Tales of Vesperia Available @ Amazon for $34.78 shipped


3 (100%)
So it looks like they've either reprinted Tales of Vesperia or dredged up some copies from the abyss. You can now buy it NEW for the low, low price of $34.78. In the several months it had been out of print prices had risen to ~$60. Given time they will probably rise again. Then again, maybe not, as the debate continues to rage as to whether or not we will see an expanded version for the PS3. Anyways, enjoy it if it's your thing.

Edit: This may not be a reprint at all as it is fulfilled by a 3rd party. I guess that means there could be limited quantities available (40-something copies if the Amazon checkout system is reflecting an accurate inventory).

Update: NYC Electronics has sold out. Third parties have copies available for $34.78+
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I would go and nab this up in a hot second if I wasn't wanting to make the collector's edition my own. Speaking of which...
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']That is why I bought 2 of the CE. ;) (Opened one to redeem the soundtrack voucher). I actually got really lucky and got my 2nd copy from Game Crazy and then opened one to get the soundtracks!

Oh yeah and 2 of the regular and also have the Japanese version on 360. :lol:

(*Note this picture is a bit old. I added a few others since this was taken). ;)

But really. This is a solid price for the game. If you don't own it and want to play it get it now. Might not be lower. Those of us who got it when it was $15 on amazon made out like bandits. :hot: That is where I got my 2nd copy. ;)[/QUOTE]
Yowza, I just have to ask so I don't torture myself over it later. Would you be willing to part with one of those Vesperia CE copies? I'd be more than willing to nab the open one off of you. :)
[quote name='fwbweux']If it was coming out in the time frame on the list they'd already be acknowledging it. Despite how Namco is perpetually trolling Tales fans, I don't think that they'd deem it less worthy of mention on a tentative release schedule than, say, Despicable Me: The Game or any of the other shovelware on the list.

There have been references to VA work on a PS3 version at different points in the past, and from the game popping up on retail sites in Europe now and again I think it's reasonable to assume that at one time Vesperia PS3 may have been planned for release, but there's nothing to indicate that this is still the case. Baker's interview doesn't make it sound like his involvement with VA work for the game happened all that recently.[/QUOTE]

agreed. I finished both and tov is the one I didn't resell on eBay.
[quote name='fwbweux']If it was coming out in the time frame on the list they'd already be acknowledging it. Despite how Namco is perpetually trolling Tales fans, I don't think that they'd deem it less worthy of mention on a tentative release schedule than, say, Despicable Me: The Game or any of the other shovelware on the list.

There have been references to VA work on a PS3 version at different points in the past, and from the game popping up on retail sites in Europe now and again I think it's reasonable to assume that at one time Vesperia PS3 may have been planned for release, but there's nothing to indicate that this is still the case. Baker's interview doesn't make it sound like his involvement with VA work for the game happened all that recently.[/QUOTE]

Well Namco Bandai did this exact same thing with Eternal Sonata on the PS3 so many moons ago; They totally denied the port was going to happen. I still have my high hopes from adding this fact along with Troy's interview. At this point I don't think Namco Bandai would have anything to lose by putting it out, they could only gain by doing so with the cornucopia of fans out there in the world desiring this to be ported. Plus all of the PSN DLC costumes will fetch a pretty penny.
[quote name='VintageTurtle']Well Namco Bandai did this exact same thing with Eternal Sonata on the PS3 so many moons ago; They totally denied the port was going to happen. I still have my high hopes from adding this fact along with Troy's interview. At this point I don't think Namco Bandai would have anything to lose by putting it out, they could only gain by doing so with the cornucopia of fans out there in the world desiring this to be ported. Plus all of the PSN DLC costumes will fetch a pretty penny.[/QUOTE]

Judith's KOS-MOS costume :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

Every Judith & KOS-MOS fanboy's dream ;)

[quote name='groundskeeper']Surprised you do not have Tales of Eternia. Unfortunately I am too cheap to get the PS1 games of Tales but I am keeping an eye out.

