Tell us a secret you know because of your work that others might not know.

The soda in restaurants isn't as fresh as you'd think. Usually it comes in boxes as a syrup of sorts, which is stored somewhere like the basement while connected to a line, then it comes up on request and mixes with seltzer water to become soda. Because there was no discernible difference in somewhat old soda syrup and soda syrup many months past the expiration date, you'd be surprised how over-due most of the soda that wasn't Coke or Pepsi was. I've seen soda boxes which were half a year expired installed as fresh soda base.
[quote name='Moses144']The soda in restaurants isn't as fresh as you'd think. Usually it comes in boxes as a syrup of sorts, which is stored somewhere like the basement while connected to a line, then it comes up on request and mixes with seltzer water to become soda. Because there was no discernible difference in somewhat old soda syrup and soda syrup many months past the expiration date, you'd be surprised how over-due most of the soda that wasn't Coke or Pepsi was. I've seen soda boxes which were half a year expired installed as fresh soda base.[/QUOTE]

Somehow this doesn't surprise me much.
[quote name='ROB64']Industrial maintenance get paid half the money and do 5 times the amount of work as the average worker, and most who work in that field are on call 24/7, 365.[/QUOTE]

In my experience, I'll have to call bullshit on this. One factory I worked in, the maintenance dept. made MUCH more than the average worker and they stayed back in their area unless they absolutely had to come and fix something. One of the maintenance guys I worked with was building a custom motorcycle on his "free" time at work. Within a year he had that bike finished from the ground up. Also, sometimes you had to wait for their football games to be finished before they would come out to the floor to fix your press.
From friends and family and such:

Corporate employees in charge of chain store decisions have never once worked in a store, so have no basis in how their decisions actually affect anything.

Oftentimes, if you find that the store doesn't have the product, it's because they have tried to cultivate a experience where the next time you see a product, you'll buy it immediately instead of deliberating.

Goodwill does not wash any of their clothing that they resell.

Though cops don't have a "quota" per-say, if they don't issue any tickets at all, then they'll be seen as not performing; that's why you'll see more cops at the beginning of the month for the over-achievers and towards the end of the months for those trying to make numbers.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Though cops don't have a "quota" per-say, if they don't issue any tickets at all, then they'll be seen as not performing; that's why you'll see more cops at the beginning of the month for the over-achievers and towards the end of the months for those trying to make numbers.[/QUOTE]
Not true in all cities/states/municipalities in regards to the quota. NYC in particular has a quota per ticket type and often Traffic officers are assigned to precinct areas to help meet that quota. That's why they'll show up at the mall parking lot and start ticketing people for registration and inspection. They'll even pull you over for Blocking the Box when they're waiting at an intersection that they know gets packed as soon as your light turns red and you're not inside the crosswalk.

I also once got pulled over for doing donuts in the mall parking lot at night, when nobody was around. Incidentally it was the cops that picked up my shoplifter earlier that evening. They were aiming for reckless driving tickets that night.
[quote name='phantasyx']I would say overall general douchebaggery[/QUOTE]
I can't tell if it's hate that I got away with it or just overall hate for donuts.
Who hates donuts?

[quote name='sonderiaom']
Goodwill does not wash any of their clothing that they resell.

People actually think that they wash donations? They'd go out of business buying laundry detergent. Plus, Christ, the store smells like old people. You really think it would smell like that if they washed donations?
Oh yeah good dental is very hard to get. Though my father by the way has never paid a dime for ANY dental work except braces for me and my sister when we were kids. Even those were a hefty discount but he still had to pay something. And he stocks shelves at night in a supermarket. Shows you what a powerful union can get you.

My point is more that the general public seems to think that federal civil service employees have automatic insanely good benefits that isn't really true. Unless you are a state or county employee (Varies obviously by state and county) since they are not held to the standardization and rules that federal employees are.

[quote name='Snake2715']Interesting info but the sad truth is thats how Dental works. I sell in 5 states within the country for an independant agency. I myself am appointed with close to 30 ancillary carriers and they all offer their standard benefit at 50% for tier 3 or major coverage. Most have waiting periods for those benefits as well if you didnt previously have dental.

