Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection ONLINE!

[quote name='lmz00']Because when you get to watch them play and see how it is they win matches, you've got a better chance of beating them, as opposed to just blindly going into a match not knowing your opponent's style.

For example, when I was playing earlier, I saw the then-champion go through about 3 or 4 people using mainly punches with Bryan Fury, so I shut him out with Eddy. Then as I was playing my next three opponents, I noticed that they got progressively tougher (although I still beat them), which I'm assuming is because they saw how I was just using kicks, so by the third opponent, I had to switch up my offense.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I hope that's not a complaint. That's how everyone gets better. Then you get to watch the next guy, learn, adapt, ad infinitum.
My friend wants to know how he can get this if he doesn't have a credit card. Is there any other way since I've never seen something like a PSN point card, etc.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']So if you gameshared Tekken DR I'm assuming you can't download the patch at all? Because I don't see it.[/QUOTE]

that sucks. oh well, the whole package is well worth $29.99.
[quote name='Halo05']That's how it is in the arcade, seems fair here.[/quote]

Good point. I haven't been to an arcade in so long that I forgot what it was like. Oh, and I'm no longer undefeated. :( But on the bright side, I can actually have fun with the game now that I don't have to deal with the "pressure" of keeping my streak alive.
[quote name='Apossum']that sucks. oh well, the whole package is well worth $29.99.[/QUOTE]

you can gameshare the patch, just log into the account that bought the $20 version and you will be able to get to the patch in their download list
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']My friend wants to know how he can get this if he doesn't have a credit card. Is there any other way since I've never seen something like a PSN point card, etc.[/QUOTE]

um, you can buy it and let him log into your account on his ps3 and download it...
well, late at 5am last night I finally had a smooth match. I still say it's all due to the heavy traffic... Man I haven't played against humans n a while... and I'm realizing who I'm better with now more.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']My friend wants to know how he can get this if he doesn't have a credit card. Is there any other way since I've never seen something like a PSN point card, etc.[/QUOTE]

Eventually there should be PSN point cards in the US. They already have them in Japan and seeing as how there's an option for them in the Playstation Store, I'm sure they're on their way.
From what I hear, Sony is looking at using the new Eyetoy to scan PSN cards and insert the money (kind of like The Eye of Judgement), which is why there's a wait. I cannot confirm this, but that's what I heard.

I finally played online. After not connecting, getting full games, and getting kicked out, I eventually got into a match. I won the first time, but lost the 2nd.
I finally got in too. There was a little lag though :( but overall it was a good experience... sure beats playing the computer all day. Won my first match though... that's always a good sign!
[quote name='seanr1221']I can barely get in a match, is anyone else experiencing this?[/QUOTE]

I sent you an invite earlier... the games were going super smooth for Apossum and I.
My matches are going great now, not much lag, though joining rooms is pretty hopeless. so when I get in a good one, I just stay, which sucks cause I like fighting a variety of people.

I'm going to be addicted as shit to this game, but I can't deny, its online set up is inferior even to Dead or Alive Ultimate on the original Xbox :\
Hey i downloaded the add on yesterday and am looking for ppl to play a smooth match. so far i havent even been able to play due to the network disconnects and stuff it seems that others are getting..

[quote name='XMastaCrackaX']Hey i downloaded the add on yesterday and am looking for ppl to play a smooth match. so far i havent even been able to play due to the network disconnects and stuff it seems that others are getting..

I cant get into a match without the network connection error, i can play Resistance just fine. If anyone wants to add me and help out my tag is Kuma79
[quote name='Halo05']Eventually there should be PSN point cards in the US. They already have them in Japan and seeing as how there's an option for them in the Playstation Store, I'm sure they're on their way.[/quote]

Wow, what a bust out on Sony's part. To not have those point cards prepared is pretty ridiculous. in other news, I manage to barter my gift cards that were holding me down so I might be getting a PS3 soon since I've been needing a new DVD player for awhile (see my thread in the DVD section) and have been wanting it to upconvert as well.:D
I REALLY need a stick I am really off with out one and getting beat by law/paul scrubs on a pad.... Need to adjust to the lag too.
[quote name='TheUnsane1']I REALLY need a stick I am really off with out one and getting beat by law/paul scrubs on a pad.... Need to adjust to the lag too.[/QUOTE]

What is the best implementation for plugging in my ps2 sticks into my ps3?
Ok ok, if you can't get in a match, try this.

