I'm bummed that it's coming to PS2 instead of Cube, just because I enjoy using my GC more, I'll still pick it up because Tales of Symphonia has been one of my favorite games of this entire generation.
now just confirm tales of the tempest for DS and we are set. I would also ask for Tales of Rebirth and Namco X Capcom but those are really long shot.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Saps? I thought ToL was an excellent game.

Anyway, good news. I'm always up for more Tales.[/QUOTE]

(Yes, I know, bumping an old post but I am playing Legendia and this was one of the more recent threads to mention it!).

I agree - I'm playing Legendia now and think it is pretty damn good (I'm in Chapter 7). I kind of put it off because of the mixed reactions here and good-but-not-great reviews. It is a little drawn out with all the talky-talky but at least you can skip through the voices (and just read the text quickly).

All I know is I keep playing to see what happens next and that is the mark of a good RPG.

If Tales of the Abyss is supposed to be even better, I'll definitely drop a preorder on it ASAP (of course, my Legendia preorder never came in at GR - but I ended up getting a mint copy at EB during Buy 2 Get 1 free so it all worked out).

Oh, and to add some info about Abyss - looks like it is coming out October 10th and, even better news, retails for just $39.99! If that is the case (ebgames.com has it that way, anyway) I'll definitely drop a preorder. But damn, so many RPG's coming out the next few months and not nearly enough time to play them all!
[quote name='62t']$39.99? This is great news and I hope I can get it for around $35[/QUOTE]

A GGC will do that for you!
But I've got some better news for you:



Now, I barely even set foot in Walmart let alone preorder from there. Does anyone know if they will honor the price on the site even if it bumps up to $39.82 (or whatever) later? For the lazy: Walmart.com has Abyss available for preorder at $29.82! I'd still probably just go through EB or GR as I have credit there already, but for those looking to spend cash money - the Walmart preorder is a good deal if they come through.

It does not appear to be on Overstock or Outpost as of now.

However, and this is a VERY good sign, it is on Target.com for $29.99:


Sweet, is it possible this will retail for $29.99?? In that case, it SUCKS that EB has it for $39.99!
[quote name='Josef']Hopefully Best Buy will sell this for $29.99 so we can get it for $24.99 after GGC :D[/QUOTE]

It is still holding at the $30 price at Walmart and Target. Damn GS/EB for inflating prices though - if they had it for $29.99 I'd put down a preorder for sure. GR has it listed for $49.99 but I put down $5 anyway because they are likely to drop it to MSRP (which is looking like $29.99) when it comes out. Putting down the preorder there makes it more likely they will get a copy - even though they never got Legendia.

I'm pretty surprised an RPG like this would come out at $29.99, or even $39.99. I wonder if they are changing strategy a little to get more volume sales? It looks like a $29.99 price will sway alot of CAG's to get it at release, anyway. I know that if it was $49.99 I'd probably wait (though Legendia has not come down a bit or shown up in clearance sales yet - kind of a surprise).

Another preorder price (buy.com, $39.99, boo!):

And one even worse (overstock.com, $47.74):

So, that makes 2 $30 preorder sites (Target, Walmart), 2 $40 sites (EB/GS, buy.com), and one near $50 (overstock).
Circuit City, Best Buy, Kmart, and Outpost.com don't have it as of today (Sept. 4th).
If Best Buy has this for $29.99, that's $24.99 after GGC, and I'd buy this thing the day it came out instead of waiting for a price drop like Legendia.

Don't worry io, Legendia will drop eventually, just give it time. Eventually BB or CC will bite the bullet and clearance it. I might just grab it on Ebay, most auctions for a used complete one are ending at $20 - $24.
I'd buy this at $80. Symphonia was definitely good enough to justify that for me. While Legendia wasn't as good as Symphonia, I still enjoyed it quite a bit. I'll be preordering it the middle of this month. I usually do my preorders a month before. FFXII was an exception this time due to the collector's edition.
[quote name='assasin4hire']Is Abyss going to be multi-playr co-op like symphonia or single player???[/QUOTE]

The game is still a single player experiance but up to 4 people can participate in battles.
[quote name='Roufuss']If Best Buy has this for $29.99, that's $24.99 after GGC, and I'd buy this thing the day it came out instead of waiting for a price drop like Legendia.

Don't worry io, Legendia will drop eventually, just give it time. Eventually BB or CC will bite the bullet and clearance it. I might just grab it on Ebay, most auctions for a used complete one are ending at $20 - $24.[/QUOTE]

Oh, no worries here - I'm playing Legendia right now (about 40 hours in, 10 into the Character Quests). I picked it up during an EB Games Buy 2 Get 1 free - got Legendia, Magna Carta, and Marvel vs Capcom 2 + an Edge card for about $90 in EB credit that I already had. Sold the MvsC on eBay for $60, so I ended up getting Legendia and Magna Carta pretty cheap. Based on the reviews I may just sell Magna Carta as well, making Legendia pretty much free.

Legendia is an excellent game by the way, though the random encounters are *really* starting to annoy me as I go through the Character Quests and have to revisit the same damn winding paths I already played through in the main game.
Oh well, so much for it maybe being $29.99 MSRP. Looks like it will be $39.99. Overstock has adjusted their $50 price down to $38.95:

And of course EB/GS has it for $39.99 with the art cell bonus. I'll probably end up getting it there if that is the true MSRP (since I have trade-in credit). I was hoping they were just overpriced like they are on a lot of DS games.