Most small businesses are not offering anything more than health, and even then they actually seem like they would like to offer more, but just cant.

I will say I have come across many business owners that are not meeting the min requirements of covering 50% of the employees portion of the medical insurance. That is supposed to be a mandate, and I cant believe no one is blowing the whistle on these guys as the entire premium is being passed on to the employees...[/QUOTE]
Ha yes, I'm on good terms with the IT department at my work. I've done some work for them at times when they don't feel like coming over to my building and it's something I can help with. I mysteriously now have 2 flat screen monitors at my desk (One a 24") and a shiny new wireless mouse when some of the other employees still have old style fatties and old style ball mice. Not that I'm saying there is any correlation...

I recall at my previous job when a guy I worked with went over to IT to complain about his mouse acting up. The IT guy said right to his face while I was standing there we don't have any spare mice. Right next to him in plain sight....was an enormous box of spare mice.

[quote name='Rig']If you're consistently complaining of a slow machine, or if you aren't appreciative of our work, someone will be monitoring your Internet activity while you're working.

The newest equipment is kept in the IT department...regardless of which department actually paid for the new equipment. You'll be receiving cascaded equipment (and I'll be using the latest and greatest stuff).

Unfriendly to the IT department? Overly obnoxious or demanding? You'll be calling the help desk in India to get the simplest of issues resolved now. Yes, I could've just "pressed a button", but now, you're gonna jump through hoops for it.

And yes, we do have a stockpile of newer equipment (larger monitors, etc.) but none of it is going to you. Also, we'll forever deny we have such a stockpile.[/QUOTE]
Ah yes another postal one...

YES I did give you those 19 gold dollar coins in change on purpose for the one stamp you just bought with a $20 bill while bitching about the line.

Our stamp machine used to give those out as change. People hated the things (and some insisted they weren't real money) so they'd always exchange them for singles. I kept a stock of gold dollars in my drawer for when I worked the window at my postal job. If someone was a douchebag on the line they were getting them as change guaranteed. Suddenly I'd be all out of bills. Oops. But I'll be happy to give you singles when my supervisor brings me change. Of course that won't be for another 3 hours. Sorry!

Someone did call me out on it once and I denied it. She had been bitching about how much we suck the entire time she was on line a few days before Christmas at the busiest time of the day. So when she got to me and bought a stamp with a $20 bill, she got her change in 19 gold coins plus the rest. She insisted I did it on purpose and started trying to peek into my drawer to see if I had any money in there. I had plenty, but I wasn't going to let her see that.
And yet another postal one...

Sorting packages is called "Throwing"'s just that. Each route has a canvas buggy on wheels with a wooden or metal frame. My particular office had 30 routes. They were set up in 6 rows 5 buggies deep. The container of packages was set up in the middle and you just grabbed a package, saw what route it went to and chucked it into the proper buggy like a basketball. The back row was against a wall, which was a solid concrete wall that was of course used like a backboard. The furthest buggies from you would be a good 15-20 feet. The buggies were set up the same way every day so certain routes were ALWAYS the furthest distance from the thrower if he always threw parcels from the same spot. And some people wonder why their packages always seem to be more damaged than other people ;)

This not the best method for keeping the packages undamaged. If it was labeled fragile you were supposed to hand deliver it to the carrier's desk. Where more often than not he'd get pissed it was on his desk and not in his buggy and throw it in there himself from even further away.
[quote name='jousley']In my experience, I'll have to call bullshit on this. One factory I worked in, the maintenance dept. made MUCH more than the average worker and they stayed back in their area unless they absolutely had to come and fix something. One of the maintenance guys I worked with was building a custom motorcycle on his "free" time at work. Within a year he had that bike finished from the ground up. Also, sometimes you had to wait for their football games to be finished before they would come out to the floor to fix your press.[/QUOTE]

I'll second this. There was never a time when the maintenance guys at my fabs didn't have their personal vehicles pulled into the shop or were screwing around with their laptops. They also made significantly more money than everyone but the managers.
[quote name='crowbb']Ah yes another postal one...