Uhh never mind...forgot Tales of Eternia was called Tales of Destiny II in the US. I imported the PSP version from Europe.[/QUOTE]

I actually have Tales of Eternia (ToD II here in the US) on PSP as well (my friend in the UK got it for me at a very good price). It is a shame the true Tales of Destiny II never made it to the US. :whistle2:(
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Judith's KOS-MOS costume :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

Every Judith & KOS-MOS fanboy's dream ;)

I actually have Tales of Eternia (ToD II here in the US) on PSP as well (my friend in the UK got it for me at a very good price). It is a shame the true Tales of Destiny II never made it to the US. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]
Ha ha, that is true enough mate. That is the one costume that grabbed my eyes the most. :shock:

You mean Tales of Destiny 2? ;) That seriously blags some people out when they don't know their Tales trivia. Anyhow, same here on the wanting of it level. I am backing Phantasian Productions' fan translation of it, no matter how far on the back burner it is; Are you? They'll be through with it one of these days!
[quote name='VintageTurtle']Well Namco Bandai did this exact same thing with Eternal Sonata on the PS3 so many moons ago; They totally denied the port was going to happen. I still have my high hopes from adding this fact along with Troy's interview. At this point I don't think Namco Bandai would have anything to lose by putting it out, they could only gain by doing so with the cornucopia of fans out there in the world desiring this to be ported. Plus all of the PSN DLC costumes will fetch a pretty penny.[/QUOTE]

If only they shared your line of reasoning. I think Namco Bandai has adopted a more Nintendo-like strategy of refusing to localize pretty much anything that doesn't have widespread core or blue ocean appeal and jealously guarding even those IPs that they have zero intent to profit from in North America. It was hard enough for Atlus to wrest Super Robot Taisen OG from their grip and was likewise thus for XSEED and Fragile, and it would seem that neither of these companies has enough clout in Bamco's eyes to even have a chance at one of their flagship franchises.

It's a very backwards policy compared to many other developers, but ultimately Tales was never anything more than a drop in their financial bucket so there's not the incentive for them to do anything other than to leave the franchise's carcass to rot by the roadside.

I realize this is still Deals discussion so tl;dr: buy Vesperia becuase we're never getting another one and it's only going to get more expensive.
If you haven't picked up ToV by now and have even the slightest interest in Jrpgs/action-rpgs I strongly suggest you do so. I lucked out and found it for $30 used last May and its amazing.
[quote name='rainking187']I never played FFX, the series went to shit after VI so I just gave up,[/QUOTE]

I couldn't stand VII, VIII or IX either, but X was absolutely amazing. You should try it out.

I didn't really want to like Vesperia but after sitting on my shelf for a year I have really been getting into it recently.
[quote name='BigPopov']I couldn't stand VII, VIII or IX either, but X was absolutely amazing. You should try it out.

I didn't really want to like Vesperia but after sitting on my shelf for a year I have really been getting into it recently.[/QUOTE]
RPGs generally haven't been as fun to me since Final Fantasy X. That's the last RPG I found myself spending 100+ hours playing.
[quote name='62t']If only Namco would release the PS3 version someday[/QUOTE]

I'd imagine this is the reason price has gone up as well. So many PS3 fanboys were screaming the "superior" PS3 version would hit the US this year. If that were the case they would have said it at E3 by now.
Tales of Vesperia to me is the only RPG this gen that I'd mention in the same breath as classics from last gen such as FFX, Dragon Quest VIII and SMT: Nocturne. It's a shame there aren't more GOOD JRPGs this gen. :whistle2:(
Wow I remember I bought this game a year or so ago when it was $14.98 on Amazon. They were TRYING to get rid of all of them. I guess I should have bought like 3.
I'm still surprised this has been so hard to find at an affordable price. I got it at gamestop used a while back for like $15, when Jack in the Box had those coupons on the large drinks. I was going to sell it to gazelle or somewhere but I'll keep onto it and play it.
[quote name='argyle']Tales of Vesperia to me is the only RPG this gen that I'd mention in the same breath as classics from last gen such as FFX, Dragon Quest VIII and SMT: Nocturne. It's a shame there aren't more GOOD JRPGs this gen. :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

I would toss Valkyria Chronicles on there too. And for last gen you forgot Persona 3! :D
The "Tales" series is absolutely crazy when it comes to pricing. I too remember the sub $20 Amazon deals and now we've come to a point where $35 is considered a deal.

