Target $385 (online only) Wii U 32GB Deluxe Set Console + New Super Mario Bros + $50 giftcard

Interested to see how the Wii U will sell once the XB1 and PS4 release. My guess is much worse. 

Also waiting for the inevitable price drop. 

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Nintendo will be out of business soon and they will be 3rd party developer. This was suppose to happen since N64 didn't you know?

Nintendo will be out of business soon and they will be 3rd party developer. This was suppose to happen since N64 didn't you know?
Keep deflecting, dude. The Wii U is the first console that Nintendo has ever actually lost money on. And that says nothing of the tepid performance of the gamecube & n64. I don't see what you're arguing here. I'm as big a Nintendo fan as anyone, but the device just isn't competitive at its current price. Period. For those that don't have it and just can't wait for the inevitable slash, more power to you! Just don't try to convince everyone else that it's "cheap" or a good deal. I can almost guarantee they are going to drop the price on the deluxe SKU and discontinue the basic altogether.

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I can also guarantee the PS4 and Xbox one is going to have a price drop.

Everything does. Thats how it goes.

For someone that wants a Wii U right now? This is a deal. You are getting a $460 value for $385.

If people want to wait thats is perfectly fine. I really have no problem because value is different to everyone.

It doesn't mean everyone should come into this thread and be like "LOL I WAIT FOR PRICE DROPZ!"

It happens every freaking Wii U deal thread. And its just getting really old at this point.

I personally don't care if people don't want to buy the Wii U till it drops in price. Its just BS for people to come in here and go "not a deal" when it clearly is.

I can also guarantee the PS4 and Xbox one is going to have a price drop.

Everything does. Thats how it goes.

For someone that wants a Wii U right now? This is a deal. You are getting a $460 value for $385.

If people want to wait thats is perfectly fine. I really have no problem because value is different to everyone.

It doesn't mean everyone should come into this thread and be like "LOL I WAIT FOR PRICE DROPZ!"

It happens every freaking Wii U deal thread. And its just getting really old at this point.

I personaflly don't care if people don't want to buy the Wii U till it drops in price. Its just BS for people to come in here and go "not a deal" when it clearly is.

i think the other guy was right, you're mad

Yes, im mad because I think its stupid people can't leave a deal thread alone. If you don't think its a deal, don't buy it. Simple as that. Just ignore the thread and move on to the next.

But I forgot, its the Internet, its makes you look cool to bash Nintendo.

Welp. People took my "OK" too literally and starting nitpicking at word choice. And now I have 20 notifications of the same reply. Great going guys.

What I meant is that the Wii U in NA is doing better than other countries (excluding Japan). As I said in that same post, Europe only had 10k. I wouldn't doubt Canada being similar. There's a reason why it's being sold for pennies in those countries.

I can also guarantee the PS4 and Xbox one is going to have a price drop.

Everything does. Thats how it goes.

For someone that wants a Wii U right now? This is a deal. You are getting a $460 value for $385.

If people want to wait thats is perfectly fine. I really have no problem because value is different to everyone.

It doesn't mean everyone should come into this thread and be like "LOL I WAIT FOR PRICE DROPZ!"

It happens every freaking Wii U deal thread. And its just getting really old at this point.

I personally don't care if people don't want to buy the Wii U till it drops in price. Its just BS for people to come in here and go "not a deal" when it clearly is.
Okay, Deader2818. You are *correct* this IS a deal, it is $60 savings versus *MSRP* or about a 15% discount.

