Tales of Vesperia - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='SteveDaWonder']I was at Gamestop during lunch and picked it up. I am really excited for it. It got some excellent reviews.[/QUOTE]

Did your store get any limited editions in by chance.. just curious.

Amazon STILL hasnt shipped my order.. Im calling them when Im out of my college course to complain -_-V

Hell, my harvest moon for the ds (The one where you get a chicken) still hasnt shipped yet.. and its in stores now.. delivery estimate the 29th.. what crap
Delivery estimates usually assume the worst. Expect ToV by Saturday if you ordered from Amazon with Saver Shipping.

I'm not an affiliate, just speaking from experience. Your location will definitely play a role in whether I'm right or wrong.
Played for a few hours and I love it. Dare I say the best JRPG on the 360. I like all the character interactions with each other in the forms of the random mini-boxed cut scenes and after battle victory crys. Can't wait to see more once I recruit more characters. It took me a few battles to get used to the timing in combat. I was so bad the first boss actually killed once. Anyways I think I got it down now. As for the characters I like them all so far, my only gripe is Repede's voice-acting (if you can call it that.) It clearly sounds like a guy making dog noises which makes it cheesy.
My local Gamecrazy got in one LE and they are holding it for me - will pick it up in an hour or so!
Eternal Sonata was okay. But if we're calling it one of the best JRPGs of this generation then industry standards have obviously taken a hiatus. I enjoyed Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon much more.
[quote name='62t']This generation has what a handful of games? Blue Dragon is a lot better than ES[/QUOTE]
No way. BD was garbage. I enjoyed ES.
[quote name='Rodimus']Eternal Sonata was okay. But if we're calling it one of the best JRPGs of this generation then industry standards have obviously taken a hiatus. I enjoyed Lost Odyssey & Blue Dragon much more.[/quote]

I think ES was better than BD/LO by a handful..
Mine has shipped from gamestop!! I hope i get it in time to play a bit this weekend.

As for current gen RPG's...I couldn't get into Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata, although beautiful to look at, just turned me off for some reason. I think the story seemed too sappy and sad or something. I didn't get far.

But, for me, Lost Odyssey is hands down the best RPG in a long time. Freaking LOVED that game. Can't count out Mass Effect, but it seems like the discussion is primarily about JRPG's.
I guess the Blue Dragon vs Eternal Sonata debate is endless. I just felt BD was a more complete game. ES seemed thrown together. I guess it was too "magical" for me.

Anyways back to Vesperia. I'm about 5 hours in and so far Yuri is the easiest character to control. Everyone else just seems so delayed.

EDIT: One minor complaint about Vesperia is the music. It's not that it's bad it's just that so far everything is bland and nothing is memorable. Awww I'm just being nit-picky again.
[quote name='Link927']Hmmm, any word on that LE?[/quote]
About 41 minutes until midnight...the supposedly shipping time if i read the above post right.

EDIT: also, i read that there's a code included with the special editions to be used on some tales site soon for extra's...no word what the extra's are but cool none-the-less.
[quote name='SynGamer']About 41 minutes until midnight...the supposedly shipping time if i read the above post right.

EDIT: also, i read that there's a code included with the special editions to be used on some tales site soon for extra's...no word what the extra's are but cool none-the-less.[/QUOTE]

However, it could be 3 AM EST/12 AM PST. I'm waiting on mine too :whistle2:(
I found a copy earlier this evening.. surprisingly hard to find, but oh well. I have only played a little over an hour, and so far it's a lot of fun, but poor player two gets no love if there aren't any fights. I have been trading off the player one controller every so often just so we aren't both bored to tears in towns.
[quote name='Scorch']We got the LE in at work.. only one of 'em. It's nice and shiny[/QUOTE]

I got the one LE my local Gamecrazy (you know which one ;)) got in. They were nice enough to hold it for me when I called about it in the afternoon. Though I felt dirty paying $69.99 (even in cheap credit) for a game - that's the most I've ever spent for a game that didn't come with a peripheral.
I played the demo and I'm guessing the art style is the same as Eternal Sonata.
Gameplay wise it felt near the same to. My wife actually pre-ordered ES and as soon as she saw me play this she said no thanks.

Since you guys feel this is different/better then ES maybe I should give the demo another whirl later.

From I've seen/played Lost Odyssey seems like the best current gen RPG to date, but It's not as good as Persona 4 imho, from the last few years. Let's not forget the DS' The World Ends With You.
Yeah I played the demo again. I was just an idiot rushing through ti the first time it seems because while it looks exactly like Eternal Sonata it doesn't play like it. Not my type but still better then ES.
Cool, I guess I'll get her soon since I'm about 9 hours in. So far I haven't enjoyed using any of the other characters besides Yuri. Repede sucks againsts flying enemies & Karol is too laggy.

