Tales of Vesperia 360 for 14.98 @ amazon.com

Nice. I grabbed this and Tales of Symphonia (for another $10) along with the last of my Christmas shopping to get free shipping.
Yes this seems 'interesting' but I'll have to read up on reviews before jumping on it. Great bargain if the game is up to snuff.
Awesome game especially with co-op (2-4 players). Get it!

Co-op is during battles while cutscenes and regular play is one player. Don't worry because there are lots of fights and the boss battles and extra monsters are EPIC
Nice find OP, I bought one plus found out I'm eligible for a free 1 month Prime membership!

Running out of 360 RPG's to buy now...wish Valkyria Chronicles was avail for the 360...
[quote name='QiG']How does this play compared to ToS (GC)?[/QUOTE]

gameplay is similar, although its more "balanced" in which there aren't tons of broken moves to keep enemies infinitely juggled(at least not early game). Also, the average battle lasts longer in ToV than in ToS, and battles on average are a bit harder, (much harder for boss battles, boss battles in ToS were easy). I'd say the game is shorter than ToS by about 10-20 hours, but it will still take you about 30-40 hours to just beat the main story on your first playthrough. Well worth it for this price.
[quote name='trunks982']this is very good deal but... im just gonna wait for the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

I'm waiting for the PS3 version too but I haven't heard anything about an NA release... it was released in Japan a while back.

I really want to play the game since it sounds like it's the best Tales game in Symphonia (the GC game, not the horrid Wii sequel) and the extras as definitely a plus.
any RPG lover or Tales lover has to buy this game especially at this price.

however unless there has been a bit of a drop good luck finding a copy of the guide at a cheap price. at one time they were going for like $70 on ebay.
I think I'll wait on the PS3 version for NA release which I'm pretty sure will come but that's a great price for a game a lot of people said is quite good.
Went ahead and bought it. Had no real interest in it, but seeing all the good reviews makes me want to give it a shot.
[quote name='Slade']I think I'll wait on the PS3 version for NA release which I'm pretty sure will come but that's a great price for a game a lot of people said is quite good.[/QUOTE]

You do know that the odds of this coming to the PS3 is pretty much slim to none at this point. If Namco-Bandai wanted it to come over, they would have announced it a while back.

The understanding is that Vesperia made it to the US because Microsoft paid for the US translation/dubbing, which means the only way Vesperia would make it to the PS3 is if (a) Namco-Bandai saw reason to invest more money into a game that's already been available stateside and hasn't sold that well or (b) Sony ponys up the dollars to dub/translate it again. Neither of these possibilities seem likely. Far better chance that Sony and MS just get the next Tales game.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but admittedly, if you're waiting for the PS3 version, you might be waiting for a very long time ...
It's already been announced for PS3 with additional content - out in Japan already if I'm not mistaken - yup "Tales of Vesperia was ported to the PlayStation 3 and released on September 17, 2009 with additional content." Looks like a mid-to-late 2010 release for the US. There's been 4-5 major articles on it. Not sure how you missed it or why you had to be so snooty about it. There's even DLC on PSN JP already:

[quote name='Izod517']It's already been announced for PS3 with additional content - out in Japan already if I'm not mistaken - yup "Tales of Vesperia was ported to the PlayStation 3 and released on September 17, 2009 with additional content." Looks like a mid-to-late 2010 release for the US. There's been 4-5 major articles on it. Not sure how you missed it or why you had to be so snooty about it. There's even DLC on PSN JP already:


Uh, there's been no official announcement for localization. Just because it was released in Japan in September doesn't mean it will come to the U.S in 2010, or ever for that matter. Not saying it won't come, just saying there's nothing official yet, just some rumors. I'm waiting until April or so before I write it off as not happening.
Either way though, the 360 version is well worth this price. It's arguably the best Tales game we've gotten yet, right up there with Abyss.
[quote name='romeogbs19']You do know that the odds of this coming to the PS3 is pretty much slim to none at this point. If Namco-Bandai wanted it to come over, they would have announced it a while back.