It was the same with "Abyss". I saw 10 sealed copies at a Walmart for $20 a year and a half ago and now used copies go for over 50 bucks.

Bottom line is these games are worth the premium pricing. Best battle system of any JRPG series ever. If you are on the fence, just do yourself a favor and buy the game. Then enjoy Abyss and Symphonia.
I really don't understand why everyone is going apeshit about this game costing $35 either. I know you can buy it at any KMart for $30 and I'm pretty sure Walmart has the same price as well.

On the other hand I did enjoy this game alot and would recommend it to everyone who has a 360. AM I the only person who has a giant ? on why this system has been out for close to 5 years and there is such a lack of RPGs on the system. The only thing I didn't like about this game is the fact I missed some stupid side thing for the bonus dungeon so I need to playthrough the game again to get to the bonus dungeon :bomb:

Anyways I wish some company would step up and fill Working Designs shoes because there has been a serious drought since they've closed their doors.
[quote name='VideoGamesIzFun']Anyways I wish some company would step up and fill Working Designs shoes because there has been a serious drought since they've closed their doors.[/QUOTE]

I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Lunar on the playstation was amazing.
[quote name='VideoGamesIzFun']I really don't understand why everyone is going apeshit about this game costing $35 either. I know you can buy it at any KMart for $30 and I'm pretty sure Walmart has the same price as well.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Do you not understand the concepts of "out of print" and "regional availability"? My K-Mart does not stock this game any longer, and neither do any of the local Wal-Marts that I've checked. I haven't seen it new in store anywhere, tho I *did* see it used at Gamestop a few times...for $45. So new for $34 or used & probably damaged for $45? :roll:
I never played Lunar SSSC on Playstation, but I did have Lunar SS on Sega CD and I absolutely LOVED that game. One of my favorite RPGs ever.
Well, I've been looking to pick this up for some time and was able to snag it Used - Like New for $25 plus shipping. :D Not sure when I'll have time to play this but ... Heck, I have 2 weeks vacation time I need to use at some point.
[quote name='grrouchie']I have a sealed collectors edition of the 360 version that I bought the day it came out, and I have kept it sealed because I have been waiting for the ps3 version to get released....

I might have to import a copy if I can find it I guess, or buy a used 360 version as with the price of the colelctors edition I really don't want to open it now haha[/QUOTE]

Im in the same boat as you. My nice steelbook is still wrapped. Makes me wish i would've bought 2. Hope a ps3 copy comes out thought.
I should have bought it when it was $15 but really wanted the enhanced version for PS3 that doesn't seem like it is going to happen now.
[quote name='BrownCracker']I was just thinking the same thing the other day. Lunar on the playstation was amazing.[/QUOTE]

The PSP version is even better. The improvement on the sprites is the best thing that the PSP version did. The only thing that sucks on the PSP is the voice work... When John Truitt doesn't voice Ghaleon that is a big problem... :bomb:

I hope Lunar 2 gets the same treatment that Lunar 1 did. :D
I ordered 2 copies of the game during the black friday sale where it was like $15. I flipped both of them for $50 each the day I got them xD
[quote name='Unaki']I ordered 2 copies of the game during the black friday sale where it was like $15. I flipped both of them for $50 each the day I got them xD[/QUOTE]

I wish I had done this. People will fall in love with practically anything.
What astounds me so much, other than how much ToV is worth, is the DS game Digimon World Dawn and Dusk. You can't find new copies for a good price anymore. They are all $100+
[quote name='VideoGamesIzFun']I really don't understand why everyone is going apeshit about this game costing $35 either. I know you can buy it at any KMart for $30 and I'm pretty sure Walmart has the same price as well.[/QUOTE]

I saw a copy at KMart last month but it's long gone and I don't know if I've ever seen the game at any Walmart in the STL area. Like someone else said, finding the game for under $40 new when places want to charge $50 for a used copy is a good deal.