It is *not* however a "good/hot/amazing" deal. As in, it's not the type of deal where you "better buy it FAST" or you will regret it. This is the type of deal where if you are looking for a Wii U and "gotsta have it" then now is as good a time as any in the very near future to do so. It's kind of like the 3DS XL deal at Best Buy a week ago, it was $30 off or 18% but it had the advantage of not being bundled with a game that some people may not like or at least value at the "discount" price and also the fact that there was no gift card it was just a straight discount. I bought that deal and I am happy with it, I will not argue however that there won't be a better deal in the next 3 months, because there is bound to be. It probably won't be *significantly better*

You have to realize that the same thing happened with the 360 and PS3 not too long ago where retailers kept bundling it with a "free" $50 gift card for a couple months, then suddenly there was a $50 price drop. The same thing is happening now and it would be silly for Nintendo not to lower the MSRP when the PS4 and Xbox One drop. The Wii U will not have the same level of hardware as those systems, but it's never been about pure hardware power with Nintendo. The problem is that consumers aren't biting on the Wii U. Whether you or me or anyone else is a hardcore fan of the Wii U doesn't matter when they can't tempt the casual masses into making the purchase.

So give up the melodramatic arguing. Any CAGer or Slickdealer or video gamer or savvy shopper is going to see through this $50 gift card charade and the Wii U just isn't cheap enough for it to make a difference. NSMBU is a good maybe even great game, but it's not going to appeal to everyone- at least not enough to provoke a purchase based on that alone. People have gotten their fill of NSMB, NSMB2, NSMBU, etc etc. Pikmin 3 has a chance to be a big selling point and I think the timing of this deal is no coincidence. It's as much a maneuver by Target to get Nintendo to drop the MSRP so they can sell their units without the store taking a loss as it is to ensure that consumers are buying Pikmin 3 from them. Because sales of the Wii U have been that bad.

Anyways, I admire your fight, but this battle is over. Yes it's technically a deal, but it's not a CAG level deal. There will be more $50 gift card deals in the near future, then there will be the inevitable price drop- followed by holiday deals with games and/or giftcards with the new lower MSRP which will leave people who bought this deal and barely touched the Wii U feeling mad, but people who buy it now and get tons of hours out of it in the meantime should still be plenty happy. The only problem with that is the somewhat-sparse catalog of games at this early point in the lifecycle.

Welp. People took my "OK" too literally and starting nitpicking at word choice. And now I have 20 notifications of the same reply. Great going guys.

What I meant is that the Wii U in NA is doing better than other countries (excluding Japan). As I said in that same post, Europe only had 10k. I wouldn't doubt Canada being similar. There's a reason why it's being sold for pennies in those countries.
Well, better =/= "actually ok". The tone of the statement was saying "you guys are wrong" which comes from the statement of "I hope people realize US =/= Rest of the World" which suggested that we somehow said that The US equals the rest of the world and that we are stupid for doing so.

No one said that. It's also not incorrect to think that big sales in other places will have an impact on the US, even if it is on a much smaller scale. Just the knowledge of those sales are going to change the mood of prospective consumers. If I'm trying to sell you something for $35 but I just sold your next-door neighbor the exact same thing for $20 and you knew about it, how would you respond?

Next you used the phrase "actually" which suggests that our knowledge is indeed wrong and that you *actually* know better and are going to proceed to educate us. Of course people will point out any incorrect information after you phrase it in such a way.

Lastly you say people are "nitpicking at word choice" well, Autosaver, this is a forum- all we have are words and funny GIFs. So unless you have a good GIF handy, we have no choice but to take your words at face value. "OK" suggests that there are no problems, when in fact sales in the US have been a problem. The Wii U has been outpaced in sales by a lot of other gaming systems and in a down economy with lots of uncertainty- there's only so much money that's going towards video gaming consoles at any time. With the holiday season coming up, lots of people are already going to be holding onto their wallets tight saving up for the inevitable holiday deals. If Nintendo wants to increase sales rather than decrease them- leading to a point where they need to be sold for pennies, then they need to change their approach and fast. All of which suggests to me that things are not by any definition "OK"

Didn't I see a topic earlier this week that the Wii U was gonna be $200 at Walmart... I can't seem to find it now :?: Anyways I'll just wait for a better deal on Black Friday

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wow... this wii U topic has become a heated debate.

I think it would be smart to wait until black friday to see better prices / bundles.

Didn't I see a topic earlier this week that the Wii U was gonna be $200 at Walmart... I can't seem to find it now :?: Anyways I'll just wait for a better deal on Black Friday
Do you think the Wii U will be less than $200 on Black Friday? You will be very disappointed if you think it will drop that low. Lol!