The understanding is that Vesperia made it to the US because Microsoft paid for the US translation/dubbing, which means the only way Vesperia would make it to the PS3 is if (a) Namco-Bandai saw reason to invest more money into a game that's already been available stateside and hasn't sold that well or (b) Sony ponys up the dollars to dub/translate it again. Neither of these possibilities seem likely. Far better chance that Sony and MS just get the next Tales game.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but admittedly, if you're waiting for the PS3 version, you might be waiting for a very long time ...[/QUOTE]

I think it's likely from the trend of the 360 rpgs go.

Star Ocean: LH International was announced a week after I picked up the 360 version with ENG VO only and swapping discs to go back to early towns. I also played Eternal Sonata a month before the PS3 version with added content was announced for the states so... I think I can wait it out and see.

It's not like the game is going to be significantly more expansive if I were to pick it up say, early-mid 2010 than if I were to now. The price has been pretty low for the game ever since the PS3 version came out in Japan after all.
[quote name='trunks982']if it comes out to the ps3, how much will it be? remember eternal sonata? was it $39.99 when it came out for the ps3?[/QUOTE]

Yeah but Eternal Sonata was a pretty straight port with only a few extras. Compared to that, the PS3 version of Vesperia is fairly huge in terms of what it adds. So I'm guessing it will be full price.
[quote name='Slade']I think it's likely from the trend of the 360 rpgs go.

Star Ocean: LH International was announced a week after I picked up the 360 version with ENG VO only and swapping discs to go back to early towns. I also played Eternal Sonata a month before the PS3 version with added content was announced for the states so... I think I can wait it out and see.

It's not like the game is going to be significantly more expansive if I were to pick it up say, early-mid 2010 than if I were to now. The price has been pretty low for the game ever since the PS3 version came out in Japan after all.[/QUOTE]

It might be hard to find though.
Can't really go by Star Ocean either since Square is a little nicer than Namco to its fanbase.
[quote name='trunks982']this is very good deal but... im just gonna wait for the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

Has it been confirmed that the PS3 version is going to come the US?
For those who do get the game for Xbox or PS3 (if there's a US release), remember that the game is infinitely more fun with CO-OP. Do co-op.
[quote name='Slade']I think it's likely from the trend of the 360 rpgs go.

Star Ocean: LH International was announced a week after I picked up the 360 version with ENG VO only and swapping discs to go back to early towns. I also played Eternal Sonata a month before the PS3 version with added content was announced for the states so... I think I can wait it out and see.

It's not like the game is going to be significantly more expansive if I were to pick it up say, early-mid 2010 than if I were to now. The price has been pretty low for the game ever since the PS3 version came out in Japan after all.[/QUOTE]

Well, I disagree with you. My bet is that the PS3 version never gets a US release, only a Japanese release. It doesn't make sense for a publisher to invest more money into an old title that didn't sell well in the States and then have to release it at a lower pricepoint because an alternative version has been out for so long.

The PS3 version will be Japanese only. I don't see how this one could make it to the States. Too many factors are running against it.
[quote name='romeogbs19']Well, I disagree with you. My bet is that the PS3 version never gets a US release, only a Japanese release. It doesn't make sense for a publisher to invest more money into an old title that didn't sell well in the States and then have to release it at a lower pricepoint because an alternative version has been out for so long.

The PS3 version will be Japanese only. I don't see how this one could make it to the States. Too many factors are running against it.[/QUOTE]

A great RPG for only $15! Who cares if the PS3 version will ever come out to the states. If it does, it'll probably be $60!
[quote name='Ultra Woody']Thanks man, I'm gonna get it to flip it! (already got the lightning deal one)[/QUOTE]

lol I don't think it's flippable for a profit, I got mine for 17 new on ebay including shipping (which when you may tax on amazon and have to get more stuff for free shipping, is pretty rock solid) and that was the *last* time this came this far down in price
[quote name='tosheeb']Yes this seems 'interesting' but I'll have to read up on reviews before jumping on it. Great bargain if the game is up to snuff.
If you like JRPGs at all you owe it to yourself to try this game. It is outstanding for full price and phenomenal for 75% off. Best JRPG of the current generation, easy.
[quote name='romeogbs19']Well, I disagree with you. My bet is that the PS3 version never gets a US release, only a Japanese release. It doesn't make sense for a publisher to invest more money into an old title that didn't sell well in the States and then have to release it at a lower pricepoint because an alternative version has been out for so long.