YES I did give you those 19 gold dollar coins in change on purpose for the one stamp you just bought with a $20 bill while bitching about the line.

Our stamp machine used to give those out as change. People hated the things (and some insisted they weren't real money) so they'd always exchange them for singles. I kept a stock of gold dollars in my drawer for when I worked the window at my postal job. If someone was a douchebag on the line they were getting them as change guaranteed. Suddenly I'd be all out of bills. Oops. But I'll be happy to give you singles when my supervisor brings me change. Of course that won't be for another 3 hours. Sorry!

Someone did call me out on it once and I denied it. She had been bitching about how much we suck the entire time she was on line a few days before Christmas at the busiest time of the day. So when she got to me and bought a stamp with a $20 bill, she got her change in 19 gold coins plus the rest. She insisted I did it on purpose and started trying to peek into my drawer to see if I had any money in there. I had plenty, but I wasn't going to let her see that.[/QUOTE]

huh thats funny i always liked those gold dollar coins paying for stuff with them made you feel like you were in the good old days when gold was what everyone used as currency. if i could have found a bag with a money symbol on the side id have filled it with them.
[quote name='Snake2715']Interesting info but the sad truth is thats how Dental works. I sell in 5 states within the country for an independant agency. I myself am appointed with close to 30 ancillary carriers and they all offer their standard benefit at 50% for tier 3 or major coverage. Most have waiting periods for those benefits as well if you didnt previously have dental.

Most small businesses are not offering anything more than health, and even then they actually seem like they would like to offer more, but just cant.

I will say I have come across many business owners that are not meeting the min requirements of covering 50% of the employees portion of the medical insurance. That is supposed to be a mandate, and I cant believe no one is blowing the whistle on these guys as the entire premium is being passed on to the employees...[/QUOTE]
Yeah my employer doesn't do dental. My husband's does and it's actually pretty decent. But thankfully both of us take good care of our teeth and never had cavities, so we don't have to go to the dentist very much. They even told me the last time I went that I can just go for cleanings once a year if I want.

It really boggles the mind how shitty most dental and vision insurance is. Why is it even separate from regular health insurance anyway? How did they end up being split up like that? Eye and teeth care is often more important than taking care of other parts of your body.

And vision insurance is even rarer than dental. Which sucks because my eyes DO suck. I have a -9.5 prescription in both eyes.
For a few years, not too long ago, I worked security at a large and extremely popular night club (2000+ through the door on average nights). So here goes...

We confiscated IDs that did not match the people that presented them. To make it seem like it was their choice to leave it, we gave them the option to leave it or we would call local patrol to come and verify that it was them on the ID. They always left the ID, and we destroyed them at the end of the night. The only ones we would not do this for is military IDs, but in some extenuating circumstances (read: people who insist they are the person on the card when they clearly are not and decide they want to get confrontational about it) we turned the IDs over to the person's chain of command so it could be worked out.

Regularly, we would bust a group of guys (or girls) trying to use the same ID for two people in a small group. I doubt we caught them all, but a definite pro-tip would be not to use the ID for two consecutive guys in line. It was unbelievable how many people were stupid enough to attempt this.

We actually did care about the customers and try to prevent drunk driving despite what some may think. I have personally pulled an unwilling drunk person out of their car, confiscated their car keys, and called a taxi on MANY occasions.

Contrary to popular belief we were NOT allowed to have ANY drinks while working. Yet our boss did not have any problems with us talking up some pretty young ladies and... "making love in this club", if you will, SO LONG AS we got someone else to cover the spot we were supposed to be watching. If anything, it was encouraged and subsequently celebrated by passing the news around the entire staff.

That's right,
:beer:ing at work = :shame:
fucking hot girls at work = :applause:

This was great for discussion at the end of the night while cleaning and reseting the club for the next night. On the flip side, we often busted patrons getting it on in various places (the club was huge, multiple floors and rooms) and got lots of laughs out of interrupting them. We caught people doing everything from doing it in the bathroom stalls to guys full on finger $%@#ing a girl in the middle of the dance floor. Yes, in the MIDDLE of the dance floor, surrounded by hundreds of people. Alcohol makes your inhibitions go away, kids.