So much hate for the Wii U... The Vita is doing just as badly, but it does not get nearly the same amount of hate or focus. Yes, it may have sold more than the Wii U in the past few months, but overall I would hazard a guess that the Wii U has sold more units. Although, the number of ps vita units sold has never been made public. I own both systems, and I haven't used my Vita since I beat Persona Golden, and I use my Wii U almost daily. If anything the ps vita is in far more danger than the Wii U. The 3DS has an absolute stranglehold on the handheld market with even more great games still to come this year.

Why do people hate this console so much? Yes, the memory sucks, but most of the virtual console titles are small, with the exception of retail games. The library is growing and by the holidays, the game library will be much improved. I agree a price drop would definitely help sell the console, and we may see one during the holidays. I think the Wii U will pick up some momentum this holiday and next year when all the exclusives come out.

Do you think the Wii U will be less than $200 on Black Friday? You will be very disappointed if you think it will drop that low. Lol!

So much hate for the Wii U... The Vita is doing just as badly, but it does not get nearly the same amount of hate or focus. Yes, it may have sold more than the Wii U in the past few months, but overall I would hazard a guess that the Wii U has sold more units. Although, the number of ps vita units sold has never been made public. I own both systems, and I haven't used my Vita since I beat Persona Golden, and I use my Wii U almost daily. If anything the ps vita is in far more danger than the Wii U. The 3DS has an absolute stranglehold on the handheld market with even more great games still to come this year.

Why do people hate this console so much? Yes, the memory sucks, but most of the virtual console titles are small, with the exception of retail games. The library is growing and by the holidays, the game library will be much improved. I agree a price drop would definitely help sell the console, and we may see one during the holidays. I think the Wii U will pick up some momentum this holiday and next year when all the exclusives come out.
Firstly since when did I say that I hated the Wii U and why compare the it to the Vita? I just said that hopefully there was going to be a better deal on Black Friday this year. The Vita will probably pick up in sales once the PS4 comes out this year or gets a price cut too. I believe Nintendo is going to have a harder time selling the Wii U once the Xbox One and PS4 come out this holiday season because most die hard Nintendo fans already brought one.

Two years ago I brought a Xbox 360 250GB Bundle for $200 on Black Friday..... I don't see why the Wii U couldn't get a price cut like that to compete with Sony and Microsoft.

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Wii U will not drop to $200 by Black Friday, unless there is a clearance on the Basic Bundle.

The Basic Bundle w/ Target card was like $220 a couple months back.

Do you think the Wii U will be less than $200 on Black Friday? You will be very disappointed if you think it will drop that low. Lol!
To be perfectly honest, it is costing the retailers more to keep these consoles/games on the shelves than they are making. That is a fact; retailers are losing money;

There honestly have been little to no consoles sold after the first couple launch months. As soon as January hit, people had lots of returns they expected to flip for a profit. Between then and now.... pretty much nothing has sold. I think the Vita is even outselling it... and the Vita has been pretty much not selling at all. Many places in the UK/Europe are no longer carrying the Wii-u. These are mostly supermarkets, but it is only a sign of things to come. Retailers like Target have to sell items. Each foot of floor space costs money.

The PS4 and Nextbox are about to be released in a few months. There is no doubt that the "Deluxe" version of the console will come in at sub $300; The "Basic" unit has already been discontinued, and has been removed from all retailers in the US. (One wonders if they are going to recall these, and replace the storage on them)

Finally; Pretty much all 3rd parties have abandoned the Wii-u. It is disheartening to hear publishers "beat around the bush" and say 1) Their engines don't work (which is a lie); 2) Some have even said that their "target audience" is not on the platform.

Personally, I'll wait till I can pick up the Wii-u for Wii prices ($150~) before I pick one up. It may be year(s), but this is essentially Nintendo's Gamecube 2.0 which never took off and lingered on for many years (despite getting some great games)

Guys, this is a thread about the deal only.  I cleaned out some earlier stuff but would feel bad deleting the things you guys just posted so I'll leave those.  But if you don't like this deal just move on - no need to tell everyone how much you don't like it.