The PS3 version will be Japanese only. I don't see how this one could make it to the States. Too many factors are running against it.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, it seems the general consensus in these forums is against what I oddly felt was inevitable based on past trends and it is making the $15 price tag all the more tempting but as I said considering no lack of games to play along with the fact that the game isn't going to be much more expensive than $15(if it isn't around the same price) come early-mid 2010, I think I can wait to see if I'm right or not.

The additions are more significant than say the Eternal Sonata port and that's more the reason why it's worth waiting for.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']If you like JRPGs at all you owe it to yourself to try this game. It is outstanding for full price and phenomenal for 75% off. Best JRPG of the current generation, easy.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100%. I bought this game back in 2008 during the TRU Buy 2 get 1 free sale for $60 and never regretted paying full price.

We didn't get around to the game until the summer, but once we did, we kept playing until the end.
[quote name='Slade']Indeed, it seems the general consensus in these forums is against what I oddly felt was inevitable based on past trends and it is making the $15 price tag all the more tempting but as I said considering no lack of games to play along with the fact that the game isn't going to be much more expensive than $15(if it isn't around the same price) come early-mid 2010, I think I can wait to see if I'm right or not.

The additions are more significant than say the Eternal Sonata port and that's more the reason why it's worth waiting for.[/QUOTE]

Stop the b----- already! For 15 meager dollars, you're going to miss out on one of the greatest RPG of this generation. You would rather pay $60 for a few extra content if it EVER gets released on the PS3 in the states? Just admit you're a PS3 fanboy :D and probably don't even have a 360. Only a few retailers carry this game now and I would not be surprise if Namco stops production. If that's the case, this game will hit collectors status. The strategy guide is already selling for $40+!
I'm happy -- I just picked it up :) For $15, this is a steal, and I'm not convinced that Vesperia will ever make it to the PS3 in the US.

Tales games have never sold FF numbers, and if rumors are true that MS paid handsomely to bring it over here (i.e. invested in the translation/dubbing), then I don't see Namco or Sony willing to shell out to get that done again for the PS3. Again, for a game that's been out here for a while now, and a for a game that probably won't sell anywhere in the numbers needed to recoup the publishing/distribution costs. It just makes no economic sense for this one to come out in the States.

If it comes over, great, but I'm not risking it at this price.

I thought about getting Dawn of the New World but I'm not into the fan-service nature of it. I've been told this one is beautiful. After having bought and played Symphonia, Legendia, and Abyss, I'm guessing this one will be short of amazing.
[quote name='Slade']I think it's likely from the trend of the 360 rpgs go.

Star Ocean: LH International was announced a week after I picked up the 360 version with ENG VO only and swapping discs to go back to early towns. I also played Eternal Sonata a month before the PS3 version with added content was announced for the states so... I think I can wait it out and see.

It's not like the game is going to be significantly more expansive if I were to pick it up say, early-mid 2010 than if I were to now. The price has been pretty low for the game ever since the PS3 version came out in Japan after all.[/QUOTE]

Again though, those announcements came shortly thereafter. Vesperia has been out on the 360 for well over a year now. MGS2 made it to the XBX well after because MS paid to get the job done. I just don't see Sony paying to bring a game like Vesperia over the PS3.

If there is a sequel to Tales of Vesperia (which is rumored to happen), then I think Sony will pick up the sequel (and I'm sure the 360 will get it).