We had secret service style ear pieces to communicate valuable information to everyone on security. Real important stuff like "hey, come up to this second floor, there's these two hot chicks making out and we're shining our flashlights on them and they're going at it even harder." or "Hey are you at the front? I'm looking out the window from the third floor. Wait til you see the black dress coming your way." Things like that.

We weren't supposed to touch patrons at all for any reason; however, the boss said we could use our discretion if we felt the person is a danger to other patrons or ourselves. Often, we interpreted any physical contact (a shove, push, etc.) from a belligerent or trouble making customer as reason enough to grab the person by the arm and start their forced evacuation of the building. Usually this resulted in one of two scenarios: a) the easy way or b) the really easy way. I'll assume you all can figure out the difference between them. The people that actually gave the most trouble were the ones who stood in one spot, crossed their arms, and said they weren't leaving and not to touch them. Situations like this were highly annoying because we had to call the police and have them come into the club and threaten to ticket the person for trespassing if he or she did not leave.

Lots of people that ask me about my bouncing days don't seem to think fights happened in bars anymore with lawsuit happy America. Well, they did. On more occasions than I would prefer, I found myself in full on knock down drag out fights with groups of 10+ people despite the generally laid back crowd. It only took one asshole to throw a quick fist and the UFC wannabes would start pouring out of the woodwork. Handling the guys was the easy part. Getting beat by purses, shoes, and whatever the girlfriend could grab as we were dragging the guy out was the real pain in the ass.

We were attacked from time to time when trying to break up fights. Generally speaking, it's always Mr. Getting-his-ass-kicked who wants to fight the people pulling him away from his current predicament. We always tried to maintain self control when hit, but the bottom line is it's natural to be livid if someone sucker punches you square in the face when you are not trying to fight them. Most cases, a love tap to the jaw would get you a face to face encounter of the steel door kind or maybe a short one way flight that resulted in an asphalt crash landing. However, I would be lying through my teeth if I claimed that there weren't nights where we had to pull a fellow security guy off of some poor bastard. Hell, I'd be lying if I said I was never the guy getting pulled off.

There was a cover to get in the club and there was always a line. Often times people would try to circumvent this in various ways. Guys knew how to grease wheels the right way, so some nights we would take home quite a bit of extra cash from expedited entry service fees. Girls never tried money, they usually preferred bargaining in different ways. Most of security (including myself) was more of a sucker for the "pretty girl next door asking politely" approach as opposed to the "I'm a slut, check out my boobs" method. Entitled women with personalities about as real as their chests had such a hard time figuring this out and would often whine

Bimbo: "why do those girls get to go in?!".
Me: Internal dialog: probably because I wont catch them doing blow on the back of the toilet later right before they leave with some guy that is not that same guy from last week, or the week before, or the week before.... "Oh I'm sorry. Zoned out for a minute. Hey, uh.... I think you might want to go to your car and check your makeup :whistle2:k"
Bimbo: :shock: runs to car and shows up back in line 10 minutes later

No amount of bleach blonde hair and silicone can shield from a subtle "you don't look so attractive right now" attack.

I've seen people do so many random/dumb things that I could write out pages upon pages of stories. Which was basically the best part about the job: people watching. A night club is like a gigantic fucked up social experiment where everything happens in extremes. Highly entertaining. Sadly, it still managed to get old after a while and I believe my days working at a bar are done for good.