Firstly since when did I say that I hated the Wii U and why compare the it to the Vita? I just said that hopefully there was going to be a better deal on Black Friday this year. The Vita will probably pick up in sales once the PS4 comes out this year or gets a price cut too. I believe Nintendo is going to have a harder time selling the Wii U once the Xbox One and PS4 come out this holiday season because most die hard Nintendo fans already brought one.

Two years ago I brought a Xbox 360 250GB Bundle for $200 on Black Friday..... I don't see why the Wii U couldn't get a price cut like that to compete with Sony and Microsoft.
Actually, I wasn't specifically talking to you. I only commented about your Black Friday Remark. I was referring to all of the people in this thread bashing the Wii U.

On topic, I am going to see if I can match this offer in store. Then I will use the giftcard to buy The Wonderful 101 in September! :bouncy:

This deal is at best $15 better then buying a deluxe at best buy for $349.99 and getting a $50 Gift Card.
Target is also giving the $50 GC, and if you have a Target Visa you get another 5% off. I'ld rather just buy the $349 Deluxe, get the $50 GC, and get Mario with the GC. I know $35 is good for a Mario game but w/ all the tax it's still over $400 for a WiiU purchase. Though if I HAD to buy online due to living out in the boonies than I suppose this deal would make sense. (I live within 9 miles of 9 Target stores, and a Best Buy.)

Edit - Target is selling NSMBU for $44.99 (online) so it's only a $10 savings. So, buy the Deluxe for $349, get the game later w/ the $50 GC.

Anybody else notice the $299 white is nowhere to be found, yet Nintendo is still selling NintendoLand for $60, even though it's included in the $349 package? They drop the Basic, making the WiiU the first console to actually go up in price from $299 to $349, yet they still sell the included game separately. Only Nintendo.

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Target is also giving the $50 GC, and if you have a Target Visa you get another 5% off. I'ld rather just buy the $349 Deluxe, get the $50 GC, and get Mario with the GC. I know $35 is good for a Mario game but w/ all the tax it's still over $400 for a WiiU purchase. Though if I HAD to buy online due to living out in the boonies than I suppose this deal would make sense. (I live within 9 miles of 9 Target stores, and a Best Buy.)

Edit - Target is selling NSMBU for $44.99 (online) so it's only a $10 savings. So, buy the Deluxe for $349, get the game later w/ the $50 GC.

Anybody else notice the $299 white is nowhere to be found, yet Nintendo is still selling NintendoLand for $60, even though it's included in the $349 package? They drop the Basic, making the WiiU the first console to actually go up in price from $299 to $349, yet they still sell the included game separately. Only Nintendo.
The basic was recalled by Nintendo (by all reports); Either they were recalled or they stopped sending stock for the Basic Units. I think they were recalled as everywhere delisted the Basic Model in the same 1~2 week span. If they were discontinued we would have seen the basic go clearance at some stores, which never happened.

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Target is also giving the $50 GC, and if you have a Target Visa you get another 5% off. I'ld rather just buy the $349 Deluxe, get the $50 GC, and get Mario with the GC. I know $35 is good for a Mario game but w/ all the tax it's still over $400 for a WiiU purchase. Though if I HAD to buy online due to living out in the boonies than I suppose this deal would make sense. (I live within 9 miles of 9 Target stores, and a Best Buy.)

Edit - Target is selling NSMBU for $44.99 (online) so it's only a $10 savings. So, buy the Deluxe for $349, get the game later w/ the $50 GC.

Anybody else notice the $299 white is nowhere to be found, yet Nintendo is still selling NintendoLand for $60, even though it's included in the $349 package? They drop the Basic, making the WiiU the first console to actually go up in price from $299 to $349, yet they still sell the included game separately. Only Nintendo.
Fun Fact: There ARE people that own the Basic currently and don't own NintendoLand.

bread's done