Also, historically, keep in mind the Tales games have never been platform agnostic. In fact, the separate games seem to be oddly exclusive to consoles (Symphonia = GCN, Symphonia 2 = Wii, Abyss & Legendia = PS2, Vesperia = 360).
[quote name='leopaw']Stop the b----- already! For 15 meager dollars, you're going to miss out on one of the greatest RPG of this generation. You would rather pay $60 for a few extra content if it EVER gets released on the PS3 in the states? Just admit you're a PS3 fanboy :D and probably don't even have a 360. Only a few retailers carry this game now and I would not be surprise if Namco stops production. If that's the case, this game will hit collectors status. The strategy guide is already selling for $40+![/QUOTE]

Oh ya, you got me.

See, I don't even own a 360 and I decided to troll on vesperia and I went the extra mile by posting in the magna carta 2 thread recommending the game just to cover my tracks XD.

Like I said, as rome has put it much better than you did, there are points indicating that it might not come out for the ps3 and the scales might be weighed heavier in that direction but then again it might, nothing is certain at the moment so I choose to wait considering I have a lot of sealed games on my bookshelf waiting to be played.

If you can't handle that disposition and the motive behind it... well, I don't know what to tell you.
i dont know guys..

i really want this game for ps3 tho

lets say i buy the japanese version of tov for ps3..

will i enjoy the homosexual male voices?
that is a turn off whenever i watched animes without translations or dubbed.
[quote name='cRodz']i dont know guys..

i really want this game for ps3 tho

lets say i buy the japanese version of tov for ps3..

will i enjoy the homosexual male voices?
that is a turn off whenever i watched animes without translations or dubbed.[/QUOTE]

I hope this entire post is a joke.

If it's not, and you're really not willing to drop $15 for this masterpiece despite what console it's released on, shame on you.

To put it in perspective, I paid almost full price for the thing, and if it's re-released on the PS3? I'll buy it again, no questions asked. Even with my backlog of 200 games.
[quote name='GuardianE']I hope this entire post is a joke.

If it's not, and you're really not willing to drop $15 for this masterpiece despite what console it's released on, shame on you.

To put it in perspective, I paid almost full price for the thing, and if it's re-released on the PS3? I'll buy it again, no questions asked. Even with my backlog of 200 games.[/QUOTE]
its not

i rather play the ps3 version that carries more content and hopefully have english language included in. Price isnt a factor, is just that if i beat the "unfinished" version, i will not bother with the "finished" version and not buy it.
also there is a loli dressed as a pirate :bouncy:.
that is all
[quote name='cRodz']its not

i rather play the ps3 version that carries more content and hopefully have english language included in. Price isnt a factor, is just that if i beat the "unfinished" version, i will not bother with the "finished" version and not buy it.
also there is a loli dressed as a pirate :bouncy:.
that is all[/QUOTE]

You're on the wrong website.

But suit yourself. You're only doing yourself a disservice by not playing the best JRPG of this generation.
[quote name='GuardianE']You're on the wrong website.

But suit yourself. You're only doing yourself a disservice by not playing the best JRPG of this generation.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, I understand gamers' views on this, but if you have a 360 AND a PS3 and you're waiting out for the PS3 version, I just don't think it'll happen. Sure, I'd love to have the *complete* version but this sort of sounds like the KH2 complete we were all supposed to see (and well, we know that never happened).

The factors here are really against the PS3 version ever seeing the light of day in the States. Given "No More Heroes" can't even find a US publisher for the 360/PS3 versions, I'm doubtful a game that's 1+ year old and -- well -- not a particularly great seller, and one where Microsoft paid to get the job done will be published on the PS3 (even if there's some add'l content).

But that's me. I just want to encourage people to get this game and show support.
Wasn't the big piece of evidence for localization an interview with Yuri's English voice actor where he said he had been called back in to do additional dubbing? What ever happened with that-- did it turn out to be for the anime instead of the PS3 game?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Wasn't the big piece of evidence for localization an interview with Yuri's English voice actor where he said he had been called back in to do additional dubbing? What ever happened with that-- did it turn out to be for the anime instead of the PS3 game?[/QUOTE]He was talking about the Wii game.
bread's done