I think that's enough secrets for now. Just figured I'd add to the thread since reading the ones from other people have been entertaining.
[quote name='blindinglights']For a few years, not too long ago, I worked security at a large and extremely popular night club (2000+ through the door on average nights). So here goes...[/QUOTE]

:applause: Good stuff. I love hearing about these types of jobs seeing as how I've been a cashier, a cook and an accountant to date (read: all boring as fuck). I tend to take personal experiences when told from a friend of a friend like this with a grain of salt but as I've grown older I've seen enough to know that people in general are fucking stupid and nothing surprises me anymore.
[quote name='Thongsy']Are you talking about a corporate store or independent store, though it seems like it shouldn't matter. I always heard it didn't matter what kind of phone they sold you, they always got the same commission but it was the plan they needed to upsale and that is why they would like to stick you with a smartphone so they can automatically tack on that data plan.[/QUOTE]
Data plans, messaging, roadside assistance, navigation, etc. are all the same: pure profit.

At the independent/authorized retailer, it's like this: the idea is that the cost of a "basic" or "messaging" phone is generally much less than the smartphones, and by selling that phone versus the smartphone (which doesn't typically have a very large profit margin), the store collects a better profit. The provider issues a "rebate" credit to the store based on the rate plan ($100 more for the primary line or unlimited rate plan). The rebate credit is fixed regardless of the device - commission is a flat percentage, but the greater the overall profit on the sale, the better the commission.

(Sale price of device + rebate credit) - cost of device = profit
[quote name='QiG']:applause: Good stuff. I love hearing about these types of jobs seeing as how I've been a cashier, a cook and an accountant to date (read: all boring as fuck). I tend to take personal experiences when told from a friend of a friend like this with a grain of salt but as I've grown older I've seen enough to know that people in general are fucking stupid and nothing surprises me anymore.[/QUOTE]

I've been a cook, a physics tutor, an IT specialist, a web designer, and other various boring jobs. When I started working security, I couldn't believe that I got paid more to stand there and do nothing than I did cooking my ass off in an insanely busy and understaffed kitchen. In fact, it kind of pissed me off thinking about all those miserably hot nights in the kitchen. Oh well.

[quote name='phantasyx']That makes me want to be a bouncer.[/QUOTE]

Haha, just know that the only bad part is the boring times where you're just standing for hours. I had to buy comfortable "standing" shoes because there were some nights where I would be standing in the same spot for 8 hours or more and if nothing was happening, it would be pretty damn boring. Luckily, I would just take my cell phone and text people all night to pass the time.

Some more secrets from working in a bar:

If we had to handle a fight and it was rough, the boss would always give us cash bonuses at the end of the night. In my opinion, taking out all your irritations from the week on some asshole that wants to fight you was definitely worth a sore jaw and fifty bucks on top of what I was making to be there anyway.

At the end of the night we would immediately turn the lights on and walk around all the bars (there were multiple bars in the club) and look for money. When people are drunk and recklessly pulling shit out of their pockets twenties, fifties, or even hundreds would end up on the floor on a regular basis.

Speaking of finding money, in a crowd of people, everyone is going to claim they lost the cash if they see you picking it up in the club. Our boss told us, in a staff meeting, always stand on the cash that you find until anyone who will see you pick it up leaves or is no longer paying attention.

I've probably found well over $1,000 in cash plus cameras and jewelry. The cameras and jewelry were always put in the office with our names on a post-it on it. If it didn't have any means of indentifying the owner or wasn't claimed within 2 weeks, it was given to the person who found it.

Many people who frequent bars use a pack of cigarettes as a wallet. I cannot count the amount of times I picked up a pack of Newports only to find a person had stuffed their ID and some cash or a credit card into the plastic wrap. We put all cards in the lost and found.

In the winter, when it was cold, we would use the coats out of the lost and found when taking out the trash so we didn't get any of the nasty liquid gushing out of the holes in every trash bag on our clothes.

Bartenders at a busy place like the club I worked at would regularly make $600 to $800 per night in cash tips, yet they are paid as wait staff so their bi-weekly paychecks would usually amount to about $30 at most.

The biggest tip I've ever seen was $400 on a $30 tab. It was an old guy that had it bad for the cute little bartender. He had absolutely no chance, by the way.

