Target Clearance Thread XXII

Was it 20% items, etc?
I don't recall the specifics, but I went in on the last day and came back out with less than a bag's worth of purchases. The percentages never went crazy low on anything you would be looking to get for a steal, as far as I remember.

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Shipping kills it. I got a couple on Amazon for under $6 shipped.
I ordered a 25' cable last week, 4 and change shipped. I think 2 bucks each for cable and shipping.

Relevant: I'm jealous of those that got big Kylo, I want one to replace the big Vader statute in our foyer.
the targets near me are still 50% off and all the same games that noone cares about. friggin mohwfs, syndicates and battlefields ive already played.

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Saw The Crew for a little under ten bucks yesterday and picked it up, not sure if that has been mentioned.
Standard, limited edition? It's been mentioned several times for the standard and the limited edition at least. I picked it up for $5.98, though ended up trading it to get Wild Run instead.

My thoughts exactly! That shit'll be fixed tomorrow... are you talking those big like 30" ones or whatever? I think they'll be on clearanace soon enough anyway, too many taking up too much space.

Has anyone tried today to see if these ring up for Hot Wheels pricing still? If so I'm stopping at Target on the way home.
did you have any luck? I have a UPC, but it's for the Hot Wheels car lol

All the kylo ren figures in my area are showing out of stuck, would've been nice to get one, even though I'm not a fan of kylo I'd rather have the storm trooper one.
My Target put a new sticker over Kylo's old barcode, there's a gigantic $34.XX next to the new barcode as well. Almost as if they want to make sure not to take any more major losses on these figurines.

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NA means it's gonzo!   Like, not in the system anymore gone.... and I'm guessing it means Not Available? or no longer available?

No luck here, didn't even see a big Kylo-Ren anywhere on the floor.

only good games were 360 Skyrim Legendary for $15 (but then again just match amazon for that price at any store that PMs) and 360 Ass Creed ENZIO Trilogy for $15

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Do "repackage" and "online items"  ever drop in price?  Most of these items never seem to last more than a couple of weeks in my area, but I'm watching a couple of things that have survived Black Friday and Christmas.  They just haven't dropped in price.

Halo 5 CE "Repackage" to ~$175. I'd post the DPCI, but it's a shitty deal that won't drop since it's not clearance.

Lonely people that want to practice kissing.
Some people are just...





It is on clearance though... from $2.99 to $2.24. 25% off at all stores.

Not every store is sold out either. A store 10 miles away still has 4. It is the only store with it in stock though and that's assuming the inventory checker is correct but it has been updated daily.
I saw a bunch of that a week or so ago...just didn't care enough to grab it.
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Do "repackage" and "online items" ever drop in price? Most of these items never seem to last more than a couple of weeks in my area, but I'm watching a couple of things that have survived Black Friday and Christmas. They just haven't dropped in price.
My local Target had a ton of games marked as repackage for 30% off for probably 8 months, they were just older games and not clearance games. Then they started to drop the price on them by retagging to 50% off and around 65% off a few weeks later. That was around a month and a half ago and they are still at the 65% off price. I guess it depends on the store.

Those daki characters look like they're stuck in the 80s. Current ones look so much better.

NSFW(ish). Not nude.

Still risque though!


My local Target had a ton of games marked as repackage for 30% off for probably 8 months, they were just older games and not clearance games. Then they started to drop the price on them by retagging to 50% off and around 65% off a few weeks later. That was around a month and a half ago and they are still at the 65% off price. I guess it depends on the store.
My local store has the "as is", "online return", and "repackage" games as well sitting for close to a year before they slapped a new sticker for 50% off.

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Holiday clearance was 90% today so I bought everything worthwhile that was left. Found one of those holiday packages of body wash/deodorant/etc. at 70% for the first time ever.
Yep, was just about to post that holiday items are now 70 - 90% off but I've been beat to the punch lol.

Picked up a bunch of mint and mocha m&m's.

Oh there was also a lot of deodorant from all the brands on clearance if anyone needed that.  Games were still at 50%.

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It's annoying candy and food no longer goes to 90% off anymore. It was nice after Halloween to be able to buy the fun size bags of candy for $0.19 - $0.25.

I've been to a few SoCal Targets that had so many Old Spice gift boxes... so many.   Hopefully I can find a Gilette Gel Deodorant or 27 left (have no idea if they even have anything like that, actually).

maybe they'll have some K-Cups left too

At which one? I could stock up on deodorant lol
Eastland. I grabbed four at 30% off and there were a reasonable amount more still, probably 20-30 total across brands/scents.

I've been to a few SoCal Targets that had so many Old Spice gift boxes... so many. Hopefully I can find a Gilette Gel Deodorant or 27 left (have no idea if they even have anything like that, actually).

maybe they'll have some K-Cups left too
I wish they had more of the Wolfthorn one (or anything other than the one Wolfthorn one I found), I actually like that one.

Eastland. I grabbed four at 30% off and there were a reasonable amount more still, probably 20-30 total across brands/scents.

They had a bunch at Clinton pointe the other day but that's when it was only 50% I bought one just because I thought the wooden box would be nice to store some things at my desk lol
I wish they had more of the Wolfthorn one (or anything other than the one Wolfthorn one I found), I actually like that one.
That stuff's usually gone the instant they hit 70% off.  I've tried and failed to get any the last 3 years at 70%, this was just a happy accident.

bread's done