I said it in the gameroomdeals.com thread, but this game is now the MvC 2 of this generation of video games. Unless Namco Bandai wises up and releases the localized PS3 version, expect the value of the game to remain constant.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I saw a copy at KMart last month but it's long gone and I don't know if I've ever seen the game at any Walmart in the STL area. Like someone else said, finding the game for under $40 new when places want to charge $50 for a used copy is a good deal.

I said it in the gameroomdeals.com thread, but this game is now the MvC 2 of this generation of video games. Unless Namco Bandai wises up and releases the localized PS3 version, expect the value of the game to remain constant.[/QUOTE]

MvC2 is rare because Capcom can't print any more due to losing license. Namco already reprinted the game as there are copies with the new eco case. No reason why they can't print more copies. Same with Valkyria Chronicles which also got a reprint.
[quote name='62t']MvC2 is rare because Capcom can't print any more due to losing license. Namco already reprinted the game as there are copies with the new eco case. No reason why they can't print more copies.[/QUOTE]

I still doubt this Tales reprint. If it was reprinted, how come no mass retailer has copies in stock? The only ones in stock are from smaller distrubutors who found a box of copies in the back of their warehouses when cleaning out.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I still doubt this Tales reprint. If it was reprinted, how come no mass retailer has copies in stock? The only ones in stock are from smaller distrubutors who found a box of copies in the back of their warehouses when cleaning out.[/QUOTE]

No people who got it around black Friday got the game with eco case,which didnt exist during launch.
I ended up grabbing the game yesterday when it posted. I was one of the few who was holding out for a PS3 release.... guess its not happening? :(

Ah wellz..
At $30 now, a bunch of third party sellers. Not sure where these copies magically sprung up and why they dropped the price so sharply, but I'm guessing there was either a ton of copies found or there's a reprint rolling out. Because it makes no sense for the game to drop from $70 to $30 overnight.
35 blades for a 2 year old game that isn't really that good is considered a deal ?


cheaper copies are around just look!

[quote name='chunlirocks']35 blades for a 2 year old game that isn't really that good is considered a deal ?


cheaper copies are around just look!


Blades? Dude, what? Where are you from?
[quote name='chunlirocks']35 blades for a 2 year old game that isn't really that good is considered a deal ?


cheaper copies are around just look!


And show us a copy under $30
[quote name='chunlirocks']
cheaper copies are around just look!


Why don't you "LOOK?" Obviously, you haven't done much of it or else you would know that this game was worth $60+ just a week ago before some sellers magically found copies and started selling them for $35.
Sorry zxt, but I think I have you beat. Minus the 2x Vesperia CEs though.


Actually it's kind of hard to see... from the backmost row, left to right:
Vesperia SE, Vesperia CE (unopened)
Phantasia (PSX import), Destiny (PSX US), Eternia (PSX US), Hearts (CG ver, DS, unopened)
Destiny Director's Cut (PS2 import, unopened), Destiny 2 (PS2 import), Symphonia (GC US), Symphonia Knight of Ratatosk (Wii import)
Legendia (PS2 import), Rebirth (PS2 import), Abyss (PS2 import), Graces updated edition (Wii import)

Edit: I actually won a copy of ToV in a contest when it came out, bought the sealed CE and traded the original away, then bought another copy when it was $15 so that I could play it if I ever decided to go back to it. I haven't done so yet, but someday.
[quote name='AkariK']Sorry zxt, but I think I have you beat. Minus the 2x Vesperia CEs though.


Actually it's kind of hard to see... from the backmost row, left to right:
Vesperia SE, Vesperia CE (unopened)
Phantasia (PSX import), Destiny (PSX US), Eternia (PSX US), Hearts (CG ver, DS, unopened)
Destiny Director's Cut (PS2 import, unopened), Destiny 2 (PS2 import), Symphonia (GC US), Symphonia Knight of Ratatosk (Wii import)
Legendia (PS2 import), Rebirth (PS2 import), Abyss (PS2 import), Graces updated edition (Wii import)

Edit: I actually won a copy of ToV in a contest when it came out, bought the sealed CE and traded the original away, then bought another copy when it was $15 so that I could play it if I ever decided to go back to it. I haven't done so yet, but someday.[/QUOTE]

Apples and oranges. ZXT has more of the US releases/swag and you have more of the imports.