While you don't have to tip, it is strongly suggested that you do. Many times we would get a call over the radio from one of the female bartenders requesting that we come "explain" to some d-bag why leaving a $5 tip on a $300 tab is not in his best interest. This usually consisted of a stern talking to and threatening to ban them from the club permanently. When a place is as popular as this club was, telling someone that they will get their picture put on the wall of shame at the door so we know not to admit them any longer is enough motivation for them to pony up the cash for a tip.

Domestic violence is still alive and well in America. There were countless occasions where we had to throw a guy out for punching or slapping his wife/girlfriend in the middle of the club. Also, there were times where we had to carry a wife/girlfriend out of the club while she was flailing and yelling because she was beating the shit out of her husband/boyfriend.

Speaking of domestic stuff, we had couples who were "regulars" that would come in and get wasted drunk only to start World War 3 caliber arguments in the middle of a crowed club. It was incredibly annoying and pretty upsetting at the same time. Before I used to laugh at stuff like warning labels that said things along the lines of don't blowdry your hair in the bathtub. That kind of stupidity isn't even in the same ballpark as what I've witnessed.

At the end of the night, a group of 4 guys on security would do a money drop at the bank. The guys were always armed and sometimes the bag would contain upwards of $20,000 cash. They took multiple vehicles and rotated who was carrying the cash.
Two secrets of the day: Do not piss off your nurse. Example being pain medications have a one hour before and one hour after time span for administration. For example, you may be able to access pain medication at 6PM, which means typically speaking you can have it as early as 5 or as late as 7. There are exceptions to this rule but that's about roughly it.

Nurses work extremely hard under unprecedented circumstances, they are also you're only direct liaison to a Physician. Cursing out your nurse and treating him/her as total waste can only mean negative consequences for you. Oh, and the Physician typically always backs the RN. No point calling him directly.

Second Secret of the Day: When you complain to a healthcare administrator over minute shit, they are going to act concerned. But, the minute you leave, they are going to laugh it off and move on. Unless the circumstance is truly awful and needs addressing, they are automatically going to back the nursing and medical staff. Kind of a no brainer, right? I work as a healthcare administrator, believe me when I say I throw out about 6/10 complaints. Most people have a very limited understanding on how healthcare works, and most complaints are actually within the legal limitations and rights of the operator. In other words, I couldn't give a fuck less.

That and its in my interest to back the clinicians regardless, but that's a whole another deal for another day. :D
When I was 16 and worked at American Eagle....

I had a manager who would instantly throw applications from black people in the trash. After the third time I called in and reported him. He was fired (or moved?) pretty quickly with that one.

Another manager used to just sit in the back on her cell. Also made me cover the whole store while she puked from her hangover all day. Reported her too, and she was quickly fired/moved. :lol:

We had a TON of stuff in the back. All different sizes, clearance stuff, etc. I always went in the back and pulled sizes for people...some would just say "whatever we have is out on the floor."

We couldn't sell the clothes on the mannequins, because we used pins to keep them on.

One time, a woman threw an entire table of sweaters into a stroller and walked out. Strollers would always set the alarm off so the person in the front of the store didn't think anything of it.

It's super easy to remove the alarm sensors on clothes with a rubberband.

We had a monitor hanging in the front of the store, but nothing was being recorded :lol:

The turnover was amazingly high. Most got fired for stealing, or would get a job, steal, then quit. I actually stayed for 3 years and once I got to college I couldn't take it anymore.

Multiple women would complain we didnt carry over a size 14 :puke:
[quote name='seanr1221']
Multiple women would complain we didnt carry over a size 14 :puke:[/QUOTE]

So a person wearing over a size 14 makes you vomit? you sound like a very nice guy, almost like the manager throwing away applications based on race.
[quote name='paz9x']So a person wearing over a size 14 makes you vomit? you sound like a very nice guy, almost like the manager throwing away applications based on race.[/QUOTE]

Kinda what I was thinking. That comment makes you sound like a real classy person :bomb:
25% of hotel's occupancy is hookers.
Every bed and tub has been peed on.
The pool and hotub are not clean.
Do not eat the food in the hotel.
[quote name='paz9x']So a person wearing over a size 14 makes you vomit? you sound like a very nice guy, almost like the manager throwing away applications based on race.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I'm grossed out by obese women. If you think that's on the same level as racism, more power to you.
[quote name='seanr1221']Yes, I'm grossed out by obese women. If you think that's on the same level as racism, more power to you.[/QUOTE]

Don't forget about the jews while you're at it. :roll:

You're judging people based on their physical appearance in either situation so no, it's not any different.