Some new listings (to confirm the $39.99 MSRP):

Best Buy now has it for $39.99:

Toysrus has it for $39.99:

And to recap the 2 cheap ones:

Target still lists $29.99 but as people in the other thread (which was made WAY after this one - should have just posted here ;), where's Scorch when you need him?) pointed out they keep cancelling them and will probably adjust the price back up anyway:

Walmart still has it listed for $29.82:
$40 still isn't to bad for a new release. Maybe more companies will start doing this since the PS3 is right around the corner.
[quote name='cletus']$40 still isn't to bad for a new release. Maybe more companies will start doing this since the PS3 is right around the corner.[/quote]

yeah, some games are starting to get low MSRPs ,like Godhand for example (its $30!!!)
It's out Wednesday. New games come out on Wednesdays. Except for the two exceptions: Nintendo published titles, and Final Fantasy calibur titles.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']It's out Wednesday. New games come out on Wednesdays. Except for the two exceptions: Nintendo published titles, and Final Fantasy calibur titles.[/QUOTE]

Silly me, I thought this meant Tuesday, Oct 10th:


(says release date is Oct 10th)

I thought Nintendo games came out Monday, and most others Tuesday. I know Clubhouse Games (for the DS) was in stores Monday, so I figured Abyss would be Tuesday.

I still haven't gotten a call from Aeris though, and usually I get them the day before - so the call should have been today (as in Tues), regardless. No biggie, I need to finish Legendia first anyway :D.
Yeah, I have no idea why game publishers list the ship date as the release date. It's stupid. Next time a company rep comes into the store I'm going to ask him. No other form of media does this except games.

I got the call from Aeris last night.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yeah, I have no idea why game publishers list the ship date as the release date. It's stupid. Next time a company rep comes into the store I'm going to ask him. No other form of media does this except games.

I got the call from Aeris last night.[/QUOTE]

Still no call, but I'm going to assume it is there - EB's are pretty universal about getting games (ie, they all get the games the same day), UNLIKE GR. So I'll just give them a call I guess to make sure, then head over.

Make sure you get those art cell preorder bonuses - they didn't have them this weekend when I asked.
[quote name='io']Still no call, but I'm going to assume it is there - EB's are pretty universal about getting games (ie, they all get the games the same day), UNLIKE GR. So I'll just give them a call I guess to make sure, then head over.

Make sure you get those art cell preorder bonuses - they didn't have them this weekend when I asked.[/QUOTE]
I picked mine up today.

That's odd about the art cells. We got ours in like a week ago. Last Monday to be exact.
Anyone know why the guide is shipping two weeks after the game? I don't really have the patience these days to play through an RPG without a guide I can consult in case I get stuck.

Shit, though, in two weeks, I'll probably have finished the game.
[quote name='Roufuss']Anyone know why the guide is shipping two weeks after the game? I don't really have the patience these days to play through an RPG without a guide I can consult in case I get stuck.

Shit, though, in two weeks, I'll probably have finished the game.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was irritated by that. As of just a day or two ago, the guide was scheduled to only lag the game by a week, no big deal. But now two weeks? Don't tell me this is going to be like VP: Lenneth where the guide doesn't finally appear until 3 full weeks after the game.

At least I have Devil Summoner to keep me busy in the meantime.
[quote name='Nogib']Yeah, I was irritated by that. As of just a day or two ago, the guide was scheduled to only lag the game by a week, no big deal. But now two weeks? Don't tell me this is going to be like VP: Lenneth where the guide doesn't finally appear until 3 full weeks after the game.

At least I have Devil Summoner to keep me busy in the meantime.[/QUOTE]

That's what they joked about at EB, they couldn't find it in the computer and said "It will probably be another VP Lenneth situation where the guide comes a full month after the game, and nobody cares at that point".

I'm not sure what the big delay is with getting these guides out on time... I remember when they would ship a week EARLIER than the game.
I don't read review sites at all for RPG's... if it's not Final Fantasy or hyped to holy hell they bash it and give it 7's and low 8's.

Real RPG fans have said Tales of the Abyss is awesome, and that's good enough for me.

One of my favorite RPG's this gen, Digital Devil Saga, only got a 78 from IGN and 82 from Gamespot, yet Final Fantasy X-2 got a 95 from IGN and an 81 from Gamespot... they really aren't the most trustworthy sources when it comes to non mainstream RPG's.

Any review site that gave FFX-2 a 95 isn't worth my time reading about ANY RPG.
Hehe, well, I wouldn't know about that as I never played FF X or X-2. But the reviews have kept me from stinkers like Astonishia and a few other PSP RPG's. I take the 8's that Abyss as getting as fairly positive, and that's enough for me. Had they all been 5-6 or so I would think twice. But 8 is a pretty good score anyway. I didn't like one review I read last night because it said Abyss fixed the "mess that was Legendia" or some such bull. I thought Legendia was pretty damn good :D.

Right now on Metacritic Abyss is averaging an 81, with most of the scores right on the 80 mark. There is very little variation, which is a good sign. That means all these reviewers think it is a pretty damn good game, but they are witholding a point or so because it isn't one of the best (or possibly, as Roufuss says, because it isn't hyped as much as FF XII and they need to save the 9's for that one).

I've been enjoying it a lot so far. So as Roufuss said, I don't really care what people say. Legendia is such a great example of that. The game was excellent, and people just bitched about it. Then they'll turn around and praise the same exact things in a Final Fantasy game.
Ya I gotta agree ToS recieved a great review and I didnt enjoy it at all...and FFX-2 must have got way too high from what Ive heard. Sounds similar to Nintendo Power and how they give all their games a 10
Ya I gotta agree ToS recieved a great review and I didnt enjoy it at all
I don't know why you're excited about Abyss then. It's basically ToS2. Same development team, and the game is just an evolution of what they did in Symphonia. If you didn't like ToS, then don't even bother. I absolutely loved ToS, that's how I knew I'd love Abyss.
bread's done