I really like the fast paced battle system. On average fights take between 1 or 2 minutes and the loading is non-existent. That's one thing I don't miss from Lost Odyssey. Plus I haven't had a need to grind yet, however I always like to get in a couple extra battles for the hell of it.

Another aspect I like is the towns. I'm the kind of player that is programed to talk to everyone. When the town is vast with a hundred people to talk to it gets overwhelming (FFXII I'm looking at you.) The towns are short & sweet, yet they still seem large. You have 1 shop & and Inn.... Really that's all an RPG needs.
[quote name='Rodimus']Another aspect I like is the towns. I'm the kind of player that is programed to talk to everyone. When the town is vast with a hundred people to talk to it gets overwhelming (FFXII I'm looking at you.) The towns are short & sweet, yet they still seem large. You have 1 shop & and Inn.... Really that's all an RPG needs.[/QUOTE]

I'm just like you and FFXII was just daunting, so i gave up. My copy of ToV shipped, can't wait to get it.
Call me an idiot but I've just discovered you can buy weapons, armor, and accessories and I'm in Dahngrest after you get the "old man." Wow.
[quote name='suko_32']Call me an idiot but I've just discovered you can buy weapons, armor, and accessories and I'm in Dahngrest after you get the "old man." Wow.[/QUOTE]

Dang. This your first Tales game?
[quote name='Moxio']Dang. This your first Tales game?[/QUOTE]

Definitely not, and that makes it much worse. Honestly, I feel so bad.
[quote name='suko_32']Call me an idiot but I've just discovered you can buy weapons, armor, and accessories and I'm in Dahngrest after you get the "old man." Wow.[/QUOTE]
Is this your first RPG? lol.
I'm a huge Tales fan and this game does not dissapoint.

Also, Eternal Sonata was horrible. It looks good but thats all it is.
[quote name='Overbite']I'm a huge Tales fan and this game does not dissapoint.

Also, Eternal Sonata was horrible. It looks good but thats all it is.[/QUOTE]
Eternal Sonata wasn't bad, but I definitely prefer Tales of Vesperia over ES. Not sure if it's the art style or combat system, but I just like ToV better.
Trying to complete Secret Mission #4 which is the
Zagi fight on the boat
You have to knock him overboard but I have a hard time luring him over to the edge. I'm gonna try and do my overlimit after knocking him in the air. Maybe that'll work. Anyone know an effective way to do this?
[quote name='Overbite']I'm a huge Tales fan and this game does not dissapoint.

Also, Eternal Sonata was horrible. It looks good but thats all it is.[/QUOTE]

Horrible? No way.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Is this your first RPG? lol.[/QUOTE]

I just didn't realize the weapon shop was also the item shop and you had to use the right/left trigger to buy them. I knew something was odd, but really should of realized it sooner.
[quote name='suko_32']I just didn't realize the weapon shop was also the item shop and you had to use the right/left trigger to buy them. I knew something was odd, but really should of realized it sooner.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I realized it a little faster then you, but using the triggers to change categories really threw me. I'm used to using the d-pad or analog stick for that stuff.
I'm glad that they brought back the old school Wonder Chef. I just wish he looked a little less... gay? Also good to hear the name Aifread mentioned in the game as well as what may be the warehouse box minigame from Tales of Destiny.

The battle controls are a little awkward and don't respond 100% to what I'd like, but otherwise I'm enjoying this game quite a bit more than I originally expected.
What I mean is sometimes (although I've gotten much better at avoiding it it) when I get out of free run and straight up normal attack, sometimes it will use a two-combo attack that will take longer to recover from than the usual three-combo attack. I didn't really use free roam in the demo as I didn't realise it was there until after I finished the demo.

I think I'm a little to use to Tales of Innocence after having played a bit of that not too long ago. Everything else works perfectly as far as I can tell. They just removed the 'cheaper' way of attacking from other free roam Tales games.
I just got it. I've played it for about an hour or so. I do echo that the combat so far feels less fluid. Also, the visuals look blurred for some reason, kinda like someone put a greasy piece of paper over it. Not to say it looks bad, just...blurry. Also, the 60fps combat and 30fps outside of combat is disappointing.

Also, no customizable controls or different voice tracks...sigh.
I think I've encountered a glitch, because I'm in the Colosseum and tried using a Magic Lens and then Yuri can't move. It didn't even show the stats. The opponent is just standing there. So I had to restart my game. Luckily I saved earlier.
bread's done