Here, try this on for size. I want to vomit when I see black people. Sick right? Yours is equally shallow and prejudicial you're just picking a different physical characteristic.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Don't forget about the jews while you're at it. :roll:

You're judging people based on their physical appearance in either situation so no, it's not any different.

Here, try this on for size. I want to vomit when I see black people. Sick right? Yours is equally shallow and prejudicial you're just picking a different physical characteristic.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much a horrible comparison but ok.

Protip, you don't pick the color of your skin.

And before the "it's genetics causing obesity people rush in," the sharp rise in obesity in this country can't be attributed to genetics alone.

Maybe if more people were harder on obese people things would change and people would get healthier. Instead, it's a grey area for a lot of professionals because they don't want to hurt anyones feelings.

Look, to clarify, I'm not saying something like "We need to have separate bathrooms and restaurants for those fatties." I'm saying obesity grosses me out, just like a smoker or a drug addict. Yet they get a pass. It's pretty funny how people quickly throw smokers and drug addicts under the bus, say things like "just stop doing it to yourself" and look down on them, but who criticizes the obese person for not working out and eating healthy?

But yes, it's as bad as racism :lol:

I really don't want to derail this topic. If you want to argue about it, start a thread in the versus section, and I'd be happy to educate you on obesity.
[quote name='blindinglights']I don't think size 14 is the size at which obesity begins. :whistle2:k

Case in point, size 14:

thats probably a designer size 14, which is waaay different than most stuff you find in chain stores. From what I understand, the big US brands have changed the actual sizes of their clothes to be bigger than they used to be to make people feel better. Like a 14 is now an 8 or what not.
[quote name='caltab']thats probably a designer size 14, which is waaay different than most stuff you find in chain stores. From what I understand, the big US brands have changed the actual sizes of their clothes to be bigger than they used to be to make people feel better. Like a 14 is now an 8 or what not.[/QUOTE]

American Eagle definitely did this. I'm a 30 at AE, but 32 in Fossil or Express jeans.
[quote name='seanr1221']American Eagle definitely did this. I'm a 30 at AE, but 32 in Fossil or Express jeans.[/QUOTE]

Polo brand polo's sizes are the biggest of any brand I've tried, their small's are like a large at most places.
I don't want to get into the obesity argument. lol. i dig fit girls tho ;) fat or skinny doesn't matter as long as she is healthy and fit and looks super hot ;)
so yeah, i am prejudice against ugly people. shoot me.
this is also ironic because i am a very ugly man, altho i hang out with 2 beautiful gf's, a beautiful baby boy and 3 lil princess grrls. so i surround myself with good looking people ;)
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[quote name='help1']why does anyone care if fat girls are wearing american eagle? American eagle blows.[/quote]

Everything said about the Federal Government is true. Especially this gem, "The government is extremely inefficient. I work for the government."

I worked in the security sector of baggage at an airport and I could tell you things that'll give you NIGHTMARES, believe me somethings are best left unsaid. With that here are some pro tips.

Let's get this out of the way first. I worked with a lot of good men and women who were there for a job and because they thought they were doing something good or even serving their country. A lot would even go out of there way in small ways or even big ways occasionally to help a passenger. Of course there is always the good with the bad so...

For the love of God, don't overpack your suitcase. Seriously, all you're going to do is piss the Officer off and he's not going to be kind repacking it if it needs to be searched and if he can't re-close it because you need an instruction manual and a map to get everything in there just right so it closes? Well, then you get what's called a Christmas special. Ever wonder why your suitcase came out wrapped to the nines in saran wrap? Now you know.