Go to custom match and just search. Notice how barely any games show up? Keep refreshing until a lot of games show up, and THEN join.

This worked like 5 out of 6 times for me last night.
another good tip is that when you're in a room/battle room and you start to see names disappear, get out of the room before you get out of the room before you get the network error.
I've been hosting rooms that seem to go well with no errors, so if you guys want to play some time let me know. PSN ID is mames. Drop me a message if you see me on and I'll invite you in if I'm hosting.

or I can just sit there and do nothing about it besides completely exit the game if I'm not hosting. god, I hate that :lol: they better add full XMB access in the next update. :bomb:
yeah, not knowing waht other people are playing is annoying... even if not full xmb access during game, at least work out where you can at least see a friends list and message people easier...
note: supposedly the firmware update that went up today helps with the recent network problems this game has had. I can't test it till I get home late tommorow though.
I just finished playing some games with the new firmware and it seemed alright, although the lag is still bad sometimes. My PSN id is keokilee. Send me an invite if ya see me.
if anyone is having the same problem that i was, try updating to 1.92 and dissabling firewalls. I dont know which one actually worked but hey it DID work so yeah. anyway im up for games, my PSN is Kuma79. Im good for some easy wins
I finally played this online for the first time in a while (with metaly) and had a lot of fun. I may play a bit more this week due to being on faster internet and Type 2 connection (unlike my apartment).
Good games, Mana. Your Law was pretty relentless, I'll have to practice up a bit.

That was my first time playing something other than random people online, and the experience was 100x better and almost lag-free. (Although I did have voice chat off because my girlfriend's doing a Warcraft raid or something so I didn't want to monopolize the bandwidth.) Looking forward to playing with more people later on.
Well, I was on good connection that time, so it helped. One of the matches I won (when playing as Law), I actually got a little crazy.

What I do hate is, when playing offline, I can pulls tons of moves off and do well (even in practice). When I go online, I fall apart. :whistle2:( I need to practice more though.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']TMK: let's get a game going sometime... a CAG tourney is in the works...[/QUOTE]That sounds like a good idea. If we can get one going in two weeks, that would be perfect for me (because I'll be on break and I'll be on very high internet speed again at that time).

I'll lose the tournament, since I'm probably the worst CAG member at the game. :whistle2:(

I have a few people's AIM name on my buddy list, so if I don't see them on PSN, I might send a message.
[quote name='MarkMan']GGs if I played anyone earlier tonight... I only played about 20 games then got bored of lag :([/quote]

I play a bunch, but yeah, the lag can be excruciating at times.

[quote name='SDTEKKEN.COM']It’s time to celebrate! SDTEKKEN.COM reached a milestone of 1 MILLION site hits just recently! Our site went from a small fan site to one of the most recognized Tekken resources on the web! We have to thank everyone who has been supporting us since day one! We appreciate all the comments and feedback from everyone and want to celebrate with our 1 MILLION hits “Show us your Tekken!” Contest! Click the link below for more details on the contest and all the AWESOME prizes we’re giving out!


Contest ends October 21st, so get to it! Special thanks to our supporters: PLAY-ASIA , HIGH-SCORE MAGAZINE and EVERYONE ELSE![/quote]

We're giving out some good prizes, so if you're a Tekken fan, show us your stuff!


And just for fun, I made up a contest entry too... here's mine:

Just wondering: There are multiple user profiles on my PS3 with their own customize data. Is there any way in VS mode to load separate customize data for 1P and 2P, like you could in the PS2 version? I can't understand why there's the load option on the select screen if this wasn't what it's for.
[quote name='CrimGhost']Wait, it's $30?![/QUOTE]
Yeah, $20 for the game and $10 for the patch or $30 for the bundle.

Pretty steep...more than I would want to pay for any downloadable game.
Yeah, but for $30, I'd like a physical disc I can sell when I'm done with it.

I want to play this game, but I know it'll be useless once Tekken 6 is released.
bread's done