Of course, I've got a sizable bunch of Tales games/swag too (no imports though)... too bad I'm too lazy to pull of that crap out and take a picture to prove it though...
[quote name='AkariK']Sorry zxt, but I think I have you beat. Minus the 2x Vesperia CEs though.


Actually it's kind of hard to see... from the backmost row, left to right:
Vesperia SE, Vesperia CE (unopened)
Phantasia (PSX import), Destiny (PSX US), Eternia (PSX US), Hearts (CG ver, DS, unopened)
Destiny Director's Cut (PS2 import, unopened), Destiny 2 (PS2 import), Symphonia (GC US), Symphonia Knight of Ratatosk (Wii import)
Legendia (PS2 import), Rebirth (PS2 import), Abyss (PS2 import), Graces updated edition (Wii import)

Edit: I actually won a copy of ToV in a contest when it came out, bought the sealed CE and traded the original away, then bought another copy when it was $15 so that I could play it if I ever decided to go back to it. I haven't done so yet, but someday.[/QUOTE]

You do have me beat Akarik however... I haven't gotten around to collecting the Japan releases of the series yet. Tales of VS will probably be first though since I can play that on my PSP. Tracking down an import PS2 wont be a problem either just have to actually have the will to do so. ;)

[quote name='Vinny']Apples and oranges. ZXT has more of the US releases/swag and you have more of the imports.

Of course, I've got a sizable bunch of Tales games/swag too (no imports though)... too bad I'm too lazy to pull of that crap out and take a picture to prove it though...[/QUOTE]

This is true. But I do need to get the Japan releases since we didnt get many of them (Graces, Vesperia PS3, Innocence, Hearts, VS, etc...)

I do have every US release's guide as well, including 2 guides for Vesperia. :)

Regardless Akarik's Tales collection is one I envy due to the heavy amount of imports. I will get there Akarik. You shall see. :D

EDIT: Vinny get your Tales stuff out. I would like to see a picture of it :)
Import PS2 is not required, I used an HD loader on a normal PS2 to play some of them. Used my actual import PS2 to play a few of them, though. On that note, I actually am thinking of selling my import PS2 if you're interested. It's a fat ocean blue model. :)

Oh, and I really liked Legendia...
Man, I would so have sex with Tales of Hearts. But, I never buy imports just to collect them. I do play emulated versions with English patches, though.
too lazy for picture but I got every US release Tales games (include 2 sealed Vesperia SE + vol 2+3 soundtrack )+ Destiny 2 PS2. Also got an autographed copy of Vesperia I won from Namco :) I also have the preorder bonus and guides.

Plus I completed Destiny 2 PS2 and Hearts :) Right now about halfway in Rebirth PSP.

Edit: I also used HDD to play Destiny 2, but I also picked up a region free PS2 later on
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[quote name='AkariK']Import PS2 is not required, I used an HD loader on a normal PS2 to play some of them. Used my actual import PS2 to play a few of them, though. On that note, I actually am thinking of selling my import PS2 if you're interested. It's a fat ocean blue model. :)

Oh, and I really liked Legendia...[/QUOTE]

I made the mistake of playing Legendia after Abyss...

I think the biggest problem I had with it was the characters are forgettable and I just wasn't into it. Didnt help that I played it after Abyss and a 2nd run of Symphonia on GC.
I got bored at Legendia due to having to redo dungeons during character quest (I was about to do Jay Jay's quest). After playing Destiny 2/Rebirth it is really hard to go back.
So GameStop's website is currently going up for Game Day Sales..... and Tales of Vesperia is up for 19.99 :x

Edit: I just checked the website again... and it is gone... (Game Day sales information)!
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