As a general rule DON'T place something valuable in checked luggage, use your brain. Security believe it or not is harder on your bags than the airline in terms of it getting thrown around. On the other end of the spectrum it's the airline and baggage handlers who think that everyday is their own personal Christmas and steal out of them constantly. I mean you heard all the time that this person was arrested, fired, or caught stealing. Also, many don't get caught. In the over 4 years I worked there I heard only one Officer get caught stealing and they threw the book at him. No Officer I knew ever even wanted to, It just very simply wasn't worth it.

I've seen a bag fall off of a tug truck, reported it to an airline employee, gone on break and come back to see it still there. More than once. If I saw a bag on the tarmack I'd personally walk it to a airline baggage hub.

Your bag is not special. Ever, under any circumstance. Every bag goes through security. Don't ever believe anyone if they say they'll personally make sure it gets on there safe or that that Rush tag or Fragile sticker means anything more than the paper it's printed on. First of all it's impossible. No one is allowed in the security areas, but security and no one can follow a bag from start to finish. Also, it's funny because I think security actually cares more whether a bag gets out on time than the actual airline does.

I'm under oath not to talk about the actual process, but be smart. Arrive early for your flight, treat the Security Officers with respect and they'll bend over backwards for you, and don't put valuables in your checked baggage.
Don't eat the popcorn that's already been pre-bagged. Ask for fresh or wait for it.


The safest food you can get at a movie theater is the candy, it's sealed in a bag, in a box.
[quote name='seanr1221']Pretty much a horrible comparison but ok.

Protip, you don't pick the color of your skin.

And before the "it's genetics causing obesity people rush in," the sharp rise in obesity in this country can't be attributed to genetics alone.

Maybe if more people were harder on obese people things would change and people would get healthier. Instead, it's a grey area for a lot of professionals because they don't want to hurt anyones feelings.

Look, to clarify, I'm not saying something like "We need to have separate bathrooms and restaurants for those fatties." I'm saying obesity grosses me out, just like a smoker or a drug addict. Yet they get a pass. It's pretty funny how people quickly throw smokers and drug addicts under the bus, say things like "just stop doing it to yourself" and look down on them, but who criticizes the obese person for not working out and eating healthy?

But yes, it's as bad as racism :lol:

I really don't want to derail this topic. If you want to argue about it, start a thread in the versus section, and I'd be happy to educate you on obesity.[/QUOTE]

So as long as someone chooses something that separates them from the "majority" then its ok to discriminate against them. Great, somebody let homosexuals, transsexuals, and every religion know they're on notice now because they could just choose to be something different.
Choice isn't real. I think I actually said that earlier in the thread.

However, weight can be controlled in the vast majority of circumstances. And yes, when those circumstances are bad for your health and the well being of others, things should be changed.

Skin color and sexual preference are not controllable, so I don't know why you keep trying to strengthen your argument with those examples. Like I said, make a topic in the versus thread instead of crapping here.
[quote name='seanr1221']Choice isn't real. I think I actually said that earlier in the thread.

However, weight can be controlled in the vast majority of circumstances. And yes, when those circumstances are bad for your health and the well being of others, things should be changed.

Skin color and sexual preference are not controllable, so I don't know why you keep trying to strengthen your argument with those examples. Like I said, make a topic in the versus thread instead of crapping here.[/QUOTE]

I'm not strengthening my argument, I'm pointing out that basing your discrimination on whether or not someone chooses something shouldn't change that it's still blind, prejudicial discrimination. Yes, sexual preference may not be a choice but being open about your sexual preferences is a choice.

You either accept others for who they are, or you don't. You can kid yourself into saying that it's their choice that's making you discriminate against them all you want but it doesn't change that you're still superficially judging people.

And if responding to your vile statement about overweight people making you sick means I'm crapping in this thread, so be it, I'll crap all over it if I need to.
Yes, I'm grossed out by obese women. If you think that's on the same level as racism, more power to you.

I like women with meat on their bones, but I don't like obese women.

An example of a hot woman to me is Danielle from American Pickers:


Can't find a good pic of so here's the best I can do.
bread's done